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Democrats Eating Their Own – Michelle Obama Too Mommy-Like & The “Flaming Moderate” Picks By Barack

This post at Salon is a perfect example of the category created by Scott called Dem eat Dem. The far left is now a bit worried that Michelle Obama will be a good mother rather then a activist: (h/t Say Anything)

The majority of the coverage of Michelle Obama in the week since her husband was elected has centered on her clothes. Not just the firecracker of a dress she donned on Election Night, but on her personal style, and what she will wear to the Inaugural balls.

Then there have been the oceans of transition pieces, about the adjustments the family will have to make as they move to Washington. In Newsweek came news that Michelle has been consulting with her husband’s former presidential opponent Hillary Clinton, talking not about politics or law but about how to raise children in the White House.

The Associated Press wondered what kind of first lady Michelle will be, and concludes, “the kind of first lady this country has not seen in decades.” You mean, the kind with a high-powered job? No, “the mother of young children.” True enough, and the AP story did include the fact that Michelle is known to be her husband’s closest advisor. But it made sure to emphasize the campaign’s assertions that “she is not interested in shaping policy or reserving a seat for herself at her husband’s decision-making table. She prefers, at least for now, to focus on easing the transition for Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7 — getting them in new schools, settled and comfortable with a new way of life.” Indeed, Michelle herself has been flogging the term “mom-in-chief” as the cheerily unthreatening title she’ll assume when she gets to the White House.


While the story contained no specific acknowledgement of Michelle’s long and varied career, it did go on to describe how, once she has settled her children into the White House, she will have to figure out “exactly what sort of first lady she wants to be. Although she dresses with unusual care — in both designer clothing and off the rack styles she has become known for — friends say she has only a certain amount of patience for the domestic arts. She is a get-it-done efficiently Rachael Ray type, they say, not given to elaborate Martha Stewart-like efforts.” Hey, here’s a crazy idea, but what if Michelle is a type of woman — and therefore a type of first lady — whose professional success has nothing to do with cooking or crafting?

I don’t mean to suggest that I’m not as taken by the mommy and fashion stuff as everyone else. It’s great that Michelle Obama is both a snazzy dresser and a terrific parent. Her solid, steely beauty, her innate sense of style and her obvious devotion to her children are among the many attractive things about her — along with her humor, her capacity for self-deprecation, her cool confidence, her sense of self, her commitment to the community in which she grew up, her thorough and very polished education, her challenging and rigorous career choices, her good, strong, fiercely held views on America, race and politics, her protection of an identity outside of her husband’s and how damn pretty she is.

Not all of these qualities will be easily transported to Washington, and some of the most extraordinary of them — the ones that set her apart from many of her predecessors in the East Wing — are already falling victim to a nostalgic complacency about familial roles, and to an apparent commitment to re-creating Camelot with an African-American cast, but little modern tweaking of the role of wife and mother.

Damn it, the Obama’s were elected to turn this country upside down with a far left agenda and what does his wife do? Talk about her children. Doesn’t she understand that being a mother is not conducive to the far left lifestyle?

In fact, Newsbusters reported on Bob Schieffer, host of Face the Nation, admitting that some far left liberals are a bit upset with the inexperienced Obama bringing in the Clinton Administration to run the country for him:

On Thursday’s “CBS Early Show,” co-host Harry Smith talked discussed the Obama transition with Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer, who observed: “…a lot of people said this is going to be a very extremist president and all that, that he’s a very liberal Democrat, but as we have seen in appointment after appointment, he’s hewing to the center. He’s picking a bunch of flaming moderates here, when you come right down t it.

“Now some liberal Democrats may not like that, but he’s getting praised generally across the board here.” Smith agreed: “Yeah, Bob, I would guess that the only people who really feel like they have their feathers ruffled are, maybe, the liberal Democrats.”

Flaming moderates? Puhlease. As Kyle Drennen at Newsbuster notes, the ACU ratings of those cabinet picks do not depict these picks as moderates. Quite the opposite. But if a person sides with the Conservatives 10% of the time, he is a moderate in the eyes of a far left loon.

Dem eating Dem……grab the popcorn

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