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John McCain Served a Cause Greater than His Own Self-Interest Then, and Continues to Do So Now.

“This is a guy who is in the U.S. Senate….the notion that somehow as a consequence of me knowing somebody who served his country honorably and was a POW 41 years ago- when I was 6 years old- somehow not reflecting upon me and my values doesn’t make much sense.”
– Parody quote inspired by a comment by Moody Deep Thinker

A supporter holds up a sign at a campaign rally held by Republican presidential nominee Senator John McCain in Dayton, Ohio October 27, 2008.
REUTERS/Brian Snyder

Liberal Democrats are ultra-sensitive these days of having their patriotism questioned. Of being called anti-American. Honestly? Some of them deserve such a scarlet letter branded to them. But most, I would never accuse them of such things, simply because they disagree with me on American foreign policy and other related issues.

I do not believe Senator Obama is unpatriotic. But I do believe he is untested. I too, am untested. But I’m not running for president. Someone who is running for president, who has decades more life experience than Senator Obama, and who has been tested, is Senator John McCain.

Earlier last week, was the 41st anniversary of John McCain’s 23rd mission, in which he was shot down, beginning his 5-and-a-half years of captivity and torture.

A day after the anniversary, Charlie Plumb gave an interview on The Hugh Hewitt Show, describing the stalwart, heroic character of John McCain and described a bit of the ordeal they all went through, as POWs.

If character matters as a desirable trait in a leader, if being tested in a way that few have, if past conduct is a reflection of future conduct, then you should take the time to listen to the interview.

John McCain doesn’t just talk the talk when he speaks of putting “Country First”; when he encourages others to “serve a cause greater than self-interest”. He’s lived the talk, and walk.

We know John McCain and his mettle. He’s made of sterner stuff than a certain freshman Illinois U.S. Senator, whom we don’t really know.

“I’d rather lose an election than lose a war.”

“If the surge works, then McCain isn’t guaranteed the nomination but has a fighting chance as someone who has again proven his mettle under fire, a candidate who will do the ‘right thing’ even if it is politically unpopular,” said University of Virginia political scientist Larry Sabato. McCain will be “a guy who stuck to his guns and his president even while the going was tough,” Sabato added.

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