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Holy frak! The dems just dissed our troops by sitting stone silent while the president complimented their efforts in Iraq during the surge.

Bravo, Mr. President, Bravo!

Re: “which in pictures demonstrates best the sound alliances we have with nations throughout the Middle East.”

You mean the “sound alliance” where President Bush asked, nicely, if Saudi Arabia would kindly pump some more oil to help out the US, and the Saudi’s said, “no”?

And how would pumpin more oil help? We can not refine the oil we get from them already. Also, exactly HOW MUCH of our oil comes from the Middle East? Do you know? How much from Canada? How much from Mexico? How much is drilled within the USA?

How about we drill more of our own oil here, in the USA and build more (and better) refineries? That would solve many problems right there.

We could cut off imports from the Middle East and Venezuela in a few years if the libs would let us drill safely for the oil we have here:


And for those who think that would invite environmental disaster, please post the photos of oil stained beaches along the Gulf of Mexico when Hurricane Katrina destroyed a significant number of oil platforms.


Do the math. The US has less than four years’ of recoverable reserves (as opposed to theoretical reserves).

Remember, if it takes more than a barrel of oil (in terms of energy) to fully recover and refine a barrel of oil into usable form, then no price or location is ecenomically viable.

In the Hollywood fantasy world of Conservatives, economic realities such as these do not appear to matter: Only the spin from the Heritage Foundatoin matters.

4 years of recoverable reserves per your source….

…and your source was from nov2000 (8 years ago)?


You are wrong as usual. In Michigan alone we have enough oil in recoverable locations to last much of the USA for decades. Long enough to properly mature an alternative sources and infrastructure to distrubute it. It would also bring jobs and money back into the country.

But in leftist Hollywierd fantasies, reality has little impact. Only the spin from ELF/ALF/PETA/Soros and Co matters.

Your hate and fanatical religious death to *evil conservatives* bile is pathetic and every hateful saying you put out can easily come back at you three fold.

I’ve looked at this backwards and forwards using the data available from the National Geologic Service and Energy Dept.

We have enough petroleum resources to totally replace all imports except those from Canada. They would last long enough to supply our growing energy needs as we also transistion from an oil based economy to something else. And, the royalties and taxes on U.S. production could pay for the development and implementation of that petroleum alternative.

Steve and friends don’t give a hoot about making the U.S. energy independent. Otherwise they would support the ecologically safe drilling of available U.S. reserves.

I asked for evidence of environmental damage from oil platforms destroyed by Katrina. Hearing no evidence offered validates my conclusion that there is no environmental risk to harvesting these resources.

And I’ll stake my credibility and experience from years spent at the Environmental Protection Agency on that.

Want to share your environmental credentials here Steve? Sorry, but a subscription to Mother Jones Magazine doesn’t count.