Olbermann: This is Bush’s War


Growing up, I was a pretty big fan of the ESPN SportsCenter duo, Dan Patrick and Keith Olbermann. Every night, viewers could count on witty banter between the two as well as charming one-liners.

But since Olbermann left his gig as SportsCenter anchor and eventually landed at MSNBC, I’ve disappointed, to be polite, with his nightly Leftist rants. The latest rant comes by way of an MSNBC.com column.

In a letter from Undersecretary of Defense, Eric Edelman, he states the following, "’Premature and public discussion of the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq,’ Edelman writes, ‘reinforces enemy propaganda that the United States will abandon its allies in Iraq, much as we are perceived to have done in Vietnam, Lebanon and Somalia.’"

 "Edelman adds: ‘Such talk understandably unnerves the very same Iraqi allies we are asking to assume enormous personal risks.’"

Not to be outdone, a "spokesman for the senator says Mr. Edelman’s remarks are ‘at once both outrageous and dangerous.’

Olbermann adds, "Those terms are entirely appropriate and may, in fact, understate the risk the Edelman letter poses to our way of life and all that our fighting men and women are risking, have risked, and have lost, in Iraq."

Olbermann possesses the audacity for castigating Edelman for essentially stating the obvious. The consequences of withdrawing our military from Iraq will be dire.

 What is dangerous is that Democrats are NOT contemplating the disastrous ramifications of withdrawing American forces from Iraq. Note that they have yet to candidly discuss the high probability of a large-scale sectarian conflict, bands of roaming death squads, a massive refugee crisis, and a Turkish invasion into Kurdistan, just to name a few.

“A country — a government — a military machine — can screw up a war seven ways to Sunday. It can get thousands of its people killed. It can risk the safety of its citizens. It can destroy the fabric of its nation.”

Olbermann espouses the Leftist company line here by stating that “it can risk the safety of its citizens.” Essentially, he’s enforcing the notion that it is America who has perpetuated terrorism, not Islamic butchers.

“The selection of the wrong war, in the wrong time, in the wrong place — the most disastrous geopolitical tactic since Austria-Hungary attacked Serbia in 1914 and destroyed itself in the process — that had nothing to do with the overwhelming crisis Iraq has become. It isn’t Mr. Bush’s fault.”

But it couldn’t be the Left’s fault either, could it? Simply, the Left, far-left fringe groups, and the Mainstream Media have conspired at seditious levels to expose and attack the Bush administration at every turn in this larger conflict (Afghanistan and Iraq, primarily). This near-traitorous acts consist of the New York Times publishing stories about American servicewomen being sexually assaulted while in Iraq despite the fact that some of these women never performed a tour there, or the implication in the Abu Ghraib scandal that orders to humiliate and emasculate Iraqi prisoners came from either the Defense Department and the White House.

“The continuing, relentless, remorseless, corrupt and cynical insistence that this conflict somehow is defeating or containing or just engaging the people who attacked us on 9/11, the total “Alice Through the Looking Glass” quality that ignores that in Iraq, we have made the world safer for al-Qaida — it isn’t Mr. Bush’s fault!”

Again, Olbermann sounds the “It’s America’s fault” bell. It surely could not be that Islamic terrorists ultimately want to bring Islam to every corner of the world! Olbermann comments represent the vast majority of the Left and far-left fringe groups that 1.) blame America and Israel for all of the Muslim world’s ills; 2.) believe by appeasing and bowing to violence that somehow militant Islam will be placated and subsequently lay down their collective arms.

“The fault, brought down, as if a sermon from this mount of hypocrisy and slaughter by a nearly anonymous undersecretary of defense, has tonight been laid on the doorstep of… Sen. Hillary Clinton and, by extension, at the doorstep of every American — the now-vast majority of us — who have dared to criticize this war or protest it or merely ask questions about it or simply, plaintively, innocently, honestly, plead, ‘Don’t take my son; don’t take my daughter.’”

Note how Olbermann paints Hillary as a mere pawn/victim in this larger conflict. He does not mention the notion that Hillary, as well as other Democratic Congressional officials, Senators, pundits, lobbyists, and presidential candidates, stridently supported the President upon the eve of this conflict. Moreover, Democratic calls to usurp the nuclear, biological, and chemical threat that Saddam posed resonated loudly in the Western world during the 1990’s.

Yet when this Texas cowboy with his posse (Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc), as President Bush is portrayed, strode into town looking to “lynch” Saddam and gun down his sons, the world collectively sneered, despite the fact that these same people believed Saddam posed a threat to not only the Middle East, but the West as well.

Furthermore, could it be possible that Hillary and other Democrats have witnessed the MSM manipulate news reports are now riding the anti-war wave to political gain?

That couldn’t be, could it?

My how world opinion can change…according to the Left, the Mainstream Media, Europe, etc, Bush and Cheney concocted a vast scheme to manipulate intelligence and wage war against a peaceful, sovereign nation.

If you read the rest of the article, the remainder of Olbermann’s commentary seethes with typical anti-Bush venom…note the following lines:

“Let your minions try to spread the blame to the real patriots here, who have sought only to undo the horrors you have wrought since 2002.”

“Though the words might be erased from a million books and a billion memories, though the world be covered knee-deep in your lies, the truth shall prevail.”

“Sen. Clinton has reinforced enemy propaganda? Made it impossible for you to get your ego-driven, blood-steeped win in Iraq?”

Ultimately, Olbermann, like the rest of the Leftist ilk choose their words based on the following (as they accuse Bush, ironically, of the same):

–faulty evidence

–perverted facts


Olbermann, rather than telling the true story, attempts to tap into the vast anger on the Left and perpetrated in the Mainstream Media. Here’s where the Left loses: rather than discuss the truth with actual tangible facts, they speak from emotions.

Nothing more, nothing less…

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…and best of all, they have to either put up or shut up. Either put up a real effort to end the war by cutting the funding (even if it means trading the rest of the entire Democratic Party agenda in exchange for Republican votes), but we all know Democratic leaders aren’t serious about ending the war. They just want to push the envelope of opposition so as to fuel the fire that fuels their campaign engines.

I’m reminded of something that happened before the election last fall. Over at Daily Kos, Markos put out a big ole post in response to the claims put forth by DNC panderers that “impeachment was off the table.” Markos argued that it was a small price to pay, and that the party’s agenda was more important.

Then, not long ago, Cindy Sheehan was booted from Daily Kos. Why? Because she was taking her anti-war campaign too seriously. She wanted results. She recognized that she had been used, and had threatened to run against Speaker Pelosi so she could personally end the war. Markos didn’t like that, so he booted her.

After all, it’s the agenda that really matters.

Stole a national election-
Let it slide, it’s not a big deal anymore

Stole a midterm election-
Let it slide, it’s not a big deal anymore

orchestrated the 911 attacks and killed 3000 Americans-
Let it slide, it’s not a big deal anymore

orchestrated cover up of investigation by independent and bi-partisan 911 Commission looking into 911 conspiracy-
Let it slide, it’s not a big deal anymore

orchestrated cover up and investigation by Dem controlled Sen Intel Com into 911 conspiracy-
Let it slide, it’s not a big deal anymore

orchestrated cover up and investigation by 20 different govt agencies looking into 911 conspiracy-
Let it slide, it’s not a big deal anymore

manipulated intel to deliberately start Iraq War causing 20,000 American casualties and 655,000 Iraqis as well as spend/steal $trillions-
Let it slide, it’s not a big deal anymore

orchestrated cover up of Sen Intel Com Phase I report into Iraq intel manipulation-
Let it slide, it’s not a big deal anymore

orchestrated cover up of Sen Intel Com Phase II report into Iraq intel manipulation-
Let it slide, it’s not a big deal anymore

orchestrated cover up of independent bi-partisan wmd commission investigation into manipulation of Iraq intel-
Let it slide, it’s not a big deal anymore

orchestrated cover up of British independent and bi-partisan Hutton Inq into Iraq War intel manipulation-
Let it slide, it’s not a big deal anymore

orchestrated cover up of British independent and bi-partisan Butler Comm investigation into Iraq War Intel manipulation-
Let it slide, it’s not a big deal anymore

orchestrated cover up of independent Australian investigation into Iraq War intel and manipulation-
Let it slide, it’s not a big deal anymore

orchestrated cover up of Australian bi-partisan Parliamentary investigation into Iraq War intel and manipulation-Let it slide, it’s not a big deal anymore

caused 4 hurricanes to hit Florida in 2004-
Let it slide, it’s not a big deal anymore

caused record number of hurricanes in 2005-
Let it slide, it’s not a big deal anymore

caused hurricanes Katrina and Rita to devastate Gulf Coast voting blocks that didn’t support him-Let it slide, it’s not a big deal anymore

blocked aid to New Orleans after Katrina because he hates black people-
Let it slide, it’s not a big deal anymore

orchestrated cover up of bi-partisan investigations into negligence and deliberate blockage of aid to New Orleans after Katrina-Let it slide, it’s not a big deal anymore

What’s really important isn’t justice for all these crimes against humanity that the President is guilty of committing. What’s really important is the Democratic Party’s agenda of an immediate troop withdrawal from Ir-


What do you mean they’re not gonna do that either?

Yep, even Cindy Sheehan has seen that light now, and she saw it long before the big midnight pizza party show this week (remember, Harry Reid’s “it’s not a political stunt” gimmick that even he didn’t stay for all night?)

After all, it’s the agenda that really matters-not stolen elections, 911 conspiracies, 8 booted political appointees, impeachment, or even ending the war in Iraq.

All that matters is their agenda. If they REALLY wanted any of those other things, they earmark their way to getting them done.

Ever since landing at MSNBC, ol’ Keith has been out of his element. He started his Bush hate rant when it was apparent he was on the cancellation list. It could be he’s either contrived or for real. If anything, he’s simply stupid.

Oh yeah, count on the Left to twist words, concoct statements, misquotes, warp facts, just to make points. You have to read his article to see that…

On my site, I was verbally attacked for a article I wrote on the Democrats as cut and runners. I was promptly castigated for supporting the troops. The unnamed coward who posted a comment cited an article that ran in the Nation about 50 combat veterans that allegedly testified that “war is hell.” Essentially, the article painted the American military as the true terrorists in Iraq (and as an extension, the war on terror)…

–Todd Anthony


For the parrots, it’s about the Bush hate, and for the leaders, it’s about the party agenda. All the ranting about this conspiracy and that, about impeachment, or railing against the war, it’s all just fear/hate for the parrots and tools to get power for the agenda by the leaders. If the leaders really saw conspiracies, then some of the 300 investigations would’ve found something substantial, and if they cared about impeachment, they’d have done it, and if they cared about the war, they’d have sold their agenda to end it.

The American people see that more and more, and that’s why Congressional approval is the lowest in history. Dems might take the WH (I’m not so sure), but holding Congress is in real REAL trouble.

Might be interested in this: David Limbaugh picks apart Chris Matthews disinformation-spew on Leno.

Olbermann sounds the “It’s America’s fault” bell. It surely could not be that Islamic terrorists ultimately want to bring Islam to every corner of the world!

Naaaaaaaawwwwww…surely, it couldn’t be that! Not that!