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Somebody needs to tell the blacks a little history about Democrats … Like:

Formed the KKK as the Democrats terror and intimidation wing
Lynched blacks and whites to keep them on the Democrats plantation
Wrote and enforced the Jim Crow laws.
Put Confederate flags on State Houses
And then filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights act.

I bet most blacks would be astounded at the list.

…And the 10th Amendment receives yet another insult. Where the hell is the Supreme Court?

not to mention the insult to blacks that this does – so does obama mean that the black voters don’t have the wherewithall to actually learn about the candidates and make a decision ON THEIR OWN?

Does Holder’s NC ruling mean all local government officers such as mayor, county boards, district attorneys & judges in California and many other states must now be designated with party labels in elections! More than a few voters in red areas of California and many other states will when they learn most of their local government pols are stealth democrats be voted out of office. Holder be careful for what you wish!

It is a plain fact-of American political life today that Republicans are completely dependent on the votes of Whites. Unfortunately for them that demographic is shrinking.Also white women are now voting for the Dems. Bill-tb That is what we call in politics :ancient history” Blacks are not going to vote Republican because that was Lincoln’s party 150 years ago. But I think it is so kind of conservatives to be looking out for the interests of Blacks in America, like poor wayward children that have forgotten who freed them

Hmm. John, i take it you didnt read the article. Let me sum it for you. it pretty much says that black people are too stupid to know who to vote for, and that they need to know party affiliations so that they can make the right (aka democratic) vote. Now that seems pretty damn patronizing to me.