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The AP Whining, & Whining Some More

Funny thing, it’s going on 32 hours since the AP first reported that the Iraqi MoI has admitted that Jamil Hussein is real and what do we have to show for it?  Nada.

The Iraqi MoI has not issued a statement to anyone, neither has Centcom. 

Deja vu?

Meanwhile Kathleen Carroll is whining that a AP stringer may face arrest for unauthorized communication with the media.

"I never quite understood why people chose to disbelieve us about this particular man on this particular story," Carroll told E&P, referring to Jamil Hussein, an Iraq police captain. "AP runs hundreds of stories a day, and has run thousands of stories about things that have happened in Iraq."

Carroll pointed out that critics should be more concerned with the fact that Hussein could face imprisonment for being a source to journalists than how AP handled the situation. "A man who is a legitimate police official who has talked to journalists is threatened with arrest for doing so," she said. "Doesn’t that bother anybody other than me? Officials being threatened with arrest for talking to reporters ought to be of concern."

Nevermind that he gave false information to create even more sectarian division….lets all pull out our kleenex for the poor widdle AP stringer, who was so unafraid of any possible repercussions that he gave his name, rank, and employment location in over 60 stories. 

Just like they did with Bilal Hussein, who was found with terrorist contraband, they are now crying over another source with questionable ties.

I would settle for some confirmation that this guy exists from someone OTHER then the AP at this point seeing as how we can’t trust them as far as we can throw them.

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