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President Of Fox News Tells Network To Tone Down Attacks On Obama

And here I thought it was the obligation of the media in this country to report on news that will affect its citizens. It’s supposed to be unbiased but instead we get get the O’ network (MSNBC) going out of its way to report on any news that will support Obama and make his opponents look bad. Hell, the election is over with and the O’ network still report on some turkeys getting killed behind Sarah Palin as she was interviewed. That’s news? Here I thought the turkey on our tables were grown on trees.

So, about that obligation….Roger Ailes, president of the Fox network, has told his people to tone down any stories on Obama that would “obstruct” the incoming administration: (h/t Newsbusters)

Ailes responded to the report in the New York Daily News that he instructed FNC to tone down attacks on President-elect Barack Obama. He denied giving specific orders, but said he told staffers “all presidents deserve time to get their team on the ground and get organized.” “We have some obligation in a new presidency not to attempt to destabilize it,” he said. As for whether the big stars will heed the advice, he tells Gold: “Who knows? Most of them do whatever the hell they want.”

While the media shouldn’t obstruct a incoming administration, it most definitely has an obligation to report on its shortcomings….which is not “obstructing.”

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