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No surprise here. The majority of leftist liberal Democrats are usually ignorant people. They do not follow politic like the conservative Republicans. We have the same in Canada. Conservatives have politic and economic knowledge; Liberals couldn’t care less about politic and economy. All they care about is to have “free” stuff, such as Socialized Health Care System, welfare, etc. They couldn’t care less where the money comes from… they don’t even realize it comes from the taxpayers. And even if they knew it, they wouldn’t care they are part of the ones who do not pay any and they hate rich people.

Nowadays, ignorant voters want a candidate that will excite them… someone who has charisma and speaks well, that all they care about. This is a crazy world. People have lost their values, so they see election like a stimulation… they go “high” on a candidate that gives them shivering in the leg… lol

This election reminded me of the movie with Sydney Poitier: “Guess who is coming to dinner tonight?” Except that the title was change to: “Guess who is coming to the White House tomorrow”

Funny no. Nauseating is more like it. The libs finally have the electorate they have always wanted. Exceedingly dumb.

I already posted this response on Curt’s thread, but wanted to repeat it here as well. I saw it (this video) last night at the ‘HowObamagotelected’ website, and although I’m not surprised, it made me realize just how dumbed down the left media is making and keeping people. Of course, these people CHOSE to only look at CNN and NPR and New York Times for their news source, which, whose fault is that! But, it tells me how important it is to have conservative resources out there to inform people. Maybe these people are beyond being informed, but we could probably do better in reaching out to them with simple but factual information at least.

Also, I wonder just how common it is for people to assume that Congress is Republican because we have a Republican president…probably more often than we’d dare to believe. I heard this was true during the campaign, but this video confirms it.

Thank you, Flopping Aces, for helping to keep us informed!!!

We seek to be informed. Even though they know how biased the media is, they continue to watch. Bill Maher? Stewart? Pathetic.

I’ve been saying this since 1992-we need to infiltrate the media and get into positions of power. Yes it will take time, but unless we found other news channels we have no choice. Not enough people watch FOX to break the MSM monopoly. Many avoid FOX because the MSM says they are biased and unreliable!

Ignorance is pandemic in the Democrapic party, but isn’t that exactly what they try for. I mean look at our schools. Students can apply a condom to a banana, but can’t spell it.

It’s a little humorous and a lot sad! But honestly, if the liberal illuminati asked McCain voters the same quesition i don’t think they would do much better. The average American just don’t really pay attention to politics other than what they can either youtube or watch on the news. That’s one of the reasons Obama’s campaign was so effective. He knew this and took advantage of it.

Man, it’s shocking so many people in this country are so damned stupid. The upshot is, I can now honestly say that I am smarter than many people in this country.

Oh, one more thing. I do sincerely hope that things go smoothly for America under Obama and a Democratic-controlled Congress, but if things do go wrong, I look forward to the whining that will surely ensue from people that expected Obama to somehow magically fix all their problems.

Spidey said: “if things do go wrong, I look forward to the whining that will surely ensue from people that expected Obama to somehow magically fix all their problems.”

The problem is that with the “news” media so overwhelmingly in the tank for Obama they will continue to say “it’s not Obama’s fault” no matter what happens.

Of course if things go well, it will be 100% to Obama’s credit.

Exactly the opposite of how they treat Republicans. Case in point: has anyone thanked President Bush for the drop in gas prices? No… But they sure blamed him when gas prices went up.

Politics has become like baseball, basketball, football, and NASCAR. It isn’t about the thing, it is about the splash and pizazz, the few stars everybody knows and how much money can be made no matter how small the talent. There are no great ones anymore.

The true conservative is more the Rolex and American LeMans racing series and hockey, it is about being the best and doing the best, and getting the best results from everybody involved, not the chosen few.

wha tis also so funny is that many obama supporters seemt o think we a re the uninformed. what the hell are they thinking. and whyis it that obama supporters are so stupid, they know nothing of the issues and are pretty ignorant about obama and his beliefs and his friends. i am not surprised by this poll at all and i don’t think that many on the right will be surprised either. won’t the left be pissed when they realize they are paying for on the job training for a amn who has never really had a real job or any accomplishments.

And they think that Sara Palin was not qualified… lol
She is 100% more qualified than this dumb Obama who never accomplish a thing in his life.
He is just excellent in lying, cheeting and manipulating. He has no executive experience. Sarah had it all. Experience, intelligence, integrity, values and charisma. Nothing was missing, she could have been a POTUS right away.

A very fitting thread on the day of the anniversary of Jim Jones and the tragedy in Guyana. I can’t help but observe the parallels between the wacko and his supporters in the jungle and the Obamamessiah and his faithful. I just hope that these kool-aid drinkers don’t destroy our beloved country in the process.

LOL Have you guys forgotten what Sarah Palin said about elitists?
“Anyone who thinks they’re better than someone else.”
So who’s being dumb here? Sarah or you “elitists?”
This site is a scream

[A very fitting thread on the day of the anniversary of Jim Jones and the tragedy in Guyana. I can’t help but observe the parallels between the wacko and his supporters in the jungle and the Obamamessiah and his faithful.] Mike Jefferson

Exactly, Mike!


Obama is ignorant and thinks he knows better that anyone else… that is elitism.

But educated people recognizing the ignorance of someone is not being elitist, it is being objective. Can you see the difference?

The true Elitist was defeated…. John McCain!!!!

And so was the man that thought he was above the law.. Stevens!!!

Real American Hater,

McCain is no elitist. He really knows a lot and have served this country for many years. Obama is elitist, he hasn’t done nothing yet and he thinks he his the change people were waiting for… lol

It just goes to show how uneducated the “educated ” of this country are.

C.R.A.P. If you cannot come up with a comment that makes sense why bother commenting at all?

I’m surprised you’re not celebrating Jim Jones Day with the rest of your Obamaton friends!

What is worse, those uninformed, uneducated people voting for Obama? Or the people that are completely informed and and educated that voted for him anyway?

Barack Obama attended grade school in Indonesia. He probably learned about the 57 states of Islam and thats where he got confused.

A scientific experiment is only meaningful if it has a control. What was needed was a randomized poll from the same population of people, performed simultaneously by the same pollsters, in which the responses of McCain voters were compared to those of Obama voters. Without these data, any conclusions — other than Americans are pathetically under-informed — is meaningless.

Also, the methodology was questionable; it was characterized as a “push poll:”


Nate Silver, by the way, absolutely nailed the election. His predictions were uncannily accurate, unlike those of, for example, the Flopping Aces pundit who predicted McCain would win an election which “won’t even be close.”

The implication of the Ziegler poll was that the typical Obama voter was uneducated, ignorant, uninformed. In point of fact, Obama’s greatest advantage over McCain (by an astonishing 61 to 34 margin) was among Americans with post-graduate degrees:

– Larry Weisenthal

The American Awakening is about to begin


Whether you like it or not McCain is certainly an Elitist. Anyone who has so many million dollar homes he cannot recall how many he has is an Elitist!!! ( the answer we all know is 7 )

He tried to sell that he was not an elitist but we all know better.

“a select group of people with outstanding personal abilities, intellect, Wealth, specialized training or experience”

if you are referring to only the social elite he fits that description perfectly too!!!

RAP, you rock my world. Elitist doesn’t mean rich. It means a belief that one is better or smarter or more entitled than someone else. If McCain were an elitist, he’d have painted over the American flag on his campaign plane and replaced it w a personal logo, or he’d have advised the press to take low angle/backlit shots of him on the stump (ie halo pics).


I recall far too many kids in high school and college who were elitists, and neither rich nor smart, nor entitled. The same has been true in the worling world.

Issue is moot anyway. Election is over. Obama won. Now Americans are challenged to both support and hold him accountable rather than just support him.

A real American patriot would do that.

@Larry Weisenthal:

“Obama’s greatest advantage over McCain (by an astonishing 61 to 34 margin) was among Americans with post-graduate degrees:”

And these people spent how much time studying the issues? Or did they have time? I lived next door to a couple, both holding Master’s degrees, neither of them ever kept current on the issues, they were too busy, not interested in politics and were comfortable going with the polls.

Before retiring, those in my office were too busy with work, the NFL and their extra curricular activities to bother. Their decision was made by what the polls were reporting a week before the election.

CRAP. Having money and owning homes has nothing to do with elitism and everything to do with personality. One could have nothing and be an elitist. We’ve been through this with you before.

Isn’t RAP wonderful? Really. On a thread about how dumb Obama voters are (true or not), he goes off on a bit about John McCain, elitists, and whatever distraction one can come up with rather than simply say something like,

‘Now that Sen Obama’s won, and now that Democrats clearly control Congress, it’ll be interesting to see how the people in the video change their perspectives if/when they should become more well-informed.”

Nah, easier to continue about McCain. After all, that’s far more constructive than trying to inform Obama voters/supporters that he’s:
-already broken at least 4 major campaign promises
-is pursuing Bush Admin foreign policies
-cannot pursue his domestic agenda campaign promises AND improve the US economy at the same time given the contradiction between taxing the top 5% and the need to spur investment to rally the economy (ie encourage the investment class to invest while taxing them more?).

Yes! Let’s talk elitists rather than accountability and responsibility for those who are taking it.

I think the point that many are missing is that the poll was not a reflection of the voters themselves but the “popular” information the media was pushing

It was very telling that the questions the people answered most correctly were the ones about Sarah Palin to the detriment of all others

Is anyone surprised that more people were aware of the reproductive history of the Palin women, than who the is majority party in congress at present?

And all the people who insist that McCain ran a dirty campaign, I think the press ran a filthy campaign and blamed it on the republicans

IOW it’s all about the media bias, not the polled

@Real American Patriot: For five-and-a-half years, McCain lived in a squalid little closet of a space. 🙁

C.R.A.P. just proves the point about how dumb Obama supporters are.

Otherwise he/she/it would know that A. McCain doesn’t own those houses, his wife does and B. Many of those properties are investments or the residences of family members.

But why bother with facts when propaganda and cheap shots are so much easier.

Just keep on repeating it over and over and over and every idiot dolt Obama supporter will buy it hook, line and stinker.


You are so full of yourself.
propaganda and cheap shots?? you are the king of that!!!

take a close look…. then check the dictionary. That’s something both you and Scott need to do!!!

An ignorant public…an absolute necessity for the rule of a dictatorship. Thankfully, we are still armed.

consciousness of or pride in belonging to a select or favored group.

The belief that certain persons or members of certain classes or groups deserve favored treatment by virtue of their perceived superiority, as in intellect, social status, or financial resources.

The sense of entitlement enjoyed by such a group or class.
Control, rule, or domination by such a group or class.

seems like that’s what I said

Still wanna distract and topic shift RAP, or will you be wondering if those ignorant Obama supporters in the topic above will have a wakeup call when they realize they’ve just elected George W Bush’s foreign policies?

So C.R.A.P., do you have a problem with Edward’s home? Or all the ones Kerry and his wife have? I thought so you hypocrite.

Hard Right:

You are another guy that is full of himself here. You’ve been listening to Rush and Hannity a little to much.

I actually have no problem with John McCain having 7 mutl-million dollar homes either. but then let’s set the record straight that his wealth and the rest of the description (in the dictionary) does make him an Elitist!!

check the dictionary numb nuts

C.R.A.P. Give up your myopic world view courtesy of Mother Jones Magazine,, ACORN and whatever else George Soros pays you people to think and you might stand a chance of becoming a reasonably intelligent, rational human being.

But not if you simply insist on repeating the same lies over and over and over as if you didn’t know any better.

You’re the perfect definition of a dumb Obamaton.

Let’s see, CRAP displayed denial of reality, hypocrisy, and projection. Congrats on the liberal hat trick!

Mike already gave you the definition of elitism. You were proven wrong. Stop lying now.

The funny thing is by your definition Kerry, Gore, Edwads, Obama, and most dems in Congress are elitests! Yet you support them.

Lastly, you assume I listen to Rush or Hannity because you listen to Olberman, Maher, Matthews, etc. Just because you can’t think for yourself and need others to tell you what to think doesn’t mean I do.

Scott’s definition of Elitism would also apply to the two factions now being formed by the splitting of the (R) party … Social Con vs. Fiscal Cons, (the radical base vs moderates) …

This phenomenon proves that God has answered our Secular prayerz …!

Now we are prayin’ Palin gets through her various ethical scandals, and survives the assault from the moderate arm of the (R) party.


Yet again a liberal (snerd) displays the leftist hat trick. Lying, projection, and hypocrisy.

The “ethical scandals” are bogus accusations by dems and corrupt Alaskan Reps trying to undermine her.

Hypocrisy-snerd ignores what was done to hillary supporters for no other crime than supporting her instead of their messiah.
We don’t think we are better than RINOs, simply that they do not share our views or belong in the party. Liberals are the ones who think they are superior to others.

BTW snerd, I’d say you’re maybe 15 from the way you type. Go away and let the grownups talk.

(R)ard Hight: “… The “ethical scandals” are bogus accusations by dems and corrupt Alaskan Reps trying to undermine her.”

SG: A bipartisan committee of (R)z and (D)z found her to have acted ‘unethically’ … So (R)z were trying to get her elected and trying to undermine her getting elected, at the same time!?


(R)ard Hight, The consistency of (R)and’s Inconsistency …

1. Liberals are Elitist
“… Liberals are the ones who think they are superior to others.”

2. I, (R)and Hight am superior to Snerd
“… snerd, I’d say you’re maybe 15 from the way you type. Go away and let the grownups talk.”


“Obama’s greatest advantage over McCain (by an astonishing 61 to 34 margin) was among Americans with post-graduate degrees:” (Larry W,)

So what? That doesn’t make them smart. I know many post-graduate degrees people who are clearly dumb and have no judgment. Maybe because their judgment was corrupted and alienated by leftist teachers. We have some right here on this site. And I know many people who don’t have a high degree of schooling and have a much better judgment.
Obama ‘s voter have evidently no judgment despite their college degrees.

Larry @21:

“the Flopping Aces pundit who predicted McCain would win an election which “won’t even be close.”

Care to give a link to where you got that quote Larry?

It may very well be correct, but I am sure if I insinuated you had said something like that you would insist on a link..

So link Larry. Link.

“The implication of the Ziegler poll was that the typical Obama voter was uneducated, ignorant, uninformed. ” (Lary W.)

In this new video:

Ziegler explains to Fox News why if he would have done the same video with McCain’s voters, it would have been a complete different picture. Take a look at it. Maybe Mike could embed it.

[Ed: Yes, Mike can!]

Snerd said: A bipartisan committee of (R)z and (D)z found her to have acted ‘unethically’ … So (R)z were trying to get her elected and trying to undermine her getting elected, at the same time!?

I haven’t done a final follow up to the Trooper’gate series… which details the differences between the Congressional witchhunt and the Ethics Act investigation, per Alaskan law, SG. But I’ve read both opinions in full. You evidently choose to ignore specifics and parrot headlines alone.

Congressional investigation found Palin guilty of only one count of “abusing” her office. Not because of her, but her husband’s behavior. This per their not-so-unbiased, and not thorough investigator who is an out of state attorney with a courtesy “bar association” status in Alaska. He chose to give his own interpretation of an Alaskan Ethics Act law, with absolutely no precedents to back up his conclusion. But since it was a Congressional investigation with no legal ramifications… meaning only politically motivated ramifications… it was not necessary to produce legal precedents to support his final opinion.

However the committees investigation per Alaskan law had to be more thorough – and delve into precedents to determine whether any of Palin’s actions were in violation of the Executive Branch Ethics Act. Their opinion brief dissents with Branchflower’s single conclusion of her “guilt by association”. She was cleared of all charges by the only legal investigation in the state equipped to hand ethics violations. And that includes the one which would hlave been the most troublesome if found guilty … Wooten’s medical records.

Normally you’re the type here I choose to ignore. I can get your opinions by scanning media headlines and HuffPo. So I can tell by your cryptic, cute little posting style that actually reading and forming an opinion outside of your preconceived political bias is probably out of the question.

But frankly – and the subject of this thread – when I think of lazy types who refuse to delve into issues beyond that the latest headlines – like you – filling out a ballot, my blood runs cold.

Now this is one poll I will take as being accurate. That’s because they aren’t headed by the liberal illuminati or the biased media.

You all are the biggest bunch of morons on the planet.

Let’s get things straight, McCain is a veteran to our country and should be respected, Obama is not an idiot was not born in any country other than the U.S. in Hawaii(and yes Hawaii had already become a state at the time of his birth), nohe obviously did not attend grade school in Indonesia, the kool-aid comments are racist bigotist and intollerant(everyone lives everyone dies having dark skin doesnt change any of these things this goes same for your taste buds which do not change based off of color), some here seem to believe Democrats are mindless idiots who dont research or understand ANYTHING in politics, sure there may be a small group who do not but what the hell makes you think that doesnt go the same for republicans, believeing in one thing doesnt make you an idiot,for instance , i love kool-aid its awesome does that make me any other race? No, plain and simple no it does not. Obama has never promised to get EVRY SINGLE THING acomplished which he wanted to its obvious that with any presidency that will not happen(YES ANY PRESIDENT JFK, NIXON, CLINTON, BUSH, HOOVER, ROOSEVELT) it doesnt matter who, there will be something standing in your way, there is never a 100% chance of anything.(if you are crossing a street you are more likely to randomly appear in space somewhere than you are to be at the other side of the street after walking!) the point is, no candidate will acomplish all that they promise, they are simply promising to do their best, making foul comments about our great countries leader does not show your faith in our great country which every U.S. citizen should always have, no matter how bad it gets.(and no its not Obamas fault for the economy crashing and burning it had quite obviously crashed before elections as the candidates plans to get out of this black hole were discussed often.)

said plain and simple by a High School student

informant, I usually don’t waste time replying to the cerebrally challenged, but because of your age, I will make an exception and provide some advice. If you organize your ideas and present them in a coherent form, i.e. sentence structure and paragraphs. You will accomplish much more, without appearing to be an uncultured and ignorant buffoon. Researching your subject matter will help immensely; you are still in school, so you have an opportunity to improve your presentations at government expense. It is a real handicap to be considered illiterate all your life. Pay attention in English and History classes and you might be a worthy opponent in a few years; unfortunately, at this time, engaging you in a battle of wits is like dueling with an unarmed man.