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Obama to Keep 80,000 Troops in Iraq for 100 years

For the past 2 years now, I’ve been saying that the Democratic Party never had a plan to end the war in Iraq; they just pandered to people to get their votes. They lied. They misled. They deliberately divided the nation in 2002, and in 2006 the Democratic Party made a concerted effort to secure the defeat of American forces in Iraq. On election night, DNC Chairman Howard Dean admitted there never was a plan, but the anti-war base of the party was so fired up they bought every excuse he presented in the subsequent two years.

Along comes the Presidential election of 2008. Democrats again unite under the umbrella of “end the war in Iraq!” Each candidate had their own nuanced and caveatted promises and faux plans, but only Congressman Dennis Kucinich was brave enough to actually vow to give the retreat order the day he takes office (‘course, he had to quit the race because he five other Democrats were challenging him for his seat based on his lack of attention to his Congressional District-that, and a lack of support that totaled less than .1% of the popular vote in polls).

Where are Sen McCain, Sen Clinton, and Sen Obama? Well, Sen McCain proposed a surge of counterinsurgency forces back in 2004, and when implemented in 2007, it’s proven to be increasingly successful. Sen Clinton admitted in a NH debate last year that she’d keep the war going until 2013. Sen Obama has deliberately lied about Sen McCain’s position (suggesting that Sen McCain wanted to continue the war for 100years).

However there is a reality check. Sen. McCain said that he’d keep US forces in Iraq for 100years (like in Germany, Japan, Italy, and Korea) as long as they weren’t getting killed (ie as long as there was no war for the 100yrs). While Sen Obama distorts that claim and tries to paint the honorable patriot as a crazed warmonger, it is in fact Sen Obama’s own advisor who in 2003 said that the US should keep forces in Iraq for 100yrs.

Now, Obama’s campaign is saying that rather than withdrawing US forces from Iraq as the Democratic Party has promised for years now (and still lies in plain sight with a smile), the Obama Administration would keep 80,000 troops in Iraq.

So the question is:

Will Sen. McCain who had a plan that was later tried and is working get the attention and votes from the American people to become President


Will Sen. Obama who never had a plan, who lies about the duration of an American presence in Iraq, and who lied about withdrawing the troops get the attention and votes from the American people to become President.

I like Sen. Obama, and I believe an Obama administration would force centrists and Democrats to re-embrace the reality of threats and war as the nation did in 2001, 2002, and early 2003, but I also believe Sen. McCain has a history; military experience at every level.  Since we are a nation at war I personally see it as a choice between Obama’s inspiration and McCain’s capabilities. Will Sen Obama’s inspirational plagiarism be enough to unite a nation despite his complete lack of historically working across party lines? Will Sen. McCain be able to convince the nation that we need to keep 80,000 troops in Iraq for the next 100years-oh wait….that was Senator Obama’s plan for Iraq.

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