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The Four Corpsemen of the Obamaclypse [Reader Post]

In recent days, concurrent with the apocalyptic “Snowpocalypse” in Washington and the earthquake in Chicago, a deluge and a great shaking of another sort has been shaking the Chicago cabal of President Obama in Washington, D.C. It is awesome serendipity that such similar cataclysms are mirroring each other in this way!

Many leading reasonable Democrats are lashing out at the inner sanctum of Chicago chosen ones surrounding Obama. Steve Clemons, Edward Luce, ex-Governor Doug Wilder of Virginia and others are, for the first time, beginning to be honest about the administrative incompetence and unsuitability of, in particular, Rahm Emanuel, Robert Gibbs, Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod.

The reasons these people are remonstrating spring, of course, from a far different place than those of the majority who are opposing health care and apocalyptic spending. Many of these liberals are frustrated that their once-in-a-lifetime chance to push certain pet causes is slipping through their fingers. Nonetheless, any amount of honesty is precious and praiseworthy.

So many of us tried to warn of the danger of hiring someone with SO little administrative experience who was so entangled with the questionable mindset and tactics of the ‘Chicago Way’ and far-left radicals. Perhaps, all Americans of good will can now agree about the destructiveness of this fearsome foursome and press for their ouster. How much further must we go to realize that the man in charge of hiring and organizing all of this is even more culpable than those he has appointed? I think a lot of Americans have already taken, or, are about to take, that short step to sanity in this election season of 2010.

[I must say that I am indebted for this potent title to Mark Steyn, among others who have used this term over the past year to indicate several groups of Obama-ites.]

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