Is Obama Intentionally Destroying our Economy [Reader Post]


I was asked that question recently by a friend in California via email, and I admit, this was something I have pondered a lot. Rush Limbaugh believes that Obama is intentionally destroying our economic system, so that, the largest structure, government, can simply pick up the pieces and take over, once our nation collapses.

There is one big problem with this theory: maybe it is true and maybe it is false, but this approach is unlikely to convince an independent, who is sitting on the fence, unsure about what is going on.

Calling Obama a Communist or a Marxist or likening him to Hitler will elicit the same response. First of all, he is certainly not a Marxist, although he has some Marxist ideas and leanings, and I seriously doubt that the President is going to start putting Jews into interment camps. Sure, he might abandon Israel, but that is no different than Carter.

Even calling Obama a socialist is not a convincing approach. First of all, there is a large segment of our population who actually believe that there is social and economic justice to be found in some sort of a socialist system, simply because there are huge numbers of people who are not very smart about history—or, even current events. Our president probably is, more than anything else, a European-style socialist, but this label simply is much less damaging than the reality of our becoming a European-style, socialist democracy.

My point here is, you may still think Obama is a Marxist and has this great plan to destroy the United States through making our economy collapse, but I would not use these ideas to speak to those who are on the fence about his presidency.

Instead, I would focus on what is clearly true: President Obama has never run anything before in his life. He has not had a large business, a small business, or even a lemonade stand. So, when it comes to running the most powerful corporation in the world—the United States—he is simply ill-equipped to do so. Now that is an easy argument to make to someone else.

Furthermore, President Obama is fundamentally fixed on big government solutions. If something breaks, if something isn’t right, if there is some inequity in the nation, this is something to be solved by more taxes, by more governmental agencies, and more governmental control. And he will promise that, all he will have to do is tax the rich a couple more dollars—they can afford it—and everything will be all better, because his administration will act “carefully and decisively to fix the problem.”

By this time in Obama’s presidency, if someone is willing to discuss politics with you rationally, and knows something, then those are two easy points to make (1) Obama has no experience and (2) he defaults to a big government solution. It is not difficult to show anyone with an open mind, this is what is going on.

Our economy was in recession, and the President sold us on a stimulus bill plan which was about 6X larger than any stimulus bill that had ever been passed previously, and at no time in our history has a stimulus bill ever clearly jump-started the economy.

He promised that unemployment would go no higher than 8.5%, and then come back down again; he told us that both conservative and liberal economists believed that this was a good approach to the problem (conservative economists which I read were very much against the bill), and the end result was a bill which spent $800 billion with no measurable positive results (apart from his people getting out there and saying, after the fact, “Well, the recession would have been much worse”).

If you want to go further into this particular bill, blue districts received about twice the money that red districts received, and yet, there is no discernable difference in the economic impact between red and blue districts.

This pattern has continued throughout the past year + of his presidency. He took of GM motors, he proposed to tell Chrysler how to survive their problems, and, in the recent healthcare bill, he took over the entire student loan industry, which will put tens of thousands of people out of work.

The pattern is the same: he exudes great confidence about things which he knows nothing about; he has no experience in these areas which he proposes to fix, and his incompetence is clearly seen in the results.

Another example is Obama’s mortgage program, where $75 billion was to be spend by the government in order to help 3–4 million good Americans stay in their homes. This was known as the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP). Again, more and more federal bureaucracies, lots of money spend, a big government solution, and the end result? Less than 20% of those Obama promised to help got help. Furthermore, we do not know the long-term results of those who were helped. Will they actually stay in their houses, or, a few months or years down the road, will they end up defaulting again?

The passing of the recent healthcare bill is the same. Because of some women who was wearing her dead sister’s old dentures and other such sad stories, President Obama proposes to take over the healthcare system, put over 100 new government agencies in charge of it, and spend billions of dollars, and yet somehow, almost magically, he promises that healthcare will become more affordable to all, more people will have healthcare insurance, that this will reduce the deficit, and healthcare will be made all better. More government, more government spending by a man who knows nearly nothing about running anything.

So, among your conservative friends, it might be enjoyable to shoot the bull, and discuss what President Obama envisions for America and whether or not he wants to bring our country down. Does he worship at the altar of Karl Marx? Might be fun to argue over a glass of wine. I would not suggest that this is a good approach when speaking to others who are not like-minded.

What is clear, and not hard to argue to anyone with an open mind is, the President has no executive experience, but he favors big government solutions and dramatic spending by the government, but without clear, positive results. About 60–70% of our population understands that you do not put somewhat with no experience in the pilot’s cockpit. That percentage would prefer less government, not more. That percentage would prefer less government spending, not more. It is this overwhelming percentage who will change history by electing a new Congress and, in less than 3 years, a new president.

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Are you denying the reality of the racist heritage of the Dimocrat Party?

You’re missing my point, quite deliberately I assume. A party name is meaningless without a philosophy being it, no? I’m contending that the modern liberal, who may or may not consider himself a “Democrat”, is not the same thing as a Southern Democrat from the 60s. Therefore there’s no hypocrisy involved with Lewis being a Democrat now. He’s just moving in tune with his philosophy, not staying married to a name. Would you have always been a Republican, throughout time, or would you have always been a Conservative? Do you think those two words are one in the same? Are Conservatives that dissatisfied with their history that they have to go back in time and cherry-pick liberal issues and accomplishments? Leave the laurels for those who were there and did the heavy lifting and don’t try to throw them under the bus now because of semantics.


You’re avoiding the series of questions I posed, quite deliberately I assume.

You see Tom, the problem that you have here is that you’re deliberately trying to skew the historical record to fit your viewpoint without any evidence to back up your position.

For example, what liberal issues and accomplishments are we Conservatives trying to “cherry-pick” in your opinion?

You claim that the Dims of today are not the same as the Dims back then.

Perhaps. Perhaps not.

Rev Sharpton said in 2003 that the Dims are proud to take the black voters to the dance but wouldn’t dream of taking them home to Momma.

Sounds like to me the race issues in the Dim Party are alive and well and have not really changed that much from the days when LBJohnson (D) said “I’ll have them niggers voting Democrat for two hundred years.”

Exit question: Are you prepared to pull the campaign speeches, the party platforms, the policy positions, and the voting records of those who opposed racial equality as a means to prove that they were Conservative as well as racist?

Exit question: Are you prepared to pull the campaign speeches, the party platforms, the policy positions, and the voting records of those who opposed racial equality as a means to prove that they were Conservative as well as racist?

Never said that. Please go back and you’ll see I’ve confined my comments to questioning this comment by DANEgerous: “What does it say that Cleaver and Lewis are (D)emocrats?”. That’s grossly unfair, IMO, if the implication is that they marched for civil rights and then turned around and joined the very people who oppressed them. Who is he, or anyone for that matter, to question the integrity of John Lewis, who was beaten bloody by a mob in Montgomery? I don’t see why you guys can’t just say: You know, he probably shouldn’t have written that.

I don’t consider the typical modern Republican/Conservative nor the typical modern Democrat/Liberal to be analogous with Dixiecrats or whatever you want to call them. Let’s not rewrite history and assign blame or try and grab credit for the ugliness and the accomplishment. Or, if it makes you feel better, the Democrat Bryd can have his share of the blame, but the Democrat Lewis certainly deserves a piece of the glory. let’s leave it with those who earned it, good and bad.


I can make one prediction right now that I would stake my life on.

When you draw that last breath, you will have a different perspective.


@Tom said: “the modern liberal, who may or may not consider himself a “Democrat”, is not the same thing as a Southern Democrat from the 60s. “

And yet, I wouldn’t exactly call Sen. Robert “KKK” Byrd a conservative would you?

You miss the point entirely… perhaps deliberately.

Today’s libs are using race to achieve political ends just as KKK Dems did in the Jim Crow era and before. False claims of racial slurs by “civil rights” leaders is just as bad as using the “n” word. Only we can’t find documented examples of the “n” word being used by Tea Partiers but false accusations against them abound.

In their willingness to exploit racial hatred and animosity there is a substantial likeness between today’s liberals and yesterday’s KKK.

Is that clear enough for you?


Exit question: Are you prepared to pull the campaign speeches, the party platforms, the policy positions, and the voting records of those who opposed racial equality as a means to prove that they were Conservative as well as racist?

Never said that. Please go back and you’ll see I’ve confined my comments to questioning this comment by DANEgerous


Still avoiding the difficult questions, ducking and dodging the issue that you, yourself, brought up:

I feel like you’re evading my point….You’re hiding behind and deliberately twisting a word – “Democrat”. I assume this is some sort of defense mechanism on your part….but your defense feels dishonest. How can you point at today’s Democrat – okay, the vast majority of Democrats – and equate them with the Klan? Do you honestly believe that it was Conservatives who supported Civil Rights in the 60s and Liberals who opposed? Or are you just choosing the label that best suits your narrative?

It’s disingenuous to equate today’s Democrats to the Southern Democrats who stood against civil rights….Southern conservatives migrated out of the Democratic Party to the GOP in the 60s in part BECAUSE of civil rights….Certainly it wasn’t Southern conservatives marching with John Lewis, but many Northern liberals did.

So, yeah, you brought it up and I called you out.

Your point. Your onus.

I feel like you’re evading my point…perhaps as a defense mechanism that has been triggered now that I’ve raised the specter that you may be called on to support your claim with proof.

Perhaps you’re just choosing the label that best suits your narrative.

In any case, your evasion and your efforts to hide behind the word “Conservative” feels dishonest.

Who is he [DANEgerous], or anyone for that matter, to question the integrity of John Lewis, who was beaten bloody by a mob in Montgomery? I don’t see why you guys can’t just say: You know, he probably shouldn’t have written that.

So, in your mind, just because someone was “beaten bloody” once upon a time long, long ago everything that person says from that day forward should be taken as gospel truth…with no supporting evidence necessary and all controverting evidence should be ignored…so as to not offend the sensibilities, or tarnish the image, of the person “beaten bloody” so that he can continue to have his “piece of the glory”?

I wonder….should Rodney King should have used that argument when he got into further trouble with the police? Sorry, I digress.

Your approach takes some sort of super-human level of blind trust and a willing suspension of disbelief that I’m not willing to extend to Lewis, or Cleaver, or anyone else, quite frankly.

In fact, in light of the mountains of evidence to the contrary, your approach might actually be today’s Stunning Example of Concentrated StupidTM.

Trusting someone simply because he was once “beaten bloody” and then went before cameras forty plus years later to spin a yarn.

You silly, silly little man.

Remember, not one shred of evidence has been produced to support the race baiting claims that these guys put out. Dozens of video cameras. Hundreds of people present. Not one shred of proof to support the claims that the CongressCritters made.

Zip. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

Hell, Cleaver has even denied that he ever said anything about the supposed “spitting”….even though his office dashed out a with a statement immediately following the alleged event.

That’s why Andrew Breitbart still has his $100,000 in his pocket….cuz there is no proof.

In our electronic society, especially at an event where video cameras, camera phones, reporters, camera operators, and members of the media, etc etc were plentiful not a single soul captured a single pixel of data to support what these charlatans were trying to sell….

Not a single soul…not a single pixel to support the claims. Plenty of evidence to the contrary. Nothing to carry forward the story.

Not even from the group of “men” themselves who were recording the events as they walked the gauntlet. One of them was even carrying two cameras…one in each hand.

All we have is the word of some guy who was “beaten bloody” once upon a time long, long ago versus a long series of video tapes that don’t support his claims.

Seems to me, if the CongressCritters had even one pixel of proof which helped to salvage their shredded credibility they would publish it, then go over to to collect the $100,000 reward for said proof.

John Lewis himself put his credibility on the line when he opened up his mouth to make the claims.

Yes, it’s perfectly acceptable for those of us who aren’t eagerly gobbling up the media fed pablum to speak up and say:

“Where’s the proof?”

“We’ve got these video tapes and, quite frankly Congressman, they don’t support your version of the events.”

“Where’s the evidence beyond your word, sir?”

We’ve asked those questions and the ensuing silence has been deafening.

Don’t look now Tom, but your meme is broken.

Note to readers: Witness once again how the content of the thread has been diverted away from discussing the damage Obama is doing to the economy and focusing once again on race.

Why is it that whenever we criticize liberal policies they automatically try and change the subject to race?

Are their ideas on the economy or health care just that bad?

Oh, wait… I know the answer to that question.


As to the boomerang comment I was referring to Mata’s artful reuse of Tom’s words:

“an exceedingly strong accusation”

“I admit that I can’t prove that the Republican Party is systematically tolerating racism within its ranks or at its events.”

“thrown around lightly”

He hurled them at her, she then refashioned them into her own argument, and sent them right back in his direction…sort of like a boomerang.

AYE thank you but i also remember playing with a boomerang as a young and it was made by wood all carved up in a single peace and i then learn to appreciate real hand made woodwork,,bye 🙄

Note to readers: Witness once again how the content of the thread has been diverted away from discussing the damage Obama is doing to the economy and focusing once again on race.

Mike, you could have answered the question I asked you about DANE’s statement, or you could have told me to shove off. Either one would have prevented many back and forths.

Your approach takes some sort of super-human level of blind trust and a willing suspension of disbelief that I’m not willing to extend to Lewis, or Cleaver, or anyone else, quite frankly.

In fact, in light of the mountains of evidence to the contrary, your approach might actually be today’s Stunning Example of Concentrated StupidTM.

Trusting someone simply because he was once “beaten bloody” and then went before cameras forty plus years later to spin a yarn.

So Aye, did the KKK ‘Dimocrats’ terrorize the South and make life hell for those pursuing their Civil Rights, or did it just not happen at all and the marches were a walk in the park? Well, looks like you got it covered either way.

Humm… ya know, I had to go back and see where it went from socialist economy to race, Mike. Apparently it started when @rich wheeler was bashing Beck, and demanding to know if I felt Beck deserves respect if he considers Obama racist. I didn’t respond, and @he asked a second time.

Again I didn’t respond, so @he demanded a third time.

Mea culpa… instead of further ignoring his repeated requests, @I responded with a generic shopping list of reasons that I happen to agree with Beck’s assessment. As @I told Tom, I don’t generally go this route of debate, but I’ll be darned if I’m going to dodge it for PC reasons. He (Tom) and I disagreed on my belief, both of us laying out why we came to our conclusions. And to his credit, he simply dropped the matter.

However my response resulted in a @gleeful attempt by rich wheeler to play “gotcha”. Then @Patvann had my back, and chimed in with his inimitable description of Black Theology, without naming that particular firebrand of Obama’s chosen religious beliefs. This then lead to a back and forth of Black Theology, racism, associations, etal…. and it’s progressed from there.

So, Mike…. I’ll take my mea culpas for being baited by rich wheeler, and perpetuating the OT sway. But, ya know, when badgered with a direct question over and over, I have no problem standing my ground for my opinions, and am always happy to let someone know how I came to that conclusion… whether they like it or not. I see avoidance of direct questions as more dangerous since they merely fill in the blanks with their own conclusions.

MIKE’S AMERICA,,geez you are absolutly right about diverting the tread as i reread from the beginning i must agree that i also got in their games, like following a snake zizagaging down the tread sorry on my participation in it ,,i’ll watch for it the next time ,,bye 🙄

@ Bees

I loved throwing boomerangs as a kid, even if I knew that someday it might lead to me being a participant in the hijacking of a blog thread. Throwing a boomerang is fun, but catching them can hurt. And never take your eyes off a boomerang once it is thrown… it can cause bodily injury. Gotta hand it to the ingenuity of primatives for coming up with the idea and their ability to perfect the tool/weapon. Can you imagine the abo’s sitting around the campfire at night thinking… I think I’ll fashion a stick in a curved manner so that it will return to me when I throw it. I mean really, what could have possibly fomented the idea in the first place. Some inventions are obvious, like the wheel. I wonder what took primative man so long to come up with that one and why some cultures never thought of it.

Donald Bly: Some inventions are obvious, like the wheel. I wonder what took primative man so long to come up with that one and why some cultures never thought of it.

And in an attempt to return to the thread topic, I’ll take off on your logic of the wheel analogy and ponder just why a POTUS feels he needs to reinvent the same….

@ MataHarley Touche, nice segway. But I’m still curious about the thought process regarding the invention of the boomerang. Oh well… by the way, what is the thread topic?

Truth be told, I dunno, Donald. The guest author has the title about “intentional destruction” of the US economy, but then devotes the bulk of the post about PC dialogue/debate with a liberal. So your guess is as good as mine.

WORDSMITH on 18 it tells me that it is even more dangerous to have a leader who make laws and does’nt realyse of the danger of future destruction of america and will continue so just for the heritage of his name bye 🙄

DONALD i am with the abo on the camp fire and it is so funny to just see the rest coming before i read it hillarious now i must seriously finsh to read the rest of the story ,bye 🙄

@Donald Bly: I’d rather talk about boomerangs than continue with the race distraction.

So Boomerang away.


So Aye, did the KKK ‘Dimocrats’ terrorize the South and make life hell for those pursuing their Civil Rights, or did it just not happen at all and the marches were a walk in the park?

Yes, the KKK was the terrorist arm of the Dimocrat Party.

Yes, that organization terrorized not only those seeking their Civil Rights but also the whites who assisted them in their quest.

Both of those things are firmly established historical facts so I am unclear as to what your point is exactly.

I am clear, however, on the fact that you continue to duck and dodge the difficult questions now that you’ve been called on to do so.

In many ways, you remind me of the kid in class who throws his hand up proclaiming
“Oh, oh! I know! I know!” when the teacher asks a question.

Then, when called on to answer, the kid realizes what he’s done to himself and his brain is shouting “Oh Sh*t!…I don’t know the answer after all.”

Don’t worry though, I’ll keep quizzing you.

Eventually you’ll either come ’round to my way of thinking or, like so many who have come before you, you’ll slink away into the darkness never to be seen or heard from again.

I’m looking forward to it either way.

DONALD it took a lot of deep thinking but theabo at the campfire had enouph of living and wanted to end his life the easy way so he trow the boomerang and look the other way ,,,bye 🙄

@Mike #103

Never? And yet you missed the Koran quote on 102? lol

Mike and AC Greetings from sunny Southern Cal to my favorite South Carolinians.Don’t currently know any others.Spent a miserably hot August at Parris Island in 1969.
Escaping the blogosphere today I ran my two Goldens near the beach and went to my gym outside the north gate of Camp Pendleton.
Got to talking with two Marine Staff Sergeants, early 30’s,Southern and African American.Good guys.Mentioned I’d been on line with some Conservative bloggers one of whom was very concerned about those who spread inflamatory lies that might set whites against blacks or blacks against whites.They echoed their concerns.I mentioned that there was a general consensus among the Conservative leaders of the site that President Obama was a racist.
I went on to explain that since the Conserv blog leaders thought this was so obviously true,Obama’s association with Rev.Wright and other radicals,his embrace of Black Theology,etc. there would be no negative reaction to this from the Black community.
The Marine Sergeants had two questions for the blog leaders

Had they run this Obama is a racist belief by any of their African American friends?

Would they be visiting San Clemente anytime soon?

rich wheeler, I for one would be oh so happy to meet any of our nation’s finest. Then maybe I can actually convey what you, of course, cannot. Because, as I have noted above, the race baiting on this thread began with you. It was pursued relentlessly by you for a particular reason. And I’m quite sure that you provided no background history on Black Theology, Obama’s chosen religion. So again, it’s Obama who chooses a racist doctrine religion, who chooses to surround himself with those of both socialist and racist doctrine religion, but anyone who recognizes that is “the racist”.

Good on you as you like to say. Who turned out your lightbulb upstairs? Old war injury?

So rest in your laurels that you accomplished something today. You did. You relentlessly race baited here, and then you went out into the public and race baited some more. And to our military to boot.

You know, I was rather appalled when Mike stalked you on this thread with his comments above. But you have now proven him correct. ta ta, fare thee well, and you disappear from my monitor as unworthy of consideration.

Eventually you’ll either come ’round to my way of thinking or, like so many who have come before you, you’ll slink away into the darkness never to be seen or heard from again.

I’m looking forward to it either way.

You a bait fisherman?

Aye, I don’t know how to respond to you because I’ve never denied that white traditionalists in the South (some might call them ‘conservatives’ but I don’t want to go there and risk another canned 80,000 word cut-n-paste response) belonged to a party called ‘The Democratic Party’.

(As an aside, can I say that I think you’re doing those people a monumental disservice by labeling them en masse as members of a racist terrorist party? I’m sure many good people with no hatred in their hearts were Southern Democrats, but amid your attacks you provide no truthful perspective as to who comprised their ranks. They were mostly God-fearing working-class Christians just living their lives. How big was the KKK at its height and how large the rolls of Southern Democrats? The KKK was miniscule in comparison. The slander of one innocent is an atrocity. Can you prove that every member of the Southern Democratic Party knew that their party harbored the KKK? In our electronic world, can you provide video evidence that every single Southern Democrat was involved in violence against Republicans? Oh, and blacks? You answering or you dodging? Anywho.)

The one thing we both agree on is that some members of the Democratic Party didn’t think this civil rights idea was so hot. Things were fine as they were. Maybe the bathrooms were separate, but they were almost equal. These people had troubled thoughts. Maybe the world didn’t need unrest. Maybe it didn’t need people, outsiders from up North, stirring up folk with smart aleck ideas about “change”. And NO ONE wanted to see the Federal Government getting involved, the Federal Government forcing a sovereign state to integrate at gunpoint. Armageddon was upon them. That was bound to raise a man’s pulse. But that’s actually how it was. And you have taught me that, Aye.

So, like you, I applaud the Republicans of that time for standing by those who strove for their God- given civil rights and liberties and to be treated like men. Aye, I would have been a Republican back then, no hesitation. And, hell, I KNOW I would have been a Republican during the Civil War. I would have been right there supporting the end of the spread of slavery, like Lincoln in Illinois, working against those hateful racist who wanted to spread their evil to the territories. And I would have gladly raised a musket and shot Robert E Lee himself dead on Traveller in his saddle , by God, if the chance presented. Nothing personal, a brilliant warrior, but a slave holder none the same and a sworn defender of an evil institution. I know you would have too, Aye. You would have cut out his heart. I guess if I had a time machine I wouldn’t be a very good Democrat, because I’ d be a Republican practically the whole time, right until recently.

So you win. I agree with everything you’ve written. I used to think it was absurd for an armchair internet freedom jockey to demand video proof of John Lewis’ travails, but now I say, Bring on the video tape!

RICH WHEELER what are you playing? with dirt promoting hate feelings,against the conservatives? when you know darn well,you are the one to start that right here,you have been caught in the act because MIKE mention that how funny you guys come and get all the comments out of the thread and MATA went torecheck and i also recheck and it was you who started talking about the race subject and TOM follow you on it,so MIKE’S AMERICA was right to be angry at you and you deserve all of what he said because that was dirty on your part and you continue the game with thoses sargents they should check my comment right now to get things straigten out you should be ashame and just when i was happy about your comment with PATVANN…i am not happy now of what you did

Tom All right thinking people in the South,moderates and liberals whites and blacks would be Repubs until the mid to late 60’s though it was clearly the minority party.Nixon’s southern strategy continuing thru the 70’s made it the dominant party in the South where it remains today

Review the reasons you are a Democrat today and I think you’ll continue to stand tall.

MATA i am so glad your here i could not restrain myself i was so angry bye 🙄

Well bees, no reason to restrain yourself. Obviously what you’re dealing with doesn’t, and chooses to frame his race baiting presentation, designed to divide Americans, to suit his political agenda.

Bees These folks said they believe Obama is a racist and there is undeniable proof.Maybe I’m wrong but if they wanted to keep their beliefs a secret from anyone including African Anericans why would they post them and stand beside them.If they truly believe they should stand and proudly make their case.It certainly will be out and discussed by Glen and his followers in 2010 and 2012 and all in the American electorate can make an informed decision
Sorry if I upset you cause I think you’re great.

You must admit your friends play pretty rough with those who disagree

btw These Marines were good guys and are really more concerned about their coming deployment to Afghan.They told me they laughed at Beck when he called Obama a racist because they KNOW few Americans believe this. Please continue to support your Marines. They truly appreciate it Good night

@Mike’s America: I am a retired truck driver and we always had the jerks who used the CB just to start an argument. I have had guys tell me they purposely started arguments just to get things going. If you argue with these jerks, they win. This is what is going on with most blog comment sections. If you argue with them, they win. Leave them alone and they will go away.

If someone started to argue with one of the jerks I usually told them, “If you argue with him, he wins, and he has brought you down to his level. Don’t go down to his level.” Most of the time they agree, and quit talking to him.

I came up with something that shuts up the jerks, and I suggest saying something like this the next time a jerk is arguing with someone. I tell the one who came into the argument, “I used to think that there was no use for JERKS like him on this planet. Then I figured out that if we didn’t have JERKS like him, we wouldn’t appreciate the nice people on this planet. Thanks to him, the next time I meet a nice person I am going to appreciate them a lot more. So, he has a useful purpose after all, and he is serving it quite well.” I have never had a jerk come back on the CB after I said that. You might not want to let the jerk hear you say it if they are right there, but you can take the other person aside and tell them quietly. Sometimes it take more courage NOT to argue with someone than to argue. People have died because of arguments.

I see Rich Whiner, the Forever False unrepentant lying racebaiter is back again.

Does the liar think he has the slightest credibility to speak? Or does he think all the readers here are such idiots that we are willing to overlook someone who openly fans the flames of racial hatred and animosity for the purposes of advancing a political agenda?

Which one is Rich in this picture?

Mike, I know how you revel in hearing these moments from me, but you were right here about wheeler’s race baiting. “ouch”… LOL

da race baiter still can’t figure it out. “These folks said they believe Obama is a racist and there is undeniable proof.” uh huh…. let’s see. If I wander up to someone and say that a motorist killed a bicyclist, what is the recipient to think? Did I tell them how the bicyclist got hit? Did the bicyclist run a red light and brought the death upon himself by his own actions? Nope… all the recipient heard was I said the motorist killed a bicyclist.

“They laughed at Beck when he called Obama a racist”. Did they watch the Beck show? Or hear some media pundit, emulating the race baiter wheeler, with an cryptic version that is akin to saying “a motorist killed a bicyclist”?

Oh, but that’s incidental to the conclusion.

Do they know anything about Black Theology doctrine? Most don’t.

Oh, but that’s incidental to the conclusion.

Did the race baiter simply ask them, “how do you feel about Rev Wright?” Probably not. Would they have felt Wright was a racist? Probably. Did they know Wright is one of the most prominent Black Theologians in this country? Probably not.

Oh, but that’s incidental to the conclusion.

If they said Wright was a racist, could you then ask “if Rev Wright is a racist, and if Obama still subscribes to that same religion – tho no longer in the front pew because it sure wasn’t good press for a guy running for President – then why is he *not* a racist? Especially since his ensuing religious advisors also subscribe to the same?”

Would they be uncomfortable giving an answer? Sure. Because they may have to give an answer they know will be politically incorrect.

Analysis of behavior, actions and associations *are* the facts that lead to a reasonable conclusion. Presentation is everything.

Those facts, however, are incidental sidebars to the race baiter. Oh to have been a fly on the wall on that conversation. It would be a dance between trying to educate those, perhaps unaware, of some aspects… and not embarrassing the race baiter in front of his peers for his own attitudes.

Now? I’d just embarrass his ass without a second thought.

Mata Mike Stalked me is right.You think I should just take that crap.You read it As a Navy wife I’d think you know how that continuous faux marine charge cuts deeply. You will have plenty of time to explain Black Theology and all your reasons why Obama is a racist.One of the Sergeants explained it pretty well I thought. If you like I ‘ll tell them you’d like to speak with them.I’m sure they’d appreciate it.

To be honest I was a little surprised their reaction was more of laughter and derision for Beck than it was any kind of anger.Like I said they’ve got a lot more important things on their plate.As you know you can e-MAIL or call me off line

RICH i have chosen to stay with my friends here because of the value i see on their beleifs and they don’t hide nothing to anyone who come from your political side and talk of race to set a trap in the thread they want to keep going,no racists here and MIKE will react even strongly than anyone at the the first word on the subject as you know for sure,and tell the good and braves sargents that i will protect them as best i can and follow their endevours with admiration for their courage ,i feel that thoses should be in the group running the country because they have been in hell and back,

Bees I never said anyone here is a racist I can’t see inside their hearts. Many however have clearly stated President Obama is a racist.We can ALL agree this is a very serious charge when brought against anyone.Would you not agree?What should I do as one of the 69+million Americans who voted for him.Laugh it off. It would take a better man than I to do that.See Smorgasbord above

sigh… against my better judgment, but I will not sit still for this “what, me? what did I do” BS from you, rich wheeler

Let’s see the results of your little chit chat over your gym trip, shall we?

Had they run this Obama is a racist belief by any of their African American friends?

Would they be visiting San Clemente anytime soon?

uh huh. Did you ask them about whether they considered Rev. Wright a racist, wheeler? How about the latest/greatest Black Theologian/socialist incarnate WH advisor, Jim Wallis? Ask them about him? But of course not. You fed them an “a motorist killed a bicyclist” set up.

What did you elicit from that endeavor? A threat. “will they they visiting San Clemente anytime soon”

Now let’s revisit another of your johnny do good deed comments:

Mentioned I’d been on line with some Conservative bloggers one of whom was very concerned about those who spread inflamatory lies that might set whites against blacks or blacks against whites.They echoed their concerns.

I mentioned that there was a general consensus among the Conservative leaders of the site that President Obama was a racist.

Are you so unbelievably stupid as to miss seeing your own set up design? Gee…. they’re concerned about inflamatory lies along racial divides, and oh… BTW… they think Obama’s a racist.

You are seriously one demented puppy with a burnt out bulb. And now, I’m done. Just didn’t want leave your comments here unaddressed – playing the floppy eared puppy, “I’m so innocent” part. We can chose one of two paths here. You set this up deliberately as race baiting to taint conservatives by avoiding the facts to the conclusion, or you are dumber than the dirt your dogs were running on.

#143 Rich Whiner said: “Bees I never said anyone here is a racist.”

On March 22nd, 2010 at 3:11 pm PST Rich Whiner said:

If you don’t think a substantial faction of this movement is fueled by racial bigotry,by people who believe a Black should not be POTUS then your head is up your ass.My personal belief is you know this but I could be wrong.You’re an educated guy but living in the Deep South has certainly influenced your beliefs.Did you serve in the military?

I have not seen a black face and only a few brown at these 2 meetings attended by 300-500 people.The things I’ve heard said about Obama have only been duplicated on far right blogs like F.A.’s and This Ain’t Hell. This is not a mixed group racially or politically with 70%+Repubs.(Conservs.),some indies and a very few Dems like myself.I should add there were more than a few Paulists who were the most openly verbal.

Now, I see Rich Whiner, the unrepentant lying racebaiter who thinks NOTHING of fanning the flames of racial hatred and animosity has a thin skin.

I guess he doesn’t like being tagged as the modern equivalent of the KKK.

The truth hurts.

Like his fellow Dems who should know better he uses racism to advance a political agenda.

It’s despicable conduct that has no place in American life period!

So get used to being dogged you lying, phony.

Whine all you want you disgusting weasel.

You deserve it!

Which one is Whiner?

Forever False!

@rich wheeler:

Would they be visiting San Clemente anytime soon?

Why should I? So much easier for them to just talk to me over the internet. :mrgreen:

You tell ’em I’d consider it if they paid for my gas, food, and lodging. Drinks are on me, for their service.

Got to talking with two Marine Staff Sergeants, early 30’s,Southern and African American.Good guys.Mentioned I’d been on line with some Conservative bloggers one of whom was very concerned about those who spread inflamatory lies that might set whites against blacks or blacks against whites.

Gee, Rich…kinda racist of you, isn’t it, to see these Marines through the lens of racial identity? Would you have been so presumptious as to initiate this topic of conversation if they weren’t “black” Marines?

And maybe you should have invited them to check out FA for themselves so that they can speak for themselves? And see how this whole topic evolved, for themselves?

That is, if your conversation actually even took place somewhere other than in your own head. I mean, c’mon….the physical intimidation threat? Channeled through you?! Lame…

If you’re ever in the Los Angeles area, you’re welcomed to come threaten me face to face. (Or just send your Marine buddies to do it for you, if you want). Physical confrontations don’t bother me.

I’d say you’d be spitting up an apology through a mouthful of broken teeth if it happens; but I won’t, because internet threats are so juvenile. And did I already mention, “lame”?

For the record I never accused any of the moderators at FA , including Mike ,of being racists.I SAID I believed there were racists in The Tea Party movement and I’d seen comments from bloggers at Fa and even more so at This Ain’t Hell that were truly racially biased

The truth is you reprimanded racism where you saw it Good job
I was truly surprised when I saw so many of you lineup behind Beck in asserting Obama is a racist.I honestly didn’t see that coming

Obama Raised by a white mother and 2 white grandparents.
Attended a great Honolulu H.S where he was only Black on state championship team 6 th man.
I’ve met one of Barry’s classmates who says he was popular and got along with all.

Being Bi-racial and working well with both whites and blacks iin college( Columbia) law school(Harvard) and his Chicago Law Firm 90% white and the U.S.Senate
2008 election Received close to 50% of white vote.Over 50% of white women.
He obviously gets along well with whites and blacks
The argument that he is not a racist is strong

Let me know when a Repub. Pres.candidate accuses Obama of being a racist.Don’t think it will happen

If far right advocates it to energize base and swing sufficient indies and Reagan Dems(blue dogs) it will be dangerous.You know you can’t win over blacks 95% for Obama but you don’t want to rile them up through what you call race baiting.Keep them unaware as much as possible.Pretty much the same with Latins who will vote strongly Dem,
Bottom line I don’t think Rebubs can win but getting Enough whites to believe Obama is a racist and or socialist appears to be part of the Conserv. plan I believe it will fail in 2012

Wordsmith There is no threat involved.These are good guys who want no trouble with anyone other than who they are paid to fight.They don’t buy into Obama being a racist but are willing to discuss it and maybe try to convert you guys.Like you,I work as a personal trainer part time Issa cert.This had some origin in my complementing your post calling for moderation.How it got from there to here God knows

rich wheeler to wordsmith: Wordsmith …..snip……Like you,I work as a personal trainer part time Issa cert.This had some origin in my complementing your post calling for moderation.How it got from there to here God knows

God not necessary, rich wheeler. Read @my post #118 tracing the history of the race discussion in this thread… and you’ll figure out just what ugly soul begat this with relentless insistence. And I didn’t even include your #32 as the appetizer for your “ugly”.

@rich wheeler:

Well, I see that you’ve been scattering your droppings ’round the site again while we East Coasters were resting.

I read through your drivel and the ensuing ass kicking you’ve taken from the others here.

Of all the things you wrote, one statement stood out to me from your very first post of yesterday:

Spent a miserably hot August at Parris Island in 1969.

You know, that statement struck me as sort of odd, especially since I asked you once upon a time if you had ever been to Parris Island, SC:

Exit question: Ever been to Parris Island, SC Mr. Wheeler?

Here’s what you said to me when I asked you the question:

Never at Parris Island.

Way back in January ’10 you said you had never been to PI. Now, in April ’10 you claim to have spent August of 1969 there.

So….were you lying then or are you lying now?

Actually, there’s no need to answer that question, it’s rhetorical. The truth of the matter has already been demonstrated through your own words.

“Semper Faux”. Once a liar, always a liar.

The only thing worse than an ordinary liar is a race baiting liar, a category into which you have inextricably mired yourself.

Be gone ye.

@Aye Chihuahua:

I used to feel sorry for Miss Muffet, not any more! 😉

And the Grand Distraction continues as the unrepentant lying racebaiter Rich Whiner rolls on with the transparent ploy of shouting “RACISM” to divert attention from the original subject of this post.

These lying Dems don’t even mind being exposed as liars. To them truth is an expendable commodity. Once you are raised on “depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is” then anything goes.

These modern day equivalents of the Dems in the KKK who gleefully stir up racial animosity and hatred to advance a political agenda will continue to do so as long as we let them.

At what point do we say “ENOUGH WITH YOUR LIES. Crawl back in your hole and do not dare to show your face in polite society!”


Mata —

I have a question. What is “Black Theology doctrine”? I have never heard that phrase before.

What happened to your beloved Wiki for research, billy bob? Even that minimal skill would let you know. It’s not tough…go to Wikipedia and type in “black theology” and it will explain it’s duality in simple terms for you. I’m not a Google user, but I’m sure you can Google it as well.

Then if you’re ready to advance, you’ll find several prominent writings on it from both James Cone and Jeremiah Wright… the latter who sat on the board for the Black Theology Project. You may even pick up his ditty on “Doing black theology in the black church”.

So much for your attempted set up to play the “but it’s liberation theology, not black theology” game. Any attempt by you to label Wright’s version of Black Theology as benign is belied by the man’s own history… as well as that guy who sat in his pew for a few decades. You might even discover that the apple don’t fall far from the tree between black theology and hard socialism. Thus the reason to dump Wright publicly on the campaign trail to distance himself from… well.. himself. And all of which explains Obama’s penchant for friends/appointees in his WH.

Or is it the definition of “doctrine” that’s stymies you? There are ample dictionaries online as well.

MIKE’S AMERICA,,i think the boomerang that AYE CHIHUAHUA throw in previous comment,done his hit but wil not return home as SKOOKUM was saying when it hit the target it stay there in the bush ,,bye 🙄

Ya know what hurts?

When you’ve had a tiff with a man, but gave the benefit of the doubt, and attempted to “reset” the relationship, because you thought that man just might be Marine officer….You’ve even made sure your own E3 enlisted Marine son was made aware of the good words and generous offer conveyed to him by this “gentleman”.

I have nothing further to say…Today we have a party for John, and a 92-year old WW-2/Korea/ Nam Marine LtGeneral, who served with true distinction is the other guest of honor.

HONOR. It seems to be in short supply….

Mata In post #20 I complemented Wordsmith for his moderation in #17 and #!8.In # 32 I mentioned Beck was looking a lot better than previously.Hardly like being called KKK ETC.

A,C I Trained at Quantico Va Platoon Leaders Class(PLC) 6 weeks in summers of 63 and 65 while attending Colgate U. After grad. trained as 2nd LT. Basic School(TBS)at Quantico VA. Served in V.N early Nov.67 till late Nov 68. Spent time at Parris Island late summer of 69.In your pevious question my intent was to answer where I HAD TRAINED Quantico not P.I. As mentioned my dd-214 shows my service.

I apologize for causing a firestorm re BHO and racism.As bees has pointed out it’s your home and I’ve been an uninvited guest WHO HAS STAYED TOO LONG.I respect your passion for what you believe in and henceforth I’ll be accepting Smorgasbord’s advice.
Patvann Just read your post.I WAS A Marine Corps Officer and served in V.N.Pls accept my apologies if you or John feel mislead and E-mail me at so we can personally square this away.I WOULD TRULY APPRECIATE IT,all other disagreements aside,

@rich whiner said: “I’ve been an uninvited guest WHO HAS STAYED TOO LONG.”

Who said you were invited KKK?

You’re an unrepentant lying racebaiter. Period!

There is no excusing or overlooking that fact and it’s not possible to change the subject and pretend it didn’t happen.

You willfully spread malacious racist hatemonering designed to further the left’s political agenda.

That’s a shameful and despicable act just as if you had burned a cross in the front lawn of a black family in the South who supported Republicans.

You had multiple opportunities to admit your sin and apologize. I would have forgiven you for your hate speech had you done so and promised no to repeat it.

But you dismissed outright every opportunity to salvage your own character and integrity.

You remain FALSE to the ideals of the Corps you claimed to serve and continue to deserve nothing but contempt.

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

Semper FAUX. Forever FALSE!

@MataHarley said: Mike, I know how you revel in hearing these moments from me, but you were right here about wheeler’s race baiting.”

Goodness, I almost missed that.

After all the grief you guys gave me about holding this loon accountable and applying sanctions?

Well, I appreciate your kind words Mata.

I am however, going to print them out and frame them here so I can use them again the next time one of these liars starts in with the big lie, grand distraction.

It’s almost like I can smell them doing it. The odor reeks from the screen.

@Smorgasbord: You notice that for the most part I stopped arguing with the fool a long time ago. He had his chance at redemption and failed.

It’s impossible to ignore racebaiting and I don’t believe it just goes away if you do. They keep repeating this Grand Distraction tactic for a reason. And you see here that once again the topic of this post has been hijacked.

I’ve discussed with my fellow F.A. posse members how we might prevent that from happening but thus far, few if any share my belief that you cut off the offender after he fails to take advantage of multiple opportunities to retract the hatemongering lie.

I’ll say one good thing of allowing the process to drag on as it did: it crystallized in my own mind the direct connection between the Democrat run KKK using racial hatred to advance their political agenda and today’s liberals doing the exact same thing.

Though they are burning the American flag instead of a cross today’s Democrats are following the same plan as the Democrat run KKK:

Having followed this thread through its infancy, as any good blog owner should do, I have to say if there is one Marine that I am ashamed of claiming its Wheeler. He has, as Mike and others have shown, race baited over and over again. At least BRob, who does some race baiting of his own, can put together a sentence with some semblance of structure but with Wheeler….I cringe. His use of two black Marines to make some kind of threat was the height of his stupidity. I mean really? There are a few of us on the same coast as you Wheeler who can take care of themselves but have never gone the keyboard bully route. It’s childish and moronic.

Some want Wheeler gone, as well as BRob, but I keep them around because they shine a huge spotlight on their ignorance and stupidity. As Mike said:

I’ll say one good thing of allowing the process to drag on as it did: it crystallized in my own mind the direct connection between the Democrat run KKK using racial hatred to advance their political agenda and today’s liberals doing the exact same thing.

Keeping these dummies around does have its advantages.

@rich wheeler:

As bees has pointed out it’s your home and I’ve been an uninvited guest WHO HAS STAYED TOO LONG.

Where have I heard this before?

@Mike’s America: The biggest complaint I have is that I have to read some of their garbage first to find out I don’t want to read any more. It’s too bad a system can’t be set up like Instant Messenger has where the ones who want to talk to each other can go to a separate room so the rest of us don’t have to read about them chit chatting to each other, especially the ones who write a book with most of their posts. Keep up the good work. You guys are my favorite blog.

@Curt: The question is whether I would have reached the same conclusion regarding today’s KKK Dems without having to endure the Grand Distraction away from the subject of the post.

I’m the last person to want an echo chamber in the comments section. How boring would that be? But where do we draw the line? There has to be a balance between a free for all where the lib moonbats can just come in and disrupt or distract and a total thread nanny.

I don’t know what the right balance should be or where exactly to draw that line. I guess it depends on each individual post. But I do know that Rich Whiner repeatedly crossed that line, went way over it and proceeded to throw any sense of balance out the window.

Free speech is not the same thing as unlimited speech.

If we’ve seen the last of the lying weasel GOOD! But I wouldn’t be surprised if you don’t get a pleading (“you’ve got me all wrong and Mike was mean to me WAH, WAH, WAH”) email from him begging for more attention.

Isn’t attention, not the truth what Whiner truly craves?

@Smorgasbord: IM system….interesting. Not sure about that since then the debate would be in the back hallways where no one can watch and learn. As most of you know I’m in the process of getting the blog redesigned and will look into that, but not sure I would implement it.