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For a sign of how seriously the White House does or doesn’t take this opposition, one adviser told me those bloggers need to take off the pajamas, get dressed, and realize that governing a closely divided country is complicated and difficult.

A: probably because almost everywhere he turns he sees a conspiracy.

Democrats are socialist/communist/facist/marxist in training. Half of the democrat politicians already work for and are funded by the enemies of freedom, Soros, the CPUSA, anyone. Billions of dollars stolen from others is being spent to destroy the U.S., by those living within the walls. Too bad they’re power will be taken away, and most will be executed, by the same government they try so hard to force on the rest of us. Even a Facist knows who they’re enemies are and they are the traitors that pushed them into power.


A: probably because almost everywhere he turns he sees a conspiracy.

A lot of what Glenn Beck is now researching had already been exposed in many of the blogs that were promoting Hillary during the primaries. One of the Hill blogs was Chicago based that provided a wealth of sourced information. Much of what I’ve seen Beck put out I already knew about, he’s just managed to dig up more footage, testimony and transcripts. There will be more to come, wealth of information out there he hasn’t touched on yet.

Neo, I think they were paraphrasing Mark Levin, who often tells his Liberal callers to put on some clothes get out of the basement, stop mooching off their mothers and get a job. Of course getting a job now, is nearly impossible.

A lack of originality and creative thinking will plague this administration, if the Socialist haven’t tried it and failed, as they invariably do with all their programs, they aren’t interested in trying the program. Creative ideas that work, not from this bunch of dullards.

Maybe Timmy will get a good scoop from his daily long conversations with the harpies of Wall St., you say, they probably play him like a sap to know how to play the market with the latest Socialist scheme to ruin the country.

I happen to think that Glen Beck is a genius, not on Rush Limbaugh’s level but he’s getting there. His shtick is perfect for television. I never pay much attention to him because I view most of his commentary and antics in the same vein of professional wrestling… it’s a work. For those that get their panties in a knot over Glen Beck, I say let it go and ignore it. In fact, I wish I could bottle what he and Rush has and make leftist version of it…

Scraprion, They don’t see themselves as Facist, Communist or even Socialists. They see themselves as “Free Thinkers”. In fact they are so free and openminded that if they stand right in the wind you can hear the wind whistle through their heads.

James, there is a leftist version of Beck…in fact, there are at least 3 of them…Olbermann, Schultz and Matthews…the reason they don’t resonate the way Beck and Limbaugh do is that their schtick is based on lies and not fact, ergo…they suck in the ratings. Newspapers are in decline for two reasons…the internet and the fact that they slant left. If the Times was run by real journalists, they would not be losing subscribers and they would be profitable.

‘I happen to think that Glen Beck is a genius, not on Rush Limbaugh’s level but he’s getting there.’

Why do so many of you guys worship these guys that were former drug addicts??? Doesn’t it ever raise a red flag that individuals that can’t manage their own lives probably shouldn’t reign over others lives?

Former drug users like the O?

…drug addicts, not users.


i don’t worship glen beck or rush limbaugh… i’m as liberal as they come so i think what they say is idiotic. however, from a media perspective, you have to give them credit. they get their names mentioned more than a little. and what do we do on the left… we oblige them… “did you hear what rush said…he’s so hateful and mean… i’m going to blog about him”…

that to me is being a media genius. notice how no one is really talking about mark levine or michale savage. hell, michelle malkin book sold only because regenery publishing has that book club outlet where they bulk deliver the books. but rush and glen beck… they operate on a different level. even sean hannity is acting a little nervous right now regard beck’s rise.

its all contrived, bombastic… commentary and it works. again, i don’t pay attention to either one have never listened to an entire show of either… hell, i don’t see how people can stomach listening to the crap for 3 hours every day. but they do and its because those two are delivering the product in a way that listeners like and at a level that is no one in the industry can even come close to duplicating… thus… they are indeed geniuses.

Topps, I though liberals were tolerant, no? I judge people by who they are today, not who they were in the past. Calling Limbaugh a drug addict is insane. He didn’t smoke crack or shoot heroine or snort cocaine to the point of being non-functional. He was addicted to prescription pain-killers. He still functioned quite effectively and did his job better than any other radio host. Beck admits to having been an alcoholic. I don’t think alcoholics are lumped in with drug addicts as a general rule by people without a political agenda.

Just as I judge Obumble as the socialist/marxist/totalitarian narcissist that he is today, not the drug-using do-nothing poser he was yesterday.


What have i said that has bemoaned tolerance? Have I said they should be off the air, removed from the polis, isolated from the public square?

(Remember, Rush did complete an 18 month drug rehab. program — it’s not so “insane” that he was an addict.)

My point is, I think you could do much better than Beck and his momentarily short lived push-button-anti-Marxist patriotism. It’s only a matter of time i believe that you will find Beck has said something so odd, you, yourself, will question whether of not this guy is to be taken seriously.


topps is nothing more than a sock puppet for herman who is a sock puppet for john, etc. etc. etc.

Who knows who the puppet master really is?

No need to respond to him any further, since we don’t allow the use of marionettes here.

Topps, I don’t think Limbaugh did 18 months of rehab. He was only off the air for about 4 weeks, unless he did some follow up outpatient treatment that I wasn’t aware of.

Your intolerance was perceived by the fact that you write off their opinions based on the fact that they HAD problems with addiction. One to Rx drugs and one to alcohol. When one uses the term “drug addict” it invokes a vision of someone who cannot function in society and their only quest is for the next fix. Clearly, Limbaugh never reached that level. Bill Clinton is addicted to sex? Did you write him off when you discovered this or did you support him and blame the Republicans for impeaching him “for having sex”, when it was really because he lied and it was a bi-partisan effort. Do you tolerate Charlie Rangel’s tax cheating or Tim Geithner’s? Or is it okay because their liberals?

While Beck does get overly dramatic, he hasn’t missed on any of his points yet. He has Obumble’s associations and real agenda clearly identified. The Marxists are all over the White House and they’re being placedg them in the FCC and FTC…I have met a lot of people here in New York that regret their vote for The Fraudulent One. I suspect this is true across the country.

Chihuahua: I suspect it’s David Axelrod’s consulting company who has hired the sock puppets using their ill-gotten prophets from the tax payers. They’re worse than Halliburton. LOL.

Is poster child another sock of his?

Make that PROFITS, not prophets…duh!!!

@Hard Right:

No, actually, that’s a sock from a different set of feet.

@topps: Love it when folks like topps say we shouldn’t listen to recovering addicts. I guess that means topps won’t be worshipping at the altar of half the Hollywood celebrities his crowds hold up as models of left wing sanity. Not to mention the Democrats who are ELECTED officials and spend half their time in rehab.

What a shame topps can’t compete on the issues, he has to get personal and dirty… oh well, what did I expect? Reason and rationality are in short supply on the left.

Give me a recovering addict over a unrepetant sociopath (Obama) any day!

I think I tried to submit this but it didn’t go through. I am a little confused. I remember watching a CNN biographical biography about Obama. They specifically cited one of the two books he wrote during his first year in the US Senate. He admitted himself that he was a cocaine user, a pothead and a general druggie and that he quitted because he was worried that he was an addict. Sounds like a whole lot of powder was snorted to me. Who knows how it affected his brain.

All of this activity occurred while he was attending Harvard. It now kind of makes sense to me why the Obama team fought tooth and nail against Harvard releasing his transcripts and his academic record.

Just wondering. And my mom used to say “Birds of a feather flock together”. It is very curious to me that he can’t seem to find decent people who don’t have radical drug infested backgrounds to hang around with and bring aboard on his team.

I’d say Mike’s got it covered. The liberals always idolize the individual who came back from extreme adversity to recover and make it big…. at least if they are liberals or progressives, anyway. If they are conservative, they are lesser individuals – unworthy of accolades.

Nice goin’, topps. Managed to portray yourself as the intolerant partisan mole that you are. Congrats. What can we add to your performance? Nothing. You have done the damage to yourself and your party all by your lonesome. With spokesmen like you, we can merely stand back and watch you do the forked tongue dance all by yourself. For you see, unlike Beck, you are surrounded only by either extreme leftists… or those you manage to convince of Beck’s evil with your misrepresentations.

But then… be careful. They may actually listen and find you’ve got it all wrong.

On the subject of the thread – Glenn Beck. Been listening and watching him for years – long before he was on the radar like he is today. Like Lou Dobbs, Beck’s been confident enough to take his own path on his analyses. And voices that do not cowtow to ratings always interest me.

Not long before he moved to FOX, I turned quite a few others (both parties) on to him. Not one is sorry.

I’ve heard some of his informational errors, but they are small potatoes with the overall presentation that focuses on the escalated corruption and seizure of governmental power. Frankly, he’s on a roll that would never have happened until he and CNN parted company.

However what the liberal leadership and talking points masters fail to understand (which is what makes them attack some goofy, unsophisticated nerd from Utah) is that those that are finding themselves nodding in agreement with Beck cross party and racial lines. Beck’s arguments aren’t about party or race. They are about Congressional spending, family control, and individual responsibility and choice. That is an American message… not a party message.

During the primaries and election campaign, many of us saw what Obama believed, and with whom he chose to surround himself. Others felt it was just pandering to get the vote, and excused it. Now that we have some history under our belts of Obama’s “leadership”, many are awakening. His massive czar selection of those with questionable backgrounds and beliefs echos the truth to Obama’s own words…. “if you want to know what I believe…” look at those with whom he associates.

Always did… nice to know others are finally looking. Thank you for that personal invite of scrutiny, Obama.

Obama is a man who does not like America as it was founded, nor as it is today. His message has consistantly been only he – and his adoring O’faithful army – are capable of changing it to the utopian dream.

Beck’s message isn’t racist. However Obama’s message is. The nuances have always been there with the quiet affirmative action, anti-capitalism approach. However it was as black and white as it could get when Obama immediately chose to side with a black professor prior having details and facts. He saw what he chose to see, as was indoctrinated from his childhood…. the professional victim because of race, despite his privileges and opportunities. To Obama, the black man had to have been abused by the white cop. There was no other possibility.

Obama’s racism is also evident when he backs away from American support for our long standing allies (Jewish or white European in Israel, Poland etal) in order to make nice with despots and terrorists. His bitterness towards capitalism and the white western European race is on display with his constant invocation of financial class warfare.

Yet so many choose to avert their eyes. That they could have misjudged one they thought would truly elevate the nation is something they can’t accept. Pity.

You can also add Obama’s method of mob-style governing. Tell me why a White House needs to personally assail and discredit an independent study of the fiscal repercussions of the Baucus bill? This is a Congressional offering. The White House is out of line playing Chicago defense on a study of a Congressional bill… no matter who was conducting the audit.

This Executive Branch assault on conservative media, individuals and or businesses, when they disagree with policy, is Alinsky Community Organizing 101 and contemptuous coming from our elected officials (or at least the few in Obama’s admin we did elect, or were confirmed). This admin speaks of harmony while they sow the seeds of class envy discontent. It is something we have not seen from the WH before in my lifetime.

I’ve since ceased to be angry. Just in shock and stun that the individuals in the nation cling to visions and dreams of what they perceive rather than clearly seeing what is before their very eyes. I shudder to think what the blow will be that will awakens them from their dreams.

I’ve said before what bothers me second about Obama… the first being his Euro-socialist visions for America… is the fact he thinks of himself as a black man first, and an American second. His policies, behavior and responses to events reflect my opinion. And I assure you, I take no pleasure in being correct.

If the truth hurts, hurl the “racist” crap all you want, oh resident and visiting progressives. You may sleep well, thinking you won some victory with your insults and misconceptions. But it does not alter the truth. My life, my friends, my working compadres, and my acquaintances all belie these false charges. Those around me in my lifetime have been equal in my eyes… regardless of heritage and race. And that included the opportunity to excel, or prove themselves to be bitter victims, blaming others for their own shortcomings as humans.

What Obama and his community that he organized will find is the sheer volume of citizens to which they attach the “racist” label – in order to further their agenda – will result in a backlash that will difficult to surmount. Yes, Obama will be a one termer. The damage he will incur to race relations, class warfare, economic destruction, and international relations with our allies will be hard to reverse.

And unless the nation has been raised to be suckling-at-the-tit socialists, we will again revert to who we were as an infant nation. We will find new energy to honor our individual Consitutional freedoms (which do not include having single payer health insurance) while battling down the power mongrels – both parties – that inhabit the halls of Congress. For far too many of them have decided to sell out our souls for individual wealth and power.

Excellent Mata, almost missed this. Just want to add a couple of things. When Beck errs, he corrects it immediately. I can’t remember what it was, but last summer Beck exposed an Obama myth that was making the rounds, then was promptly blamed by the lefty bloggers for pushing the myth. After all the time and research he put into it, and very clearly exposed it to be false, no way to take his words in any other way, they blamed him anyway.


I think what you are referring to is Beck’s research into, and subsequent debunking of, the Interwebz rumors of FEMA internment camps.

The Left cannot be honest about things. They have to twist, lie, spin, and just plain make things up in order to gain/hold ground.

The current controversy regarding Limbaugh is a perfect example.

@Aye Chihuahua:

Yep, that’s the incident, thanks.

I think it was Gateway Pundits that had a couple of threads up yesterday about where Rush rumors originated. They tracked one of them down to “cobra” who just decided to throw it out while commenting on several blogs, then it made it’s way to Wikiquotes and ta da, rumor turned into fact. A couple of people challenged him and proved all the google hits went right back to him.

Another stellar example of why Wiki can never be trusted as a source for anything, even sky color.

Glenn is on the cover of Newsmax Magazine:

Glenn is one of the few who doesn’t sugarcoat it, or get mealy- mouthed in calling these marxists out.
Glenn, unlike some others, calls it like he sees it- he doesn’t “give others the benefit of the doubt” when they have proven that they do not deserve that doubt, indeed they have removed all doubt about their agenda.
There are those who would stick their head in the sand, these people I call Denialists- they are good people, some of whom voted for Obama, who just think if they can hunker down, they will be OK.
Glenn exposes these administration hacks for what they are, and unfortunately, the Denialists are going to get caught in the crossfire of policies, and because they have chosen to be blind, are going to end up far worse than many who have kept their eyes open.
There are at least four Amendments to our Constitution that are under attack by this administration- the First, the Second, the Fourth, and the Tenth Amendments all are intrinsic to individual freedoms, and this administration wants to squash any ideas of individuality.
Oct, 19- 26 this admin is flooding the airwaves with ads and subliminal programming insertions designed to urge citizens to serve Obama and the government.
If this isn’t Marxist to the core, I do not know what is.

You lefties kill me!! You hate those who don’t buy YOUR view….and villify those who try and explain WHY!! No win with you… You can hate a guy like Glen Beck all day long, BUT, while YOUR guy spews a bunch of stuff… with no “footnotes” (if you don’t know what that means, go look it up! Expand you mental horizons) GLEN gives you the video, date and Quotes.. etc etc, i.e. HE BACKS IT UP WITH PROOF!! Olberman?? Maher??? Hot air, smart ass lines, insults and inuendo’s…but NO FACTS!! I’ve done background checks on info because I post on some political blogs elsewhere, and the guy has got it RIGHT!! It’s out there, online, you-tube videos, whatever…. proof to his claims is there. Calls someone a Socialist/Communist?? There’s Van Jones flapping his gums SAYING it!! Guess the problem with these Socialist wanna take over America and Kill it types is ….. they CAN’T SHUT UP!! These fools are GIVING the guys at Fox etc all the AMMO they/we need!!! Thanks Bozo’s, you make the job of EXPOSING you and what you are all about SO much easier!!! Keep up the “good work”!! LOL!!! dopes…

There is honestly nothing that saddens me more (which in itself is sad) than the constant realization of Glen Beck’s influence over the population of the USA. I could understand giving him some credit if he were literally the only source of news you were aware of. To everyone else, he is a delusional zealot who is ever convinced of his righteousness. However, if you read any right-leaning publications, none extrapolate situations as far or stoop to stories so low as Glen Beck does. He simply slings mud, with no creative or intelligent input.

One of his most irritating devices is dehumanizing the subjects of his ignorant tirades usually through utterances of “these people!” or “the democrats” or “the moderates. There have been more books citing his flagrant self-righteousness in the face of tremendous stupidity, than books supporting him.

Last sunday (after thanksgiving), I was waiting in the airport terminal when I saw a young teenager reading his book. Although he seemed relatively bored with it, putting the book down every ten minutes or so, the symbolism of such an impressionable person getting ANY information from Glen Beck’s book was frightening and deeply worrisome at the same time. If GB’s motivations were in actually revealing the truth as opposed to earning attention and better ratings, I would feel much comforted by an outsider expressing his opinions.

I’m not arguing either way for left or right, I’m just astounded that someone of Beck’s attitude and intelligence is allowed to play with people like O’Reilly who at least researches his topics and argues with lucidity.

There is no doubt the world would be better off without GB

@Ian Fitzgerald: Obviously you don’t know the first thing about Glenn Beck and I doubt you have ever seen his program.

No doubt your preferred source of news is Mother Jones Magazine or some other totally whacked lefty rag.

See – thats what i’m talking about. I’m sorry I have a particular disdain for someone you like but its this type of response to criticism that makes GB exceptionally unfortunate.

First of all, I’ve never heard of the publication you mentioned. I’m not “the left”. Like his program last night, Glen Beck polarizes Americans by stating such a huge difference between Liberals and Conservatives again using the phrase “these people”. You know we’re really not that different, and if you’re going to devote your political beliefs to one person, choose a unifier not a segregator.

I am a liberterian and I just don’t understand why there’s so much animosity. I’m not saying Barak Obama is the absolute best president because he’s only been in office for a year, but at the same time, its irresponsible for GB to act like Obama is basically a terrorist with the sole agenda of enforcing his own beliefs. Conservatives act like he and his party are furnishing some grand conspiracy against the american people. What the hell? Show me a specific incident of truth on that one. Let’s not forget, Bush left the office with the highest debt of any president, not to mention starting two wars.

There’s all this talk about Marxist ideas going around the left. I now live in Utah by way of NYC and Boston. Living in some of the more liberal areas of the country (although NYC is home to the highest contributors to both parties), I have never heard any celebration of Marxist ideas.

If you’ve ever read Marx, its simply about the disassociation of workers from their work, glorifying people like farmers who have a personal relationship to their work and support their community as well by producing food. I’m sure Glen Beck wouldn’t criticize the American Farmer.

To be honest, my preferred sources of news are Forbes, Economist and the Washington Post. I like to learn about impressive businessmen and world politics as well as the inner workings of American politics. Its only Glen Beck’s program that takes such a narrow focus on the faults of the “liberals” and the proposed conspirator agenda of Barak Obama and the democrats.

Again GB prefers to polarize the American people so much so that if I voice my displeasure with GB’s program and tactics, you think i’m some rabid liberal trying to make all of you eat your compost and bike to work. If we could just discuss our differences and unite under the common goal of the benefit of the American People.

Do you just want to hate another side? or are you willing to accept that you’re being manipulated so that people keep watching GB’s show. Fox News has a higher responsibility for this as well, as they feature many commercials explaining how mudslingers are “standing firm” against the rising tide of liberalism. Why can’t people see that its soooo much easier to criticize something as fallible as a government of 300 Million people, as opposed to making it better. Is someone a hero cause he can say how bad something is? NO the man who builds a better country than he was born into is the Hero. GB is not that man. Glen Beck is the opposite of that man.

Please consider my thoughts and if you have any questions I will gladly point you towards articles by prominent men of both parties who consider Glen Beck an extremist.

@Ian Fitzgerald:

Your posts are long on invective, insult, and polemic while being pathetically short on anything concrete or worthwhile.

Care to challenge Mr. Beck on the facts?


I didn’t think so.

Ian, you say that you are libertarian, and so is Beck, but I fail to see in any of your comments, that you would be in favor of SMALLER government, and LESS curtailment of our liberties, which is what GB is for- following the Constitution, and not doing an end- run around its intent with bogus regulations, as is now being done with the EPA- since Cap & Rob is not going to be passed- and if they cannot get HealthScare passed, they will use regulations to do the same thing- restrict our freedoms, and tax us into oblivion.
There are AT LEAST four of our Amendments that are under siege by this administration- the first, the second, the fourth, and of course, the tenth- all very ESSENTIAL components to our liberty.
Everyone seems to want to give Obama a break, because of the color of his skin, but that would be an “affirmative action” racist gesture.
As someone who listened VERY CAREFULLY to all of his speeches, I can say without a doubt that he does indeed want to change America into a socialist country, where our standard of living has to necessarily drop, in order to match the standards of the rest of the world, instead of showing the rest of the world how to rise to ours.
You rail against GB, but as has been pointed out above, you must never have watched him- he has asked, no- begged the White House to correct him if he is wrong on the facts, but other than saying that “technically” Van Jones was not a Czar, they haven’t the facts, or the guts to contradict him, therefore the smears.
You might not like him personally, that’s OK- I absolutely LOATHE and detest the Resident, Barry Soetoro, but that’s just me- and about 150- 175 million other people.
The man’s policies suck like a wind tunnel, Ian- and if you were truly libertarian, you would understand this.

I also have a problem with your description of Beck as someone who just tears people down- if someone warns you that you are about to drive your car into a brick wall just a naysayer, or is he someone who was, in truth, a person who had the humanity and compassion to warn you of impending danger? I submit that GB is the latter- now, yes- he is a showman- something he readily admits, but in his facts, I have not found him out in a lie yet- and despite what you say, he is not partisan, as he was railing against Bush as well.
What he wants is smaller, more responsible government, one that adheres to the laws set forth in the Constitution, and a free market, unhampered by restrictive and onerous tax laws.
If you are libertarian, how could you not be for that?

You have disdain for a recovering alcoholic and a man that sought relief through pain medication. Now I’m not saying that alcoholism and prescription drug abuse are virtues that should be emulated but you seem to overlook, in your desire to worship at the alter of the messiah Obama, the fact that Obama is an admitted cocaine and marijuana abuser. Cocaine addiction has a recovery rate of less than 2% and Obama weilds power on a magnitude of which Beck and Rush could only dream.

Is that just bad breath or are you talking outta your arse?

Okay there are a few responses here:

Aye Chihuahua: you deserve no thoughtful response because you made zero points and don’t understand the difference between an adjective and a noun (not like the sentence would make sense if that were corrected).

Donald Bly: I have no idea what you’re talking about. Bush used lots of cocaine at yale, clinton smoked weed before he took office. Rush went to rehab for an addiction to pain pills? What’s your point? People do drugs.

As for both of your insinuations on facts and my lack of attention to his show: The last two days he’s been talking non-stop about this convicted felon in the White House. First of all, I don’t care and neither should you. Second of all, this guy was not the architect of the Health Care bill and its just stupid and irresponsible to claim that he was. This is the sort of manipulation GB is famous for. Also, Don’t be fooled by GB DARING THE WHITE HOUSE TO CALL and correct him. They would never do it, even if GB claimed he slept with Michelle. Regardless of how they are actually affected by GB, they will never dignify him or any other political show (on either side) by correcting facts. This is not a new strategy. Its just a way for him to sound more like he’s not lying. He also said many times since the felon story “dropped”, how no other media outlet is picking up the story. WHY COULD THAT BE?! Do you really think that other shows and papers are ignoring it for any reason other than the fact that he’s either lying or they don’t care?
Please, watch some papa bear. Bill O’Reilly is a breath of LOGICAL fresh air.
If you really think that Glenn Beck doesn’t mis-represent the truth or lie on a regular basis, just Google all the reports on his mistruthes. I’ll even give you a head start. This link was found in 3 seconds of searching:

Blake I thank you for your response. You bring up a few good points. I hope, by contrast, you can see the difference in your response compared to your peers. (One of my largest pet peeves are people arguing my position poorly)
To answer your post: I am a libertarian in an ideal world. I wish we had no big government, I would fully support gun rights for those to protect themselves and their property, I would make it so that no immoral practices were sponsored by the government. We are, however, not in an ideal world. And if we reverted to a system of Libertarian values, gun-clad gangs would likely start up just like the feudal systems of mideval Europe. Once we’ve moved away from the ideal we have to accept the rest of life’s realities. First in my mind, a growth of the poor and the lessening of the middle class leads to a bad economy – proven. We need to stimulate Jobs and allow for businesses to stay in business.

At first, I was extremely upset by the enormous loans to the car industry and AIG (especially the crooks at AIG), however, I see now that the loans made to the car companies will reap more than five times the loaned amount in the next 30 years. That means that the government, like any bank does, will be profiting severely off of the sustained auto industry. One the one hand, I completely agree that the decision to give away that money is hardly anybody’s call, as it is from the work and sweat of hundreds of millions of americans. As long as the auto industry stays alive in America, we will retain one of our largest export industries as well as provide jobs for hundreds of thousands of people. Even Bill O’reilly points out the benefit there despite the betrayal of the American’s tax dollars by that payment.

Blake, as you say, GB is a bit of a showman and readily admits to it. It is on this point that I feel most strongly. You’re right, in the end, this sort of thing should be entertaining because without a sense of humor, American politics will make you blow your brains out. However, just like John Stewart, there is an ultimate responsibility levied upon a tv host when it happens that his views become extremely influential on his audience. When millions of college kids only watched John Stewart for their political information, he was doing a disservice to America because he made everyone look stupid and ridiculous. Every politician is still a regular man or woman easily susceptible to being wrong from time to time. The only support the Daily Show gives to republicans is on the interview segment. Likewise, I never see any support of anyone on the Glenn Beck show, except for people he believes are standing firm against some conspiracy or tide of hyper liberal views ( again, seriously like .001 percent of the population even knows what Carl Marx wrote about).

Even his book, “Aruguing with Idiots”. I mean that says it all right there: he doesn’t respect anyone (IN PUBLICLY ELECTED OFFICES!!!!!) and neither should you. Thats just crap. In this case, its put up or shut up. Have GB run for office, see how he does with the average voter.

I just think that, even if he is an entertainer to some extent, he should allow other possibilities. Are we to believe that GB has all the answers while everyone else is trying to figure it out? Seriously, watch Bill O’Reilly. Watch how he explains his argument point by point. O’Reilly said several times last night how Obama’s first month in office saw over 100,000 jobs lost, whereas his last month has seen only 11,000. Clearly something is going right there. Why the **** is GB talking about some felon in the White House when the affect of employment on Americans is so tremendously greater.

I work for a company that was recently considering paying a radio host (yes Glenn Beck) to run an add for us. He literally costs $200 per add and he’ll offer to talk a bit about the add and say how much he likes our product. There is verification process by him, however, its not like he goes out and finds these companies, they pay him. And if you doubt me, listen to his radio show. Like all other DJ’s he’ll throw in a personal add for a product that he is being paid to talk about. My only point here is that GB is a whore for attention and money. Everybody in our White House and in the last administration took a job in which they would make staggeringly less than in the Private sector (accept when you give your company a government contract (Cheney)). Obama took office at one of the worst points of American History. I give him no credit for his skin color. I give America ample credit for being able to look past it.

Anyway, I’m sorry this is such a long post and that I will take up so much of your time in reading it, but this is what its all about. Debate. How can one person have all the right ideas? Its all about forming a collective of the best ideas out there. And any president or politician or man in this country that isn’t seeking the best possible solutions, isn’t doing their job.

@Ian Fitzgerald:

Reading your posts I cannot escape the conclusion that, based upon your ill informed bashing of Beck, and your tone of condescension and all-knowingness in doing so, that yes, we really ARE that different.

I have listened to, debated with, and tried to reason with people like you that, regardless of whether you read Forbes and Economist or Rolling Stone and Time, just can’t differentiate facts from what is shoved down your throat by the alleged news media and the Hollywood leftist entertainment cabal.

You aren’t right, and for you to even momentarily pretend that a libertarian could even remotely find anything Obamao has done or proposed to be other than pure statist totalitarianism only shows your glaring bias.

Tell us again how much Bush sucked, dude. Its what you’re good at.

@Ian Fitzgerald: Thanks Ian. Each of your responses continues to affirm the subject of this post:

Q: Why Does the Left Hate Glenn Beck?

A: For the same reason they hate Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and Sarah Palin… They are all effective at getting out the truth to the widest audience!

And as for your claim to be familiar with Beck’s program, it wasn’t clear to me whether you actually WATCH the program or merely read the digest prepared by Media Matters.

How many hours of Beck’s programs have you PERSONALLY viewed?

@Ian Fitzgerald:

As for both of your insinuations on facts and my lack of attention to his show: The last two days he’s been talking non-stop about this convicted felon in the White House. First of all, I don’t care and neither should you. Second of all, this guy was not the architect of the Health Care bill and its just stupid and irresponsible to claim that he was.

You might want to actually read the book, listen to Creamer’s words, and consult your pal David Axelrod for the truth of the matter before you run yourself too far out on that limb.

The last two days he’s been talking non-stop about this convicted felon in the White House. First of all, I don’t care and neither should you.

We shouldn’t care that convicted felons are allowed access to the White House and allowed in proximity to the President?

We shouldn’t care that the book that this convicted felon wrote while in prison is now being used to restructure 1/5 of the American economy?

The guy was convicted of fraud….yet we shouldn’t care?


At first, I was extremely upset by the enormous loans to the car industry and AIG (especially the crooks at AIG), however, I see now that the loans made to the car companies will reap more than five times the loaned amount in the next 30 years. That means that the government, like any bank does, will be profiting severely off of the sustained auto industry.

Really? Really?

Sect’y Geithner needs to hear from you right away cuz somebody is about to testify before Congress:

Washington — The Obama administration will tell Congress Wednesday that it expects to lose about $30 billion of the $82 billion government bailout of the auto industry.

Gene Sperling, senior counsel to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, confirmed in an interview late today that the administration’s forecast is that it will lose $30 billion on its auto investments

Umm…..what was your point again?

you…don’t understand the difference between an adjective and a noun

Hmmm…it seems that you need to brush up on your knowledge of the English language. Just add that to the list of things you are lacking wisdom in.

This invalid, inaccurate criticism is especially amusing coming from a fellow who doesn’t have a command of basic spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.


@Aye Chihuahua: I think we should thank Ian for encouraging us to watch Glenn Beck’s program more often. It’s clear that Beck is on to something.

Nice rebuttal! didn’t think you had it in you. The point your missing here is that when you have two sides unfortunately bound by party lines (although especially the health care issue no so much) these two sides state facts that are opposite one another. Maybe one of them is lying, maybe the subtext justifies an alternative view point. Politics are riddled with this behavior.

Ultimately I don’t care if you see me as a snarling liberal or what. And I will admit, as an avid hater of GB, I most certainly do not have as much information on his “facts” or show as you guys. Now I have probably seen maybe 7 whole shows. My issue with him is not his beliefs, and its not his arrogance. Its simply that he takes situations and facts and distorts them to his ends.

You may disagree, however I’m confident I could spend some time coming up with several examples of GB’s errors (as any tv host would have), but its honestly not worth my time. I didn’t start posting on this site to prove anybody wrong. I was hoping to appeal to a higher reason.

When masses of people get into their head that a hugely socialist bill was created by a felon while in prison and that the president fully supports this felon and his writings so much so that he would base a bill around it; thats a bad situation.

You get upset when the president wants to spend billions on a bill that provides an option for every legal resident of our country to receive health care (which is less of a burden on our economy than most think because it reduces huge debts incurred by ineligible persons inevitable medical expenses). Thats fine, I understand that your pissed because the government is spending your money in a way that you find outrageous.

Lets tear the band-aid off, I do not hate President Bush, but i disagreed strongly with many of his policies. I, for example, hated that his administration spent so much on our war in Iraq. Beyond feeling deceived by the information provided (i know CIA), I couldnt’ believe that we spent so much money and life on the war in Iraq. I don’t care about any other reasons for going there, i’m not going to assume anything. I’m just saying I would have preferred the money i give to the government to not be used on war.

See you’ve kinda pinned me into supporting Obama on this. I support him because he took charge of a very very tough situation that all started in the previous administration. I respect people that take responsibility.

I am, however, of the mind that nobody is doing their job as best as they possibly could. We have an amazing nation with fantastic resources and we should be ahead of the world because of our business practices and technological ability. We are not however. We have back slid below our standard and should fight hard to regain our place as the solely predominant nation in this world. That means questioning ideas. However, (as per my initiation to this post) people like Glenn Beck don’t build anything. They don’t make the world a better place, they just point out all the flaws in it. Its the same with Stewart and a handful of these people who’s jobs it is to have a new topic every day. Imagine if one of these spin hosts spent a month solving the problem of the health care bill. What if this host got every expert they could find to come up and build upon an idea of the perfect bill until they have a refined, sophisticated idea. They would lose ratings all over the place from day 4 to day 29 but they would actually be doing a service to this country by utilizing their fame and ability.

Instead, not one can be credited with this sort of action. I just happen to dislike GB the most. Cause, he looks like a ****ing moron when he speaks and you all believe everything he says. You should line up behind a dignified individual who doesn’t care about selling himself or his network. This person should only care about advancing our nation like we all want.

Unfortunately that man or woman will never be on tv because people support entertainers like GB.

Trust me, I understand your frustration. I’m not trying to belittle you or tell you that your frustrations don’t matter

Wow!! You don’t like ol Glenn do you??? Well, I’ll tell you why I like him, it’s because like most all the “Evil Conservative types” be it Rush, Beck, Hannity, O’Reilly or whoever….As diverse as each one is in his show and methods…They all have one thing in common… they all Support the Constitution and want this country run LEGALLY and by the rulebook (Constitution)…. something some on the right, and almost ALL on the left don’t care to or WANT to do!!! The healthcare bill…. Unconstitutional… Stimulus spending… ain’t in there…. Corporate buyouts and control… uh uh…so tell me again why Obama is so great, and those wanting to follow the rules are so bad??? You don’t like the money Bush spent on Iraq.. well I’m not thrilled either. But the solution isn’t to try to ONE UP BUSH by spending like Obama has either!!! Funny thing is… all those guys you “don’t like” have all Called out Bush and REpubs for thier screw ups as well…. too bad you never watch enough to SEE IT ALL…. and the fact Beck points out all the “Chicago Thugs” Obama keeps appointing….the checkered, crooked, Illegal and ANTI -AMERICAN past of many of his “advisors and Czars”… Show me WHERE HE IS LYING?? Liberals flap their gums and believe because, well because they “believe”… at least the guys you hate have PROOF!!! Video tape, Congressional records…Criminal records… etc etc…. This country is screwed up BECAUSE of all the “cheating on the rules”…. Both parties have dirty hands….but the DEMOCRATS keep wanting to elevate it to an ART FORM!! Sorry if the TRUTH hurts…..

Ian is a totally gay lefty…hes so lefty hes left-handed i bet…and he probably wears pink clothes, like a pinko commie. If you dont like glenn beck get out of america, and go to timbuktoo or germany where you commies can have some gay orgy.

George Bush wasn’t threatened by the left. Obama is threatened by anyone and anything that is outside of his personal agenda. All of his blind followers lining up behind him still amazes me. His body language, his ‘budeep budeep’ stammering when he gets called on his b.s., as if he expects that everyone should believe all that he has to say.

God Bless Glen Beck! He has much work to do, but he’s doing it!

I initially found the link to this piece of commentary while seeking some sort of insight into why so many on the political right find inspiration in Glenn Beck and why so many on the left, frankly, completely ignore him. Thankfully, I may have found my answer.

First, I’m not surprised to find that the perpetual (misguided) confusion some people have between fascism and socialism/Communism is alive and well on this board. According to Merriam-Webster (that’s a dictionary, for those of you who might need the clarification), fascism is a political [philosophy] that “exalts nation and often race above the individual.” Barack Obama, the most prominent black politician in American history, is definitely not the first name that comes to mind when I envision an explicitly racist political philosophy. Fascism was also traditionally defined by virulent opposition to (surprise!) socialism and Marxism. The Nazi party of Germany found an ideological home alongside Mussolini’s fascists in Italy; neither dictator was known for their close friendship with the Communists in Soviet Russia. In other words, please remember that “fascism” and “socialism” should not be used interchangeably.

I am not calling Glenn Beck a fascist. Good ol’ also points out that fascists believe in severe “economic regulation”, which certainly doesn’t sound like Glenn’s viewpoint. Furthermore, fascist philosophy took a good deal of time and intellectual effort to develop, which is probably why an entire nation fell for it. Glenn Beck’s rhetorical technique involves talking over and attempting to marginalize viewpoints that don’t closely match his own. This kind of response is more akin to that of an angry child blocking his ears and shouting “lalalalala!” than that of a political commentator/journalist with a nationwide audience.

Furthermore, many of you posters are adopting the same technique as your idol. Ian’s posts were intended to constructively engage the rest of you in a discussion, not to piss you off. Instead, you picked up on the fact that he hails from NYC and chose to interpret something that academics call “debate” as a personal affront from some city elitist.

In conclusion, I know full well I’m not going to convert anyone here with a moderate discussion, as Ian has obviously failed despite making some very reasonable points. So instead, I’m just going to point out that all the rage that you and the likes of Glenn Beck have stored up inside really has no point whatsoever. So as you beat your wives in front of the cookstove in your trailer’s kitchen, just keep in mind that America’s class structure has made you second-class citizens. You, and your descendants, will ALWAYS be working crap jobs for some liberal elitist with an Ivy League MBA who votes Democrat and funds political activity. Liberal bias? Yes, but at least I can admit my prejudices.

How’s that for a reasoned discussion?

One more thing: I did not vote for Bush, and I disapproved of his Presidency, but I had the grace to give him credit where credit was due (No Child Left Behind, AIDS funding, development aid to many poor countries, etc.). Why can’t Glenn Beck concede that Obama has “good points”? From the news wire today: Newt Gingrich praised Obama’s Nobel acceptance speech and took the viewpoint that the decision to reinforce troop levels in Afghanistan was “very courageous.” (Do you guys still like Newt? I’m a bit behind the times in conservative fads.)

Also, a word of advice to Zippy the Werewolf (really stupid name, by the way): God, like the tooth fairy and Santa Claus and so many other wonderful things, is a figment of your imagination, so start planning your retirement accordingly.

@Brent: asks: “How’s that for a reasoned discussion? “

That’s what you call reasoned?

There was nothing “constructive” about Ian’s “engagement” and there is nothing “reasoned” about your discussion.

But a question before you leave: How often do you visit Media Matters?

@Brent said: “One more thing: I did not vote for Bush, and I disapproved of his Presidency”

Oh what a shock!

No wonder your “reasoned” discussion is a pile of crap.