Sarah Palin’s Turkey Pardon Massacre

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Ok, look… I think Sarah Palin is great. I was really impressed when I saw her in person, when I shook hands with her and Todd at a local rally, and many other times. This is one of those times. Why? Well, they say you should never learn how politics and sausage are made. I’d add to that any sort of butchery. Governor Palin? Well, she knows how politics are done, and she knows how a turkey goes from ugly feathery mess to golden and delicious. She doesn’t have a problem with it. Maybe it’s time we all did a gut check and accepted how politics, sausage, and turkey are prepared? At first this video seems like a gaffe. It’s not. She didn’t have a problem with it. She’s comfortable with some of the uglier things that weaker people just can’t stomach. To that end, my hat’s off to her!

Now enjoy, and be prepared to laugh!

-Can SNL actually do a better job than this? I mean really! This is fantastic! I guess they could relate it to Obama’s Universal Healthcare plan.

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I can’t belive MSNBC is actually serious about this.

Wow,,, no bias there,,

Is this David “the Pimp” Shuster complaining?????

Heck, I remember when he sounded like a right winger over at Fox before selling his soul to Immelt, Matthews, Olbermann, Mika, Mitchell, Maddow and company!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Funny how the left doesn’t care about babies born in botched abortions (see Hussein’s claim to fame in the state legislature of Lincoln Land), but has issues with killing, poor innocent turkeys…..

Let me get this straight, are all MSNBC people vegetarians??????????????

The left understands the threat she poses to their messiah. They want to destroy her long before the next election.

That needs to be David Schuster turned upside down and letting the blood drain out of him! What an ass!

What elitists like Schuster do not realize is that the people of Alaska, like so many of our western states and rural areas understand how food gets from the farm to the table because THEY themselves have gone out and raised the animal or hunted it. I used to watch my father clean the pheasants and and squirrels he shot during hunting season (even though I prefer to get my meat from the grocery store).

That was funny when the reporter asked if there would be any state programs “on the chopping block” while the guy behind was stuffing another headless bird into the draining thingee.

P.S. Someone ought to take Schuster to a mortuary and let him see what they do to humans after they are dead.

Well….I was born on a farm, sic, and we had chickens, cows, hogs, and the like and every year did the slaughter of a few….those ‘bleeding’ hearts should have been there to see how we strung up the turkeys on the cloths line and did a swift cut across the jugular (such is what Mikes America is advocating above) 🙂

Or how about de-balling, er gelding, male hogs? Nothing like that to take out the aggressiveness of testosterone packed boars practically tearing down the fences trying to get at those sows.
And if anyone is interesting how to butcher one, just drop me a note.

Cows, every year we would butcher one for the family freezers.

Deer, plenty of those, got 4 in the freezer right now.

That was just a part of farm life, we did as we had always done. I am 55 now and that’s all gone, but trust me, i would rather still live that life than this city crap any day. No doubt I’d get picketed though….however, I got just the remedy for that: as we had the neighbors dogs sometimes worrying the livestock, we used to take the shot out of 12 gauge shells and reload with dried garden peas. we would spray their butts with ‘pea shot ‘, never failed to get them howling into the next county….. 🙂

I watched the uncut… let me rephrase that again, the unedited version of this video. It wasn’t to bad. But did think it was funny the Palin was just cool hand luke as a turkey was getting it’s head cut off behind her. Hilarious. I like Palin just find but it doing stuff like this that makes me sure she is not EVER going to be ready to be our president! it doesn’t really matter what the liberal illuminati say about she kinda proves it herself by doing stuff like this. And i don’t think this is a big deal or anything but the president of the United States would not do an interview while a turkey was getting decapitated! For real!

I like Palin just find but it doing stuff like this that makes me sure she is not EVER going to be ready to be our president

Are you saying it would be better for our president to be squeamish? Maybe that’s why the left hate George Bush. He’s not squeamish. BTW, are you still getting paid by Axelrod? By the day, the post, the word or the hour?

If you were raised on a farm you know the first step in cooking dinner is “catch it”

What’s with the video headline that “Sarah Palin picks worst possible backdrop” for the interview?? Funny, after 18 years in the TV/film biz, I can tell you that it’s the cam ops crews that pick the spots… for lighting, and for desired BG (that’s background in film talk…).

So now, the question is, who did the interview? A nat’l crew and for what affiliate (was it MSNBC?) Because it is they who deliberately allowed it to continue, knowing what was in camera frame…. Had it commenced after they picked the spot, they would have yelled “cut” and reframed it elsewhere.

…instead, Sarah was “framed” for political ridicule on purpose.

My thoughts? Who cares….. Those who can’t take it? Let ’em eat cake for Thanksgiving. Wusses

Good point, Mata. I hadn’t thought of it that way…

So, Sarah…what else in on the chopping block?

DEMOCRATS (national)

So laddie, don’t get your kilt in a wad. I had a hoot watching this.

I’m sure the MSM will take their potshots at Jindal, Huckbilly, Rombot and the rest. Relax, crack a beer, eat some turkey and have some fun.

And when the crap hits the fan, I assure you, this myrth will all get sidetracked into the bottom drawer.

PS: I liked the worker’s attitude in the back. I can imagine him with a New York accent saying “Hey, I’m wurkin here!”

I couldn’t watch it. I grew up helping my mother butcher snappers, chickens and duck, but have gotten a bit squeamish over the years. I can’t even stand to be around when hubby cleans fish. As soon as he drags out the electric knife, I’m gone, bad enough to hear it.

Thanks for giving us the inside scoop Mata. I suppose the posters over at MSNBC are having quite a time with this. Sad. MSNBC has proven themselves to be quite an ugly outfit.

I love Sarah Palin. It’s like Spinal Tap for politics. This kinda reminds me of the Sarkozy prank call. What is it about Palin that makes the people around her want to set her up to look like an idiot?

“What is it about Palin that makes the people around her want to set her up to look like an idiot?” (Unfit, Unfit)

You got it all wrong. There is nothing “about” Palin. Your question should read this way: “What is it with about the leftist Democrats that want to set her up to look like an idiot?” And the answer is: They are afraid of her. They know she is the best and that she will be the next POTUS, so they are desperately trying to destroy her. But, they won’t succeed, Sarah is very solid.

That’s what America really needs in this desperate hour, someone who isn’t afraid of a little turkey blood.

To paraphrase “Heroes”: Slaughter a turkey, save America.

So everyone is up in arms about a turkey being slaughtered? A useless, stupid, meaningless, turkey that was raised for the sole purpose of being slaughtered for food. I don’t get it..

The media is calling it “carnage” and acting as though someone was beating their dog as Palin stood there, or murdering a human while she listelessly did her interview! It is a THANKSGIVING turkey. It had to be killed somehow.

Besides that, most likely Palin didn’t realize what was happening. So many are acting as though she purposefully set that up to be sadistic. The news reporters told her to stand there, and they probably didn’t realize it until later. And anyway…the point is…who freakin’ cares?

The libs are offended and appauled by a turkey being slaughtered on camera but are okay with the gruesome act of abortion of thousands of human babies a year…that is just fine. If there was an abortion happening behind Sarah I suppose that would have been fine. Or more so one happening behind their messiah Obama..that would have been applauded!

As said above, the liberal media is out of things to now they are clinging onto anything. The libs are also out of people to bash, so they are digging up anything they can. I keep hearing the left say, “I am so sick of THAT woman, I never want to see or hear her again!” YET they spend more time searching her out than her supporters do! Then use the “She is everywhere, I can’t avoid her!” line…PLLLEEASE!!

One still makes the choice to read and watch her. Obama is all over also, and too me he may as well not exist. I don’t even know what is going on nor care what is going on. I can’t stand him and avoid him like the plague. He could die today and I wouldn’t have known…because I am far to busy watching and laughing at a turkey die behind Palin. Watching a turkey being killed for the purpose it was raised for is more interesting than listening to a thing Obama has to say.

He does not exist too me. Palin is my president. GO SARAH 2012!!!


why should Sarah Palin be worried about the background, shouldnt that be the photographers job?

kinda like the times they would lay on the floor and work their damnest to get a photo of John Ashcroft with the breast of lady justice in the background

this is nothing new, the MSM are all a bunch of morons and liars

from a PR standpoint, one might give Palin the benefit of the doubt… but seriously, she might stop and give her surroundings a bit more consideration before she goes on interviews that millions will end up watching

Patrick and Divecon… I’ll say this again, since you missed it in the above my comment #11.

The interview subject does NOT pick the surroundings and framing specifics during an interview… unless, of course, it’s someone’s office and they have a particular choice as their BG. It is not their job to decide what to see in the camera frame.

When you are in the field doing production, it is the camera op and interviewer/producer who choose the place to stand and framed background. Most of the time done for lighting, and aesthetically pleasing background for the subject. That’s the way the business operates.

Palin, if you’ll notice was speaking at an angle to the reporter. She has no idea what the cam op sees in his/her frame as her focus was directed elsewhere to the interviewer. But my guess is she would assume they are professionals.

Bad assumption.

I repeat, Palin was “framed” for deliberate political ridicule.

Mata, thats exactly what i said

I think the best retort to this was someone who said \Palin should apologize to the liberal media and promise to hold her next news conference at an abortion clinic\

Maybe the part where they bring the newborn out backwards (so they can claim it’s not legally “born” yet), then crack the skull and attach a hose to suck out the brain.

That should work well for a visual backdrop.

Except it should be BHO in the foreground since he’s the one who repeatedly voted against banning the procedure.

By the way, I think the studio should re-release Chicken Run, the movie about the chickens staging a breakout from the chicken coop. I never realized it was a political masterpiece. I just thought it was a really funny movie about chickens.

Who knew.

The warning to viewer to get the children & squeamish away from the TV…

“She neglected to see what was going on behind her…”?

A “Chopping Block” question? Followed by asking her what she intended to serve up for Thanksgiving dinner. What would ‘the politically correct answer be? “Tofu”?

With the camera angles and all, yeah it was ‘just a bit’ of a ‘gotcha’ clip’ and a set-up.

The guy in the back mugging to the camera and grinning like a would-be Michael Moore, standing aside so that the viewer can see what’s going on, then pivoting towards the camera to his left, to watch for the crew to cue him when to ‘ace’ the bird, frequent pauses to ensure the viewer got their maximum look at what was going on, really hokey stuff MSNBC.

Of course, it was a cheap shot staged intentionally to steam and pander to PETA folks. If anyone owes anybody an apology, it’s the production crew. That Sarah doesn’t let it phase her when she glances over and see’s what the crew is reacting to gives her credit, yet as a hunter & fisher, it wouldn’t really wouldn’t have bothered her personally. Having spent some time on a farm, it didn’t bother me either, though I’m sure she might have been a little miffed with the media having the lack of class to show it on news programs as a stunt to gross out children and perhaps turn “future voters” away.

Despite the propaganda style to the video. It does offer adults an opportunity to explain to children where meat comes from. Heck I’ve known since I was a toddler that one had to harvest an animal to put meat on the table. Hell I saw worst fare in B&W school films in the 1960’s. Besides, with all the blood and gore in video games this is mild and almost clinical in comparison. Maybe they should have had the guy swing the turkey while someone squirted some fake blood on the camera lens for added effect.

But this can be played two ways media. They don’t mind when schools show cancer in health classes to scare kids from smoking, but why not have them view videos of actual abortions in high school health classes? Oh wait… They don’t want them to abstain from sex do they, because morality doesn’t make for good stories does it? You like it when kids are promiscuous. It makes for more stories later and you can push them to support abortions later, right? Maury Povich would be out of a job then… So better for the media if condoms and pedophilia are just showcased on Sesame Street, handed out in grade school, and if nobody ever discusses abstinence, eh?

I am shocked at the ignorance on this page. All of you folks justify your cruelty by opening your bible to the page that says man has dominion over animals. Tyrants have dominions over their countries but that does not mean they have the right to slaughter their people. Do no seperate yourselves from the rest of the animal kingdom because, believe it or not, we all have central nervous systems which allow ALL of us, turkey and human, to feel pain and consequently suffer. The video with sarah palin standing in front of a turkey being slaughtered is not funny, rather sad. It seems that Palins presence is inconsequential here other than an affirmation that she is an idiot. The true message is that the man slaughtering the turkey shies away from his activity when he knows the camera is on him because those that slaughter animals know that people do not want to see how their food is brought to their tables. Do not try and justify this turkey’s slaughter as natural because there is NOTHING natural about one man slaughtering hundreds to thousands of turkeys for those who want to consume the animal without witnessing the entire process. Plopping a living being into a metal contraption to be beheaded is not natural. Could you not see the obvious fear the turkey was experiencing while it struggled for it’s life. Would you feel the same if a mentally retarded child were plopped into that contraption to be ground up? You say that there can be no comparison, but in actuality a mentally retarded person may have the same mental capacity as that turkey and therefore be as useful to our society as that turkey…. Speciesism is just as dangerous as racism so if you condone one most likely you condone the other (whether you will admit it or not). It was not that long ago when humans were at the bottom of the food chain, merely scavengers, who ate mostly vegetation and large predator’s left overs so… jump down off your high horses people and keep the value of your “humanity” in perspective.

Egad, we now have heard it all. Enjoy your tofu tomorrow, we’re having turkey, tonight, porterhouse steaks, still able to grill it even though we didn’t kill it, kudos out to those that did the dirty deed.

The turkey butcher speaks:

Yet we are not shocked by your own ignorance.

It was not that long ago when humans were at the bottom of the food chain, merely scavengers, who ate mostly vegetation and large predator’s left overs so

“Bottom of the food chain”? I guess imsurroundedbyidiots is talking about back when mankind was hunted by dinosaurs. Or would that be during the Great Stone Age Plankton Wars? Been reading Matt Dillon’s talking points on Palin, eh? Still your moniker choice was apropro. If you hang with ultra PETA whack jobs who hold all animals as superior to man and believe everything they tell you, you rather run into that problem.

I suggest a healthy dose of reality. The human body is that of a predator, not a scavenger. They hunted in packs, were given minds capable of considering hunting strategies & tool making and have opposed thumbs for manipulating those tools. Bodies designed for running, climbing, and stealth. Why would those traits be necessary for a vegetarian animal? Are carrots and celery are that difficult to overpower and consume? Though omnivores, we have incisors for cutting through our foods and canines for gripping and tearing meat. Carnivore tendencies of mankind are certainly not solely a Biblical concept. Cave paintings depicting hunting parties alone prove that error in logic.

Domesticated foul will attack and consume lower lifeforms. Insects and worms. Yet do you think they consider the panic and fear those creatures might feel? Birds like fish as species are scavengers and will even eat their own if presented the opportunity. Being farm raised, I’ve seen it happen. A flock of them gathered around a dead chick or pecking and slashing with their spur claws a sickly weaker link in the flock. Ever heard the term “pecking order”? That’s where it comes from. Even in their own genus, the strong will prey upon the weak.

What about the rights of the plants you eat? They react to soothing music and struggle to survive. If you cut them, do they not bleed chlorophyll? If one wishes to throw bricks of outrage they should first examine the precariousness of their own glass houses. When animals start forming protest groups on their own and start demanding their equal rights, I will be more than happy to entertain their debate just as I would with flora lifeforms. Until then, animals must eat to survive, and we are quite content with savoring their flesh.

Perhaps imsurroundedbyidiots would prefer we eat Soylent Green?

Not for me. Like Missy, I too will enjoy my Thanksgiving turkey and hope that all others who so desire enjoy the repasts of their choice.


he’s not just surrounded by them, he’s ONE of them

Yeah, I’d say most of you caught the irony with the chosen moniker by “imsurroundedbyidiots”.

Most amusing is, of course, “imsurrounded’s” projected behavior onto the turkey farmer in the background…

The true message is that the man slaughtering the turkey shies away from his activity when he knows the camera is on him because those that slaughter animals know that people do not want to see how their food is brought to their tables. Do not try and justify this turkey’s slaughter as natural because there is NOTHING natural about one man slaughtering hundreds to thousands of turkeys for those who want to consume the animal without witnessing the entire process.

Actually, the turkey farmer spoke on Inside Edition. Neither he nor Palin knew what was framed in the camera. imsurrounded is, of course, an idiot to field production.

Mankind and the food chain – a natural order to survival – has been enforced since the beginning of our time. Man is carnivorous… always has been (since creating an efficient weapon…). That’s the way it goes.

So enjoy your veggies, imsurrounded. Hopefully you will ignore their “silent screams” when plucked… LOL I’m sure none of us would wish to invite you to our Thanksgiving tables anyway. Now go slink back to your PETA meeting.


yeah, vegans eat their veggies while they are STILL ALIVE
oh the HORROR to hear the veggies SCREAM
as you are muching them

imsurroundedbyidiots is surrounded by mirrors