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Many times my reflections about the Constitution would lead me to a core reason our system is dysfunctional. Perhaps some may not share my thoughts the same way but here is my opinion. Everyone has an opinion, even Obama and even he can change to something you might believe in or may not believe in. One thing is for sure the black race is going through an ever changing struggle through life in more awareness along with the white man.

Way back, our founding fathers with thoughtful care simply enlarged a tyrants mind, that being King George. However thinking to foster freedom and Democracy very likely opened the door to mob tyranny, now called Party. Now instead of one mind and man we have whole groups of people that are drawn together in Pease or War. All of a sudden it does confound me how extordinary our system is to be able to encourage individuals to volunteer to charge of to another country in a war and impress our way of thinking, moreover having the ideal it is all very acceptable, good moral Judgement and should not be challenged. Worse, to blame the whole thing on God is really something.

How? Consider the ideal now according to the Constitution the King’s mind has been divided up into separate categories called the executive, legislative, and judicial, our famous three branches of representation.

Yet with a lucky stroke of corruption and continuously changing language, now called Mainstream Media biased contextual interplay each and every branch likely could be filled with self centered ego centered college educated mentally deranged group of despots speaking the concerns of the many though helping themselves to the pie.

Well isn’t that what is happening? Our educational method is flush with on a simple cockeyed perspective of what is a good future. For me we are all at that moment in history as when those in the world, a time ago, found out that for fifteen centuries man thought the earth was the center of the universe. Let us try to imagine a revelation as that happening now. What an incredible turn of events.

Some of what we hold in thought in the Constitution is debatable and way over due for discussion, calm clear discussion open to all who want to participate. And now we have that unusual ability, the world is drawn together with the Internet. This is begging everyone, and everyone who has the ability is watching. Those who have held the power to move society find themselves challenged. That one percent who own the wealth suddenly realize they better stop being smucks and share the opportunity.

It is interesting how Samuel Adams points out that experience is needed to save the day of freedom. Of course Sam was not around when they made what is called the Federal Reserve those great group of guys at Jekyll Island.

“It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people’s minds.”

The way things are now, I think of the extreme left when I read this…..they make the most noise and get a lot of media attention, but are far from a majority.

“The squeaky wheel gets the oil”

Thank you for posting those words from Samuel Adams !
Everything he said is currently relevant !

self centered ego centered college educated mentally deranged group of despots

Ah, now we come to it: educated people=bad. Megalomania hate people who can string words together. Make Megalomania’s head hurt! Megalomania SMASH!

I can’t add to your collection above, Mike. But I can point out my favorite, as I see for relevance.

A general dissolution of the principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy…. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but once they lose their virtue, they will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader…. If virtue and knowledge are diffused among the people, they will never be enslaved. This will be their great security.

Dissolution of the priniciples and manners: Or as I call it today, the decline of humanity and loss of civil discourse. If our western entertainment is reflective of the majority, our culture and morality are far from above reproach. And no… I don’t advocate morality controls over entertainment. ( I know some whack jobs are waiting to pounce out there…. :0) But I do advocate a return of teaching moral right and wrongs, and just plain old fashioned manners, by the family.

While the people are virtuous… our strength of character is becoming diluted with the advent of politically correct posturing, and the notion that one must yield their principles in the interest of a false “harmony” or tolerance.

In our PC society, we refuse to risk personal repercussions for condemning what we believe to be morally wrong. (i.e. everything from personal and verbal assaults to lawsuits). Yet most do not notice we’ve slowly been surrending “liberties” over centuries simply by allowing our Congress to legislate specific definitions of “liberty” – all under the name of protecting some class of American citizen. When one defines what is liberty, boundaries are drawn and that “liberty” is diminished by boundaries.

Societal trends are also disturbing. Our virtue/strength of character is becoming paralyzed because of this attempt to be all encompassing “tolerant”. When you adopt everything as acceptable, you end up believing in nothing.

Our knowledge/educational system has been revised to feed this new “tolerant” monster, and nurture this demand by our aging youth that govt owes us care and financial security.

The Samuel Adams quote was a warning to us. One we’ve ignored as merely pretty words. Had we listened and followed, Krushchev’s prescient observations decades ago would hold no truth:

I once said, “We will bury you,” and I got into trouble with it. Of course we will not bury you with a shovel. Your own working class will bury you.

This was, of course, a reference to his most remembered quote:

“We will take America without firing a shot. We will BURY YOU!

“We can’t expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism. We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within”

Small doses indeed. Socialism has been successfully indoctrinated for generations. This was needed before leadership could be replaced to reflect the new generation of PC socialists. Thus, as warned by Adams, the “internal invader” is gaining strength.

That’s a good analysis MataH. The last portion of that quote sums it up for me:

If virtue and knowledge are diffused among the people, they will never be enslaved. This will be their great security.

Isn’t there also virtue in being knowledgeable?

It’s always been my firm belief that we get the worst of our politics when the voters are ill informed. If they have the choices laid out clearly before them, and have the knowledge about the relative importance of various issues and are of sound character they will do the right thing.

But how many of us would suggest that the average American IS well enough informed and knowledgeable on the important issues?

We have an education system that panders to the lowest common denominator and tilts solidly to the left. How can we expect a virtuous and knowledgeable electorate with that as a primary socializing factor?

P.S. I was very surprised that commenters at the Mike’s America homepage each took a separate Adams quote and found a way to relate it to today. Though two commenters did take the same quote and came to opposite conclusions.

Isn’t there also virtue in being knowledgeable?

I say this with no hesitation, Mike. There can be*no* virture – i.e. strength of character – *without* knowledge.

Only when one is confident with an education that has nurtured free thinking (based on research, and not indoctrination) can there be honest virtue. Otherwise, the self-perceived “virtuous” are really only pawns, being led as cattle to slaughter.

How is knowledge without action of any value?

And, what is the survival value of intelligence?

If you ain’t got it “they” won’t even try to take it away from you, cause freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose.

God bless and keep the Tsar (guvmnt) – far away from us.

Remember, a lone soldier makes an easy target.