Anti-Prop 8 Mob Gets Another Victim


Looks like we have another victim of the liberal McCarthy machine.

I wrote about the angst, and blackballing going on in the film industry over Prop 8 yesterday and one of the main liberal targets has been hit. Richard Raddon will resign:

Under mounting pressure, LA Film Festival director Richard Raddon has ankled his post.

Raddon and Film Independent (FIND), the festival’s parent org, have faced a barrage of protests over Raddon’s contribution to the successful Yes on Prop 8 campaign that banned same-sex marriage in California.

After bloggers published his name, culled from public records of donors, Raddon tendered his first resignation on Nov. 13 to Film Independent’s board of directors, which was not accepted. Film Independent then released a statement saying, in part, “Our organization does not police the personal, religious, or political choices of any employee, member, or filmmaker.”

Yet Internet message boards and other published reports kept the issue at the center of a growing protest movement that has targeted “Yes on 8″ donors including the Mormon church and Cinemark Theaters, whose CEO was a contributor.

On Monday, Raddon submitted a second resignation. Those close to the org described Monday’s conference call with the board of directors as emotional. While Raddon’s contribution had caused some internal angst, he was well liked within the org.

On Tuesday, Film Independent issued a statement saying “With great reluctance, Film Independent has accepted Richard Raddon’s resignation. Rich’s service to the independent film community and to Film Independent has been nothing less than extraordinary. He has always shown complete commitment to our core principles of equality and diversity during his long tenure.”

Raddon, a devout Mormon who took the reins of the fest in 2000, said, “I have always held the belief that all people, no matter race, religion, or sexual orientation are entitled to equal rights. I prefer to keep the details around my contribution through my church a private matter. But I am profoundly sorry for the negative attention that my actions have drawn to Film Independent and for the hurt and pain that is being experienced in the GLBT community.”

Film Independent has not yet picked a replacement for Raddon.

Love that liberal tolerance and open-mindness of the truths of others.

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The activists are actually going down the list of donors in order to harrass them. In fact, one of the Mormon churches is being investigated due to the allegations of one such activist.
Let’s be clear, this is harrassment and intimidation. They want to punish anyone who voted for or supported prop 8 and bully them into not doing so in the future.



To: Electoral College, Congress of the United States, Federal Elections Commission, U.S. Supreme Court, President of the United States, other controlling legal authorities

Whereas, by requirement of the United States Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, no one can be sworn into office as president of the United States without being a natural born citizen;

Whereas, there is sufficient controversy within the citizenry of the United States as to whether presidential election winner Barack Obama was actually born in Hawaii as he claims;

Whereas, Barack Obama has refused repeated calls to release publicly his entire Hawaiian birth certificate, which would include the actual hospital that performed the delivery;

Whereas, lawsuits filed in several states seeking only proof of the basic minimal standard of eligibility have been rebuffed;

Whereas, Hawaii at the time of Obama’s birth allowed births that took place in foreign countries to be registered in Hawaii;

Whereas, concerns that our government is not taking this constitutional question seriously will result in diminished confidence in our system of free and fair elections;

The above article appears on WorldNetDaily.

This kind of stuff and this alone, is the reason our country is so divisive. Conservatives can’t
open their mouths without a fist being rammed down their throats. Very few people spoke out for McCain/Palin because they didn’t want the hassle. The liberals and Obama people are too abrasive and refuse to allow freedom of speech and will. The idea that they can harass people who donated or were for the ban is unconstitutional. These gays are subverting the will of the peple and should be arrested. They should be sued for infringing their civil liberties. I wouldn’t live in either Cal;ifornia or NewYork on a bet. Too much nuttiness. When will there be a limit on these demonstrations, harassments and downright ugliness that saps the freedom we all enjoy. Every one of these demonstrator should be arrested and jailed.

Political thuggery. The logical end of the 70’s protest movement. Find hate as the basis of every action of the opposition. The corollary is no judgments, ever. Thus it comes down to that if we don’t surrender one last treasured custom to those who don’t need it it we must be barbarians.

That is pretty much a tenuous position. But unfortunately the only way to answer this lynch party is to stoop to their level. It is better to not answer their words with words, better to answer with deeds and stand solid and silent. Let it run its course. The best they can do now is embarrass themselves and their political position.

Henry the Eighth is reputed to have said, “I don’t care what the people do, as long as they don’t do it in the streets and scare the horses.” Anybody looked in the horse’s eyes lately? You probably should.

I give up. My wine inspired comments have disappeared once again. I’ll be back in a few months when you might have this mess sorted out.