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Terrorism & Mickey Mouse

This whole Mickey Mouse thing going on right now is kind of perplexing.  How in the world can anyone be surprised at the indoctrination by the Palestinians of their children into terrorism?  We have been talking about this fact for a long time.  Pictures of kids with guns, cartoons that are played for them, sick behavior all around.  But NOW with the introduction of Mickey Mouse it’s a big story?

If you’ve been living in a cave here is the video in question:

Where was the big story 5 years ago when this cartoon aired?

Or this video depicting how great it was that three children killed themselves and others:

Or this music video teaching kids that throwing stones at Israeli’s defends their mother’s.

Where was all this outrage?  Palestinian Media Watch has been documenting these video’s for years and I highly suggest checking them out often.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad something…anything, has called attention to the sickness coming from the Palestinians but just wish it would have been highlighted a bit more earlier.

What I find is the bigger story in all this is the attempts by CNN to whitewash the whole thing as detailed by Glenn Beck:

How much you wanna bet that CAIR got to CNN?

And they try to tell us there is no such thing as a liberal bias in our MSM.  They deliberately tried to make the translation sound not as evil as it really is.  They wanted to pull this sick video because they don’t want viewers to see just how really sick our enemy is.  But in a heartbeat they will air video’s of snipers killing our soldiers.

Sick twisted minds at CNN and in Palestine.

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