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The Case for a Truth Commission

Yes it’s that time again! Democrats are in the news for a growing list of corruption, and so…they go for the distraction. Rather than kick out the members of their party who are corrupt, they try and distract; to point fingers at Republicans. Sorry. It doesn’t work anymore. Democrats hold both houses of Congress and the White House. No wonder Sen Pat Leahy is trying SO HARD to distract and even point fingers at Republicans who are no longer even in DC! I guess the good senator missed my challenge.

Best line of Sen Leahy’s reasoning for looking back and forming an Orwellian Truth Commission was this:

During the past several years, the U.S. has been deeply divided. This has made our government less productive and our society less civil. President Obama is right in saying that we cannot afford extreme partisanship and debilitating divisions. As we commemorate the Lincoln bicentennial, there is a need, again, “to bind up the nation’s wounds.” Rather than vengeance, we need an impartial pursuit of what actually happened and a shared understanding of the failures of the recent past.

What makes that so good is the bit before it:

For much of this decade, we have read about and witnessed such abuses as the scandal at Abu Ghraib, the disclosure of torture memos and the revelations about the warrantless surveillance of Americans.

So what is to be done about the abuses of the Bush years?

Yeah, ok. Real impartial here, huh? Sounds to me like Sen Leahy’s already made up his mind about “abuses.” Does he care that Abu Grhaib’s been investigated several times, that people were punished for it? If Sen Leahy looks back at fmr Pres Bush who had 8 attorneys fired for political reasons, will he also look back at fmr Pres Clinton who fired hundreds for political reasons? Leahy mentions the warrantless wiretaps, but that’s been investigated, gone through courts, and been upheld.

Seriously, are there still lemmings out there who think that Leahy’s hearings or any of the hundreds of similar political witch hunts are good, genuine, necessary, are not divisive, will not further divide the nation, and are not political distractions? If so, let’s at least agree to prioritize and have hearings on those who are IN power before having hearings on those who are long gone.

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