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what a man our president is, he and his ugly wife think they are above everyone else.

I thought everyone was going to have to ‘sacrifice’. the only people the Obama’s are interested in sacrificing are people like my friend who is about to become homeless in a few days.

I’m trying to get the word out about his sisters fund raiser for him, I’m afraid it may be too late though. Here’s a link in case you are interested.

Good guy, former police officer, just hit some really hard times and couldn’t seem to find another job- he had two and lost both within two weeks.

the rules and scarifices only apply to others, the obama’s are exempt for the simple fact that “he won”. freakin priggish snot head. jesus, this pisses me off, they really have zero concern for the poeple footing the bill for this little trip. that ugly sasquatch lookin thing should leave the white house.

Luva reading ad hominem rants like yours is the reason I often stay away from this board for days. Your harsh attacking tone and continued use of taking the name of Jesus in vain is below you don’t you think? Did it ever occur to you that some FA readers might be more offended by that then Michelle’s shopping trip to Paris?

How can the conservative agenda ever be taken seriously when we have rants like yours so ugly they make me want to take Obama’s side?

It’s well known I’m no big fan of the Obamas, but for goodness sakes, do you have to begrudge them EVERYTHING? Yes, the Obamas are more than over the top and don’t appear to be the best example of American Leadership, but like it or not, they still won the white house. I think if you check the actual facts, you will learn that the Obamas DO have to pay for the airfare for Michelle and the kids (it’s part of their perks, they have an expense account for personal use, but DO have to reimburse ,at commercial rates, for personal airfare).

I doubt they have to pay for the secret service, which of course, comes with the job.

I too am not happy that they are such poor examples in both the “worst recession since the great depression and the great global warming crisis.” Can’t you at least see they are hanging themselves with their own rope? Who could possible take them seriously except of course, the last love sick of the MSM?

For what it’s worth, I’m sure I’ve gone overboard myself at times on personal attacks. My point; it doesn’t serve the conservative cause when any of us do it.

@pdill: Actually I got a big kick out of Luva’s “sasquatch ” remark.

You might not agree with her choice of words but that doesn’t make her words wrong or counterproductive.

I am embarrassesd by the obamas and their leap to royalty status.
Can you imagine what would be said if a Republican did this??? Just what was the carbon footprint for all this travel??? Guess they couldn’t have buddied up with dear ol’ Dad in HIS plane…

Guess they’d better do all their traveling during their only term in office.

Where is Keith Olberman’s rage?

Honestly, that quote from Barack about not being allowed to go to Vegas on the taxpayer’s dime is GOLD! (pardon the pun)

Beware The Birds, Vultures are circling as the Obama’s chickens come home to roost.

Anybody done a fuel burn check on a C-32 lately? I don’t know the numbers but I do know that those fuel efficient P&W turbofans are only efficient when it has a certain load factor. Turbine aircraft measure fuel burn in pounds per hour, not gallons. The cost of the crew is fairly flat due to active pay being on a set rate, plus the per diem for the trip. I can only guess at the cost of the secret service detail. I did like the bullet-head reference, though. It is probably a reference to high and tight haircuts, most of which are not regulation.
It is amazing that I lost my job building corporate aircraft here in Wichita and then the “queen and the princesses” get this on our dime. Or sawbuck($20 bill) would be a better way of stating it.
What I gather from the obambozo clan is this. The 89th MAW is now considered their personal world wide air taxi service. Because this is not a diplomatic, fly the flag mission. It is a personal junket.

Let them eat cake!

So, where did the extra plane come from? When was it dispatched to Europe and was it sent specifically for this little escapade? I guess we will never know.

We probably need to cut her some slack. After all, when you know there is only 4 years to get in some sightseeing on the public dole, get r done!

Thankfully, on Drudge, is a wonderful pic of Michelle in London in a delightful outfit. I mean delightful.

Tom in CA… Geez… who dresses that woman??? She shouldn’t be seen in her ‘garden’ wearing that getup! Wow… what a fashion statement for the US. She makes Hillary look like a Vogue cover model… bleech!

@Tom in Ca:

All right, all right… guys forced me to go look…..oooff…

I’ll post the pic so others can enjoy it:


Exit question:

What is the carbon footprint of this little adventure?

I have just one comment about the picture of Michelle Obama. What in the world is she wearing? it looks like she went to Joannes and cleaned out the curtain lace departments and had the ribbons of lace sowed to a cami, tank?

Ok lets count the number of news outlets inside the US that will even have a story related to this shopping spree as being a negative.

What I really enjoyed were the $540 shoes that MO wore to the homeless shelter:

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

I told you. Delightful.

The shoes…..probably best description would be something similar to OJ’s description of the Bruno Maglis in the murder trial.

What is really bothersome is that not one of her aides would explain to her that you can’t be seen in public as the First Lady looking like a fishing lure.

Upon closer inspection, the guy in the photo in the red tie knows. He is stifling a gut laugh.

perhaps I find your preachy attitude as annoying as the nobama wench???

I’m sick of thin skinned/PC/ holier than thou people.

So many other things to worry about!

man,did you see the size of them DOGS? woof!

Tom in CA. You’re right about the guy in the red tie. First LOL I’ve had today, and I needed that! Thank you!

Please somebody tell me that she didn’t wear that getup to Westminster Abbey–please!!


I’m sorry to say that she did.

cringe–words fail me. . .

Too bad she didn’t try that ensemble in Cairo… Oh, that’s right… she didn’t go to Cairo! Too busy planning her splash tour through Paris and London!

God what an embarrassment she is!

We all fuss about this mess…..I DO TOO! I think it is awful and I think it is a disgrace to have them in DC. BUT what can we do? Is there a way to get them out? Before their time? WHAT WHAT can the US do to get this? I know people voted him in, BUT those people I hope know now what they are…If a person works for their dollars, which I DO, then we are a nothing. If you don’t work for aliving, then these DC are ‘GREAT I guesslllllllllll I am sick of these People, BUT WHAT CAN WE DO??

@metoo: What can we do?

1. Write letters to our congressman or woman and Senators objected to socialist policies Obama is trying to implement. That’s not the centrist platform he campaigned on.
2. Write letters to the editor of your local newspaper.
3. Attend any town hall meetings your elected represenatives have in your area. Make sure to have a question or statement ready if you are selected to speak.
4. Get involved in your local GOP. Let them know you will only support CONSERVATIVES.
5. Go to a Tea Party on July 4th.
6. Donate money to conservative candidates and groups.

I do that and think sometimes, does it really help? BUT I guess it does and I will keep doing it.

@metoo: It DOES help. I worked for a Senator answering letters from constituents. If conservatives don’t write and express their opinion that won’t stop the lefties from doing so.

I know it’s frustrating sometimes because our elected officials don’t always toe the line. But that’s all the more reason to keep writing, calling, speaking, contributing…..

I agree with you. We have to keep on and keep on trying, that’s all a person can do. And I will keep on. Thanks.

Michelle Obama the first woman to confuse shabby chic with haute couture. I heard at the Louvre she asked her French tour guide if he ate cake.

I wonder how much this mis adventure cost the taxpayers??

You can bet it cost the tax payers allot, can’t we? Just sick………..I personally don’t see how someone like these people can get into the white house. But they did……….voted in, I know that, but I know I did not vote for him and would never………….and lots of others didn’t vote for him either, but lots did. Taxes are high eneough like it is and taxes just keep going up or know they have here where I live………and am sure almost every state has gone up on taxes. Just sick…….

@metoo: Obama promised that he wouldn’t raise the taxes of people who make less than $250,000. He made that statement over and over.

Just ask anyone who smokes and makes less than $250k if their cigarette taxes didn’t already go sky high.

And that’s just the beginning. Wait to see what happens if he gets his cap and trade scam passed.

Now, back to the subject of the cost of Michelle’s sight seeing trip: We have to factor in the cost of flying a fleet of armored cars over to London for her to drive around in. It’s not just the cost of the jet she flew in.

AND I am not quite sure I want to know how much it cost US ALL for her to do what she did and what she does and what he does. I just know I am tired of paying for THEIR things and everyone else’s things that don’t do this and don’t do that.

And people that smoke, YES, taxes went sky high on them……….but that is the start of allot, isn’t it??

I have been sending Faxes again and fixing to go back and send some more. Decided it is best to do it and keep doing it. If these people get tired of seeing so many faxes maybe they will read them and see what they say and do something……..

@metoo: Don’t expect to get an answer. One reporter at the White House press briefing following Barack and Michelle’s date night in New York two weeks ago asked about the cost and never got an answer.

Obama promised transparency and openness but apparently that doesn’t apply to him.

Keep going with the faxes and letters. I have one I have been working on about Judge Sotomayor. I need to get it out. I’ll post it at Flopping Aces when I do.

As to the cost of Michelles’ excellent adventure, we also have to factor in the cost of the numbers of people she brought along–security personnel, personal trainers, makeup people, wardrobe advisors (cough), hairdressers, personal chefs, etc. . .I’m willing to bet that this little jaunt is costing us well over a cool $1 million. . .

It’s interesting to note the media’s silence on this little trip, except for Maureen Dowd’s editorial justifying the Leader’s “date night” and other leisure activities.

I am not happy about this either, but if pdill is right, and the Obamas are footing this bill and not the tax paying American people, then there is nothing nefarious being done here. Maybe a little bit of spoiling, but nothing more. Also, I hope I am not the only one who read the article linked to this thread, it’s tone is entirely different.

@Ryan: The Obama’s are NOT paying the full expense of this trip. The rule for these trips is that the First Family pays the cost of a First Class ticket on travel and of their own meals.

They certainly do not pay for the expenses incurred by the dozens of persons there to provide for their safety, transportation, daily staff needs. Nor do they pay for the cost of ferrying all those armored cars over the Atlantic in cargo planes.

It’s impossible to say exactly how much a “private” trip like this costs as the Obama’s refuse to release that information.

But it’s not cheap.

If a GOP 1st Lady and kids had done this, it would not have made the news.

If a GOP first lady and kids did this,the left would be screaming about where the money should have gone.

What’s wrong with Michelle taking the girls to Europe for a few days? What’s all the uproar about? It’s great that they’re exposing the girls to other cultures. Anything they do would cost the taxpayers money. That’s the nature of the world we live in today and all the security that’s necessary. For your information, the US government pays for full housing expenses, transportation and private schools for all US embassy personnel posted abroad. The President isn’t the only one who gets his expenses paid.

@Carol S.: I’m glad to hear you don’t mind paying hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayer money so the Obama girls can go sight seeing with their mother.

Unfortunately, Obama has told the rest of us we need to sacrifice.

If you or I used taxpayer money in this way for a private trip Obama would be condemning us.

For Carol S.
But the CinC told us we have to tighten our belts and that we have to make sacrifices. I am currently making a large one, I got laid off on 26 February. I was at an aircraft plant, one that makes corporate aircraft. Remember when the CinC and his cronies went after corporate CEOs for using business aircraft? Now I am out of work in my chosen field.
So I figure that, if his wife and kids get a VC-32A with all the required support for a sight-seeing trip in England, that is going way overboard.
I had the displeasure of serving under two of his idealogical predecessors, the Peanut Farmer and Bubba. When there are “gentlemen” such as that holding the highest office in the Republic, life for the average grunt, seaman, wrench-turner on active duty tends to be bad.
As one who made the Navy a career choice, along with all of us who have the Retired designation, the tendency is to wonder what in the hell did our fellow countrymen give us that we do not deserve.
On the subject of our diplomatic and Armed Forces personnel posted overseas. That is a given, particularly if it is a place that the member can bring the family.
And let us not forget, that the Cinc/Family/Staff and queen michelle consider the 89th Military Airlift Wing to be their personal air service. Sort of like hillary using Flag and General Officers as waiters and busboys at White House functions.
But, you should know this. any of us who take the oath to serve the Republic in Uniform are on any given day, better than the the current CinC and his entire entourage/posse. It is the only way we can deal with the current situation.
Fair Winds and Following Seas.
Anchors Aweigh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Personally, I am disgusted by expenditures like this. I am equally disgusted by people that are only critical when the “other side” does it. For all of you complaining about this trip, ask yourselves this question: “Would you be as vocal if this story was about Cindy McCain, if her husband Senator John would have won the presidency?” If your answer is something like “The president and his family are in such a high pressure situation, it’s only fitting that they have opportunities to travel and relax,” then you win the Keith Olberman award for hypocrisy! Until we step outside of the two-party box, we’ll continue alternating the barrage of insults, depending on who won the previous election. I for one think America is better than this, but a majority of us are stuck in the political “Super Bowl Syndrome.” How’s your team doing?

@DougBurlison: What you are saying is that if Some Republican in the future could potentially do something like this (since none has in the past) that we should give Obama a pass?

Surely you can understand why that is a non starter.

As for the rest of your comment. Did you post similar suggestions on lefty blogs when Bush was President? Can you give us a link to those comments?

Mike’s America,
I’m glad to see someone getting defensive, that means you are at least paying attention. I am not defending the Obama’s at all. In the same vein, I would not defend the McCain’s, Bushes, Clinton’s, etc. I’m saying that our system is extremely flawed, and the left vs. right, back-and-forth B.S. is perpetuating this system.

To directly answer your questions:
Obama deserves no pass, I’m not recommending you give him one.
I seriously doubt that I posted anything similar to this on any “lefty” blogs when Bush was president, the issues were different.

To clarify, I believe most of the people behind these particular criticisms WOULD give the president a pass if he or she was from THEIR party; thus the comparison to Keith Olberman.
If the shoe fits . . .



First, welcome.

Come on in and stay awhile.

You won’t find anyone here who points fingers at the Dims and then says “Big deal” or “Oh well” when the same type of behavior is exhibited by the other side.

Overall, we’re a very consistent, conservative bunch here.

You and I agree that our current system is broken. We deviated from the advice of the Founding Fathers in general, and Washington in particular, and that is what got us into this mess.

The Republican Party strayed from its’ principles beginning way back at Teddy Roosevelt, and perhaps further.

Until the citizens of this country take a stand and say that they have had enough we will continue on this merry-go-round of Rep/Dem destruction.

We the People have got to figure out what our values are as a people.

We need to apply the principles of the Founders to determine what our path should be.

Again, I, speaking for me personally, take issue with both of these parties. They are both taking us to the same damn place. The only difference is that one is getting us there on a jet airplane and the other would take us there by bus.

Again, welcome.

I look forward to “hearing” your voice in this wilderness in which we find ourselves.

@DougBurlison: I don’t see it as “defensive” that I point out how your hypothetical about some possible GOP misdeed in the future is in any way comparable to the acts that Obama and his family HAVE DONE.

If you could point to an example where one of the Bush’s had done something similar you might have a case. But surely, an intelligent person could never seriously pose a hypothetical as you have done and assert that pointing out that error is somehow “defensive.”

And thank you for admitting that you haven’t posted similar calls on lefty blogs. That pretty much confirms where I suspect you are coming from.