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MSM: “Sure Obama Flip-Flops….But It’s For A Good Reason!”

Real headline today:

Obama’s Flip-Flops for the Public Good

Are you effin kidding me?

Overall, however, Obama has been praised for his flexibility, not condemned for his flip-flops. One reason, pollsters say, is that he seems such a contrast to the still-unpopular Bush, who was the opposite–stubborn and set in his ways. “When presented with a tough problem where a change of course was called for, Bush just dug in. He felt that it was weakness to change his mind,” says a senior Democratic strategist. He cites Bush’s positions to limit stem cell research, oppose legislation expanding healthcare for children, enact partial privatization of Social Security, and pursue the Iraq war. In contrast, he says, “Obama is willing to change course if he feels it’s needed. The American people will still support him if he is not seen as doing it for political reasons.”


In the end, Americans will understand and accept a president who changes course, as long as he does it for the public good or to acknowledge new realities, not for crass partisan reasons or to curry favor with particular interest groups. But there is hell to pay if a president breaks a fundamental promise and can’t justify it. Perhaps the best example is George H. W. Bush, who violated his “read my lips–no new taxes” pledge from the 1988 campaign. Partly as a result, Bush lost his re-election bid in 1992.

Ok, I’m not that shocked. Many here have predicted the media would start to spin the unspinable…and they’ve done it with gusto.

“New realities?” Yeah….it’s not like most of us conservatives were not pointing out that the prior “realities” of the Obama campaign in days gone by were pipe dreams to get him elected. We all knew his promises could not be paid for by only the rich, so now he reverses course and plans on raising taxes on everyone….minus those living in a cardboard box….even though he promised over and over again he would not do it. Kinda like “read my lips-no new taxes” eh?

But it’s for the “public good” now!

Ace on the lefty reality we now live in:

His promise still stands. Minus a zero: No one making under $25,000 per year will pay a single dime in new taxes. Sure, it’s a zero different from the old promise, but think about it: A zero is nothing at all, so really, this is not a change at all.

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