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PRAVDA has to fail …. “Oppressors can tyrannize only when they achieve a standing army, an enslaved press, and a disarmed populace.” — James Madison

Tax cuts in the absence of spending cuts have the same effect as increased spending. We have to borrow more money from China and the government goes increasingly in debt. This financial crisis was caused in the first place by massive tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans, creating massive deficits, leading the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates to imprudent levels, creating a capital glut, creating the need for imprudent investments, such as the mortgage-backed securities and credit default swaps. Now the GOP wants to double down by giving massive new tax cuts.

The GOP and Dems aren’t quarreling over the amount of money that we are going to borrow from China. They are quarreling about who is going to get the borrowed money to spend — government or invididuals. The economists advising the Dems say that it is far more likely that the government will actually spend the money in a timely manner and stimulate the economy out of the recession. Classic Keynesian economics. These economists say that leaving it up to tax cuts to stimulate the economy will not do this — as we saw during the Bush years, the tax cuts mostly went into unwise exotic long term investments, and not into things which produced real wealth for the US population.

I personally don’t favor doing anything which will add more debt. No increased spending. No tax cuts. I’d return to Robert Rubin-style pay as you go government, “focusing like a laser” on deficit reduction, and I’d let the market eventually correct itself, even if it meant we had to endure a recession for three years. We adults have been living high on the hog, borrowing money from our children for entirely too long. It’s time we started paying our own bills.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

whats a matter mikeA, you have to censor everything I put here?

this is insane, there are way to many special interest projects in this bill. how is the 335,000,000 for stds going to stimulate the economy? maybe it will keep the welfare sluts clean so that medicare won’t have to pay for their treatments and meds, but medicare will continue to pay for all of the children that they keep popping out. how will this keep the lumber industry afloat? or the small businesses in this nation? this is a fiasco and i am sooooo glad the dems own the freakin thing. yep, they won, and they can keep pounding it in until this nation is no more, but they can still say that they won.

McDonald’s has posted a net gain of 80% from 2007-2008.
US fast-food giant McDonald’s said Monday its 2008 net profit soared 80 percent from a year, lifted by growing demand from consumers seeking low-cost meals in a deepening global recession.

Net profit for the full year totaled 4.3 billion dollars, compared with 2.3 billion in 2007, the Oak Brook, Illinois-based company said in a statement.

The other thing which must be noted is that this is just the “opening offer.” The House is doing a classic “shock them with your opening offer.” It won’t be clear sailing in the Senate, where even some conservative Dems will likely side more with the GOP way of thinking. So the Senate bill should attract some GOP votes and then it will go to committee and we’ll all see how outraged we should be.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach CA

You need the book ‘Pocket Obama’. Amazon. A treasure trove of Hope. An amazing book of such depth and meaning which transformed my thinking. His message rings true and allows me to understand life, politics and human nature as I could never have imagined. The nation and world will come to see his intellect and brilliance as a shining hope and deliverance from the old way of doing things. I’ve passed these out to my employees and they have been very grateful for the time spent together discussing and understanding Barracks message of hope. My daughter has even taken hers to Girl Scouts, leading her troop in reciting passages, holding His Little Blue Book in one hand and our dear leaders picture in the other. Her Troopers say that there is a tangible light that feels their beings! Praise our Leader! It gives such hope for the future. I hope all will see the glory and majesty in his truths. Help those around you to understand. Hopefully my wife will turn from her old ways and see the light. Never give up HOPE! Obama needs our shoes!

The republicans were smart enough to avoid the coming indictment of congress and the ‘Chairman’ for financing the genocide (abortion industry) of millions. No way the world court will avoid bringing these charges in the future. The democrats will not like what will come down and they will like the guilty verdicts and hanging’s less.

Karl Rove spoke on O’Reilly, where Rove flat out stated the democrat stimulus theft package will go down in flames, bringing O with it.

@Skye: I saw that and agree completely.

Better to let the Dems hang themselves on this one. Especially since they rejected nearly every Amendement we tried to put forward.

It’s about time we found a unified opposition strategy. Let’s hope this continues.

For the first time in my adult lifetime,…

I’m actually proud of all of the Republicans in the House in addition to 11 Democrats.

Insufficiency of suitably distributed pork for the Dems, one presumes. Or SLT.

I agree Aye, now on to the Senate. I’m concerned about four, maybe five Senators, no more Hagel, but we still have Snowe, Collins, Spectre, Graham, and who knows what Voinovich will do, hopefully McCain is all done with his friend of the press nonsense. Ya think they might go “wobbly” on us?

Delusional Larry strikes again. Larry, the problem was not
caused by tax cuts to “wealthy Americans.” On some level even
you know this.
We have been over this repeatedly, but because your sacred dems
are to blame, you can’t face reality. Anything that doesn’t fit
your belief that the dems are the good guys gets ignored or
twisted until you find a way to blame the Reps. That’s the
problem with liberals like you. It’s like talking to someone who
has alzheimers. You’ll have the same conversation with them over
and over.

I know you’ll claim I defend the GOP or Bush no matter what.
Actually, I defend them against unfair claims. Have you seen me
say the Iraq war went perfectly? That Bush was great on
immigration? That the GOP didn’t spend like drunken sailors?
There are legitimate reasons to criticize the GOP or Bush.
Try using them for once. Your endless regurgitating of far
left talking points is tiring.

History has proven GOP economic principles work.

Oh, yeah, the past 8 years of enormous deficit spending and doubling the national debt in a short 8 years is the paragon of GOP principals at work… Way to go Pres Bush! You did a wonderful job on the economy.

As a man once said: “People will believe a big lie more readily than a small one.”
Such it is that the majority of Americans seem to be swallowing that BHO’s Democrat designed recovery act is the way out of our economic crisis…
I’ve heard there are even allocations in this “stimulus” bill for the likes of ACORN. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that the liberals are looking to create jobs at organizations that will help get them re-elected. This after BHO’s public speech this morning mouthed the platitudes about private industry being the engine of the American economy. I guess the idea is say one thing in public, but do another; buried in the 100’s of pages that this bill no doubt encompasses.

All the increases in money for Schip, food stamps, contraceptives and STD education/treatment is all about having the $$$ for the vast influx of illegals into the mainstream as citizens-in-waiting –
the amnesty plan…..Millions of dollars for sod in the D.C. Mall is a work program for Mexicans, well
known for being gardeners.

Funniest thing I’ve seen outside china for ages.


You know Blast you seem to spend an inordinate amount of time pointing your fingers at President Bush for spending.

What you are not doing, however, is pointing your fingers at Congress. They are the ones with the power of the purse.

Which spending would you have liked to have seen cut over the last eight years?




Prescription drugs?

How does the corpulent spending bill passed by the House yesterday strike your fancy? I haven’t searched thoroughly to see if you’ve posted an opine regarding that but, seriously, I’d like to know.

So far, you seem to have only one song in your jukebox.

It’s time for people to stop looking over their shoulders and start looking at today and tomorrow to see just what we might be able to change in order to get ourselves back on the right path.

Finally, conservative principles work each and every time they are tried. Unfortunately, true conservatives are a rare species in politics right now.


“This after BHO’s public speech this morning mouthed the platitudes about private industry being the engine of the American economy.”

Those CEOs involved in that dog and pony show yesterday stand to rake in big bucks when this goes through, it was one big green lobby standing there with him. Like I said before, the lobbiests that once lobbied Obama are now out there helping him lobby us.

This might be of interest:

Republicans are now fully invested in the failure of the American economy. They will be the cheerleaders of collapse and naysayers of improvement. Here in SC, our dear Governor Sanford has turned into a job killing machine.

Nit Wit: You get more asinine by the day.

Republicans are cheerleaders for economic programs that work. Not make work big spending government boondoggles.

Republicans are not going to stand up and cheer while $1.2 trillion or more is sucked out of the productive economy and thrown down a bureaucratic rat hole.

Only a nim rod like you would do that.

And Aye responded to bl ass t with “So far, you seem to have only one song in your jukebox.”

I noticed that too Aye!

Aye Chihuahua: You know Blast you seem to spend an inordinate amount of time pointing your fingers at President Bush for spending. What you are not doing, however, is pointing your fingers at Congress. They are the ones with the power of the purse.

Listen, Bush was president for 8 years, much of which he had GOP majorities in one or both Houses of Congress. But the biggest power the president has is the veto pen. No spending bill could pass if it needed a 2/3 majority to overturn his pen. He did not use it.

Yes, I spend a lot of time here talking about the deficit because it is a true measure of the past 8 years. As to which spending was needed to be cut… well, for starters initiating a war with Iraq was not necessary and the cost of it should have been calculated into the go no go strategy. So if president Bush wanted the Prescription Drug bill (which was a GOP invention) and of course passed with arm twisting of Republican House leadership.

For the record I have raised a comment against the present deficit spending and called for a balanced budget amendment… but alas, MikeA has a personal vendetta against me and deleted my comment. Free speech is only as free as the person who controls the delete key. So Aye, I am concerned with this free spending.

Each generation should pay its own way. That either means those nice programs you brought up either are paid for or taxes should be raised to pay them. Yep, taxes. The goal of government should not be to tax people, but having a deficit is really a tax on our future. It is 10x worse. Only in true emergencies should we be deficit spending and doing so with an eye to paying it back at the earliest possible time.

Aye: It’s time for people to stop looking over their shoulders and start looking at today and tomorrow to see just what we might be able to change in order to get ourselves back on the right path.

I am keeping it real Aye. You are referring to the comment where I pointed out George Bush and the T Trillion dollar debts. Keep in mind the topic of that thread was Bush, and a commenter said that Bush was the best President we have had. I begged to differ with that and offered the debt as one element of why Geo. Bush will not be considered a great President.

” the debt as one element of why Geo. Bush will not be considered a great President.”

And somehow in one week Obama spends one third of what Bush did in his last full year in office and Obama is on the road to greatness.

Johnny One Note and it’s sour!

Republicans are cheerleaders for economic programs that work.

Republicans are champions of Economics 101. Unfortunately they don’t realize that class doesn’t cover everything. Our state will lead the nation in unemployment by spring thanks to the Hooverization of Mark Sanford.

hey mikeA, when should we consider the “Bush hangover” over?

US new home sales slid 14.7 percent in December to the lowest monthly level on record, capping a year that showed a 37.8 percent drop, the government said Thursday.

Blast has revealed himslef to be a moonbat. Funny thing is his BDS has really gone postal right before and after he left office. He’s way behind the curve.

Let’s start from one obvious point:
This is no stimulus bill. It doesn’t get my wife and I jobs or give us financial aid. Hardly any of the money will even get out until the first half of 2010, and then it has to trickle down from the govt, to business that are porked, then down to the businesses like Microsoft and Best Buy that are hit by the economy as a whole, then down to my wife and I. Stimulus would help the economy now.

It’s that simple.

@Hard Right: I noticed the pattern too. It’s the same with all these BDS moonbats. First it was Bush, not Democrats in Congress who blocked reforms, that was responsible for the financial meltdown. Now it will be Bush, not Obama or Democrats in Congress who passed the most massive spending bill of all time, that continues to be responsible for the economic mess.

As Aye pointed out: they only have one tune in that jukebox.

Uh… put down whatever it is you are smoking and get an education.

Seriously, liberals are truly ignorant. First, they try to blame Bush for Enron, when all of the illegal activity happened during the Clinton years. Now they are blaming Bush who pushed for reform but was blocked by the Democrats. Such hypocrites. How can liberals be so stupid? Seriously… there is something mentally wrong with every liberal.

well, for starters initiating a war with Iraq was not necessary

Those eleven words tell me everything I need to know about you.


Thomas B.: First, they try to blame Bush for Enron, when all of the illegal activity happened during the Clinton years.

I agree with you, that was on Clinton’s watch. What I would like to know is what part of this economic mess is Bush’s fault and how much of a “Bush Hangover” like the “Clinton Hangover” that preceded it. Is it a day, week, month, or year?

Thomas B: Now they are blaming Bush who pushed for reform but was blocked by the Democrats.

I see, President Bush who had historic high approval ratings and Republican control of congress in 2004 could not have fixed this problem because the democrats stood in the way. I see. That makes total sense they he would do nothing while knowing the country was on the precipice of economic collapse.

Aye Chihuahua: Those eleven words tell me everything I need to know about you.

Keep in mind we are looking back post invasion. Do you think if we could change things that going into Iraq was useful given the cost in blood and treasure?

“I see, President Bush who had historic high approval ratings and Republican control of congress in 2004 could not have fixed this problem because the democrats stood in the way. “

And yet, bl ass t will still be blaming the recession on Bush despite the fact that he is out of office and Obama has historic approval numbers and controls both houses of congress by larger margins than Bush ever did.

Talk about hypocrisy.

As I said, it’s transparent that bl ass t is only concerned about spending and deficits when Republicans are in power. He’s an enabler for Democrat big spenders.

mikeA nd yet, bl ass t will still be blaming the recession on Bush despite the fact that he is out of office and Obama has historic approval numbers and controls both houses of congress by larger margins than Bush ever did.

Haha… you are ridiculous, Obama has been in office a total of 10 DAYS. HUGE DIFFERENCE. If you think there is similarity between 8 years of history and 10 days, you are totally insane or so partisan that you cannot see any truth.

You complained to me before about the “Clinton Hangover” so you have already gone on the record that these “hangovers” happen, so I ask again, how long is the Bush hangover to be calculated?


Keep in mind we are looking back post invasion. Do you think if we could change things that going into Iraq was useful given the cost in blood and treasure?

Why do you hate brown people?

Aye Chihuahua: Why do you hate brown people?

I just don’t feel it was our role to be the arbiters and spreaders (by force) of democracy. If they want it, let them earn it like our forefathers did. It was not worth the blood and treasure.


Your opinion.

Worth exactly what you were paid for it.

Funny blast, it was folks like you that wanted us in Bosnia and Darfur.

Aye Chihuahua: Your opinion. Worth exactly what you were paid for it.

Haha… do you think insulting me advances anything?

Hard Right: Funny blast, it was folks like you that wanted us in Bosnia and Darfur.

Oh, “folks like me”, well you are wrong. I was not in favor of unilateral American action.


Aye Chihuahua: Your opinion. Worth exactly what you were paid for it.

Haha… do you think insulting me advances anything?

You’ve exposed yourself. My insults, if there are any, won’t take you any lower .

You know blast, you’ve proven to be a lot like an apple. You present yourself to be red, shiny, appealing, and without blemish on the outside. However, when your arguments are opened up and examined, your core is rotten.

That’s a shame.

America has always been the last best hope for mankind. We have always defended liberty and freedom throughout the world since our country was founded.

You may not think that our efforts in Iraq were worth it but, then again, your neck was not under Sadaam’s boot. Your sisters weren’t the ones being gang raped while you were forced to watch. Your brothers were not the ones bound and blindfolded and then thrown off of a four story building. Your father was not fed feet first into a plastic shredder.

No, your perspective is different because, as your new leader likes to say, you have “no skin in the game.”

Perhaps if you could see things from the side of the victimized, the oppressed, or the hopeless you wouldn’t make such inane comments as “if they want it, let them earn it.” Does the inscription on the Statue of Liberty say anything about people having to “earn” their freedom? I don’t think so.

The world would indeed be a sad, miserable place if we had followed your approach, rather than following American ideals and greatness.

Aye Chihuahua: You know blast, you’ve proven to be a lot like an apple. You present yourself to be red, shiny, appealing, and without blemish on the outside, however, when your arguments are opened up and examined, your core is rotten.

Blah blah blah. You have never offered any argument here, just hot air. You have no idea what my service to this country has been. I am an American, not an internationalist. It is not the job of the USA to bring “freedom” to anyone. We can foster a world were freedom works, but to force it at the tip of a bayonet is too costly. You speak of our brown brothers in Iraq, what about our yellow brothers in N. Korea where much worse starvation and deprivation has been reported. Why only help Iraqis?


I see you for what you are, not for what you would like for me to think you are.

When your arguments are stripped of the bluster, puff chested blathering, and self importance there remains nothing worthy to discuss.

The dark, mouldy, core now lays exposed for all to view.

Some may be fooled by you.

Others, not so much.

Aye, what is your point? Where is your argument to refute something I have posted? No where.


You should re-read post #42.

You’ve got yourself whipped into such a lather now that you missed it.

Aye, lather? I think not. And as for comment 42, that has nothing but air and your opinion. You never answered if we should have invaded North Korea too? Millions have died there, and they actually have WMD’s.

Every post you create is nothing but opinion.

I’ve refuted your opinions by pointing to historical fact. I have also shone a light on the emptiness of your position which is, in its’ entirety, simply your opinion.

As to North Korea, firmer action could have, and should have, been taken prior to their development of nuclear weapons.

Ms. Albright, however, went over and drank champagne with their Kim, and loosened the grip we had on them.

So yes, we should have been more aggressive when the opportunity presented itself.

Aye, “historical fact” do you mean where you said “America has always been the last best hope for mankind. We have always defended liberty and freedom throughout the world since our country was founded.” That is hyperbole not fact.

And as for the Iraq war (particularly the blood and money spent), which was the essence of this dispute, the majority of Americans believe as I do.




Do you really need me to go back through the storied history of this country and recount for you every time we have “defended liberty and freedom throughout the world”?

Do you really need me to do that for you?

I would expect not. Perhaps you need to do some reading up on what this country, and her heritage is.

As for public opinion regarding the Iraq war, the general public doesn’t engage in independent thinking and simply regurgitates what they are fed. Attention spans are short and easily swayed. Determination levels fall off.

Let me ask you this though. Do you have any idea what public opinion was regarding the Revolution? The Civil War? How about our involvement in WWII?

Harry Truman wasn’t a really popular guy, but that didn’t make his actions wrong.

Thank goodness we have been blessed with leaders who have been willing to do what is right, rather than what is popular. President Bush said in one of his exit interviews that he was perfectly prepared to be reviled and despised for his actions in office.

Seems you have already gotten started in that direction.