The Supreme Leader…Er, President Obama Will Address Our Kids On Sept 8th


We have known for many many years that the left has infiltrated our schools, especially at the university level, and have made life difficult for kids…or for that matter teachers…who have a conservative bent. But this is just creepy. It’s a letter from the Secretary of Education Arne Duncan letting our K6 and under kids know that Obama will be speaking to them on September 8th:

The President will challenge students to work hard, set educational goals, and take responsibility for their learning. He will also call for a shared responsibility and commitment on the part of students, parents and educators to ensure that every child in every school receives the best education possible so they can compete in the global economy for good jobs and live rewarding and productive lives as American citizens.

Millions of kids will be stopping their day to sit down and listen to this speech.

Now that, in itself, is not THAT creepy, well kinda…but this is:

Things get downright disconcerting when one eyeballs the federally approved lesson plans that the Department of Education has cooked up to support the president’s speech. The preK-6 lesson plans, which were developed with federal funds, devised on taxpayer time, and made available on the Department of Education’s website, exhort teachers to extend the impact of the president’s speech by having students “write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president.” This clumsy bit of cheerleading shows no awareness that ”help[ing] the president” might be construed as an invitation to engage in advocacy rather than instruction or that it might worry those who are not Obama partisans. What’s truly remarkable, however, given recent concerns about intrusive federal government this past month, is the lesson plan’s directive that “these [letters] would be collected and redistributed at an appropriate later date by the teacher to make students accountable to their goals.”

It all sounds a touch Orwellian, no? “Redistributed” to whom? “Accountable” to whom? Accountable for which “goals” exactly—the ones that involve “helping the president”? I’m sure the intentions behind all of this were decent enough, and that this whole effort was intended as a pep talk dressed up with innocuous materials. The lesson plans were likely drawn up by a couple of low-level staffers and slapped up on the department website without a careful look. But this all points to some of the perils posed by the growing presidential inclination to serve as superintendent-in-chief, and it highlights the kind of hubris that has fueled concerns about the implications of the federal government’s growing reach.

While the liberals will tell us that the President is just trying to motivate the kids to do good but the thing is the President should not, ever, address our kids and extol them to help him achieve is Socialist goals. Imagine if Bush had tried this….just imagine the outcry that would emanate from the left.

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Any parents worth their salt should have a case of 24-hour “flu” at their house on Sept. 8 and keep their kids home.


My children won’t be participating.

We are going fishing instead.


I commented on FR that this would be a perfect day to take your school-age kids to play golf. In the excuse-for-absence letter to the principal, just let him know that your son/daughter needed work on their short game.

How do you know he will be extolling ” them to help him achieve is Socialist goals.”? Is there an advanced copy of the speech that only you have and know about that the rest of us don’t? Or is your rhetoric merely hyperbolic paranoia? You know, the standard right wing fare?

I’m glad the president is trying to make a positive difference in the lives of young children. Would you rather send a Repubican politician in his stead? Your beloved “conservative” Mark Sanford? Or maybe John Ensign? Nice role models.

If the president comes out and tells the kids to support his healthcare plan, then yes, I will call foul. Until then, perhaps you should call a doctor and load up on some meds…

Wow im in 8th grade and this is just rediculous. I mean making my little brother listen to Obama’s speech in the middle of his school day then making him write a letter about how to help the pres. is unbelivible.I am disgusted.

@Samiel #5:

Or is your rhetoric merely hyperbolic paranoia?

Could the rhetoric be mistaken? Sure. It could just be an honest attempt at being presidential than partisan.

But “hyperbolic paranoia”? I don’t think so. Or have you seen no evidence from past behavior that lends credence to concern?

You know, the standard right wing fare?

Because the left-wing fare has never engaged in hyperbolic paranoia during the last 8 years in regards to Bush era policies…

I’m glad the president is trying to make a positive difference in the lives of young children.

Define “positive difference”.

Would you rather send a Repubican politician in his stead? Your beloved “conservative” Mark Sanford? Or maybe John Ensign? Nice role models.

Asinine comment.

Might as well bring up Democrat presidential candidate John Edwards or William Jefferson as an epitome of moral behavior and unblemished virtue; and you have plenty more in the Democrat closet, there when it comes to “ethical” behavior.

You guys have lost all bearing on reality.


This is OVER-reach in the extreme. As disgusting as this is, I’m thinking this is Our Dear Leader’s ” gays in the military” moment that will cement any remaining wiggle-room that independents are holding for him.

Americans, by vast majorities, deplore Federal Government intervention/control of schools. This idea is a stark example of how tone deaf this administration is with a large number of the public.

You will find a very low number of republicans and an even lower number of conservatives that would EVER defend a closed circuit address to school kids with helpful Federal lesson plans.

Watch our dear leader’s poll numbers dump even further as this gets attention AND watch the upcoming ham-handed walk-back and “opt-outs” that will follow as the alarm bells wail in Washington.

I’ll posit that in much of the fly-over part of the US except for the large democratically friendly large cities with lefty leaning school districts, that Sept 8th will be a kids stay home day…. en mass.


Samiel, Ex-Ohio congressman Traficant freed from prison.

ROCHESTER, Minn. – Former Ohio Rep. James Traficant walked out of a Minnesota prison Wednesday morning after serving a seven-year sentence for bribery and racketeering.

Dan Rostenkowski is available as well.

Rostenkowski’s political career ended in 1994 after a two year investigation by the Justice Department. In a case led by future U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, Rostenkowski was indicted on corruption charges for his role in the House post office scandal. He was forced to step down from all Congressional leadership positions. In elections later that year, Rostenkowski lost his seat and retired from political life. Charges against Rostenkowski included keeping “ghost” employees on his payroll, using Congressional funds to buy gifts such as chairs and ashtrays for friends, and trading in officially purchased stamps for cash at the House post office.[3] While the stamps-for-cash allegation received the most media coverage, those charges were dismissed on the recommendation of the prosecutor.[4] In 1996, he pleaded guilty to reduced charges of mail fraud. He was fined and was sentenced to 17 months in prison, of which he served 15. Rostenkowski was pardoned in December 2000 by President Clinton.

Or maybe Tax Cheat Charlie Rangel or William “Cold Cash” Jefferson,
Former Democratic Congressman William Jefferson was found guilty of 11 of 16 corruption charges today by a federal jury.

The jury of eight women and four men returned a guilty verdict following five days of deliberation.

In the 16-count indictment, Jefferson was charged with soliciting bribes and other crimes for a series of schemes in which he helped American businesses broker deals in West African in exchange for payments or financial considerations to companies controlled by members of his family, including his brother Mose, his wife, Andrea, their five daughters and a son-in-law.

Jefferson, who represented the New Orleans-based 2nd Congressional District for nine terms, will now face sentencing by Judge T.S. Ellis III, who earlier meted out stiff sentences for lesser figures in the case. According to the U.S. attorney’s office, Jefferson faced 235 years in prison if convicted on all counts, and will still face substantial prison time.

The verdict comes four years after the Aug. 3, 2005 raids of Jefferson’s homes in New Orleans and Washington, D.C., in which the FBI found $90,000 in cash hidden in the freezer of his D.C. home, money the government said Jefferson was going to deliver as a bribe to Atiku Abubakar, then vice president of Nigeria, to gain his help with a telecommunications deal in Nigeria being pursued by Lori Mody, a Northern Virginia businesswoman.

The money was the lion’s share of $100,000 in FBI cash that the congressman was videotaped receiving packed in a briefcase days earlier in a suburban Virginia parking lot from Mody, who, beginning in March of 2005, had become a cooperating witness for the FBI, secretly taping her conversations with Jefferson.

The jury did not find him guilty on the Foreign Corruptions Practices Act, which was the count linked to the money in the freezer.

All Fine Upstanding Democrat Role Models… and available for public speaking engagements…

There are more Fine Examples so get off Your High Horse Bud!

i already told my kids school that i would not allow them to watch it or take part in any dicussion of it. i told them i refused to have my kids be storm troopers for a socialist dictator. they cocked their heads sideways and said “what”. i repeated myself and they told me to have my kids come into the office while that is all going on. the office wasn’t even sure that they were planning on showing it in the classrooms. i read the packet that they had online and it sounds like they are trying to build a curricullum around the whole speech. the question should not be ehat my children can do for him, but what is he gonna do to fix the mess he has created.

Is it coincidental that Tuesday, September 8th, 2009 has been declared Protest Against Barrack Obama Day. Across America, school age youth and college age youth will be encouraged to stay home and help their parents formulate ideas on how to oust Barrack Obama so that America can thrive again; so that Freedom and Free Enterprise can again lead America to days of prosperity without the need for dangerous communism, socialism, or fascism.

Events encouraged on this day will be parties for our youth that include reading the Constitution of the United States, games that challenge our youth on subjects such as American History, our Founding Fathers, Justice, Freedom, and the Bill of Rights.

What a coincidence.

NFW!!!! If the schools are going to promote this propaganda, then they should also require reading of “Culture of Corruption” and/or “Commonsense”.

AdrianS – sounds like a better idea for our students! Thanks!

How about having Van Jones, Special Advisor for Green Jobs, the White House Council on Environmental Quality address the kids?

“Obama’s Green Jobs Czar Van Jones: Republicans Are “A**holes”

This is another fine Socialist Role Model hand picked by Obama.

(Catch the video)

I’m sure that’s just what the Doctor ordered. A Czar, not vetted by the Senate, answers to no taxpayers or voters just Obama. My child is raised and off to USAFA and this asshat would offend her in a public setting and earn a thrashing from most parents in my neck of the woods.

How can I help the Pretender in Chief? Vote out his Majority in the next election and send his Merry Band to the unemployment line in 2012 with no more Czars or other rude Idiots wielding power that were not elected or vetted by the Senate.

This is a precursor to the Obama civil service army..Remember the phrase “Service Learning”, this is what Barack wants to move towards. While taking a look at the 13 teachers that have been selected as Teaching Ambassador Fellows, a majority are social justice teaching centric and service learning teachers.

Remarks by the President at Signing of the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Because we must prepare our young Americans to grow into active citizens, this bill makes new investments in service learning. And we’ve increased the AmeriCorps education award and linked it to Pell Grant award levels, another step toward our goal of ensuring that every American receives an affordable college education

Eyler & Giles, Where’s the Learning in Service-Learning?, 1999

Authentic service-learning experiences, while almost endlessly diverse, have some common characteristics:
They involve cooperative rather than competitive experiences and thus promote skills associated with teamwork and community involvement and citizenship
They offer opportunities to engage in problem-solving by requiring participants to gain knowledge of the specific context of their service-learning activity and community challenges, rather than only to draw upon generalized or abstract knowledge such as might come from a textbook.
There are no “right answers” in the back of the book
service-learning is more likely to be personally meaningful to participants and to generate emotional consequences, to challenge values as well as ideas, and hence to support social, emotional and cognitive learning and development

Hey everybody, all you kids out there, get an affirmative action gift to Harvard, just like me. Don’t study or publish your lousy grades, and become President! It’s easy.

I’m so smart. Just ask me or Fit Fit.

P. Obama

Service learning? Smells more like Hitler Youth or Stalin’s Young Pioneers to me. The Job Corps was beneficial.
Americorps may have been.

Find Social or Economic Justice in the Constitution or how this is funded when Social Security is broke, Medicare is broke. The American Tax Payer does not want more unfunded Social Experiments, reflected by Obama’s current Poll numbers.

Returning Veterans wanting College did not receive their New GI Bill payments yet and the VA has better that 903,000 Claims backlogged with processing taking more than 180 days for review.

Lets keep the promises already made and knock off the Social/Political experiments that America cannot afford and does not want.

I vaguely remember an old Star Trek episode along this line,I don’t recall the exact plot but I do remember by time the Enterprise got to the planet all the parents were dead and some freaky kids were running the show.

This is yet another time I am so grateful for everyone at FA for bringing this to our attention!

The timing’s great, isn’t it? Release this information on a Saturday. Give the schools about a week (over a holiday weekend, no less) to put together some kind of notification and get it out to the parents. I realize that a motivational speech about education (who is THIS fooling) is well-timed for the first day of school but it also means most parents won’t have a clue and will be denied their right to consent or decline the ‘education’ our kids will be receiving.

Fortunately, our kids attend school on an Army post and I highly doubt that our school will be participating. Our secretary hadn’t heard anything about it when I called the school today. But this is just the kind of thing my alma mater would pee itself over and not even bother to TRY to notify parents.

Maybe I’m just being paranoid, but this just reeks of the kind of underhanded policies so typical of our current administration.

Here’s a fun experiment though. If your school WILL be participating and you will be keeping your kids at home, I would LOVE to read the notes you send in to excuse their absences. Can we post them here?

I almost wish our school would participate just to hear what a bunch of DoD parents have to say on the matter.

Thanks so much for the heads up, FA!

When we called our schools at 8:00 this morning they did not even know what we were asking about. By 3:00 pm they had had a “big meeting” and basically determined that participation in the viewing of the Obamindocrinaton would be voluntary. Typical of this administration to leave all the school districts and school administrators out of the loop while they decided what would be on the curriculum for the beginning of the school year. They are seriously overstepping themselves here, and I suspect that this stunt will backfire on them. (Read Powerline posts on how lame this comes across to the typical high school student) Though keeping our kids away from school that day may be an option, I am thinking of arming my son with a copy of the Presidents Oath of Office, a copy of the Constitution, and instructions to ask the following question: Who has greater authority, the President or the Constitution?

As parents, we need to keep a tight leash on the folks who run the education boards in our communities. If possible, run for election on the board. We are losing an entire generation of children who are being taught nothing worthwhile but are being indoctrinated by the education establishment. Do not send your children to school to hear this despicable piece of agitprop. We are slowly losing our rights as citizens and our children are being taught that this is a good thing because its for the collective good. We need articulate, Bright and critical thinkers to leave the country too. I fear for the nation and the children if this level of brainwashing continues.

It must be great to be a leftist like Unfit. That way when you an utter a hypocritical and blindly projected accussation of staggering proportions you have no idea how much you just embarrassed yourself.

Unfit, thanks to your post my irony meter has gone into China syndrome mode and is on it’s way there now.

@ScottJ: Good idea about sending your child out with the Constitution. If parent’s are allowed to observe classes, they may wish to do so on that day instead of keep their kids home. And that way they can document what happens and if any teachers are actively politicizing this event.

We also need to start sending out more kids with small recording devices to catch these lib teachers as they indoctrinate students.

I don’t have children myself—but I think all I’d want the President to do for them is to keep our country safe and sovereign: as in, a place where they can grow up as free citizens. 20 minutes of time would be better taken up with learning something about the Constitution, or the Declaration of Independence, anything! But that would not feed the ego of our President, would it?

@ Fit fit
Funny, that’s the way I felt the last 8 years about you guys.

You really don’t want to start debating an argument by throwing around Rep names…the less-than-perfect list on the left is long and distinguished and growing.

Apparently enough of us called to voice dissent about the “program” that was structured, posters, pre-talks/post-talks, letter writing, year-long curriculum, etc so that a portion of the planned program has been edited —

…still trying to erradicate planned inclusion into the school year cirriculum…yes, and if you doubt this, research/read the “program” yourself!

I think that it would be fabulous for ANY POTUS (regardless of party) to simply welcome everyone back to school, encourage school age children to work hard, stay in school, and achieve for their future — period.

…but THIS “program” as it is called — crosses the line into propaganda.

I posted in a previous article about my neighborhood association meeting tonight — very upset parents…about the content of “the program” and counted 17 households (in my neighborhood alone) will be pulling their kids out that day. (This block of parents was represented by one who called the local school–requesting to be present in their childrens’ classrooms before, during, and after BO and were refused)

That’s a problem…who is the parent in 2009! The Mother/Father or the State?

@pixiemom24 – All neighborhood parents are planning on giving the exact same excuse- so no one child is subject to the school’s adults misplaced criticism (as we all know sometimes occurs)…still in the planning stages…Blue Flu was mentioned…

I’m glad the president is trying to make a positive difference in the lives of young children. Would you rather send a Repubican politician in his stead? Your beloved “conservative” Mark Sanford? Or maybe John Ensign? Nice role models.


You just don’t get it do you fellow. We don’t want any politician giving a speech to our children without our permission. They can’t vote, so what is the purpose? It can only be propaganda. Oh, well. Another group to oppose Obama. Another group to see the light. Those poll number will go tumbling down again. This guy just doesn’t understand America or Americans.

My children already know the Obama story. Let it rip big boy.

He’s a joker and they know it. Another babbling, rambling teleprompter speech won’t change their thoughts or values.

Never mind that China and India are kicking our butts in Math and Science. But then, I guess when our kids are converted to commies it won’t much matter anymore; no longer enough simply to “dumb them down.”

And another thing: we shouldn’t even HAVE a Dept. of Education.

Can you imagine what the response of the teachers and administrators of our nations public schools would be if George Bush had proposed doing the exact same thing at any time during his term in office?

But, if we say it is political or question it as inappropriate they will ltreat us like we are crazy.

Flashback 1991: Gephardt Called Bush’s Speech to Students ‘Paid Political Advertising’

PDill, I heartily concur with you regarding the Dept. of Education. In the Tenth Amendment there are limits to the powers and authority of the Federal Government. In my opinion that should be totally administered by the individual States. I pay property taxes to my County and a good sum of that pays for schools.

The Department of Energy should go away as well. The Dept. of Commerce can regulate that easily. Our Federal Government is a bloated and excessively costly beast to feed because of the overlap of authority.

Our Montana legislature meets from January to the end of April. I’d love to see the US Congress & the US Senate do the same with pro-rated pay and pensions with them paying 100% for their Own Health Insurance.

Dick Gephardt was a Huge Government loving buffoon. The Democrats invented huge Government and the concept caught on in the fashion of the FDR Presidency. Before We knew what happened there were Cabinet level agencies that had huge budgets, accomplished the art of pushing paper at great expense with no real benefit to the Taxpayer.

Dick Gephardt criticizing GWB was the pot calling the kettle black. Period.

Wow… the idiocy never cease to amaze me.

@james manning:

Wow… the idiocy never cease to amaze me.

You’re right!

We tried to tell all you Obamites that before you voted for him but you wouldn’t listen.

In what manner?

Thanks to JM I just lost another irony meter. I’m going to start charging you mentally ill leftists for them.

@Old Trooper: President addresses have been beamed into schools for decades. I remember is 6th grade sitting though a Reagan speech. This is no different than a president doing a commence address at a college. It’ll be a few minutes of blah blah and most kids won’t remember a thing about it 10 minutes after its over. To make this into some crazy conspiracy says a lot about the ignorance of the American people. This stuff is Civics 101 and about as controversial as tossing away old meat.

I know you guys are smarter than this but its hard to know when to engage on a serious matter when this type of stuff is propagated. People are actually taking their kids out of school because the President is giving speech? I bet these are the same people that want stickers on science books that say the Grand Canyon was created by a flood, and believe Obama was born in Kenya and is a secret Nazi and is now trying to create Death Panels to kill the elderly. Seriously, conspiracy theories will always be around but it’s getting impossible to have an intelligent conversation with people.

While folks are up in arms about a speech to children… to most kids this will be an ample opportunity to launch a spitball war.

@james manning: When Reagan spoke did your teacher instruct you to make a poster with quotes from his speeches? What commencement address by a President was preceded by instructions to read his books and write letters on how you can serve him?

I’m sure you understand the difference here James between a speech and indoctrination. This is the latter.

Mike… have you seen the speech. My guess is it will be a call to stay in school and some stuff about how they can help their community blah blah blah. It’s going to be the run of the mill type stuff and when it’s over the people worried about this will look like fanatics.

But my bigger point is when does it stop. Right now the Kansas City Star is trying to convince that Obama does not have a secret camp in Georgia where a secret camp with guillotines await dissenters. This is being pushed by World Net Daily, the same people pushing the birther movement whom many of you believe. At what point do you say… “This is madness”

I’m on another site debating a guy on whether or not the swine flu is a conspiracy to kill black and brown people. So it’s not just folks on the right that fall prey to this stuff. But COME ON!!!

So, Mike, you truly believe that the President of the United States is attempting to indoctrinate our children for some fiendish plot… I don’t know… to do what? Become Nazis, Socialist, Stalinist or believe in some religion passed down to him from an alien race? Maybe the NSA will send out subliminal signals making the kids believe that there is nothing wrong with eating candy; then they’ll get more cavities and their parents dentist bills will increase, causing concern for many across the nation, then the Democrats will call to socialize dental care so they can implant transmitters in every child’s filling across the nation and at some point in 2050, the transmitter will emit a signal causing everyone to support universal health care and soon America will fall to socialism.

THAT, would be cause for concern. But I don’t think we possess the technology for that… Yet (insert Dr. Doom music here).

@james manning:

Hey James, can you point me in the direction of the prior president whose Dept of Education sent out packets to teachers directing them to have students make commitments to serve the president and support him in his goals and objectives?


Didn’t think so.

Sorry, Obie has repeatedly proven himself to be a liar and a charlatan.

He has surrounded himself with some of the slimiest, most vile characters to ever have access to the White House.

Obie won’t have unfettered access to my children. It won’t happen.

Exit question: If this is just an innocuous speech, then why has no transcript been released so that parents can read through it and decide if they want their children to participate or not?

Consider this:

Definition of PANDEMIC:

Medical definition: Epidemic over a wide geographic area and affecting a large proportion of the population: pandemic influenza. (

Note: “affecting a large portion of the population”.

As of April 28, 2009:
The swine flu death toll in Mexico has now officially reached 149. In the U.S., 48 cases have been confirmed but, thus far, no deaths.

Percentage of death in population:

Mexico = 149 / 111,211,789 x 100 = 0.00013 %.

USA = 48 / 307,285,000 x 100 = 0.000015 %.

(Population figures form Wikipedia 2009 estimated USA and July 2009 estimated for Mexico)


Ah yes, serve the President or get sent to Georgia to have yourself beheaded…

Yep, yep… that sounds like something that can happen in America. Although my conspiracy is far more imaginative and could make for a great move whereas the one you guys are pushing lacks a certain je na se qua’. Sorry Aye Chihuahua but your conspiracy don’t have enough grit to make for a great after school special, let alone a feature-length film. Where’s your passion? Get in tune with your Chi and the conspiracy theory lead you to greatness. That is you motivation.

Meditate on that and then let me know what is the ultimate goal behind the school speech conspiracy.

@james manning:

Unable to honestly answer the answer the questions, jm goes off on some unrelated tangent.

Don’t look now, but your partisanship is showing.


Thank you.. that is a conspiracy that has legs. I can run with that all the way to Hollywood that. Take note Aye Chihuahua, our friend Adrian has the making of a great conspiracy theorist. Granted, it has some glaring flaws in that its not being directed by Obama and doesn’t have aliens, but by the end of flu season I’m sure those elements will get added.

@james manning: Maybe it is just the partisan in me, but this strikes me as somehow different from past instances. If all he wants to do is act presidential and say to kids, “Study hard, do well in school, don’t do drugs, etc.” that would be something I could accept.

But in the Age of Obama, where people walk around with his image plastered on their t-shirts ala Che Guevara and on their hybrids, this all smacks of a cult of personality of a self-absorbed rock star who fashions himself the second coming of JFK/MLK, buying into his own hype, come to save us from the last 8 years of the apocalypse, riding in on the white (*ahem*) horse messages of “hope” and “change”. “Hope” from what? “Change” to what?

What can WE do to “help” the president?

What about asking “what can we do to help our country?”, instead?

Obama is a polarizing president with an agenda of radical change in spite of his crafted image of a uniter, not a divider. His problem is the media cover that he is a bipartisan centrist who is beloved by the American public. There’s so much celebrity-hype surrounding his presidency. So his team keeps stepping into it, like they do here, lacking the foresight of how many Americans would respond to stuff like this.

Aye Chihuahua, remember the birthers? Where are they now? (crickets chirping). So why answer something that has no real validity. It is Friday and I see no harm having fun with this because once the speech is over, we’ll move on to something else and we’ll all realize there was nothing to it… in the meantime, I think my theory has as much validity as yours.

@james manning:

I refer you back to the questions that I raised in #40.

My questions are based in reality since, of course, that is what has actually happened.

Wordsmith… Obama isn’t a polarizing president. Our political landscape is polarized and it has been for some time. There is nothing new about any of this except the date. Lets face it, people walk around defining themselves a Reagan Conservatives and use Reagan as a means to measure all thoughts coming from the Right. Ya know what… I don’t care.

I’ve read the activities that the Department of Education have outlined:

and there is nothing that focuses on the President but it’s focuses on the children. You should read it. I’ll tell you what… why don’t we discuss this after the speech because then you’ll have the words out of his mouth and see if its a conspiracy to indoctrinate children towards socialism or communism or whatever he is suppose to have in mind.


40,000 people per year lose their lives on the streets and highways of America. What is your leader doing about that? Like most who are blatantly ignorant, the FACTS in front of their FACES are ignored. They do so at their own peril.

PS: The birthers, or Defenders of Our Constitution, are ALIVE AND WELL. Get this, if you can handle it. It’s NOT over yet.

The Obama “Birth Certificate” Scandal
AIM Report | By Cliff Kincaid | September 2, 2009

This is the “why” we CANNOT trust Barrack Obama. Perhaps Obama should tell the children how to hide their scholastic records, their birth certificates, and lie like heck. This is why most American schools ARE NOT going to give Obama the chance to lie to children.

@james manning #48:

Wordsmith… Obama isn’t a polarizing president.

Really?!?! You don’t see his ideas, his self-education, his ideological gravitations as far to the left of center? In what ways has he reached across the aisle, exactly?

why don’t we discuss this after the speech because then you’ll have the words out of his mouth and see if its a conspiracy to indoctrinate children towards socialism or communism or whatever he is suppose to have in mind.

Won’t happen. His speech is already “contaminated” by the ruckus it’s caused. His team’s already pulled back because of the political backfire; and they will be more careful on what’s put forth on Tuesday.

Even in the absence of the political firestorm it’s created, they would not have been so stupid as to blatantly indoctrinate the youth in Obama’s political beliefs. It’s more about indoctrinating them into his cult of personality, leading to the subtle indoctrination of his politics.