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New DEM talking point: Gustav is omen that God loves the DNC?

I’m no Obama fan, but I couldn’t see even Obama’s humor having such a sick twist. But apparently there’s either a macabre perspective deeply engrained in some of his fellow Democrats…

…or else they have quietly issued some talking points. For it’s ironic that within the same day, two prominent liberal progressives point to Hurricane Gustav, bearing down on the US Gulf Coast and thru our Gulf rigs (and possibly refineries in TX) as a sign that God somehow favors the DNC…. while *laughing*.

First up… Michael More appearing on the joke of a pundit, Olbermann’s show… (HT to Hot Air)

Approx: 1’15’ in….

(laughs) I was was just thinking that Gustav is proof that there is a God in heaven (laughs).

This is the first thing out of his mouth. Hard to tell if Keith is stunned, or trying to hold back a smile….

Then, on a plane coming from from the DNC Convention, former DNC Chair Don Fowler had this conversation with Rep. John Spratt of SC. (H/T to Newsbusters)

Plus they think the hurricane’s going to hit (starts laughing) New Orleans about the time they start. The timing, at least it appears now, that it’ll be there Monday. That just demonstrates God’s on our side.

I was talking to friends last week about this myself… but not with any laughter. Nay, not even with resentment. I was raised in Florida and with hurricanes. And most of my immediate family still lives there. This is the season when we are all on hurricane watch. There by the grace of God could be my family, battening down, and evacuating.

There is no doubt the DNC hit in a week when they could garnish every drop of media attention. This week, the GOP will most certainly be sharing the spotlight with what could be another serious disaster on US shores. THe loss of life potential with a Cat 5 is enormous. The infrastructure damage not only to the cities – not exclusively New Orleans – plus our Gulf rigs and refineries could have serious economic repercussions.

And these Dems laugh, and evoke God as their partner.

Yet these DNC members think it’s funny: suggesting what a joke on the saps in the GOP that God would risk the lives of so many merely to thwart their electoral competition. But I doubt the GOP will see it that way. In fact, I’m sure the thoughts of so many, including delegates from those states, will find it a very somber week.

But moving such large events, when it involves catering, staging, hotels, setups, entertainment, rentals of halls and sundry support gear and services, is not likely to be possible. Instead, I shall be quite curious to see the grace that McCain and Palin will demonstrate… sharing what should be their time in the spotlight, with those who need that spotlight more.

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