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We once tallied up 13 “you know”s in a 30 second speech for our high school quarterback. Sweet Caroline might be able to break that once-thought-unassailable record. Start the tape, let me fire up my trusty TAG chronograph stopwatch….

Uh, you know, there are, you know, millons of, you know, idiots in the U.S. Why are 99 44/100, you know, % of them, you know, democrats?

Me thinks liberal democrat control of the education system is an education failure.

I wonder how some of these people even passed High School, not to mention a required college speech course for an Associates Degree. CK is Obama’s fault. She thinks she can get away with this greenness because he has.

Even Andrew Malcolm at the LA Times blog is having a ball with this… posting the video, complete with a “buzzer” count of 30 in the 2’27” segment. That’s a “you know” about every 5 seconds…

Obviously it has as much to do with being a woman as well. Biden and Obama both said some incredibly stupid and false things, moronic in fact and yet it was okay. Palin was essentially gang raped by the press, but Obama could burn down an orphanage on Christmas Eve and everyone would grovel at his feet. I fell like I am in an episode of “Twilight Zone” I dislike Caroline Kennedy intensely but have to wonder if it was a John Jr. instead with the same credentials everyone would be creamin their pants. Just sayin.

The difference is that John Jr wasn’t attempting to get into Congress… via election *or* selection. Altho I’ve heard him speak and he had a much better command of the language than his older sister.

But you are correct in one sense. Biden and Obama get away with communication gaffes much easier than Hillary, Palin or Caroline.

Pause for a moment to consider the case of current front-runner (by 46 votes) for US Senate from Minnesota .. Al Franken.

Is this some sort of Democrat “thing” ?

She is you know, not very like good you know with like um, talking.

i know of people who work at mcdonalds and jack in the box who speak better than that. could it be because she never had to get by on what she actually said or did and got by solely on her name and family connections.

This is the daughter of two well educated, well spoken individuals, with the benefit of private schooling, a Harvard degree, a LAW degree on top of that and she speaks worse than the kid on the corner!

Other than an accident of birth which made her a darling of the country at a young age, this woman has done absolutely NOTHING to contribute to the overall well being of anyone other than herself and her family. Oh wait, she did some charity work. Well bully for her. Even compared to the accomplishments of her Aunts and other cousins, she is sorely lacking.

Entitlement my ass. Tell her to go home and get a grip.

I believe to tell her limo drive to chaffeur her home is more appropriate, Ms. USMC daughter… LOL

Boy is that irritating. Sounds worse than McCain’s “My freinds”.

If I were her trust fund manager, I’d ask Harvard for a refund LOL! I wonder if she could ask the chauffer to take her home without saying “you know” and “my family” !!!

So let’s see:

W Bush: Ivy league school grad. Came from wealthy familly with political ties. Better GPA than Kerry. Weak public speaker = moron according to liberals.

Sara: Self made woman. Held real jobs before getting into public service. College graduate. Significant leadership experience. Strong and intelligent and self reliant. = unqualified and stupid according to liberals

Caroline: Ivy league school grad. Came from wealthy familly with political ties. Never held a real job. No leadership experience. Hideous speaking abilities = Very intelligent and a worthy successor according to liberals.

Any questions?

“Any questions?” (Hard Right)

NO… lol
It would have been nice if you could have included Obama in the list… lol

“Caroline Kennedy Making Sarah Palin Look Like A Genius” do you think Palin looked stupid before?

Are you able to make the difference between “stupid” and “genius”? I didn’t think so.

Craig, you are so erasable. I am just pointing out that phrase usually means both parties are stupid.

“I am just pointing out that phrase usually means both parties are stupid”. (Blast)

Only in your stupid mind, Blast. Only because you cannot read a full article. At the beginning of this thread, Mikle said: “Funny how some of the same folks who said Palin was an idiot are falling all over Caroline Kennedy!”

But what can we expect from a leftist, he reads an article and cannot understand it. Typical!

Actually, Craig… I think he meant it as a joke. When I first saw it, and then pondered the headline, I “got it”… Actually started laughing myself.

Could be a French first/English second language thing going on here with ya…. LOL

Craig, the better angels of my mind are telling me not to call you many choice things about this time. You are becoming a bore with your personal attacks.

I read the post, but the title of the post was insulting to Palin in my opinion. It might have been an in artful use (of the saying) by the author or a device to draw attention to the piece, but in the end it reinforces a stereo type that the MSM uses as well.

What are you talking about Mata? Of course Mike chose that title as a joke. It is stupid Blast who didn’t get it. This is because he didn’t read the article. It started like that: “Funny how some of the same folks who said Palin was an idiot are falling all over Caroline Kennedy!”. It is clear that Mike was laughing at the idiotic leftists. That has nothing to do with French or English, it has to do with people who read an article and do not understand it like Blast.

Craig, I understand MikeA’s intent with the original post… which is why I didn’t think about the choice of headline wording until blast’s comment. When he mentioned it, I could see how it can be misconstrued with the language… and I never believed Palin was anything but a very bright lightbulb with some down to earth communication skills.

What I was saying is *not* that Mike’s headline was meant to be a joke, but that blast’s comment to Mike *about* the headline was meant in jest… I’m quite sure that blast is well aware Mike doesn’t believe Sarah to be stupid.

I see your point Mata. But I think that Blast thinks that Sarah is stupid, not so sure he was jocking.

I agree with what Mata just said and repeat my comment #21


But I think that Blast thinks that Sarah is stupid, not so sure he was jocking.

Maybe you should ask me what I meant before going off half cocked next time.

Why should I ask you a question, Blast. Can’t you write clearly?

Blast: Any insult to Palin was unintentional and perhaps the title could be phrased better.

Would you care to suggest an alternative title?

And yes, if anyone wants to know what I think about Sarah Palin they can visit my article archive here or my home planet. I wouldn’t have made the effort and travel to another state to go see her in person if I didn’t have the highest regard for her.

Sarah’s “genius” was on display with the actions her daughter took 9 months ago.


Isn’t it wonderful that she and Levi chose to have the baby and will be marrying next year?

Sounds like “genius” values at work, to me.

A sheltered blue-blood lifestyle sure does produce odd disconnected people.

Mike’s America, as to alternative titles, you sub title was excellent as it draws on irony. I know you like Gov Palin btw. The thing about the title was it draws on the negative impression already out there, not irony. Just my opinion.

Craig, you can’t ever take responsibility for your actions huh? You go off half cocked and “I think that Blast thinks” really demonstrates how ridiculous you are. Since when do you know what I think if I never wrote anything on the subject and was commenting on the title of this article. You ASSUME way too much, and like I said before your attacks here, which are most of your comments to anyone, are getting old and you are becoming a total bore.


Either you don’t have kids or your kids are such a perfect reflection of your perfect self that they must act only perfectly! You know, as far as I’m concerned, my kids ARE perfect. That doesn’t mean that they are above making mistakes, as your perfect children must be. And when they do make mistakes, it doesn’t make me an idiot either. It just means they made a mistake.

So pull the plank out of your eye and quit drinking the kool-aid.

Oddly enuf, Wisdom… using her theory of parents and offspring, I thought it was rather heartless and cruel of her to open her cybermouth .. thereby insulting *her* parents. Then I thought… why waste the time in responding.

But then, you inspired me. LOL

Blast, you are a pro-Obama, right? And pro-Obama hates Palin and thinks she is stupid. It wasn’t very hard for me to make the link. It is not because you cannot make links that others can’t. Stop ridiculizing yourself, it gets boring reading your Obama hate stuff. Try to be a bit civilize, stop spitting on conservatives and republicans and maybe we will like you better and respect you. If you can’t, well tough luck. I don’t take shit from Obama’s thugs. Maybe it would be best for you to exchange on leftist Obama’s sites.

P.S.: And BTW, you were not jocking… you were obviously insulting. You don’t fool me.

Craig, I just keep reflecting on your comment “I think that Blast thinks…”

Listen Mister Know-it-all, you don’t know me, my motivations or my background. If one criticizes a position you believe in, somehow that person must be an Obama supporter and liberal. YOU are Wrong. I find more interesting the Conservative positions of Pat Buchanan and Libertarian positions of Ron Paul than yours.

Try to be a bit civilize, stop spitting on conservatives and republicans and maybe we will like you better and respect you.

That is really funny coming from you who spits on everyone you disagree with and asks questions later. You are not interested in dialogue on an issue, you are just a bully who acts big behind a keyboard. I am not looking for your respect and frankly when you stated on another thread that you were “Wow, Blast! You are with the Iraelis? I am impressed here. By reading your usual posts I though for sure you would be with the Palestinians. You have climb one degree in my estime.” That made me puke in my mouth to be honest. Moving up in your esteem reminds me of getting the endorsement of Blagovitch.

I was going to just ask you be “some what civil”, but of course I really doubt you would.

Blast, your are making a fool of yourself. The more you comment, the more you are drowning yourself… lol

Craig, you eclipse me by over 200 comments, so you must be the bigger fool. You just can’t answer my comments with a cogent argument. Oh, I forgot (quoting you) “I think that Blast thinks…” that is really memorable. You have no clue and then proceed to spin.

Blast is blasting again… lol

Out of 312 posts, there must be at least 292 that are pure information. And the other 20 goes to people like you… lol

LOL! So you are saying you only have made disparaging comments to other people on this site 20 times out of 312! LOL. Now everyone who reads this knows the truth of that statement.

Prove it! It will keep you busy for a while. I allow you to add at least 6 today directed to you…lol

I feel sorry for you so I will help you in your rechearch… only look at comments directed to War Republican, Simple done, Real American Hater, Larry W. and the occasional moonbats that shows up here.

I will leave it up to the people who read this blog regularly to judge what they believe. It is bad enough I waste my time responding to you directly.

Good to hear that your blasting is finally over… lol

Dems want to pop in the Harvard equivalent of a valley girl into a senate seat. Well I’m sure Caroline is too dim of a bulb to vote anyway other than however fellow Dems tell her she should vote. If she does get the seat, I see this going nowhere other than CK being nothing more than a Pelosi Puppet.

So which mindless idiot will they vet next? Britany Spears? Paris Hilton? Pam Anderson? Screech? Miss Piggy?

Either you don’t have kids or your kids are such a perfect reflection of your perfect self that they must act only perfectly! You know, as far as I’m concerned, my kids ARE perfect. That doesn’t mean that they are above making mistakes, as your perfect children must be. And when they do make mistakes, it doesn’t make me an idiot either. It just means they made a mistake.
So pull the plank out of your eye and quit drinking the kool-aid.

One of my three daughters is perfect.
In fact, she is so perfect that she went to Heaven three days before she was to be delivered.
I, of course, am not perfect.
For if I was, I would be with her.

As for the genius of Sarah Palin, she is the one who believes one equals two, as she told us that our next President pals around with “terrorists” but she could name only one.
Or is this a type of dialect, like “99 cent.”

(PS Regarding “pals”, is anyone here at floppyaces willing to check into any connection between Education Secretary nominee Arne Duncan and William Ayers?)

(PS Regarding “pals”, is anyone here at floppyaces willing to check into any connection between Education Secretary nominee Arne Duncan and William Ayers?)

Arne, Obama and Ayers all know each other from the CAC days, being that Arne was Paul Vallas’ Deputy CEO and ultimate replacement as CEO of Chicago Public Schools (CPS). Technically, Duncan and Ayers were on opposite sides of the fence for the battles for school control – Ayers supporting the LSCs and Vallas/Duncan for the CPS. So if you’re looking for a smoking gun there, it’s not overt. On the surface, the Duncan pick is a step to the “right” for Obama’s shared education beliefs with Ayer’s…. sorta. “Right” of radical isn’t much of a “right” turn.

However you will find Steve Diamond’s opinion on the Duncan pick quite interesting. Diamond is, without a doubt, the unheralded expert researcher on the CAC overall.

Arne was praised for incorporating many of the CAC educational theories into the public school system. Then, of course, all that gushing “atta boys” for Duncan by Chicago educational intelligentsia seemed to vaporize between 2004-2008 since the schools in his district couldn’t even meet the No Child Left Behind standards…

Arne’s biggest news ta-dooo was his support for a special high school for the LGBT community. Sorta a politically correct segregation thing, I guess. Funny they want that abolished for race, but want to implement it for sexual preference. Guess they don’t see the connection.

So as far as checking into the connection… been there done that since we’ve been thru the CAC pretty thoroughly already here. And Arne was one of the side players in that era.

BTW, despite your loss, your criticism of Palin because of her daughter still falls short of any viability. It’s too bad that was your first post, and first impression here. I’ve seen some of your other posts, and you don’t appear to be as off the wall.

From local talk radio it’s a mixed bag when it comes to Duncan. Some view him as a failure, what gains he’s made in eight years still haven’t caught Chicago schools up, they oppose segregating gay children, and they view Duncan as a crony. Others think he’s sharp and *may* be a quick study but at this time lacks the skills for the job he is slated for. The lefties think he’s the best thing since ice cream and is a darn good basketball player.

As for the genius of Sarah Palin, she is the one who believes one equals two, as she told us that our next President pals around with “terrorists” but she could name only one.
Or is this a type of dialect, like “99 cent.”

Ahh, good old semantics. When there are no facts to argue in your favor, pull a quote out of the stock, one of thousands of more boring and much less notable quotes, and repeat it until your voice gives out. It amazes me that even after “The One” has won, there are so many people out there who are still threatened enough by Governor Palin that they are still campaigning against her.

I am truly sorry for the loss of your unborn child, but it doesn’t excuse your crass comment re: Governor Palin and her daughter. In my opinion, liberals are pretty selective when it comes to both giving praise and giving credit.

From my perspective, as explained to me by many left wing lunatics, if you…

…Live the normal life of an average American, go to church, join a pageant to pay for college, work normal jobs, raise a family, see a need in your community, run for office, win, work hard for your community, run for higher office, win, work hard for your state, have a daughter who makes a mistake, accept the nomination to be Vice Presidential Candidate — you must be UNQUALIFIED!!!! You MUST BE AN IDIOT!!!

…Live the normal life of an average American, go to grade school in a foreign country where you are registered as citizen of that foreign country, come back to America and become the prodigal student of revered socialist leaders, be propped up by future convicted felons, go to law school, pass up high paying jobs to work with a known terrorist at the Annenburg Challenge (who won’t share records with the public), go to a racist, anti-American church for 20 years, buy a house for below market value with the help of previously mentioned future convicted felon, launch your political career in public office with the funding of previously mentioned future convicted felon at the home of previously mentioned known terrorist, get elected, vote ‘present’ a lot of times’, run for higher office with the funding of previously mentioned future convicted felon, win, vote ‘present’ a lot of times, pose in your underwear for a magazine, give support in an election to someone will try to sell your old Senate seat one day, run for highest office in America, and Win! You must be THE MESSIAH aka “THE ONE” You must be HIGHLY QUALIFIED!!!! You MUST BE A GENIUS!!!


Live the life of a Princess in Camelot, go to Harvard Law school, never have a paying job in your life, volunteer to ask other rich people for money for a few charities, give your political endorsement to previously mentioned highly qualified genius, make a few speeches that include the words “you know” 30 times in 2.5 minutes and you must be ANOTHER GENIUS!!! You must be the BEST CANDIDATE TO REPRESENT THE MOST POPULOUS STATE IN THE US SENATE.

Man Wisdom, that was a awesome comment. Gonna have to steal it someday:

From my perspective, as explained to me by many left wing lunatics, if you…

…Live the normal life of an average American, go to church, join a pageant to pay for college, work normal jobs, raise a family, see a need in your community, run for office, win, work hard for your community, run for higher office, win, work hard for your state, have a daughter who makes a mistake, accept the nomination to be Vice Presidential Candidate — you must be UNQUALIFIED!!!! You MUST BE AN IDIOT!!!

…Live the normal life of an average American, go to grade school in a foreign country where you are registered as citizen of that foreign country, come back to America and become the prodigal student of revered socialist leaders, be propped up by future convicted felons, go to law school, pass up high paying jobs to work with a known terrorist at the Annenburg Challenge (who won’t share records with the public), go to a racist, anti-American church for 20 years, buy a house for below market value with the help of previously mentioned future convicted felon, launch your political career in public office with the funding of previously mentioned future convicted felon at the home of previously mentioned known terrorist, get elected, vote ‘present’ a lot of times’, run for higher office with the funding of previously mentioned future convicted felon, win, vote ‘present’ a lot of times, pose in your underwear for a magazine, give support in an election to someone will try to sell your old Senate seat one day, run for highest office in America, and Win! You must be THE MESSIAH aka “THE ONE” You must be HIGHLY QUALIFIED!!!! You MUST BE A GENIUS!!!


Live the life of a Princess in Camelot, go to Harvard Law school, never have a paying job in your life, volunteer to ask other rich people for money for a few charities, give your political endorsement to previously mentioned highly qualified genius, make a few speeches that include the words “you know” 30 times in 2.5 minutes and you must be ANOTHER GENIUS!!! You must be the BEST CANDIDATE TO REPRESENT THE MOST POPULOUS STATE IN THE US SENATE.

Wisdom definately chose an appropriate handle.

“When there are no facts to argue in your favor, pull a quote out of the stock, one of thousands of more boring and much less notable quotes, and repeat it until your voice gives out. ”

Check out her interview with Katie Couric.
Let Mrs. Palin speak for herself.
And as for repeating it, Mr. Palin made the palling around with terrorists (plural) charge many times.

As one Marxist wrote about Mrs. Palin:
“I don’t think anyone, however charitable, could watch the interviews and conclude that the Alaskan governor is highly qualified to take up the reins of executive power. She’s no Dick Cheney, seasoned in state craft. But I thought at least Palin’s not a waffler. Wrong. Here she was trimming on issues like choice and man’s supposed contribution to global warming. Next thing you know, she’ll be back-dating Creation to the Miocene and tipping her hat to Al Gore, a creature who in Palin’s previous incarnation, less than three weeks ago (only 3,999 years and 344 days after the Beginning, on her old calendar) she’d have been happy to hunt from the air in whatever state-owned helicopters weren’t otherwise engaged in shuttling Piper and the kids to school or home for the weekend”

Less you lump him in with the leftists you know, he is not charitable towards Caroline.
From his website:
“And all of those sharp Upper Eastsiders who were ready to crow over those idiots from Alaska who could see Russia from some places, but worked and dined with thieves, sociopaths and corporate welfare kings? Was it too close to home for them to read the handwriting on the wall while Alaska was just far enough away for them to understand? Caroline Kennedy answers questions like Sarah Palin in the early days, but she is One of Them so Fit to Run. “

And this:

“Fifth prediction: The Alaskan fixation will continue. Palin haters and admirers abound. Anonymous bloggers to the Anchorage Daily News drive those of us who are interested in an exchange of ideas on the state and its people absolutely batty. There is a way for non-Alaskans to learn about Alaska before 2012. The Alaska Public Radio Network (APRN.ORG), the best statewide public radio in the nation, is available on the web. APRN has been a farm system for NPR for years. Peter Kenyan, Elizabeth Arnold, Corey Flintoff and others did their time in Alaska. Listen to APRN, especially back programs of the eclectic AK, with a map at your side to locate communities. Then you can drive Alaskans nuts with astute advice. And, remember. Sarah Palin said a lot of stupid things on the campaign trail, but did not steal a dime of your money. Remind the next New Yorker you meet who sneers at Alaska, to say hello to Bernie.”

I do not find Ms. Kennedy any smarter or dumber than Mrs. Palin.

“I do not find Ms. Kennedy any smarter or dumber than Mrs. Palin.” (Stephanie Plume)

What has Caroline ever accomplished in her life? Nothing. Now compare with the accomplishments of Sarah Palin and maybe you will shut up. You are making a fool of yourself with your hater of Sarah and your lack of judgment is so evident that I don’t know why you insist this way. What is it with you? Jealousy? Fear! Or are you just the type of woman that likes to bitch another woman?

Stephanie, you started out with your first entry on this thread with the comment:

Sarah’s “genius” was on display with the actions her daughter took 9 months ago.

You then said:

“I do not find Ms. Kennedy any smarter or dumber than Mrs. Palin.”

Considering you base a parent’s intelligence on the behavior of their children, I find it hard to believe this 180 degree switch. I’m quite sure none of the Schlossberg children have had a child out of wedlock. Using your personal standard, Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg would have to come out the superior intellect.

So much for your consistency.

Instead, to substantiate your “plurality” error by Palin, you cite an unlinked “Marxist”, “leftist”, and who knows who with quotes from who knows where.

My suggestion… if you wish to quote someone, please provide the links, as most of us here do. And, BTW, I don’t consider a “Marxist” or “leftist” view of Palin and her qualifications anywhere close to unbiased, nor accurate.

Lastly, Palin is correct in the plural of “terrorists”… if you include Ayers’ wife Bernadette, and regular dinner companion, Rashid Khalidi. Last I looked, three constitutes plural. And that’s only the ones we *know* about.

However since many have not heard of either of these two… obviously including you… it did little good for Palin to bring them up by name in a Couric interview. And had she done so, it too would have ended up on the cutting room floor as inconsequential.

It would, however, been behooving of an honest press to investigate Obama’s very numerous and questionable – personal associations in order to more thoroughly vet a candidate for POTUS.

So if you are basing your “plurality” judgment of Palin on the media, you have just been taken to the mental cleaners.

Democrat outrage at an unqualified woman running for office? ZERO
Democrat outrage at an unqualified woman being appointed for office? ZERO

Sarah Palin didn’t have long to wait for her Kharma