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No more Troyan Horses!

I pray Hoffman wins, and that it will be the start of Conservatives regaining a stronghold in the political arena. DeeDee can go snuggle with her libtard friends. She had no chance of winning anyway.

I am glad she came clean as to who she really is… A g*ddamn Democrat.

Hey Newt. STFU.

Hey all you middlin’s…STFU.

To all you “Big-tenters” STFU.

Every damn one of you were supporting a liberal Democrat in “R” clothing. THIS is exactly what I’ve been hinting at…the Repub party has been infested with Demo’s, to dilute the core of the Party.

To me, it is a call-to-arms. As Repubs, join the Demo-party and take it over as they did. Start local, and bring it to the right. My brother is running for the local slot in South San Jose, and he is getting TONS of support from idiot leftists who think he’s “one of them”….Boy are THEY going to be surprised with his first vote.

Mike: I heard that ACORN people are all over in New York and in Jersey already. Obamistas are not going to let these two elections go. Mark my words, ACORN is all over and they got fraud with them.
To the few honest Democrats left..wake up! What are you doing to yourself and America?

@URI: If you find any links about ACORN involvement in these elections, please drop them here. I’ve read some on previous threads but imagine there are more.

Nothing more pathetic than a RINO with its horn hacked off.

BTW, apparently there was a bit of an inside-hemorrhage in Dede’s own campaign.

Look at this:


I wonder if the Dems offered to help Scozzofava pay off any campaign debts she might have?

According to Sarge’s references, in th previous post, she was considering walking across the aisle long before the issue began. Saying she would like to be with a winner. She was an opportunist, who was more than happy to take Republican funds while preparing to sell them out. This is the fault of the Big Tent theory, we can ill-afford to have turncoats within the party who demoralize and drain us. They infiltrate the party for expediency at the very least and possibly to damage the party and dilute our effectiveness. These fair weather Republicans are in no way helpful to the party, their presence is more like a disease and alienates true Republicans who consider the party corrupt because of these Liberal infiltrators.

She sold out for a price. I think she qualifies as a “political whore.”

Mike’s America said: “I wonder if the Dems offered to help Scozzofava pay off any campaign debts she might have?”

Hard to say really, but it is a high probability that the “Operation Chaos” mentality that was so much fun last year is still alive and well. Yesterdays outlandish or out of the norm tactics become today’s standard practice. The Club for Growth seems to have found it’s hair growth tonic in the 23rd, and third party candidates are a welcome thing from my perspective. This is a debate Conservatives and Republicans need to have, and if they are not united as one against Liberals, I hope this happens in every election from here on out.

There is no doubt that Scozzafava has promises from the top Democratic leadership, maybe for money or maybe an offer to welcome her into their ranks, or maybe both. The Watertown Daily Times article is clear that she has been in contact with them since her decision to leave the race. Maybe this had something to do with her decision to leave; only she and the Democrats know.

“Sen. Charles E. Schumer, D-N.Y., was among those who urged Dierdre K. Scozzafava to endorse Democratic congressional candidate William L. Owens, the senator’s spokesman said Saturday.

The spokesman, Maxwell Young, said the senator called a number of north country political leaders after Ms. Scozzafava suspended her campaign and had more than one conversation with the Republican candidate ahead of her announcement. He said the senator also called other Democratic leaders about the situation, including White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.”

“A Democratic source said that Scozzafava and her husband, Ronald P. McDougall, met with U.S. Rep. Steve Israel, D-Huntington, and state Democratic Committee Chairwoman June F. O’Neill at a restaurant in Gouverneur on Saturday afternoon to discuss the endorsement.”


Her true colors having been exposed, I will not be surprised to see her switch parties in the near future. I am not sure how viable she will be running as a Republican next fall for her Assembly seat. They may have offered help for her reelection this fall in exchange for her endorsement today. Time will tell.

Now that Scozzafava has endorsed the Democrat, will Newt also endorse the Democrat?

“Dede is entitled to her own opinion, as is everyone, but I obviously disagree with her decision,” Burns told us today, a day after leaving the campaign. “I am supporting Doug Hoffman, because denying Nancy Pelosi another foot soldier is vital to restoring fiscal responsibility and common sense in Washington.”………Matt Burns (Scozzafava’s ex-campaign manager)

Has any one heard a “resonable response” from Gingrich yet? Or does it take over 24 hours to wipe that much egg off his face?

One wonders how those county GOP leaders who picked Scozzofava feel about their decision today?

They are probably convinced they were right and that this all came about because of us evil Conservative purists and that the party still needs to move left to win.

Scummyfava has always been a DemocRat.

Too bad people like Newt were too stupid to see that.

How’s that crow taste, Newt?


Why can not the Republican party make candidates sign a contract to uphold certain beliefs while campaigning and while holding office, or they must return all monies provided by the party? This would make sure that no turn coats could waste party money, like in Scozzofava’s case. All candidates would be free to switch parties, but they would not be able to steal party money under false pretenses.

I see the radical left is trying to use this as proof of how radical we are. They know it isn’t true, but they want to keep us down.

Mike: This is the site where I read about ACORN:
Also, I get a lot of info in the Sarah Palin Facebook when is available(The owner of Facebook is a Liberal Jew who supports Obama all the way)and a lot of times your comments are deleted and you are banned from her Facebook. We are being censured everywhere.

Best laugh I’ve heard today, (so far):


@URI: Thanks URI. I did not know that ACORN workers could distribute blank absentee ballots and turn them in. Whoever allowed that to happen should be prosecuted.

The Democrats had long ago infiltrated the Republican party – it is long past time to clean house.

I would like to know the so called Republicans who decided to appoint this RINO? ANyone have a list with e-mail addresses?

@Aleric: About as close as I can find to answer that would be this:


Uri Said: Also, I get a lot of info in the Sarah Palin Facebook when is available(The owner of Facebook is a Liberal Jew who supports Obama all the way)and a lot of times your comments are deleted and you are banned from her Facebook. We are being censured everywhere.

Wow, let’s see here….Liberal, strike one! Jew, (not a Jesus loving Christian like a good Conservative should be) Strike two! Supports Obama, Strike three!

I wonder if Sarah herself is censoring Jew hating comments and banning folks, since I do give her plenty enough credit to be smart enough not to let anti Semitism be associated with her personally? Isn’t it enough reason for Conservatives to bash someone because they are Liberal and support Obama, and not have to throw in the fact the person is a Jew?

the use of Acorn as a tool to spread fear and divide is just another Operation Chaos event, it may not have a big impact, but the emotional response from Conservatives is fun to watch, just like Rush had so many great laughs last Summer. Civil, orderly society used to be the hallmark of being a Conservative, but not anymore. Rush is Right! Chaos for everyone, as much as possible! it’s really fun isn’t it?

@mooseburger: sounds to me like YOU are the one attempting to stir up antisemitism and hate.

Knock it off.

If you don’t have anything substantive to say, then don’t say anything at all.

As a Jesus loving conservative, I thought maybe loving Jesus would necessarily entail loving a Jew too, since Jesus was and is JEWISH.

Mike, I simply pointed out that Uri apparently has an issue with someone being a Jew, and blames that Jewish person for censorship on Sarah Palins Facebook page. I even gave Sarah some appropriate credit regarding his claim of censorship.

I didn’t originate the topic, only responded to it, if pointing that out is stirring it, so be it.

I think I know you well enough that you don’t share Uri’s need to point out that being a Jew is something that is a bad thing…..even if being a Liberal and an Obama supporter are….This is your post Mike, are you going to defend the Jew comment, or call it out for what it is? I noticed in comment # 20 that you thanked him and let it stand after Uri’s comment # 18.

Liberal jews are big dem supporters. That is a fact. I saw no anti-semitism in Uri’s post.
You want to see hatred of Jews, got to Kos, DUNG, or puffho, mooseturd.

@mooseburger: Your goal was to stir up anti-semitism and hatred. I warned you once and won’t do so again, so knock it off or else I will delete further comments.


Last I checked, Uri was rather pro-Israel as am I. You are seeing anti-semitism where there isn’t any.

@Hard Right: You want to take a bet on how Mossyburger feels about Sarah Palin’s Christian beliefs?

Mooseburger, I am a Hispanic Jew (non orthodox) but very conservative. My comments are not anti semitic! I can also say that Owens is a White Liberal! That’s racist for you? You got issues to solve in your tormented life if these comments bother you. As far as I know we, the American people, have Freedom of Speech. If you need more info about the owner of Facebook, please look him up in the Wikipedia. Please Mooseburger, be more mature!and you can say that I am a Conservative Jew and I won’t feel offended at all.

We allow Jews here?!?!? AND A MEXICAN JEW, AT THAT!?!?!


Ban this wetback-Jesus-killer! He’s been fooling us into making us think that “Uri” was initials for “Ulysses Robert Immerhoven”, and not an actual Jewish name!

Next thing you’ll tell me is that there might be a Conservative BLACK man here. Or a woman NOT having permission from her husband to post here!

If there is, I’m outta here. I will not associate with ANYONE who isn’t White, Anglo-Saxon Protestant, land-owning father, between 30 and 60, prior military, 5’10 to 6’5″, 175 to 250 lbs. American-car driver, and owns a dog. Everyone else isn’t a true American, let alone a true Conservative.

Conservatism is reserved for no one else but us, (and Sarah, cuz she married “one of us”).

Thanks for exposing this for us Moose. You might be a Liberal, but we owe ya one now. I’ll be over here clinging to my guns until I recover.


It’s painful to watch liberals point fingers and cry “RACISTS!!!!”, when their entire history of-being, is found under the bodies of their victims.

Uri said: “Mooseburger, I am a Hispanic Jew (non orthodox) but very conservative. My comments are not anti semitic! I can also say that Owens is a White Liberal! That’s racist for you? You got issues to solve in your tormented life if these comments bother you. As far as I know we, the American people, have Freedom of Speech. If you need more info about the owner of Facebook, please look him up in the Wikipedia. Please Mooseburger, be more mature!and you can say that I am a Conservative Jew and I won’t feel offended at all.”

Thanks for the civil reply Uri, and glad you chimed in about it. What caused me to question your comment was your mention of Liberal, Obama supporter, and Jew in the context of censoring comments on Sarah’s Facebook page. The implication to me and the way I read it made it seem like these are all bad things from your perspective, and I couldn’t see how being a Jew would add more “bad” from a Conservative point of view than just being a liberal or Obama supporter would unless you had an axe to grind with Jewish folks.

In fact, I had responded in the comments Mike deleted that it may have been something just “misspoken” to just paraphrase. Mike has the right to delete anything he wants, but I do not believe in any way I was stirring up racial or ethnic hatred in questioning the comment. Mike likes to play politics, (we all do really…) and when there is safety in like minded numbers, accusing others of racial hatred for inquiring about some comments is a way to turn the argument around without even pointing out what specifically the offending statement on my part is. Politics is rarely an honorable enterprise.

So Uri, thanks for sharing a bit of your self and thought process about the Jew thing. I wouldn’t feel right about saying someone is a Conservative Limbaugh supporting Jew, but, some things said about me and by me that wouldn’t trouble me a bit might cause others to wonder and question, and I can see that is where you were coming from.

Patvann, LMAO.

Mike, I don’t do sucker bets unless I’m the one offering the bet.

Guess what folks, I’m an American of Cuban and Irish descent. I hope the no Irish rule doesn’t apply here. 😉


That took a lot of guts, considering that we do have safety in our “likemindedness”.
Hat’s off to you. I mean that.

I hereby belay and rescind my Super-Sarc…

Well I would rescind AND delete it, but evidently some easily amused (and probably drunk) “dezi-firebrush” seemed to like it…

😉 Never trust a cheese-eater.

Nope, sober. I’m a lapsed Irishman. I only eat american cheese too. 🙂

@Hard Right

“Cheese-eater” was one of the only published slurs I could find for Dutchmen like me. (Which to a perpetual smart-ass seemed rather weak). So I had the kids make up some:

Tulip-tickler, canal-cleaner, and Dike-fingering-Dutchman were the winners.

Yeah, and on top of that her husband had been in negoitations with the dems about her switching parties for weeks. Dems have no shame.

The most important issue here is to focus on our ideals. We must remain united to our principles, our country is under attack by neo-socialists!
Mike, please go to Election Journal, it has an article about the fraud that is taking place in New Jersey.
“Video – Terrified Voter says NJ Dems using Gangbangers for GOTV”
Mike, I don’t know how valid the video is and if these claims in this article can be corroborated with more evidence.

@URI: Thanks Uri.

Here’s the embed of the video you mention:

Known criminals canvassing neighborhoods with lists of addresses and phone numbers…

Well, what do you expect from Democrats!

180,000 absentee ballot requests in NJ and reports of ACORN workers “assisting” people in filling them in and collecting them.

John Fund has a piece today with more:


My concern with these elections in New York, New Jersey and Virginia is the extend of the fraud because that will determine the outcome of the elections in 2010 and the Presidential in 2012. In effect, we could have massive voting fraud nationwide just like in any Third World country.

Another concern, URI, is that they will not count the votes from our service-people overseas.

@URI: And we’ve already seen how Obama’s justice dept. won’t even prosecute some of the most egregious thug behavior directed at intimidating voters.

Remember this:

Imagine a couple of guys in white robs and hoods standing outside a public polling place in the south! Obama would be all over it.

Great job to everyone in this forum. Let’s keep up the good work.

Hopefully this is reported to the police and these goons are arrested.

@Rick from the 23rd: If you are talking about the Black Panthers wielding clubs outside a PA polling place, the Obama Admnistration refused to prosecute:


Even if they are not prosecuted they would not be there to intimidate any more voters. No matter what happens later they need to be removed now.

@Rick from the 23rd: Rick have you got any sense of how the race is going up there? Were there long lines at polling stations?