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Code Pink Fasts for Cheney’s Impeachment

“I guess she learned this childish tactic from her kids,” countered David Almasi, executive director of the conservative National Center for Public Policy Research.”What’s next? Holding her breath until her face turns blue? Lawmakers should not be intimidated into action by force, graft or inane publicity stunts,” Almasi told Cybercast News Service.

…well…at least America’s Twinkies are safe for the time being.

There was a time when Americans marched and protested with respect, honor, and integrity. Today, we get Code Pink and in general a carnival-like atmosphere rather than a Martin Luther King march. This is a sad story though. These people actually believe in the articles of impeachment that Congressman Kucinich put forward a few weeks ago.

Has anyone read them?

I took the time over the weekend. There are three articles. The first one basically says that Vice President Cheney pressured intelligence analysts and manipulated their results regarding Saddam’s WMD in such a way as to trick Congress into invading Iraq. The second says the same thing, but in regards to ties between Saddam’s regime and Al Queda. The third and final article of impeachment says that Vice President Cheney committed high crimes and misdemeanors by threatening Iran.

Ok, the first and second, we can (and will) debate further later on this week. The third is my favorite. According to Congressman Kucinich’s logic (and the logic of those who support his impeachment efforts), Vice President Cheney violated the Constitution by making threatening statements towards Iran, and this is a direct breach of the United Nations charter which the U.S. signed, and since the Constitution says the U.S. is bound by law to the treaties it signs…well, you get it. Talk tough to another nation, or make it clear that the military option is on the table, and you are breaking the rules of the UN=breaking the US law=impeachable offense. Got that? Vice President Cheney should be removed from office for speaking his mind (man, what happens if he goes hunting with someone from Iran?!).

Meanwhile, back here in the sane world…we get the ladies of Code Pink going on hunger strike until VP Cheney is removed from office for talking tough. Perhaps there’s something in the pink coloring?

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