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This is a pretty lame comment, but it’s the best I’ve got, and honest.

She’s really something. And I mean that in the best possible way. Quite an American (notice, I didn’t say “woman” — trying to train myself).

One note for Fox camera-persons, when filming an interview, the subject of the interview is the focus of the piece, not the person asking the questions. Quite irritating to have to look at the side of Governor Palin’s face the entire time. Two steps to the left and I would have enjoyed the interview a great deal more. But, in the end, it’s about what she said and that came through loud and clear.

Change I could believe in: Newt & Sarah in 2012 !

Oh, I think a Newt and Sarah ticket would be marvelous! Guaranteed re-election of Obama.
Go for it Republi-CONS!!!

Newt calling Obama a failed president? Really in 5 months? This man is in right wing denial dreamland. As are most of the writers and posters on FA.

Have a fine day.

*Lowest total for fundraising in this event in five years

@CRAP said: “Newt calling Obama a failed president? Really in 5 months? ”

You folks called George W. Bush ever name in the book starting on election day and continuing for 8 years. Newt’s merely making an observation based on FACTS and it is entirely accurate.

Why don’t you try listening to his entire speech. You might learn something.

Newt sometimes says things that make me stand up and cheer, and then sometimes he makes me so damn mad with his silly remarks. I sometimes think he’s a natural leader, and then he does something dumb, like the commercial with Piglosi. Palin/Coulter in 2012!


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@ yonason
Wow, you see the results? 63% say he’s making it worse. Yahoo isn’t exactly a conservative magnet.

If Sarah was the keynote speaker, the donations would of skyrocketed.

What I’d heard from Newt was nothing new. I can hear this on a regular basis when he’s on the “rubber chicken circuit”.

I’d love to see Palin ans a VP in 2012… let her get the experience and the do the President thing. I think Newt has too much baggage to be prez, but he’s be a great secr’y of state. Right now Perry or Romney gets my vote for Prez.


I just checked the link again, and it’s up to just over 84,000 votes with disapproval is up to 66%.

@yonason: I put my two cents in. Thanks for posting the link to the poll!

As the Democrats think Obama was “qualified” for President, then Palin certainly is.

How does this sound? Palin for President, and Ron Paul for VP.