Iran’s Ahmadinejad—Picking-Up Where Hitler Left Off [Reader Post]

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Many of us were unborn when Adolph Hitler slaughtered millions of the world’s Jews, yet we wonder how the world could have remained silent and allowed such a monster to gain the power to kill millions of innocent men, women and children. Unfortunately, some have not learned from history and seemed doomed to repeat it.

In a sick twist of irony, the world has been unwilling to exterminate a similar strongman, who denies the holocaust and existence of Israel, and who at this very moment is building a nuclear bomb to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.

Once again, attempts to deal with Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad through direct talks have been futile and fruitless. How long will the world continue to kick the can down the road, allowing Ahmadinejad to run out the clock?

Does anyone really believe that Iran’s nuclear program is for peaceful purposes? Of course not—Iran is developing a nuclear weapon and the world is watching.

The United States recently exposed a secret enrichment site at Fordo, near the holy city of Qom, which Iran should have declared three years ago when it began construction there. However, Iran decided to keep it secret until September this year. Never mind that the site is only suitable for 3,000 centrifuges, enough for making a bomb but in no way sufficient for producing nuclear fuel for a civilian reactor.

Similarly, the International Atomic Energy Agency recently discovered a secret dossier containing evidence that Iran experimented with advanced nuclear warhead design.

How long will the world allow Ahmadinejad to play it like a Stradivarius?

We cannot rely on sanctions and hope to avoid a nuclear Iran, nor can the world once again remain silent and allow a monster to gain the power to kill millions of innocent men, women and children.

Crossposted from Musings From Middle America

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Decades of Embargos and Sanctions on the Imperial Japanese lead to ruin and warfare with the United States, and yet we face such a disturbing mirror for modern days. Iran’s military culture and government culture is more in line with former Japanese Imperial forces as in they are willing to fight sucidialy for their goals. Of which the goals between Imperial Japan and Iran differ vastly.

To Iran’s leadership, destruction (not conquest) of their enemy at the cost of their own civilians and military is a price worth paying. As long as a member of Iran’s leadership survives, their means justify the end result even if that “means” is nuclear purge of the enemy and your own charges of which were in the process of civil revolt. Their elite military are willing to sacrafice themselves in combat towards commencing mass bloodshed for the pursuit of invoking the 12th Imam’s arrival on Earth to set forth Islamic conquest. This is not some talking point, this is what THEIR culture and their Government’s Clerics demand to happen.

The nations who ally themselves with Iran should think deeply by allowing such an Ally to have nuclear weaponary on their backdoors. The land this fight would take hold would place at least 2 different “netural” nations in the fallout radiation radius and would suffer for Iran’s choices. Allies would soon be plagued with failing crops, livestock and local economies due to radiation sickness and deaths or horrid mutations from the fallout, making it questionable to maintain such an allegiance.

I’ve been reading newspapers of the 1930s, starting in 1930, and it is really heartbreaking.
Here’s from the WSJ, 9-29-30 (great blog,

Editorial: Market reaction to Hitler’s tirade in court was a crying shame: “It is a wonder, as well as a pity, that good securities must be made a football of a bombastic radical who since [1919] has succeeded in making an ass of himself.” Germany has had a hard time since the war; Hitler has taken advantage for his own selfish purpose. He formed his present party in 1921 with no platform but opposition: to Parliament, to capitalism, to rights of the Jews, and now to the Young plan. Four months later he tried to march on Berlin to “save” Germany, which showed no interest. They are even less likely to adopt his program now that much progress has been made toward reconstruction. Hitler’s testimony showed his true colors. “The almost certain reaction will be a wave of disgust that will line up the people against any further progress of his party … it is likely that his career will prove like a glass of soda water now frothing but quickly simmering down to nothing.”

The “tirade in court” was Hitler’s threat of revolution if Hindenberg went through with some stringent economic reforms by fiat. One reason Hitler got away with all this, I think, is that everyone was more worried about communism. We could see what Stalin was doing, and everyone knew that would be bad for business, and money was everyone’s overarching concern in the west. But reading all the old news makes you know that nothing ever changes. Nothing. Drug war, abortion, credit manipulations, greedy speculation, isolationism, pay-to-play.

The world seems to think Israel has forgotten too. While there is plenty of talk about the IAF flying in with surgical strikes and so forth but by this point, that really isn’t an effective option. Either the ayatollahs fall from within or Israel will have to decide between a nuclear stand-off or a first strike to prevent the inevitable. Given the well founded observations on the 12th Imam shared here by Mr. Irons, why should anyone hold much hope that Iran would act as the Soviet Union did during the decades of the Cold War?

Obama needs to start backing Iran’s internal opposition while rallying world wide support, including China, for change in Iran, or Israel’s hand will be forced.

In the beginning, Hitler and the National Socialists (National Socialist German Workers’ Party) had the support of the German People. Eventually, public support waned and Hitler had to wage totalitarian measures against his own people to maintain control. I’madinnerjacket has to wage war against his own people to maintain control: while Obama and Elite Socialists at the UN sit back and observe how this situation “Plays out”. Neville Obama with his Chamberlain appeasement is pushing the world ever closer to the brink of nuclear war : except this pathetic little Hitler want-to be is being approached with hippie platitudes and flowers by our ever so weak and effeminate Socialist in Chief.

Hitler not only persecuted Jews, he also killed Homosexuals, Jehova Witnesses, and gypsies; the rest of the Non-Aryan World, he intended to enslave. The Japanese allies were a little harder to explain, although Hitler had made inroads within the Muslims. (Grand Mufti). I’madinnerjacket, if given the opportunity, and Obama is making sure that he has every opportunity, will persecute the same people and more if allowed to continue on with his path of Nuclear War.

For him it will only speed the arrival of the 12 th Imam and a type of Muslim Orgy of Happiness: at least Hitler had a goal that was tangible, sick and perverted it my have been; but it was rooted in reality, the reality of a madman. The Hitler Pretender is in a fantasy world. A fantasy world that is catered to by Our Own Obama, the Appeaser for Our Time.

The Gay Lobby should note that Obama’s friends in the Middle East intend on stringing them up first, Gays score beneath dogs in the Middle East and they hate dogs. Yes, the Fanatic Muslim that Obama likes to extend an open hand to, views Obama as a weakness to be exploited and Gays will be offered up as an appetizer. This is the man that you base all your hope on!

Great commentary. My views are repetitive and pale in comparison; I actually started before there were comments, so I had not read your contributions. It is hard to stay ahead of these FA Minute Men Patriots, in several ways.

I’m thinking another parallel between the two is their skill/luck/corrupt cronies or whatever enables some politicians (like the Resident, ahem) to “game the system.” Hitler gamed German politics the same way Zero gamed the primaries, to “win” by cheating. Now, Ahmadinejad might be a nut but I think he is part of a similar scheme of control in his own government. Then the next step all around, and in the US too, is to legitimatize it by changing laws either in real change, like health care, or dropping cases that are weakening (BP). The reality in all three cases too, is that because power and popularity occurred because of cheating, the true amount of support was greatly overestimated or over-represented. Thus enforcement becomes necessary immediately. The Elite Guard have become the SS. We need to prevent this from happening at all cost.

Obama has already hinted at having his own political militia with the same funding as our military. Tell me this isn’t a Hitler or Ahmanutjob type move. If our man was allowed to have his way, he could be every bit as dangerous as his coy friend in Iran.


You do know how to hit the nail quite squarely! I’ve not read content as concise and straight as what you wrote in a long time. I do appreciate it and we need many many more who are not afraid to tell it like it is…..lik you!
I’ll have to see what else this site has to offer! Unfortunately, this is my first time here.
Thank you.

2 Wheels, besides a few whining trolls, we have one voice here with a Conservative agenda. We slap each other in the face now and then, but we are all big kids with a mission, welcome aboard: we are always looking for Conservative Patriots to fill our ranks. There are some sharp cookies here who are serious patriots and lovers of the Constitution and Liberty.

Skookum, I will have to agree with you I’m a bit disturbed by Obama’s public statements about the desire for a government funded “private security” force to “assist” with the Military’s duties domesticaly. Last I recalled, that’s what the National Guard is for unless he wants to expand the duties to concepts I dare not want to think about and would rather keep bound in the spine of 1984’s covers.