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@Aye Chihuahua:

You might enjoy this…
…and the links he supplies to supplement it.

Looks like he’s letting-out a “Daaaaamn!” and doin’ the gansta, horny-pants dance. Just surprised he’s not throwin’ down gang-sign with one hand and grabbin’ his crotch with the other.

Good litmus test for ODS.

@Fit fit,

Don’t you mean “NES”? Naked Emperor Syndrome?

@Fit fit:

The Dems hate Bush, literally. We don’t hate Obama. We just want him and his deceitful and very destructive power hungry thieves as far away from gummint as possible.


haha even in the video it looks like he’s grabbing a glimpse, then “covering” by turning around to help the person behind him… and who among us hasn’t done THAT?! 😉

Mata you simply rock! These butt pics are indeed fun humor, and we all can afford to lighten up from the big stuff when we can. I seriously doubt that they even are as they appear, albeit still quite amusing. Like words, photos can just as easily be taken out of context. I think if we saw the rest of the frames shots before and after, it would ruin the fun.

All said, Sarco is simply priceless. And hey, “beauty” transcends!


Thanks for the link to the video. If that was Obama checking out her butt then it’s must be the most subtle check out ever! lol. Instead it seems like the woman is passing by and he stepping down and helping out the other woman. There was no double take of his eyes following the woman’s posterior;) Storm in a tea cup. Don’t you just love single snapshots.

@Prairie: I like what you said: “Thank goodness she wasn’t wearing a blue dress. “

TammyL, I found that ABC tongue in cheek report to be hilarious. And Sarkozy? “not so clear, not so clear”…. LOL I really like this French President. He’s a breath of fresh air.

I say the day men stop appreciating women and their beauty is the day we begin to die as a species.

@ Mata
I think I love you Mata. You’re right, he could have been caught checking out Sarkozy’s butt and then we’d know he’s on the down-low.

Yes yes, please, give him a pass, I wouldn’t look PASS that ass either. Sorry father for I have sinned, I just fantasized about a 16 year old. But when in Rome……

Awww man!
The video to this shows something a bit differently. As much as I thought ABC was covering for him, they may be right.
Video Clears Up Obama Photo – ABC News



Check out my comment #58. He doesn’t stare or linger, but his eyes pass over. I mean look at that posterior – it would be hard not to notice, don’t you agree?!

The evolution of Presidents:

[Thanks Larry, that’s worth a courtesy embed – Aye]

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

Remember the Seinfeld episode where George is caught staring at the NBC exec. 16 yr. old daughter? Cleavage, cleavage.
Cut the man a break.
Check out 47 Aye Cahuahua. Now that is scary. Instead of completing the border fence here in Southern AZ. why not just place 4 ft. high pictures of Michelle every 15 to 20 feet. That’s mean, but not as mean as Mrs. O will be if the rumors that she is prego……… are true.

@Hawk: My thoughts? After eight years of the most bitter, vile hatred directed at George W. Bush there is no shame in us poking a little fun at Obama.

@Mike’s America

Even without the last eight years, there’s no harm in a little jest. His sense of humor was a large part of why Reagan was so loved.

@Mike’s America:
So true, Mike. (regarding Pres. Bush).

One thing that seems to be amiss here in this thread is that we are talking about the President of The United States. One who is and should be held to a higher standard, and one who is married. So, no, it’s not “normal” for the POTUS to oggle a teenager, or any other woman other than his wife. Or a man, for that matter. (had to be said).

my two cents: isn’t it a bit (a lot) sexist to say that every man has no control over his sexual inclinations and would do the same thing as in this picture, and that’s o.k.? That’s what I’m hearing here anyway.

@SoCal Chris:

we are talking about the President of The United States. One who is and should be held to a higher standard

Higher standard than whom? A doctor? A teacher? A bus driver? An accountant? An actor? (well, I hope so…)

What job lends one to exemption of standards?

As for him being married – this isn’t a Bill Clinton scandal – dude, it was just a look. Sarkozy looked, too – and he even named his plane after his wife!

No, not all men and women “read the menu when they’re full” – that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with it, so long as that’s all it is.

lol, i see abc a big obama supporter is trying to cover for him, and while its pretty obvious sarcozy was gazing wat too long, obama knows his his and and pulls a “im letting this lady pass me”, or “im waiting for smebody”, “or tring to gaze at the ground”, now idk how women see these phose but smart men know how to look at ass without getting cause


I think my last comment is lost in the filter!

I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree on this one.

@SoCal Chris:

Fair enough. 🙂

@So Cal Chris, you are really nice guy but I think a bit misguided on this. That’s the kind of prudery that gives Christianity (and sex) a bad name.

This is a fully dressed beautiful woman. Who are any of us to assume what Obama or Sarko aren’t “seeing” (if at all, being as I’m quite sure the pic is out of context), isn’t simply “beauty.” After all, that’s how God intended, i.e., Theology of the Body!

I’ve give the presidents the benefit of the doubt on this one!

Besides, most of here probably know what GK Chesterton said:

Every man who knocks on the door of a brothel is looking for God.

So there you go; a day before the papal visit!

If you watch both the photo and the video at the same time they just do not coincide. Is it possible the video was taken at different times. Regardless, it seems some editing have been done on the video to cover up for Obama. Or is it possible she went pass Obama and up those stairs twice??

The photo clearly shows Obama looking up at the young girl’s butt; the other woman is standing right behind him and does not appear to be stepping down.

The video shows the young girl passing him as he helps out a woman step down the stairs. Not once does he look up. Did ABC edit the part where is looking up the young girl’s butt?

pdill 77 So Cal Chris, you are really nice guy but I think a bit misguided on this. That’s the kind of prudery that gives Christianity (and sex) a bad name.

Your joking right?

However, to get to the real issues lets talk of what Obama was doing in that meeting. He was spending our hard earned american money on other countries. He agreed to give away 3 billion dollars to other nations including Africa and those countries that hate us. He has already given Hamas 900 million dollars. I have lost count of how much money he has thrown to Kenya’s (his homeland) way.

Spending and throwing away our money is what really gets to me. He can continue to ogle all he wants just don’t spend my hard earned money. Besides this is not the first time this President had stared at a woman’s buttock while out there; it is just the first time the media has paid any mind to it.


Linda, Bush gave more money to Africa, to help in the battle against AIDS, than any other American President. I consider that something GOOD that he did. It was our money, then, too.

As much as I love the attention this post has garnered, I can’t see how we have 81+ comments on this and so much less attention to the more pressing issues I and my fellow contributors have posted in the last 24 hours.

Do none of you libs care that Obama is using your tax dollars to fund a political machine? Perhaps not.

Do you not care that Nancy Pelosi lied to the people of the United States when she accused the CIA of misleading Congress?

Is it no concern to you that Dems continue to vote for massive spending bills like the stimulus, cap and tax and soon health care that NONE OF THEM HAVE READ?

O.K. Sorry for the lecture. You may now continue to discuss the issue of Obama the horn dog/sleaze bag.

@Mike’s America:

You make a good point that this is a smaller issue than a lot of what’s going on. As for myself, I did post some thoughts on the open thread. I’m paying attention, but have nothing more to contribute to those discussions until I learn something definitively new.

@Mike’s America….

None of the things you mentioned are news. Seriously.

Note that I did not say they are unimportant–they certainly are important and defineitly more important than yet another demonstration of the racism, sexism, and arrogance we have in tghe person of our Candidate-for-Life.

What is news is that parts of the world outside the blogsphere and the world of us rightwingcranks or what ever we are being called this week is noticing.

The Main Stream Media is now reporting that their messiah is actually of the flesh, a mere mortal, one of us, only not quite so civilized.

1) She is rather unnatractive
2) Most importantly, she is OBVIOUSLY underage

I would not have looked. I have more discipline than that and I like WOMEN. Not “girls”.
There is no excuse for this and I will not give him a pass. Giving dems a pass when they do something wrong yet letting them bash us for for the same is partly what got us to where we are today.

I disagree as to attractivnes.

But she is clearly under age.

And the behavious is clearly inappropriate at best for the circumstances.

At least Cliton did it behind closed doors.

Are we sure the other guy is not looking at Obama’s butt?

If Obama’s butt is where his ears are, could be.

When she turned around and showed her face, she was clearly under age. From behind… well I’m not so sure that’s clear. That’s a pretty mature shape.

Cary, the whole group was school children!

I’m sure it’s Sarah Palin’s fault.

@Larry Sheldon:

This was not a day camp swarming with children, it was a summit to which select students were invited. I agree with Mike that it’s time to move on.

@Cary: Someone above, I’ve lost track because of the number of comments, suggested we stick to the more substantive criticisms of Obama. To a point I agree. But yet, we post those all the time. Just look down at my post directly below this one where I discuss I post the fact that stimulus money is going to areas that supported Obama. That post got a handful of readers with only 17 comments. I’m not sure if the person suggesting we stick to more substantive issues commented on that post or not, but I would be willing to bet they did not.

People like fun posts like this more than the substantive stuff. So, I give them both.

@Mike’s America:

I don’t know about anyone else, Mike, but I don’t always comment on everything I read here, because I don’t always have anything new to add. And just because I’m not bashing Obama with you, doesn’t mean I’m going to jump to his defense on every single issue (I wasn’t a “Bush basher” either) Or sometimes I just don’t have time to sit down and write something.

But you shouldn’t be discouraged by a lack of commenting, you’re still getting your point of view out there, and that’s why I visit in the first place.

@Cary: Thanks. I’m not discouraged. I know more people will want to comment on a fun post like this rather than the more serious issues. I would hope that the folks who dropped in on a link to this post at Free Republic (which generated most of the traffic) would also click the link for the main page and read more. Not sure how many do that.

And I don’t expect comments from every reader on every post. I read lots of posts, and comments, where I don’t have anything to add.

Anyway, I’ve milked this one for 94+ comments. Let’s see if we can hit 100.

:”it would be hard not to notice, don’t you agree?!”

I’m a living heterosexual male with a very healthy heartbeat.

@Mike’s America:”…there is no shame in us poking a little fun at Obama.”

Oh, I totally agree. I’m not saying DON’T. Before actually watching the ABC clip, I thought it was going to be a totally off the mark bit is really what I was getting at. I thought that they would totally *ahem* white wash even this small thing 😉

“Do you not care that Nancy Pelosi lied to the people of the United States when she accused the CIA of misleading Congress?”

Mike, here is the REAL beauty of that. Either Nancy …

A: Lied about the CIA misleading her/congress
B: …is obstructing justice since the ciA would have broken the law.

Libs don’t like either choice and CHOOSE to stick their heads in the sand.

“This was not a day camp swarming with children, it was a summit to which select students were invited. I agree with Mike that it’s time to move on.”

Well, I wouldn’t let my 16-year-old got where that guy might be.

Like it or not, the J8 people were by definition 14-16 years old.

Hey ya’ll, I’m just lurkin’…

(In reality, I’m trying to help Mike hit 100 posts on this thread.)

@Larry Sheldon:

The J8 was tagging along with the 8.

(no need to keep hashing this out, I’m just help with the 100, too. One more to go!!!)



Is there a prize? Wink!

I’ll pass as well but add that Her hair looked very nice from the back.

Wow! 101+! Is that a record?