Obama And ‘Pay-To-Play’ [Reader Post]


Lets see if I have this right. By virtue of the fact that Obama has been elected President, a man who has achieved nothing of note in his 47 year-old life except getting elected President, he is now the world’s expert on everything.

Now that Obama is the President-elect of the US, Americans must assume that he is automatically invested with the implied virtue and high moral standing of the office he will soon occupy. We must also assume his proposed solutions to America’s problems are grounded in reality and common sense. In other words, we must ignore the evidence of his actions.

We must ignore his consorting with America haters and domestic terrorists. We must overlook his 20 year acceptance and endorsement of a hate-whitey and damn America ideology spewed by his mentor and pastor. We must avert our eyes from the legitimate questions arising from his convoluted purchase of additional acreage for his home in Chicago from Tony Rezko.

And questioning how a political novice managed to rise to the top of the corrupt Chicago machine without being part of it is considered evidence of either racism or hate.

Obama’s former colleagues and current political appointees continue to bite the dust, being indicted and/or being investigated for corruption at an alarming rate, yet we are to assume all this corruption happened without Obama either noticing it or being a part of it. Americans are now required to ignore the evidence of their own eyes, ignore common sense conclusions, and give this man the benefit of the doubt.

Presumption of innocence is one thing, ignoring facts and common sense is quite another.

Despite what the media and political elites would have us believe, a man can and may be judged by who he chooses to associate with. If a kid hangs with a gang, its reasonable to assume he agrees and accepts the actions of his fellows. If a politician associates with fellows that continue to be exposed as corrupt, it is reasonable to assume that he is, at the very least, a willing participant.

Despite what the media and political elites would have us believe, character counts. Character affects every area of decision making a president is involved in. Appointing heads of agencies, cabinet members and leaders of our military based on political considerations instead of merit, as Obama seems to be doing, undermines and weakens our system of government. And it is not ‘change.’

‘Pay to play’ is a new term, coined by the outrageous actions of Illinois Governor Blagojevich’s blatant auctioning Obama’s former senate seat to the highest bidder. And pay to play is emerging as the dominant feature of Obama’s new administration.

Consider: When Obama is asked to comment on the Israeli/Gaza conflict, he has repeatedly stated that there can only be one president at a time. Thus, he has neatly avoided being forced to publicly choose between Israel and the Palestinians terrorists.

Obama’s ‘only one president at a time’ explanation, however, didn’t stop him from proclaiming “We must close Guantanamo”, thereby rendering illegitimate America’s right to remove our enemies from the battlefield. Payback to the far left who were responsible for his election?

Despite the economic crisis facing our economy, the very first legislative action of the newly elected 111th Congress was approving a bill making clear that women who are victims of gender-based discrimination can sue for compensatory and punitive damages. Payback to the trial lawyers and feminists?

Was Obama’s proposal of adding 600,000 new government jobs a payback to the unions?

Was opening the floodgates of the US Treasury to arbitrarily hand-picked winners of the bail-out lotto a payback to campaign supporters? Was the promise that the 3 million, (oops, now 4 million) new ‘green’ jobs he has promised to create a payback to the powerful environmental lobby? Maybe, maybe not. We’ll never know, because none of these questions are being asked.

Every question posed above might not stand on its own. After all, there is a powerful presumption of innocence and, by the way, we must not be judgemental. But taken together, Obama’s actions, not his words, paint a picture of business as usual. His actions point to a pattern of payback to political factions. Translation: Pay to play or you’re toast.

Barack Obama is my president. The respect I have for the office and the institution requires that I give him every opportunity, every benefit of the doubt, every encouragement. But the same respect I hold for the presidency requires, demands, that the president act in the best interest of the country. And judging by his actions to date, I regretfully conclude that Obama’s decisions reflect instead the ‘pay-to-play’, business as usual mode of governance. And I don’t expect this will change.

Ed – Comments Closed 01-17-09

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I’ve said all along, he doesn’t know anyone who isn’t a criminal. Look at ‘who’ or ‘what’ he is appointing to high offices. I just want to live long enough to see a lot of the educated elitest killed on a battlefield as a ‘draftee’. We know he’s weak, the enemy knows he’s weak so there will be plenty of battlefields from Iran to S.F. and NYC. I’ll go in my bomb shelter, listen to them dying on the radio and laugh.

Actually they won’t die on the radio. I will listen to the radio reports of them dying in droves from the WMD that doesn’t exist.

Barack Obama is my president. The respect I have for the office and the institution requires that I give him every opportunity, every benefit of the doubt, every encouragement.” (Nancy Morgan)

I have one question for you Nancy.

Wich respect should be greater? Respect for the POTUS or respect for your Constitution? Presidents can be replaced but not your Constitution. The Constitution is all you have. The Constitution says that only a natural born citizen with no dual citizenship at birth can hold the highest Office of USA. His father was from Kenya, so therefore by the British law, he is a British citizen thru his father. He was then adopted by his step father, an Indonesian, so he got the Indonesian citizenship and was called Barry Soetoro and was a Muslim at that time.

Obama as shown no records. They are all sealed. No Birth Certificate, no naturalization documents, no medical records, no passport records, no college records, no baptism records. Nothing… Zero… Nada… Rien! He spent almost a million dollars to keep these documents sealed. What does he have to hide? Who is this man? Where was he borned? Is he a Christian or still a Muslim? Who is behind this man? It must be a very powerful force, since no one dares to ask him those simple questions. Nancy, would you respect an illegal alien who would be an usurper? THAT IS THE QUESTION.

Nancy, I invite you to listen to Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr., Ph.D., J.D. who will be on Plains Radio Network http://www.plainsradio.com/chat1.html on Friday night, he will join the patriots who wants Obama out for his ineligibility. Dr. Vieira is the greatest Constitutional attorney known of today, he is respected thru the world. Every night that station talk about this issue… the program in on right now, you can listen… but friday, Dr, Vieira is something you would not want to miss.

when you have been is politics for the amount of time obama has, and have risen as high as he has in such a short amount of time you know he “owes” people. how could he not? it makes you wonder if obama could get a security clearance of the same level if he weren’t president that he will have as president. the fbi said that if bill and hillary weren’t in the shite house they would not have been able to get the clearance that he had as president because of his numerous issues. i doubt he would, he is of far to questionable of charactor, and he is showing to the world what the rest of us conservatives had always seen. a bumbling idiot. when the shit hits the fan it will certainly splatter all over him, as it should. there is no way he could be an innocent doop not knowing what all of his “friends and associates” are up to.

Reading these four comments (and glancing over to the right of the page and seeing “Top Posts Overall:
“Michelle Obama ‘Whitey’ Tape- Updated 7 Bumped: No Tape – Just Hearsay… 56297 views) leads one to the conclusion that a number of the conservative posters here need to get over it.
The attitudes are not going to move the voters to the right.

Timothy Geithner didn’t pay Social Security and Medicare taxes for several years while he worked for the International Monetary Fund, and he employed an immigrant housekeeper who briefly lacked proper work papers.

Let’s get over it. So he illegally had a nanny and probably illegally didn’t pay his taxes, but what should stop him from being the next Secretary of the Treasury ?
It’s good to see the Obama is able to attract the “best and brightest” … criminals.

Nancy, maybe this video could interest you:

Alan Keys Speaks on the Obama Birth Certificate Issue

Obama is black or is he white. Which is “Wright”?

There can be only one President at a time. You must admit – Obama is Wright!

Obama will continue to practice a double Pay to Play, why because Obama is a community organizer. Wright? Obama needs ACORN! Wight?

Barack Husain Obama will organize our lives and the World! Wright?

Obama will definitely promote jobs – a three letter word – according to Joe who? By the way, where is Joe? Now, exiled to Iraq away from the news media and everyone! This is true! Wright?

It doesn’t matter what Obama says. We have to give him a chance! Wright?

Obama is The Messiah, The One, and The Merciful One! Wright? He can do no wrong because the Main Stream Media (MSM) says so! Wright?

The MSM wants us to “see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil” and may be Obama will “do no evil”! Wight!

Is Obama already sending chills up your leg? If not, Wright now – then may be, later!

Who will be Obama’s first choice to stay in the Lincoln Bedroom? I believe it will probably be Rev. Jeremiah Wright! Is this Wright of is it wrong? I bet I am Wright!

20 years is a loooooooooooong time! Wright?

Have a nice day!


P.S. Obama is the 1st Affirmative Action President and we must all give him a chance to succeed! Wight? Colin Powell knew that Richard Armitage leaked Valerie Plame Wilson identity to Bob Novak and we have to give Colin Powell a pass! Wight? Hopefully, Scooter Libby will get a free pass!


I agree – Obama and DNC have spent (?) millions to keep from producing his birth certificate. Problem is, if the media doesn’t report it, it is considered a non-issue.

The media has deemed our constitution a ‘living document’ which means it will soon lose its meaning. Best we can do is provide as much sunshine as we can. I agree with Neal Boortz that we are now a nation in decline. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t continue trying to reverse it.
Keep on fighting

“Lets see if I have this right. By virtue of the fact that Obama has been elected President, a man who has achieved nothing of note in his 47 year-old life except getting elected President, he is now the world’s expert on everything.”

Why, of course. He’s the Magic Negro from Chicago/NYC/Indonesia/Hawaii, and other parts unmentioned.

“Obama as shown no records. They are all sealed. No Birth Certificate, no naturalization documents, no medical records, no passport records, no college records, no baptism records. Nothing… Zero… Nada… Rien! He spent almost a million dollars to keep these documents sealed. What does he have to hide? Who is this man? Where was he borned? Is he a Christian or still a Muslim? Who is behind this man? It must be a very powerful force, since no one dares to ask him those simple questions. Nancy, would you respect an illegal alien who would be an usurper? THAT IS THE QUESTION.” ~ Craig

Well, here’s one record you can search. Obama, and his shrew wife, both lost their license to practice law in Illinois. Of course, the Lame Stream Media do not think this a news story.


Click on new search, and enter the appropriate info (Obama, Barack, Illinois; Obama, Michelle, Illinois). Then, just for fun, enter the info of Illinois’ newest senator (Burris, Roland, Illinois). Compare the results (and discuss).

Tom Davis, of the formerly blue and now red Virginia:

Not so, Tom Davis who left his northern Virginia seat in 2008 after weighing and ultimately deciding against a run for the seat being vacated by Sen. John Warner (R).

Davis is, without question, a fiscal conservative and socially moderate, but he is, also, one of the brightest strategic minds in the GOP. Need proof? When Davis chaired the National Republican Congressional Committee in 2000 and 2002, House Republicans netted six seats.

Given Davis’s reputation — and the current morass in which the GOP finds itself — we were intrigued to come across an essay penned by the former Virginia member titled “The Way Back.”

In it, Davis convincingly make the case that the alleged takeover of the party by social conservatives has worked to its electoral detriment.

Writes Davis:

“We talked to ourselves and not to voters. We became more concerned with stem cell policy than economic policy, and with prayer in schools rather than balance in our public budgets and priorities. Not so long ago, it was easy to paint the Democrats as the party of extremists. Now, they say we’re extremists, and voters agree.”



This is a great article that you wrote “OUR DANGEROUS MEDIAS” in the link that you have provided in your comment #9. I agree 100% with you.

MSM are controlling your country. Boycott them. Now, you have Radios Network that is fighting the MSM’s bias. Plains Radio Network http://www.plainsradio.com/chat1.html (it is on right now), is a good example, I listen to it every night. A group of real patriots people are getting organised and they are trying to take back your country. After all, your Constitution if you remember starts with these words: “We the people”. So the people have all the rights and government should work for them, not the reverse.

I hope that these people will succeed in their efforts. I hope that the Federal Reserve will be abolished, it is not even constitutional. It is a complete fraud. I hope Obama will be removed also. He will destroy what is left of your country and turn it into a communist country. I wish I would be an American; I would take action that is for sure. I hope you will all take action now before it is too late.

They are all in the tank for THE ONE: Congress, Senate and even the SCOTUS. All corrupted. It is up to you people to take back your country. I am a Canadian and I really worry for you people. I always enjoyed having USA as a neighbour, but if Obama is not “dethrone”, USA will become our enemy, I wouldn’t want this to happen. Have courage and take action, “you the people” do not need the MSM, SCOTUS our government people to take your country back. You are 330 millions, much more than they are.

Isn’ the PC situation worse in Canada?

“Craig, Isn’ the PC situation worse in Canada?” (Nancy)

The PC (Conservative Party) is the best thing that ever happened to Canada. Stephen Harper is such a great Prime Minister. It is the Liberal Party that is the problem here, they are such lefties.

Steven Harper is for the war in Afghanistan, against Kyoto and all these other stupidities. But Quebec hates his guts, Quebeckers are the troublemakers of Canada, they are socialists/Marxists/communists and environment freaks and pro-terrorists. But Québec is the second most populated province, so they have a great voting power (75 seats on 308). In the last election, the BQ (Bloc Québécois) a separatist party, won 50 seats. BQ is only there to throw sand in the federal system. Ontario is also becoming a very socialist province, but the ROC (Rest of Canada) is very conservative.


Did you know that the Fedral Reserve is not even constitutional? This video is 2 hours long, but just listen to the first 10 minutes and you will get the picture.

America: Freedom to Fascism – Director’s Authorized Version

Craig, the US quasi-public central banking system has been around in multiple forms since Alexander Hamilton days in 1791… and it’s existence is not unconstitutional. Or perhaps you think the US runs better when there are about 30,000 difference currencies for monetary exchange? (as there was prior to the Fed Reserve’s creation in 1913) It was originally set up to organize, standardize and stabilize the monetary system in the United States, and to provide a method for liquidity. You can’t have your local auto guy creating his own currency, and the local drug store another. There must be some constant … ala printing bills, pressing coins, and the assets backing that.

It is fully within the Constitution for the feds to regulate US currency under Section 8 of our Constitution:

Section. 8.
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;

How much regulation and specifics? Always the question… just as is it legal to limit the type of firearms under the 2nd Amendment? But to suggest the a central bank that was created to standardize US currency is not “constitutional”??? As an ex-film professional, I love Russo’s work as a director. However, IMHO, he should have stuck with The Divine Miss M. I suggest you go watch “The Rose”, and stop placing him in a referential status for which he is not qualified.

However if you find yourself succumbing to him as a valid source for Constitutional interpretation, then you truly were on the wrong ticket as a Canadian who liked McCain. You should have fallen more in the the Ron Paul or other libertarian extreme category.

Now, a whole other “constitutional” conversation is about progressive taxes which… prior to the 16th Amendment… was supposed to be “uniform”.

That is your opinion, Mata. But it is not the Constitutional attorney’s view and not mine either. The banks are now controlling your country and you wonder why Obama was elected? It is all about corruption. Listen to the video.

The creation of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 is not my “opinion” Craig. It *is* a fact. What you are listening to is one wacky interpretation of the Constitution if you, or he think the Fed Reserve is unconstitutional.

I’ll make sure I tell my Ron Paul and more extreme libertarian friends to put you on their mailing list. Their fodder will blend well with your Alex Jones links. geeez, Craig…. you’re getting more conspiratorial each day. And you don’t even live here.

Mata, you are wrong.


“Dr. Edwin Vieira’s central theme is that today’s scheme of Federal-Reserve-System fiat currency and fractional-reserve banking is plainly unconstitutional, inherently fraudulent, economically unworkable in the long run, and subversive of America’s political traditions of individual liberty and private property. This may appear, at first blush, a harsh indictment of a system in existence since 1913, and which the vast majority of Americans apparently accepts (albeit on next to no real knowledge). But, harsh or not, it is an indictment substantial political-economic theory and historical evidence support.”

Dr. Edwin Vieira Ph.D., J.D.

N.B.: Dr. Vieira is also the author of PIECES OF EIGHT: THE MONETARY POWERS AND DISABILITIES OF THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION – A STUDY IN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. This work is the most exhaustive and scholarly treatise ever written regarding the legal history of money in this country.

uh huh… and on what does Vieira base his idea that regulation of the nation’s currency – which is in Section 8 of the Constitution – is “plainly unconstitutional”. And nope… don’t have time for even 10 minutes of a bad Aaron Russo documovie. The entire concept…as per Russo himself… is that he has “proof” that taxes are illegal.

Barking up the wrong tree, Craig. And this stuff doesn’t lend Vieira much credibility in his other conspiracy theories either. There are many self-professed “constitutional attorneys” that consider themselves experts. He is one who interprets from the fringes. As I said, I’m quite sure I can get you on the mailing list for the libertarians. Because this is where you are going of late.

Mata, what an ego you have… lol. Between a PhD, J.D.’s opinion, who is highly respected thru the world, and your opinion, I do not want to insult you one bit, but I’m sorry to tell you, that I’ll go along with Vieira. Mata, don’t be such a poor loser. You are great in many fields, but you are not an expert on the Constitution like Dr. Vieira… and you cannot be right on every subjects. Did you read his full article… did you read his book that I have link in the N.B. note? Till you do, what are you basing your opinion on him from?

That’s funny, Craig…. I’m just sitting here mulling over all those PhDs and Masters in the science world who you are willing to ignore because they are trying to tell you about global warming. So let’s not be disingenuous on your import on educational diplomas. You’ll throw them under the bus for one you choose not to agree with.

However you may want to read your own link, as well as go to Aaron’s Russo’s website and get a clue as to where they are going with this. It’s against the progressive tax systems as unConstitutional… not a new Libertarian argument…

Vieira founds his argument first on the ability of the federal reserve note to be legal tender. I have read his argument in the past. He did not convince me then, and neither he… nor you… convince me now. And quite frankly, Craig… he hasn’t convinced anyone of substantial stature in the US either. And that includes *most* actual Constitutional authorities.

Therefore if I’m egotistical because I am quite sure I am correct in discarding him, and your notions that the Fed Reserve is unconstitutional, then I have a vast amount of company…. which include MANY of those with PhDs.

Good grief Mata! You are confusing leftist global warming jihadists… clitamard religious idiots, with a bright and very conservative Constitutional attorney. I guess you will NEVER admit you are wrong and that you always know best. This is the only think about you that bugs me. For the rest you are alright. Well, I guess everyone has his flaws. So keep thinking that you know better than Vieira if it suits you. I know Vieira is right, you just don’t want to admit that there is corruption in your country… but there is , like in every other countries. Time will prove you wrong.

I most certainly admit when I’m wrong. Did so most recently on my Robert Rubin post, if you so quickly forget. I will not admit I’m wrong just so you can advance yet another conspiracy theory based on a single docudrama by the Divine Miss M’s director, a hard core libertarian, and his pet PhD mouthpiece. Get serious, Craig… he is not the first and foremost constitutional attorney in the nation. Nor is he the *only* constitutional attorney in the nation.

Funny how that “unConstitutional” quasi-public central bank concept has been around since Alexander Hamilton’s days… and that since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913… which established the FR… hasn’t been the subject of a constitutional lawsuit ever.

You want to believe Vieira is right, but that also means you want to believe most every other Constitutional attorney in the US is *incorrect*. But Vieira suits your needs, and your passion for American revolution after Obama.

Ain’t happening, Craig. Most of us don’t get swayed by one or a few fringe opinions. They are interesting viewpoints and fodder to read and pocket. That, however, does not make them fact.

And how you can construe my unwillingness to buy Vieira’s theory on the reserve as “you just don’t want to admit that there is corruption in your country” is beyond me. Talk about out of left field…. You obviously have never read any of my posts with a lick of comprehension if you say that.

But this isn’t the first time you’ve personally insulted me because I’m not on the same side of a belief as you, Craig. And I’m very sure it won’t be the last. And as I told you then, I won’t lose a minute of sleep wondering whether you think good or ill of me. I needn’t do anything about it either. Give you enough keyboard time, you generally hang yourself.

Between a PhD, J.D.’s opinion, who is highly respected thru the world, and your opinion, I do not want to insult you one bit, but I’m sorry to tell you, that I’ll go along with Vieira. Mata, don’t be such a poor loser.

One Dr. Law’s opinion supported by an angry Canadian does not bring down the constitutionality of anything. 5 out of 9 Supreme Court Justices? Yes. One over educated pundit? No. There are a lot of opinions about the constitutionality of many U.S. laws, but that doesn’t change the reality that the Supreme Court has not overturned them. I’ve read Vieira, and I’ve read MataHarley. I’ll take Mata’s opinion any day of the week. Vieira makes several good points, but his bullet lists don’t necessarily make his conclusions reasonable.

Besides, who made you the referee that gets to declare Mata the loser?

This work is the most exhaustive and scholarly treatise ever written regarding the legal history of money in this country.

Zarlenga, Rothbard, Ferguson? Not all perfect, none infallible, but each of them definitely on par with Vieira. And he can only wish he was on the same level as Friedman and Schwartz. Saying someone is the definitive authority doesn’t make them the definitive authority.


I am not angry, but I realize that you people think you are always right on every subjects… but you are not. Finally, this site is not for me. I prefer blogs that have the guts to talk about the ineligibility of Obama. I prefer Americans who wants to protect their Constitution and are ready to fight for it. Since your Congress, Senate and SCOTUS are all corrupted and all in the tank for THE ONE, I guess this issue is now in your own hands. Your Constitution starts by the words: “We the people”. Have you forgotten it? YOU are the power in this country. Government has to work for you, not the reverse. But you won’t dare to talk about it, you think it is not an issue. You are afraid to be called tin foil hats. Everybody ignores and scoffs your Constitution (FDR, Obama, Congress, Senate, Scotus) and you stand by them and do absolutely nothing. I do not understand you people. I really don’t. And I guess I will not try anymore. Good luck, because you will need it, believe me. Unless the Americans who cares for your Constitution succeed in their efforts. I hope they do.

MataHarley: I won’t lose a minute of sleep wondering whether you think good or ill of me.

When do you sleep? I swear it doesn’t matter what time I get on this site, you are blogging live. I’m starting to think that you have ‘Harley’ in your handle because you’re some kind of machine 🙂 Keep it up though, I always enjoy your point of view and your ability to harvest information.

You know, I predicted the crash of the US dollar nine years ago in a humor piece I wrote in 1999. In a round about way I blamed it one the Fed Reserve, but not in the way you would think. Who would of thought that it would actually happen? Maybe it was a conspiracy, hehe.

Craig: Have you forgotten it? YOU are the power in this country.

You’re pretty judgmental for someone who basically has no idea how the political system in the US actually works. Is there corruption in our country. Of course there is. Is it entrenched? Of course it is. Is ALL of it corrupt? Of course not.

I’m lucky enough to be from the least populated state in the nation. Why does that make me lucky? Because I get access to my national leaders that is unheard of in any other state. I’ve spent plenty of personal time with both of my Senators (Mike Enzi and John Barrasso) and Wyoming’s single Congresswoman (Cynthia Lummis) in addition to the late Senator Craig Thomas and our retired Senator Alan Simpson and Congresswoman Barbara Cubin (All Republican by the way). Our Democratic Governor Freudenthal (Who would be a Republican in any other state) also has an open door policy and is more that willing to spend time talking to any one of his constituents — even ones like me who openly campaigned against him. I got to meet President Bush on the day he announced Dick Cheney as his running mate, and got to be at a luncheon with Vice President Cheney after the election. He is a Wyoming boy after all.

I didn’t get these opportunities because of ‘pay-for-play’ or any other kind of corruption in the system. In fact, I have never donated a dime to any one of them — time yes, money, no. I got these opportunities because I showed up.

If there is anything I have learned from my time in local and state politics it’s this.

1. The problem isn’t that a few people make all of the decisions. The problem is that only a few people show up, so those few people HAVE to make all of the decisions.

2. The system is slow to change for a reason–so we don’t do something stupid. (like a trillion dollar bailout). Sometimes it moves too fast and bad things happen (like a trillion dollar bailout)

3. Federal law is inspired by national party platforms, national party platforms are inspired by state party platforms, state party platforms are inspired by county party platforms, and county party platforms are created by precinct committee members. I know this because I’ve been part of it, and I am still part of it.

4. Sometimes the other side wins, but that doesn’t mean its all corrupt. It just means another ideology won out this time. The balance of power shifts sometimes and we have to deal with it, though that doesn’t mean we are just rolling over. Shifting the balance of power is a long process and the other side has barely taken over.

5. While the corrupt 1% of our leaders get all of the news time, the 99% who are there for the right reasons are there working hard to make this a better nation. Calling the whole thing corrupt is insulting to EVERYONE in this country.

You’ve spent a lot of time telling us how to fix our country, but you have no real experience in how it even works. You say we don’t dare talk about it? Do you even read the posts and comments here of FA? There are millions of people of both sides of these issues talking about it every day on websites like this one. Some of us actually show up at precinct committee meetings once in a while and try to DO something, too.

If you are so interested in having a major impact on American politics, why don’t you petition for citizenship and join the fray here instead of just lobbing attack after attack on our patriotism from afar?

That is one funny Y2K article and prediction, Wisdom. Because of the lack of artistry… LOL! Ah were it but that simple.

Sleep? Heck yeah. But my work entails me being online most of the day when I’m not out in the field. Since I work via computer, I multitask. And I admit, when I’m trying to procrastinate, it makes for a great diversion!

In addition to work, I stay logged in to FA as an author to monitor the spam filter and moderation comments. Thus I try to fish out lost comments faster, andkeepthe spam filter from being out of control. Believe you me, let this thing sit unattended for 10 hours, and you have page after page to go thru to find the legitimate comments in the hundreds of spam. Easier to keep up on it than sift thru volume.

And the “Harley” in the handle is a nod towards my ride…. plus a take off on Mata Hari, of course. I’m only a “machine” of energy when the events and schedule warrant. Other than that, I truly love to maintain a balance of work and pleasure in my life. Part of growing older, I guess.

“You’re pretty judgmental for someone who basically has no idea how the political system in the US actually works.” (Wisdom)

Because I am a Canadian, you suppose that I do not know how your political system works? WOW! What a statement! How funny! You have to be an American to understand your system? I read just about every book on your political system; you are forgetting that I am a political and economic junkie. I sure do know much more than 52% of your uneducated citizens who voted for THE ONE.

«And he (Dr. Vieira) can only wish he was on the same level as Friedman and Schwartz.” (Wisdom)

LOL! I’m an absolute fan of Milton Friedman, I have linked many videos of him on this site and I have read all his books. You obviously didn’t.

Here is Friedman in an interview:

– Region: If you were advising the Federal Reserve, what would you say are the unsolved economic problems of the day?
-Friedman: One unsolved economic problem of the day is how to get rid of the Federal Reserve

“I get access to my national leaders that is unheard of in any other state. I’ve spent plenty of personal time with both of my Senators (Mike Enzi and John Barrasso) and Wyoming’s single Congresswoman (Cynthia Lummis)” (Wisdom)

So what? Did you convince them to bring the ineligibility of Obama with the Electoral College vote? NO. They all voted for THE ONE.


“But this isn’t the first time you’ve personally insulted me because I’m not on the same side of a belief as you, Craig.” (Mata)

Isn’t that a bit of a projection on your side, Mata? I am a conservative, I like republicans, and I am a pro-Israel, pro-small government, anti-abortion, anti-gay marriages, anti-global warming and anti-socialism. No problem there for you. But when I say that I am anti-Federal Reserve or that I admire patriotic people who want to defend and protect your Constitution by not letting a usurper to be POTUS, you get all upset and you get all nasty and take it personally. It is you who cannot stand that I disagree with you. But I DO disagree with you on these two issues and I am right to disagree about these matters because you are wrong. The Constitution is for “YOU, the people”; it is in your hands to defend it. And if you don’t, you won’t have one anymore. But that upsets you… I wonder why? You are easily upset. You get on your high horses easily. No one can disagree with you. You are an authority here, right? I don’t think so.

You make great threads, you are a great researcher, no doubt and I appreciate this, but you are not perfect, like I am not perfect; no one is. I am not a fan of conspiracy theories, I am too aware for that, too much informed. But some things are really wrong in your country, just like in my country, and we cannot close our eyes on them. That’s all I’m telling you, but you do not want to see them. I don’t know why?


Isn’t that a bit of a projection on your side, Mata? I am a conservative, I like republicans, and I am a pro-Israel, pro-small government, anti-abortion, anti-gay marriages, anti-global warming and anti-socialism. No problem there for you. But when I say that I am anti-Federal Reserve or that I admire patriotic people who want to defend and protect your Constitution by not letting a usurper to be POTUS, you get all upset and you get all nasty and take it personally. It is you who cannot stand that I disagree with you. But I DO disagree with you on these two issues and I am right to disagree about these matters because you are wrong. The Constitution is for “YOU, the people”; it is in your hands to defend it. And if you don’t, you won’t have one anymore. But that upsets you… I wonder why? You are easily upset. You get on your high horses easily. No one can disagree with you. You are an authority here, right? I don’t think so.


Do you ever read over your own comments? Try to look outside of yourself and see how others might read the tone and tenor of your words? Stare into the figurative mirror? I understand you feel passionately about your opinions; but so often you seem to confuse your point of view for the facts, the whole facts, and nothing but the facts.

Everything I emboldened in the quote above easily applies to your own self.

Wordsmith, you are like Mata and many other authors here, except for Mike’s America. You think you know it all, but you don’t. Stop getting upset when someone is disagreeing with you. This is childish and condescending. On the Federal Reserve and on the Constitution, I know that I am right. Federal Reserve should be abolish, Milton Friedman and Dr, Vieira are right on this. And the Constitution is for “YOU the people”, read it again, it starts with: “We the people”, you cannot prove me wrong on these issues even if you would try. Gees! Get real!

And if you want to argue on this, argue with Friedman (even if he is dead), or argue with Vieira, we will see if you have arguments against them… lol


Wordsmith, you are like Mata and many other authors here, except for Mike’s America. You think you know it all, but you don’t. Stop getting upset when someone is disagreeing with you. This is childish and condescending.


What reality do you live in? Of all the FA authors, I feel I know the least of all. Where have I ever behaved or stated that I know it all?

Who’s upset here whenever there’s disagreement? Myself or you? Who’s behaving childishly? Condescension often seems to drip from your keyboard when others disagree with you. I really wish you’d look back on the tone of half your comments, here. How often do you tell others you disagree with, “You’re wrong….”. And not as opinion, but as fact?


Like I just said:

“If you want to argue on this, argue with Friedman (even if he is dead), or argue with Vieira, we will see if you have arguments against them… lol”

Craig: “Wordsmith, you are like Mata and many other authors here, except for Mike’s America…You think you know it all, but you don’t.”…… This is childish and condescending.

Craig, not to pick a fight with you, but you, Hard Right, and Mike A are shoot first ask questions later commenters. Often you respond with condescending tones and even worse personal attacks. No doubt the atmosphere gets tainted and everyone becomes trigger happy, but until someone trashes me I generally keep cool about a difference in opinion.

On the Federal Reserve and on the Constitution, I know that I am right.

You know you are right… but that does not change the fact that many disagree with you. Are they less human or American?? When someone “knows they are right” to the exclusion to any other opinions is inflexible in thought. You may well be right, but then again the Fed Reserve has been around for a long time and your opinion does not seem to mean much to the powers that be.

As to Wordsmith, Scott, Mata and Curt, I have agreed and disagreed with them over time. In some areas their comments or posts have altered my opinion and I even when I have vehemently disagreed with them, I never thought they were projecting a superior attitude (even when we were arguing). I hope FA can get to a place of respect of sharing opinions, which over time might revitalize the conservative movement, instead of bifurcate it even more.


You’re missing the point of my entry into this thread. I didn’t come to debate for or against your take on the Federal Reserve and the finer points of the U.S. Constitution. The first and only topic I entered into this thread to address is the little sideshow squabble going on, which strikes at the broader issue of how we interact and relate with one another on FA in general.

Ah Word, you could have gotten off easy, guy. First the insults were to me only. When Wisdom came in, the disdain was expanded to the FA community at large… and we were bid adieu and discarded as unworthy (for about 14 hours, that is).

Now you came in and got Craig all fired up again. We’re all “know-it-alls”, although we generally only comment and post on arenas where we are comfortable. And Mike’s A is the only one who will remain in his good graces. That should make our Mike very happy. LOL

And now… after all this hoopla of telling us that the Fed Reserve is unConstitutional, it’s now changed to it should be abolished.

Well now… ain’t that two different sides of a coin. There is a vast difference on whether a federal agency created by Congress within their Constitutional power is constructed well and performs efficiently. But that’s not what Craig has been saying, is it?

And now, of course, it’s all me who was “nasty” while Craig was genuinely abused, and you’ve decided to be the gentleman and take the bullet for me. Quite kind of you, ya know. Don’t actually need that protection, but the act itself is just downright heartwarming.

And Wisdom? The same to you, guy. Thank you for the kind words and having my back when you felt I may need it. But I assure you, all’s well. Got a tough hide here. And Craig’s like Old Faithful… blows on schedule furiously, then calms down for a respite. I generally don’t think much of it, and mostly avoid predictable confrontations. But I do dislike fringe opinions with no legal precedent or basis being presented here as “fact”. Doesn’t look good when left unchallenged.

When my children were younger, I would sit them down side by side on the sofa and make them hug one another when they argued and bickered and sniped at one another.

Predictably, one would cry, one would laugh, and one would sulk.

I learned that trick from my Dad…and it works pretty well.

Is there a sofa in the FA store?

“The first and only topic I entered into this thread to address is the little sideshow squabble going on, which strikes at the broader issue of how we interact and relate with one another on FA in general.” (Wordsmith)

I understand what you mean. There is a major difference between you people and me. Americans likes to look like the “good guy”, they like to be seen has moderates, bi-partisans and all that nonsense. As a French Canadian I am a passionate and very direct person. I say it like it is. No bull. I guess you have a problem with that­, you are not use to people speaking their minds. This is probably why you despite me so much and that I shock you an irritate you so much. Different mentalities, I guess. But this is who I am and this is who you are. I just wish that you wouldn’t be so much on the offensive side everytime someone disagrees with you. When you disagree with me, it doesn’t make me mad, I just tell you that I think you are wrong… big deal! I don’t come with opinions that I made out myself. I read the best opinions of the most qualified people in the world and it just happen that I agree with them. You just don’t, you prefer your own opinions. It is your choice, but it still doesn’t make you right.

Mata, The Federal Reserve should be abolish because it doesnMt work and it is unconstitutional. If you have read Vieira article, you would understand it, but you didn’t dare read it. Were you afraid he was right?


The Federal Reserve should be abolish because it doesn’t work and because it is unconstitutional. If you would have read Vieira’s article, you would have understand why. Were you afraid he was right? And why don’t you stop your nasty comments on me? Did I hurt you feelings that much? I though you said you wouldn’t lose sleep on it. Were you just bragging… lol?


Ah Word, you could have gotten off easy, guy. First the insults were to me only.

Well, I did read some of this last night, and held my tongue. But today, in light of other squabbles going on, I figured it was an opportune time to just air out some dirty laundry. Don’t flatter yourself that you’re the first and only one to ever be on the receiving end of Craig’s wrath. 😀 Lol.

And Craig’s like Old Faithful… blows on schedule furiously, then calms down for a respite.

That seriously made me “lol”.


As a French Canadian I am a passionate and very direct person. I say it like it is. No bull. I guess you have a problem with that­, you are not use to people speaking their minds.

I’m speaking my mind, too. Is there a problem with that? 😉

I used to think maybe it was a language barrier; then a cultural barrier; maybe it’s the limitations of hammering out a response on a keyboard without being able to distinguish a person’s tone (which is why I’ve started using emoticons more often).

Craig, I think you have a very skewed, lopsided Jesus-complex view of your being a “direct person, say it like it is, no bull” and a weird caricaturized jumbled view and interpretation of “centrism”, “bipartisanship”, “moderate”. The way you’ve come to perceive yourself and these labels…you’ve molded these definitions to come to mean what you interpret them to be; to fit them into your worldview and make sense of them.

This is probably why you despite me so much and that I shock you an irritate you so much.

[direct. said like it is. No bull] Irritate me? Yes, on a number of occasions. [/direct. said like it is. No bull]

But despise you because I don’t see things your way? No. Not at all.

I just wish that you wouldn’t be so much on the offensive side everytime someone disagrees with you.

Craig, how often do I go on the offensive against political allies? Imo, not often enough. I’ve only occasionally called you on things; you’ve done it far more often toward me, and I’ve just shrugged my shoulders; if I vocalize my disagreement, the way your comments come across, you seem to get huffy and puffy, going into hysterics about “I thought this was a conservative blog; I’m going to go to NoQuarter, blah, blah, blah”. At least, that’s the impression I’m left with.

When you disagree with me, it doesn’t make me mad, I just tell you that I think you are wrong… big deal! I don’t come with opinions that I made out myself. I read the best opinions of the most qualified people in the world and it just happen that I agree with them. You just don’t, you prefer your own opinions. It is your choice, but it still doesn’t make you right.

Craig, that’s reasonable. Just realize, it cuts both ways. Others who don’t see things as you do find support and validation from readings that don’t jive with yours.

So yes, if I think you’re wrong. Big deal! Do I ever threaten to run away from this blog? 😀 Please point out an example of a comment I’ve written where I appear to be “mad”? My buttons are very hard to push.

Craig, perhaps you don’t remember that I mentioned often that I was a libertarian in my past years. I am already not unfamiliar with the Vieira arguments, nor the unConstitutional tax theories. And I am also familar with Becraft’s more well known reputation as a tax protestor. And the NB that you place so much emphasis on is Becraft’s own endorsement. I would expect nothing different than a glowing endorsement from him.

As for your continued personal remarks, I suggest you go back and read my comments to you, and your responses. This debate on the Constitutionality of the Fed Reserve did not become personal, nor nasty, but for you and your insults. When you become convinced of something, it’s like trying to move a mother hen off her eggs to get thru to you. You only see “enemies” coming for the brood.

As far as “hurting my feelings”? Just another gnat I brush off my sleeve. As I said, give you enough keyboard time, and you hang yourself. Altho I’m sure that Word, Scott, Skye, and FA “founding father” Curt are all surprised to learn of your opinions of them. Frankly, I suggest you keep your insults confined to me… where you really want to direct them… and stop demeaning the rest by association.

Gee you people are drama queens! When I say “YOU”, I don’t mean you Wordsmith personally. Why is it that you always feel you are attacked? Is it paranoia? In French you have “TU”and “VOUS”. “TU” is directed to one person only, and “VOUS” is directed to all the persons. In English langage, you only have “YOU”… but it is not my fault if you don’t know who I am addressing it to.

So you thing I’m wrong and I think you are wrong. Big deal! This won’t make me change my mind. And too bad for the people who reads bullshit from idiots to make their own opinion. I do not agree with these authors, I now chose my authors very carefully. I know I am in good hands with Friedman and Vieira and many others alike. Pro-Hamas people read shit obviously, but that is their problems, not mine. Lefties read bullshit MSM, that is their problem also. I am very selective in my reading.

“Do I ever threaten to run away from this blog? (Wordsmith)

LOL! You are an author here, remember? Sometimes I get really discourage of the American’s mentality. I find you people do not fight hard enough for your conservative values and your Constitution. Look at Bush, such a great President, but he never counter attacked the lefties ill information. Why? Look at McCain… praising Obama for crying out loud… gee! I will never understand that “good guy” American mentality. So YES, sometimes I want to leave because it depresses me to see that you think that you cannot stop Obama. You can stop that usurper if you all come together on this. Well, at least some other blogs and Plains Radio are trying and I admire that. But I still stick here because you people have great threads but not enough guts in my own opinion. Now, don’t get mad again… this is only my opinion. You are not suppose to lose sleep on it, right?

Gee you people are drama queens!

There ya go again!

When I say “YOU”, I doesn’t mean you Wordsmith personally.

I didn’t take it personally, other than I am an American, which fits under the category, “you”.

“Do I ever threaten to run away from this blog? (Wordsmith)

LOL! You are an author here, remember?

And you practically inhabit this blog, 24-7.

You missed the forest for the trees: to clarify the point, you are the one who constantly appears to fly off the handle and get angry and indignant when others “tell it like it is….no bull….be direct…”

Now, don’t get mad again… this is only my opinion. You are not suppose to lose sleep on it, right?

Craig, who’s getting mad?

There you go again Wordsmith. I told you you people do not make me mad, you just depress me… very different. But you are obviously mad. Stop that projection thing. You are mad and I am depress and discourage with your mentality. Can you see the difference or is my English so bad?

One could make an argument regarding the Federal Reserve and it’s constitutionality but in order to do that you have to go back to the Founding Fathers and their original intent. Thomas Jefferson made that exact argument regarding the Bank of the United States. (The setup we have under the Federal Reserve is remarkably similar.)

At the Constitutional Convention, the Founding Fathers determined that they would make the American dollar completely independent of any power of combination of powers outside of the American people. They gave the exclusive power to issue and control money to the people’s representatives — Congress — and everyone else, even the states were forbidden to meddle with it. (Article I, Section 8 )

In addition to issuing currency/coin, Congress was given the authority and power to maintain the fixed purchase value of that currency/coin. (Article I, Section 8, Clause 5) That power has now been pawned off to the Federal Reserve which is a private group, not in any way accountable to the people of the US.

All “coin” was to be minted in precious metals and all paper “notes” were to be “promises to pay” in gold or silver, not legal tender. FDR took us off the gold standard and later presidents tinkered with things as well. (I could go into the Bretton Woods International Monetary Conferences but that would just make my eyes bleed again.)

The US was just coming out of a severe depression when the Constitution was adopted, and under pressure from both European and American financial interests a series of errors was made which continues to haunt us today.

At the risk of our own peril, we have certainly strayed far, far from the path that the Founders originally laid out for us.

Could be just me and my English, but what part of “you people” is not “inclusive”????

For the record, I’ve gotten judges to recuse themselves from sitting judicial authority for that very same expression as “inclusive” bias. So I guess the judicial system has the same interpretation of the English language as I do.

Aye, you’re back with a vengence. LOL And your treasured presence has been sorely missed. Caught the comment on the other thread on life’s distractions. I can empathize.

INRE the Fed Reserve and Constitutional authority. This is exactly what I have been saying to some degree. Congress has the authority to create the Federal Reserve (even if not in an inefficient and compliant structure). However the presence and need for a central quasi-public bank is not a new concept. The implementation of such may be fraught with issues. However it’s creation by Congress… fully within it’s rights to do so, and downright impossible to be “completely independent” of political bodies in it’s administration… is less in question.

It’s just like anything else. Congress creates laws. Those laws are not struck down as unConstitutional until they are challenged in the judicial system.

One may certainly question the wisdom of the Fed Reserve’s structure. However it’s creation? Not likely… even if it has strayed from the original framer intents. Congress has the right to regulate US currency on behalf of the nation. Even if badly. What can be challenged is the structure of regulation… not the ability to regulate.

Then again, carrying around gold and silver in one’s pockets – one of the reasons for creating a reserve note for convenience – is rather absurd in today’s times as well. Just as it is to have unlimited amounts of self-created local currency – not uniform thoughout the nation – in this global economy.

Thank you for welcoming me back.

More importantly, thank you for noticing that I was gone.

Life can be such a drag sometimes, but the alternative is worse. 🙂

I would disagree with the right of Congress to “pass the buck” (pun intended) to anyone else when the Constitution specifically lays the responsibility on their shoulders, just as I would disagree with the Executive passing off CIC responsibilities to anyone else.

They (Congress) have allowed someone else (the Fed) to tinker with the money, and it’s valuation, even though the Founders specifically intended for that to never happen. Of course, I am probably more of an originalist than most. The Fed is in no way accountable to the people which was the exact thing that the Founders were trying to avoid.

The arguments over the banking system span all the way back to Alexander Hamilton, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson, et al. The chances of us solving the issue here on FA are a) slim and b) none.

“Congress: Shirking its’ Responsibility & Overstepping its’ Authority since 1776”

“Could be just me and my English, but what part of “you people” is not “inclusive”????” (Mata)

lol… Mike’s America for instance.

“As for your continued personal remarks, I suggest you go back and read my comments to you, and your responses. This debate on the Constitutionality of the Fed Reserve did not become personal, nor nasty, but for you and your insults.” (Mata)

Oh boy! Let’s see:

Me: The Federal Reserve is unconstitutionnal.

You: I’ll make sure I tell my Ron Paul and more extreme libertarian friends to put you on their mailing list. Their fodder will blend well with your Alex Jones links. geeez, Craig…. you’re getting more conspiratorial each day. And you don’t even live here.

You: And Craig’s like Old Faithful… blows on schedule furiously, then calms down for a respite. I generally don’t think much of it, and mostly avoid predictable confrontations. But I do dislike fringe opinions with no legal precedent or basis being presented here as “fact”. Doesn’t look good when left unchallenged.

WOW! Mata knows it all, ain’t that great. I like your expression “furiously”… were you talking about yourself? Who is beeing pretentious and furious here?

You: Give you enough keyboard time, you generally hang yourself.
LOL… prove it, never happened once. I can’t believe how pretentious you are. You really show your real self in those comments. I would have never though you were like that. I liked you before, but I’m not sure that I still do. Do you think that by spitting on other opinions you elevate yourself? It is the contrary. I happen to believe Vieira, he is the best, you happen to believe some others attorneys. It is our own choices. No reason to try to insult each others for that matter. I think you are dead wrong and so do you… BIG DEAL. My opinion is just as good as yours and you should stop pretending it is not.

BTW, Vieira will be on Plains Radio network tomorow night at 6 o’clok (Central Times) for 4 consecutive hours. Listen to him, then we will discuss about it.


I’m sorry, Dr. Vieira is on right now on Plains radio. I though we were Tursday… lol
If you want to listen to him, see this link:

Right now it is the news, but right after it is Vieira. Do not miss that.

Desperate, Craig…. missed a few of your personal comments there, eh? Whatever floats your boat, dude. But, ya know? Most here are experienced in “scroll” to reread in the entirety. But “A” for college effort in spin.

BTW, if you consider me offering to put you on a mailing list for issue friendly Libertarians as an insult, you are dumber than a Canadian rock. As I said, I was a Libertarian. I have some things in common, but parted ways for their fringe extremism that was unrealistic. Uh… that would be where you are living post PEBO, BTW. Since your “Constitutional” heros and talking points are echoing them – and you’re royally PO’d at Flopping Aces – figured you like some like minded contacts.

Sorry. Won’t offer helpful educational literature in the future.

Craig, you are a bit inconsistent being a supporter of Vieira and warrant less wiretapping. That guy seems to rail against all Homeland Security. What is his opinion on the issue of warrant less wiretapping?

Not that Wikipedia is the measure of success, but if Dr Vieria was the most preeminent constitutional scholar, as you claimed, I wonder why they don’t have an article on him?

uh huh…. bingo, blast (#53). Thank you for pointing out additional data I have no patience to impart to the gullible as to why I consider Vieira the fringe of the Libertarians. It’s all part of a bigger pattern, as I’ve said… and ultimately coming down to the taxation/legality debate.

Don’t expect to to penatrate the defenses of this particular hen/brood tho. We are witnessing an emotional and massive spin and meltdown instead, based on pride. Pity.

Aye Chihuahua: “Congress: Shirking its’ Responsibility & Overstepping its’ Authority since 1776″

Aye, you mentioned to me to dust off my copy of the constitution, I suggest you take a look as well… since of course the US Constitution was ratified in 1788 not 1776, unless you are really reaching back to the “shirking and ovestepping” continental congress. 😉

Yes, I actually was referring to the Continental Congress and their failure to properly fund and outfit the troops in general, and those under Washington’s direct command specifically.