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Democrats Continue To Laugh At Palin Pick….Thankfully!

Dammit Joe, don’t let the cat out of the bag!

But what can you expect from a Democrat but to warn his fellow cohorts to stop underestimating Sarah. I would have liked it if they had continued to hang themselves, and they still might, but in the meantime Joe Trippi warns them to get their heads out of their asses:

I have seen a lot of commentary on why John McCain’s pick of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is a cynical and transparent ploy to bring disaffected women who supported Hillary Clinton to his cause – and why this ploy would fail.

But I don’t think John McCain and the people around him are that stupid.


McCain picked in Palin someone who has taken on the corruption in the GOP in Alaska, turned against her own party’s establishment, and fought for reform.

The McCain/Palin duo will challenge Barack Obama’s claim of “a new kind of politics” and chastise Obama and Democratic vice presidential Nominee, Joe Biden, for their “silence” in taking on corruption in their own party in Illinois, Delaware and Washington, DC.

The McCain campaign intends to claim that “more of the same” in Washington means Barack Obama and Joe Biden and will make the argument that if you want to “shake things up” then McCain and his reform minded running mate from Alaska will get the job done.

My initial reaction was that in picking Palin, McCain had taken away the argument that Barack Obama wasn’t ready to be president. I now think my initial assessment on that score was wrong. Over time, the McCain team will insinuate that if you think a first-term Governor isn’t ready for the number 2 slot, are your really sure that a first-term Senator is ready for the number 1 spot?

Joe is the man behind the Dean phenomenon, he’s worked on the campaign of Edward Kennedy, Mondale, Hart, and Gephardt. He is no political neophyte and one the Democrats should be listening to.

I hope they don’t…and don’t really believe they will. They are so entrenched into the messiah movement they see any stumbling block in the road as something to shrug off. “No way Obama loses” is a much uttered sentence from the mouths of liberals, and they believe it. So Sarah Palin? No big deal, she is going to being McCain down instead of up…

Sure thing bud.

In one fell swoop McCain took the winds out of Obama’s sails immediately following his “big” speech. He has unified the base, something I would never had thought I would see with a McCain candidacy, and raised tons of money. He answered the historic candidacy of Hillary Clinton with his own historic candidacy of the first female VP on the Republican ticket. He answered the “change” message of Obama with his own “change” message. He answered the Obama oratory prowess, or lack thereof when he is faced a crowd without a teleprompter, with a candidate who can deliver a powerful speech on the fly, without a teleprompter, and without a thousand uh’s.

So continue to do as James Carville just did on CNN this morning. Belittle the lady with four years of experience on a city council, six years of experience being a mayor, two years of experience being a governor, and instead defend a first term senator who has never accomplished anything during his time there.

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