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A Visit From Fred Thompson

Fred Thompson visited my neck of the woods in Southern California today and I figured this would be one of the few chances I get to meet and listen to him live before the primary so I arose early, got some java, and made the trek to listen to the best candidate for President we have.

First up on the stage for the event was John Ziegler, a local newstalk host who recently left the news station he was broadcasting from and is now filming a documentary on the Clinton scandals.  I recorded a few minutes of his funny intro which you can see below (Sorry about the video quality, guess my digital recorder doesn’t do so well in low light)

And finally the man of the hour arrived and gave a great speech. Below is the whole speech which lasts about 26 minutes:

Fred Thompson Speech In So. Cal from Curt S on Vimeo.

I’ve already laid out the many reasons why I have decided to back Fred in this post and the visit by Fred just reinforced my support for the man. Each interview, each debate, each speech just reinforced my belief that Fred is absolutely our best choice for President this election. As McClintock stated in his speech, Fred has not suddenly “found” true conservatism. He has always been one and will always be one. We need someone like that in the White House, and we need someone like that facing the Democrat challenger.

After the speech he came down to greet those in the audience.

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