Obama Supporters Terrorized My Little Girl Today


Today, my 6yr old little girl Katy got off the school bus ashamed and in tears. I ran out to see what was wrong, and she finally looked up at me, “Daddy, I got some bad news.”
“What’s wrong? What happened? Are you hurt?”
“No. The kids on bus #9 (pre-teen kids) said that if we vote for McCain they’re gonna drop bombs on our house and our cars and kill us tonight.”

This is not fiction, exaggeration, or anything of the sort. This is Barack Obama’s America, a country where people who hear his message of unity go home and teach their kids intimidation and terror. My little girl has never ever ever come home from school with anything shy of an ear to ear smile. Most days she comes running off the bus with her arms wide open. Today, she was ashamed, scared, embarassed, and terrorized.

I told Katy that I’d protect her (not a problem, but I won’t elaborate). I told her our German Shepard mutt and our Rottweiler mix mutt would protect her (they both patrol the house at night, so not a problem or exaggeration), and she was comforted. Some cookies, and she’s fine. That’s a 6yr old.

The 39yr old daddy on the other hand is pissed off to no end. I don’t really think someone’s going to come bomb our house tonight. What pisses me off is that parents (be they Obama or McCain supporters themselves) would be so irresponsible, ignorant, and scared themselves so as to teach their kids political intimidation. That’s not American. That’s chickenshit. That’s a set of parents (if there are two) who are so paranoid that they can’t deal with reality themselves.

Tomorrow’s a big day. As I’ve said before, I will vote for McCain, but I’ll be content with either for President. I’ll vote my way. You vote your way. That’s it. Once you are done, that’s it. You’re American again-not a Democrat or McCain supporter or whatever.

Meanwhile, my little girl (who just got a perfect report card on Tuesday, and talk of being put in an advanced class because she’s teaching other kids) is not afraid. Yes, she cried, and was ashamed of that, and was embarassed, but after the cookies quelled the tears she told me that in their mock election, “I still voted for McCain, Daddy.” Kid’s not only the best reader in the class, but brave.

Me? Well, I’m pissed, and I’m wondering, “If Sen Obama wins tomorrow, what will happen to my little girl at the hands of the other kids, and will all of America become ruled by those who believe power comes best from political intimidation.”

btw Not feeding my dogs dinner tonight, so best not to knock on my door until Thursday or so.

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sick, to say this to a child, an innocent child. what monsters, they should have the crap smacked out of them. terrible.

Ghillie suit. Daisy chained claymore mines. Pungi stakes.

This brings back memories of when my kids were in school. Unfortunately, there are idiots in every generation who love to intimidate and threaten.

This should be reported to the school district, as well. Action should be taken by the district against those who terrorized your child.

Children cannot be expected to learn in an environment of fear.

Keep your chin up and your powder dry (and feed those dogs, too, it’s not their fault)!

Scott, she’s adorable! Keep up the good fight and keep teaching her well.

“Is the entire world on LSD”

Is the beaver wearing a waistcoat?

As for the Obama-nuts, what can you say about fascistic scum?

I’d describe the beaver’s lack of apparel and natural appearance, but it would likely get caught in the spam filter.

(dogs have clearly picked up the vibe and are going beserko at everything and everything-even the elusive, Northeast Ohio Squirrel-beaver)

Why would you put a picture of your daughter and your house on the internet? Are you insane? You just got done explaining how people intimidate voters and such, and you run this blog. If I had a blog I would not put pictures of myself, my family, or where I live anywhere on it. I would probably use a computer in the cayman islands or amsterdam so far away from my house. Are you insane my good man?

Welcome to the coming Obama Thugocracy Scott.

This is what happens when a Messianic candidate ascends what he sees as the throne of power.

From the top down, Obama has given his supporters a license to hate and to punish those who don’t worship at the altar of his power.

After all, if those who dare oppose him are racists intent on stealing this election then his supporters feel entitled to take direct action to combat it.

I guess when you voted for Democrats in Ohio in 2006 you didn’t realize this would be one of the consequences.

This is just a sad commentary for the McCain people. They will stoop to any kind of lie and I don’t believe for a minute any of this happned .
These creepy Republicans will stoop any level to try to win an election and that includes using an adorable little child as part of a hate campaign against Democrats.
I think any of you who participated in this crap should be strung up and somehow punished for this.
Who is this precious and innocent child who was the victom of Republican filthy politics?
I am am assuming the daughter of one you low life Repukes or maybe Elizabeth Doles grand daughter..same old familar Republican filth. Why don’t you REPUBLICAN’S stop using anything you can do out of sheer desperation and start to learn a little class. For you who are doing this to try to get McLame elected..You are ALL WHITE TRASH and believe me I am not black, I just have ethic’s.
belive me this will all come and you will be exposed for the miserable people you are.


How many moonbats have been paid by THE ONE to come here today? Just curious…

Anne… what a stellar representative of the Obama camp you are. “white trash” who doesn’t believe this, indeed.

I should have left you in the “spam” filter where I found you. You accuse Scott of lying about his daughter? If you knew anything about this community, and Scott in particular, that statement is so absurd as to fall into the “world is flat” category.

But, ya know, I had to let this pass thru. You provide a perfect example of anything Obama supporters will do… i.e. muddy the actualities and demean other citizens… just to give your guy’s supporters a pass. You’re an embarrassment. Not only to your own political camp, but to humanity in general. “white trash”, applied to you, would be a compliment.


Comeon now, your comments are every bit as negative as mine and I stand by my remarks.
I live in Arizona and people here do not like or respect McCain because he has a crude mouth and has no respect for women. Do you suppose if McLame was so great he would be having to fight to win his own state.
I just have to say that I would not be willing to put my daughters picture and our lovely home on the internet for all to see, that is why this just doesn’t make sense to me. Just too many nutty people who don’t need to know where adorable children live.
Wow, thats the first time I have ever been called an embarrassment. I have seen many Barck signs in my community torn to shreds and some have even been burned, Do you suppose Democrats did all of that?
You do realize that it is not Democrats who are spreading lies and having the radical right wingers like Rush and Hannity literally freak out and make terribly negative remarks about Barack Obama?
I am not really the monster you make me out to be. I do all kinds of volanteer work in my city, including at hospitals, homeless shelters and an orphaned childrens shelter.I think I am feeling weary of all the ugly attacks on Obama and it finially just boiled over.

So, anne are you the one of three that do not support McCain in AZ?

Of course you are not a monster – monsters are make believe – you are far worse, a fascist troll for Obama.

I’m sure everything you just typed is the honest truth….you wouldn’t lie..now would you?

That is so sad! I remember when I was in the 5th grade, we had a mock election. I was the only kid that voted for Gerald Ford. Not because my parents brainwashed me to vote for a Republican, but they taught me values and not to believe in BS.

I am so sorry that your daughter had to suffer through this abuse from those tolerant obama supporters, Scott.

Anne, get back under your bridge, you troll.

Anne said:

Comeon now, your comments are every bit as negative as mine and I stand by my remarks.

Let me get this straight… you chastise me for my “negative” remarks when you sauntered in here and called everyone “white trash”???

That’s like saying the perp who walks into my home to rob or harm my family is whining because I didn’t offer him/her milk and cookies before aiming the barrel of my .45 calibre Colt at his/her sorry ass.

I take that back. Not only are you are an embarrassment, but “white trash” is too high a compliment for you. Anything over an amoeba rates higher on the life scale.

Wow, thats the first time I have ever been called an embarrassment. I have seen many Barck signs in my community torn to shreds and some have even been burned, Do you suppose Democrats did all of that?

Tiny mind, tiny world. So the nation is judged by what you see in your back yard?

[repeated]…. I stand by my remarks.

As do I.

AND… let me add…

If you equate sign vandalism with intimidation of 6 year olds, then you may completely regress from the “amoeba” status to less than a weed in the life cycle plant chain.

Anne, I don’t mind having my posts or even my integrity questioned, but if you’re gonna question me, then have some basis of doing so. I’m a registered Democrat (to the chagrin of some FA members and readers). I voted for Clinton twice, and until this year almost always voted Dems for Congress and Gov.

I am telling the truth. This is a true story not some Karl Rove master scheme. Try and look up LIBERAL in the dictionary. It means open-minded. Then open your mind and realize that extremism, stupidity, ignorance, and fear are not just Republican traits as your propaganda’s been telling you.

Katy is fine. We are all safe. That’s all I will say. That, and this is a true story Anne. Yes, an apology will be necessary given the subject’s seriousness and reality.

Please people, vote tomorrow, and when your done find someone who might vote opposite of you, and shake their hand. Wish them well. No smack talkin’. Just smile, shake hands, and recognize that we’re all Americans. When there’s a crisis, we don’t just save the Republicans or save the Democrats. We save the people. When we exercise our core American right, we ought to do the same and offer a hand of peace to other people.

This us/them crap can be too dangerous, and we know it’s reached that point when our kids are threatening other kids over politics. 6yrs old is too young. It’s a time for Barbie Dolls and Hot Wheels not for political intimidation.

As Anne should surely see… and had she read anything of Scott before sticking her keyboard into her mouth… Scott regards her with a kindness and courtesy she does not deserve.

Kudos to you, Scott. Anne, you owe him an apology, but I will not hold my breath.

Scott? Guess I should send you some MRE cookies for those that invade your house uninvited, eh? LOL

Oh….we’re set. No worries here. But thank you 🙂

I’m not afraid. If my little 6yr old has the courage to vote in a MOCK ELECTION against the political intimidators who threatened to blow us up, blow up our cars, and kill us, then I damn well can’t be afraid.

@Scott Malensek: I have to add, that in ALL posts I’ve seen that you have written, you seem like you are very open minded, and kind to all. I like the way you think, and wish more people were like you. You have a VERY beautiful daughter. I like her courage,and I hope I can instill in my children the same.

Funny… lost 3 signs this year, stopped putting them up. Didn’t put a sticker on my car, because I know better in Portland.

Yet here I’m hearing about all the Obama signs vandalized?

Honestly, do you really think that Republicans run around trashing signs and Democrats are some sort of group of noble political erudites that calmly discuss the issues?

While neither side has a monopoly on rude behavior, from my experience in many locations around the country the Democrats have a huge lead in the rude behavior count… I’d estimate at about 85% to 15%… and yeah, my estimate is just as valid as your unsubstantiated claims of neighborhood signs being trashed.

“I live in Arizona and people here do not like or respect McCain because he has a crude mouth and has no respect for women.” (Ann the moonbat)

LOL… McCain chose a female V.P. and pays his female employees almost twice as your stupid Obama.

“I’m a registered Democrat” (Scott)
Sorry to hear this.

“Try and look up LIBERAL in the dictionary. It means open-minded.” (Scott)
Maybe in the dictionary, but in the real world it means, crooked leftists.
In French we call them leftists… or “gogauche”. We respect the “gauche” but we do not respect the “gogauche”. Obamatrons are “gogauche” idiots.

Liberals do not exist anymore on this planet, they are way too leftist… too bad. Maybe it would be time to find another word than LIBERAL. Leftists would be the right appellation for liberals nowaday.

White Trash… Nice!

I was informed this weekend by a Obamazombie that “rednecks” only vote for McCain. He went on to inform me how the people of Iraq are worse off now than when Saddam Hussein was in power. I told him to go get a passport and put some ink in it! Once he goes over and actually sees the world, then come back to pontificate. The he said the USA was the worst country in the world. WTF? I told him to go to France, where they really know how Socialism works. I even offered to spend my hard earned cash on the trip. What a knucklehead.

What is it with these libs coming in here to spew insults and they can’t even use a spell checker….white trash indeed.

Glad to hear your daughter is ok and not taking it too hard Scott. Some of the most intolerant people I have ever run across are liberal’s.

Open-minded indeed.

On a lighter note, and ignoring the cyber garbage that intrudes on a subject with their closed minds… I really love pst314’s comment… which *still* makes me roar on each re’read!

“Is the entire world on LSD”

Is the beaver wearing a waistcoat?


And BTW, Katy looks even more adorable on her USA rigged bike than she did in her Halloween skit costume, Scott. She’s just too adorable for words.

so sorry scott. i remember when i was her age we lived in panama. carter was screwing things up there and we lived on the economy, so we didnt have the protection of the military. crazy, crazy things happened on the school bus and in the yard, at the grocery store and at school. yeh a cookie and support helped, but i never forgot. that was panama. this is america, were different here, were safe here right??? i wouldnt feed them either.

I hope you will amend your post to read “This is political America” and not Obama’s America. The hate and prejudice and ignorance is thick on both sides and you and I both know that it is unfair to characterize the actions of a select few as an indictment of a candidate or their party.

I hope you will amend your post to read “This is political America” and not Obama’s America. The hate and prejudice and ignorance is thick on both sides and you and I both know that it is unfair to characterize the actions of a select few as an indictment of a candidate or their party.

Ahhh.. let’s celebrate the success of the Obama/Alinsky “community organizing” rules of radicals on one hand, but give ’em a pass on the other.

Amend the post? Why, Eric? Were the Obama supporters not told to get “in your face” of the opposition? Are not the Obama campaign organizing roots based on such tactics?

And so it passes… from parents to children. From generation to generation. Oddly enough, not unlike the proliferation of jihad…. but in a morphed American perspective.


I wish you and your family the best and hope no harm or danger comes to you.

Noting about the left surprises me. Studies have been shown that those with MANY bumper stickers on their cars tend to RAGE and which side tends to have the most stickers on their cars? LIBERALS!
(Google this if in doubt)

With this the Huffington post nut case calling for Joe the plumber to be dead, another Huffington post woman stabbing her (former?) wife 220 times with a screw driver, The publisher of Strangler trash publications trying to intimidate republicans by publishing pictures AND ADDRESSES in their rag…

I worry that if Obama loses the electoral college, not only will we hear how the election was “stolen” but I worry about the possibility of violence that will erupt over it. If all of this is happening …


But, ya know, I had to let this pass thru. You provide a perfect example of anything Obama supporters will do… i.e. muddy the actualities and demean other citiziens… just to give your guy’s supporters a pass. You’re an embarrassment. Not only to your own political camp, but to humanity in general. “white trash”, applied to you, would be a compliment.

Oh, c’mon, Mata….anne is obviously a Republican plant…a fictitious commenter (probably created by Scott) to frame Democrats into looking like complete tools.

See, the logic here, anne?


I am not really the monster you make me out to be. I do all kinds of volanteer work in my city, including at hospitals, homeless shelters and an orphaned childrens shelter.I think I am feeling weary of all the ugly attacks on Obama and it finially just boiled over.

anne, I understand; the same can be said for all the “ugly attacks” made against Palin. If you’re not “the monster you (not us) make yourself out to be”, why act like it? You don’t know any of us. Why assume the worst? Why behave like those you deplore?


Malensek: I have to add, that in ALL posts I’ve seen that you have written, you seem like you are very open minded, and kind to all. I like the way you think, and wish more people were like you. You have a VERY beautiful daughter. I like her courage,and I hope I can instill in my children the same.

Scott always conducts himself as a gentleman.

Given how you see him as “very open minded”, you really should take a look at the Iraq/al Qaeda connection category and read his work. It just may change the way you view the rightness/wrongness of the decision to invade Iraq.

That is…if you enter in with “an open mind”, as well.


“I’m a registered Democrat” (Scott)
Sorry to hear this.

“Try and look up LIBERAL in the dictionary. It means open-minded.” (Scott)
Maybe in the dictionary, but in the real world it means, crooked leftists.
In French we call them leftists… or “gogauche”. We respect the “gauche” but we do not respect the “gogauche”. Obamatrons are “gogauche” idiots.

Lol….Craig….God love “him”… 🙂

Sorry Katy experienced this, Scott. Glad she has such a great father to comfort her.

Passions are running very high, this election; and it’s sifted down to the children of parents with deep-seated political feelings.

Living here in Los Angeles, and being constantly around kids and families at my job teaching gymnastics, I can say being “outed” as a McCain supporter can make one the subject of ridicule and mean-spirited derision. I know one young girl in my class today, whose family are McCain supporters. All around us, kids are hollering about Obama. I can deal with that, and the parents; but I worry about her and how other kids might behave toward her. I’ve overheard kids say some pretty ignorant things (must come from parroting the parents).

Oh, c’mon, Mata….anne is obviously a Republican plant…a fictitious commenter (probably created by Scott) to frame Democrats into looking like complete tools.

Rove, you magnificent BASTARD!!!!!!!

ROTFLMFAO Bronze! Just brilliant, guy.

You have a beautiful daughter, Scott, and I’m deeply sorry for what has happened to her.

Don’t let idiots like anne get you down – don’t even pay attention to them. Let them run at the mouth all they want; in the end, we all know who’s got true class and who’s got an empty space between their ears.


I honestly don’t think Scott looks at anne’s comments through those kind of lenses. I doubt she “got him down” or that he felt insulted by her. Scott has a way of looking past the ad hominems and emotionalism that drove anne to rail in the manner that she did in her first comment. Scott has a knack for reading between the lines; for seeing another human being out there, typing away, and not merely a faceless entity and stereotypical moonbat.

Of course….I could be wrong.

I’m just saying that because this is personal – anne’s calling him a liar. That’s not fair on any level. I’m just showing my support for him. I wouldn’t doubt that Scott’s the type of person who’d sweat over the insignificant voices here, but when it’s something this personal…I can imagine it can hurt, even if a little bit.

Thanks for the support everyone. All is well.

Leah, you’re right that being called a liar by the likes of Anne does hurt a little, but it’s kinda like a mosquito bite at best. Ya just swat away the fear-based stupidity and deal. Regular FA readers know that I concern myself w the fear and ignorance that people have more than their hate-normally. Anne’s just a troll, and she’s just someone who’s had their fears about this and that catered to and appeased by a really good teleprompter reader as well as hateful websites and a media that lacks the courage to leave the green zone in Iraq. It takes years to make intelligent people get that misinformed, manipulated, and paranoid (as demonstrated by her comments). I’m more concerned about the radicalization process, how far it will go, and how it’s counter to the strategic efforts of asymetric wars like the ones America is waging.

coffee time

(dogs got fed, so don’t call PETA. Even fed, the dogs’re likely to try and eat and PETA people coming to the door)

I’m glad everything worked out for your family Scott, you handled it well. Wasn’t able to comment yesterday, great-grandson doesn’t allow me time to post when he’s here, all I managed was a quick peek.

What worries me is that your little girl will fear going to school with these thugs. Should McCain/Palin win will she be afraid to show her excitement in that environment. I do hope the school acts, allowing these bullies a free pass will encourage more of it. I hope she feels safe at school, on the playground and the bus.

Good job Scott, make sure the school does something about the mini-thugs.

Despite the admission that you are a Dem, you are obviously a THINKER, which means I will continue to hold you in the highest esteem.

Love on those puppies of yours, they may save your bacon some day. I have three out here in the country, and they are indispensable to the wife and I.

Message for Katy;
You got yourself a GREAT Daddy! But you already knew that didn’t you?

You did the right thing letting him know when you were bullied for no reason. Some people are mean and miserable and don’t like themselves very much. They act mean to others because it makes them feel more powerful if they can make happy people sad like they are.

Doing things like that are unfair, hurtful, and it’s just not right. It’s always okay to tell an adult you can trust about it so they can do what they feel is right and maybe stop it from happening again.

It wasn’t your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong.

We all have a right to think what we want to think. And talk about things we like to talk about. Some people may not think the same way we do or want to talk about the same things. So we each take turns and say what we think. And explain why we think that way. That helps us understand each other better. Sometimes by talking we discover things we never knew before.

Yelling at people, being mean, and threatening them because they think differently is no help. Nobody learns anything that way. That is just being a bully. So it’s okay to tell an adult. That adult may talk to other adults, like a school counselor or parent, then that adult can talk to the bully and explain to them why what they did was wrong.

You are free to believe whatever you want to believe. I have a niece who believes in fairies with all her heart. So much so that she says she can see them, talks to them, plays with them, and leaves them food.

When I go to visit her we talk about them. She shows me where they live. I may not be able to see the fairies because I’m old, but that’s okay, we respect each other very much. So she describes them to me so well I can almost see them in my mind through her eyes. That is the magic and wonder of being a child and the wisdom of being an adult.

So you just enjoy being a sweet little girl and give your big teddy-bear of a Daddy your troubles. He will help you through any bad stuff. That’s what wise Daddy’s are best at.

Believe what you want to believe.

Think what you want to think.

Take turns talking with others about what you and they like to talk about.

Oh and by the way, teddy-bears need all the hugs and kisses they can get. Especially Daddy type ones…

– Ol’ Uncle Rocky