Thoughts On Fred’s SC Performance


Ok, been some hours away from the tube and away from the puter to cool off and think about Fred’s third place finish. For those of you living under a rock he came away with close to 70,000 votes, 16%. Huckabee had about 130,000 and 30% and the winner McCain close to 145,000 votes and 33%.

If I was going to talk to Fred one on one I would make the case to him that he needs to stay in. I would tell him how much pride and admiration I have for his convictions and positions. I am proud I supported you during your hard fought campaign, and make no bones about it, you have campaigned your heart out.

Going from one townhall to the next while the MSM either completely ignored you or snidely remarked about your age and silly hats. Misinformed voters, who pay little attention to politics until the day they have to vote, sucked it all in and here you are at 3rd. But you passed up Romney and came in a respectable third.

I would ask you to stick around at least until February 4th, if not longer. McCain will NOT take the south, it just won’t happen. If you don’t win you may just gather enough delegates to have a say on who the nominee will be if it comes down to that brokered convention. Just maybe.

Yes, probably daydreaming. Maybe not even smart. But I will be damned if I let the only real conservative out of this bunch just fade away because the pundits demand it.

But if you do decide to bow out then I will move on from trying to get the best conservative the nomination to ensuring a Hillary or Obama doesn’t get into the White House. No matter who the nominee is on the Republican side is. Yes, even a McCain.

A McCain who eight years ago went off on the religious right as intolerant but now has suddenly seen the light enough to garner many of their votes in South Carolina. (and we call Romney a flip-flopper)

While I will not campaign nor support any other Republican candidate during this primary if Fred drops out, once it’s over and the nominee has been chosen then the gloves come off and its time to make sure two of the most dangerous liberals out there do not become President of the United States.

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Good call. And total agreement. I want FRED! in the White House. Not an amnesty suck up Red Chinese puppet, no lyin’ yankee carpetbagger, no “made man” from the mob, NObody the hell else from Arkansas. But I’ll vote “lesser of two evils” if I must. God, I don’t want to have to do that again. FRED! Please don’t quit!

The world has turned upside down. I can’t understand how gullible people are. Voting for Mcawful is voting Democrapic.

I agree with all of you but we have to wait and see what Fred decides to next

Hopefully Fred will stay in till Feb. But Curt has it right about the main goal—-which is to defeat who ever comes out of the democratic party.

This means it is critical that the Republican Party unites and GOES TO THE POLLS in November. While many here have their “issues” with McCain, (and so do I), we must as a party consider the calamity of the alternative. If we did not learn anything from 2006, it was our discust of the spending policys of the Republican Party and our refusal to go to the polls that handed an already split nation to the Democrats.


Sorry, but I cannot join you on McCain. A McCain victory ensures at least 8 years of damage. A McCain loss in the general would give Conservatives a chance in 2012, and a pretty fair chance at the House in 2010.

Regrets to my Fred Head friends that we couldn’t pull it off in SC for Fred. I blame Huckabee for mucking things up. But Saturday’s result may be a blessing as it seems we in SC punctured the chaces of the Huckster from advancing much further.

For Fred’s future: it comes down to a question of money. Does Fred have the funds to go on and be competitive even as he continues to lag behind in polls in Florida?

I don’t imagine Fred has much money left after SC where he really went all out with expensive ads. I suppose he could limp along in Florida and a handful of other states by making personal appearances on his bus, but he couldn’t afford the advertising and staff organization it takes to win in the bigger states.

Is it possible he could win any of those states against better funded/better organized opponents? Unlikely.

I admire the Fred Head’s loyalty to the candidate. It’s a shame that it hasn’t translated to a more winning campaign. And I hope that if Fred does bow out, he honors that loyalty and does not endorse McCain.

This is the first GOP nominating contest I can recall that I’ve not been able to ride the first horse I picked in the race to the finish. And while I am not as pleased with some of my second choices, I know they are much better than any alternative in the other party.

The race is over for me now. I’ll sit and watch what happens in Florida in 9 days. It will seem like a long wait after these wild rides since January 3rd.

But perhaps what we need most is a brief cooling off period to collect our thoughts, survey the scene and examine our options.

It makes me sick to my stomach to think I might have to vote for mcvain, but vote I will if he is the nominee. Like Curt said, I’m not willing to go through another 4/8 years of a complete and total sell out of America under the socialist dhimmicraps. The enemies of this country will be given the green light to do anything they want if either of the two socialist gets into office. Here’s something to make you go hmm? Our sell out state department sponsored a group of observers from the Middle East to follow the action. The 9-person delegation came from such countries as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq and United Arab Emirates. By sponsored I ass u me the American taxpayer paid for these so called “devout” muslims to have a wonderful vacation in Vegas and decide who they want as our next President. Wonder who they are looking to “buy” this time?

Well I don’t know that I believe that McCain is all that strong on national security. Recent pandering aside he’s been an advocate of open borders for his entire Senatorial career. And his position on detainee rights places a huge question mark there as well.

SCOTUS? I’d be shocked if he didn’t have a litmus test for any Justices he nominated for upholding McCain-Feingold. And any judges who can read out of existence the first amendment like that can’t be trusted for the rest of the constitution.

So if McCain loses, at least maybe, just maybe the Republicans in Congress can grow a spine and oppose things, and at least it won’t be our side doing the damage and deserving the blame.

I’ve spent too much of the last few years fighting what theoretically is my own side. I just don’t want to do it for another four.

No, I won’t be voting for Hillary or Obama. If McCain’s the nominee I’m probably throwing my hands up in disgust and staying home.

In my view the country would be going to hell in a handbasket either way. The only difference would be the velocity. Not the direction.

But that’s simply not true, Curt. Staying home is exactly that. A vote for neither side. A vote for Hillary/Obama offsets a vote on the other side. At best you could consider it half a vote for each side.

I’ve known in my head that it was going to come down to this for a long time. Before Thompson got into the race there were zero viable conservatives in the race. And by viable I mean ‘backed by the money in the party apparatus’. The only semi-conservative in the race was Romney and his candidacy was basically self-funded.

So it’s obvious to me that the Republican party no longer wants to be the party of conservatives and conservative ideas. Maybe, just maybe, we can get a successor party that will be. Just as the dissolution of the Whigs gave birth to the Republican party, maybe the schism that’s coming will lead to a new conservative party.

I was SO pulling for Fred. I think he should stay in the race. He has so much to offer!


Fred! is now posting odds of 500-1 on Intrade,com For all the truew believers this is the time to plunk down on Fred!
As far as voting please remember that unless you live in one of the few perhaps 6 key battleground states your vote doesn’t really count for much.
Fred consistently polls at 5-15% within his own party.

It’ll be a “Cold Day in Hell,” before I vote for any of the Front runners in the Pub Party!

If necessary, I’ll write in “Fred” and let the chips fall where they may!

Maybe this country needs another Jimmuh Catah to bring it back to Reality??

We shall see?

I refuse to “Vote for the one who will do the Least amount of Damage,” or “Against” another candidate any more!

“Been there, Done That,” NO MO!

“Maybe this country needs another Jimmuh Catah to bring it back to Reality??

Mike: How old are you? I remember when die hard conservatives were disappointed that Reagan wasn’t the nominee in 1976 and stayed home.

Jimmy Carter destroyed the economy and our national security. The present war against Islamic Fascism can be laid directly on his doorstep.

Do you REALLY want to put the nation at such risk again?

Despite Reagan’s incredible success, he was not able to repair ALL the damage done by Carter.

I would just say to all of you who are upset over last night’s result in SC two things:

1. This is still the beginning of the 2008 election campaign… CHILL OUT!

2. When GOP folks sat out in 2006 we got stuck with Pelosi and Reid in the Congress. You want to make that WORSE with Hillary in the White House?

I think NOT!

Perhaps, like steel, our party needs to be tempered in the fire. I’m a Fred-Head from TN but I WILL NOT vote for another RINO like McNasty. Perhaps 4 years of Hillary might put the conservative fire back in our party and purge the RINO’s that plague us.

Fred had all the right opinions, none of the right moves. What did he expect? He came across as old, tired and unphotogenic. The purists may say this doesn’t matter. You’ll find them almost always betting on the wrong man. Everyone they know agrees with them, so how could they be wrong?

Radioman: May I PLEASE ask you to read my comment which was right above yours and think again?


For Higher Taxes, For Teddy’s Edumacation Bill, Gang of 14, For terrorist’s Rights(Access to our courts), amnesty/open borders, etc.

Shall I go on? Not a whole lot of Daylight between him and Hitlary!

Thanks, but NO THANKS!

“throwing the country down the drain because they don’t get the exact candidate they want.”

Egggs Actly what you’ll get with McNutt!

How old am I?? I voted for Reagan, does this help at all?

How bout you?

Mike: I voted for Reagan too… But in 1976 I voted for Ford. How about you?

Do you rememer what a disaster Carter was as President? Were you able to vote in 1976?

NO ONE is arguing with you about the suitability of McCain as a nominee.

But you simply have to CHILL OUT and look at the big picture and not be so willing to hand the election to Hillary even before we have our nominee, whoever it may be.

OH yea, another good one, voted against drilling in Anwar! McNutt is a Pub, well, guess you are correct, it’s what the Pubs have turned into!

I’m a Conservative, a big Distinction today, didn’t used to be!

Yes, I remember Carter, Hell, I remember IKE!

Give me a break, 60 here!

ONE MO TIME, and I shall leave you “PUBS” alone, you have pretty well destroyed the party as it is! Have you checked out the “Face” of the PUB party lately? Sphincter, McNutt, Nor Eastern LiBrul, hell, we’ve got one here in Kansas, Brownback!

I am DONE voting for “The lesser of Two evils,” Against a Candidate, disgusting and depressing!

I won’t sit this election out and have never Sat one out, I will be Writting in “FRED,” if that’s what it takes!


“SAD,” Agreed, In spades, it is indeed SAD what the Pub party has turned into!

DIM Lite!

Question for all you good little PUBS, “What IF” Ron Paul were to get the nomination??


LOL, Not too Quick, are ya, Curt!!

I’ve chided the DIMS over and over again for votin “The Ticket,” no matter who the nominee was!

What do they call them, “Yellow Dog Dims?”

I’d vote for many Democrats before I’d vote for McNutt- Sam Nunn(SP?), Zell, Scoop Jackson, etc!

How bout all you PUBS?


Couldn’t agree with you More, I’ll Drink to that!!:)

Maybe this is what it’ll take to Purge the Pubs of all the LiBruls??

Mike: If you are 60, you should know better by now!

That’s what’s know as Bobbin and Weavin Curt! More commonly known as a “Dodge!”

Expected from the DIMS!!

“Step Up to Da Plate, Curt!!” Answer the question!!

“you should know better by now”

You most certainly should! Apparently not, as is displayed by the PUB party of today!

As expected, again! A Non Answer!

“I can’t HEAR You?”

Sam Nunn, Zell, Scoop Jackson or McNutt!

We’ll try this ONE MO TIME!!


There’s a word for people like you, Curt!

It’s called “Sheeple!”

You have a good one!

Sitting out is not an option. Neither is throwing away a vote. The best is to take a step back, and take a breath. Though Fred is not my first choice, he should stay at least through Super Tuesday/end of February then decide. While I prefer Rudy, he hasn’t exactly lit up the scoreboard either. Like Fred, he’s staking a lot on one state – FL. He stands a chance there and hope for a win. I hope he’ll stay through the end of February if FL doesn’t work out.

Jon Voight, who was campaigning with Rudy in FL yesterday, said this election is the most important in his lifetime, and ours as well. If we don’t elect the right person as President, everything done in the past 8 years would be lost – especially in the terror war.

Rooo Dee, another NE LiBrul!

Against the 2nd amendment, New York-Sanctuary City, For Gay Marriage, Abortion, etc!

The PUB party is goin down in flames, and they have No One to Blame but themselves!

Instead of pointing fingers, maybe they should take a long hard look within!?


Which is it, Sheeple, Sam Nunn, Zell, Scoop or McNutt?

Didn’t think so, your Non-Answer speaks V O L U M E S!!!

LOL, who’s a Ron Paul, what did you call it??


Hey, at least you stepped up, U R to be congratulated, “Sheeple!”