US Benghazi Hero Waited 20 Hours For Help With a Shredded Leg – While Obama Campaigned in Las Vegas


Jim Hoft:

Diplomatic security agent David Ubben, like former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, ran into the Special Mission Compound (SMC) to help save US officials under siege in Benghazi. Ubben was struck by a mortar round that killed Woods and Doherty. His leg was shredded. Ubben was forced to wait twenty hours before a plane was sent to pick him up.

While Ubben was waiting for help with a shredded leg Barack Obama was campaigning in Las Vegas.
obama las vegas
After a good night sleep Obama flew to Las Vegas to campaign on September 12, 2012. (Zimbio)

Martha MacCullan at FOX News reported on this unbelievable story:

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And the majority of the American people aren’t angry over this and the other “phony” scandals? BHO makes Nixon look like a choirboy.

You mean Obama wasn’t personally on his way to rescue him becasue he doesn’t have a military at his disposal? The same way he personally capped the oil spill?

Why reply. what you say makes no sense.

Notice how Obama and Carney only mouth the generalized line, ”phony scandals.”
They refuse, steadfastly, to specify which of Obama’s many scandals are the phony one(s.)
Whenever they are asked specifically is X or Y or Z a phony scandal, they refuse to answer at all.

Phony scandals are scandals that would get a Republican tarred and feathered. Demoncrat scandals are just shoved under the rug. When dear LORD do we get some people with morals to stand up and say enough? When do we get an opposition party to say enough? I guess morals and opposition are one in the same, what we have instead is Obama’s favorite Republican running the senate, and the crier running the house, we are so BLESSED.

@Nan G: #4

They refuse, steadfastly, to specify which of Obama’s many scandals are the phony one(s.)

The question should be: How many of the scandals AREN’T phony? It would be easier to list them, because it would be a very short list.

And liberals will elect the woman to be President that is up to her neck in allowing those Americans to die because it wasn’t “good politics”….Really a sad commentary on how things are these days…

jainphx said; “Phony scandals are scandals that would get a Republican tarred and feathered”

Phony scandals are all the GOP can do to divert the attention away from the fact that not only do they do nothing to help our economic recovery, they actually set the record for the number of filibusters to kill multiple Jobs Bills and further hurt the middle class.

This one#8; is out there throwing crap again. Does he really believe what he writes or is it just fun?

@This one: We know the Huffpo talking points. Go away.

@Old Guy: @This one: It’s just the new battle for the soul of the country: keep shouting loud enough and long enough, and people will accept whatever you’re selling just to shut you up . . . or they’ll put Obama stickers on everything they own. A very old and primitive technique. Sad to see it work here in the USA.

I just saw a “I (heart) Obamacare!” bumper sticker on the back of a car. The indoctrinated don’t even know what they are fighting for, but will childishly remain loyal to the brand they’ve bought into, if for no other reason than to save face. This One illustrates the point beautifully. His responses could be penned by a robot making SEO articles. He hits the keywords and has nothing to add; he just can’t admit that he supported a historic mistake in the way of the Obama and his radical enclave.

The Obama brand has been revealed as the farce most of us knew it was from the beginning. Neither party is really offering much to we the people (though there as some hopefuls in the GOP, but they aren’t supported enough).

“Blame Congress! Blame Congress! Blame Congress!”

No, the blame is on the one who wanted to be “king” and had no qualms about the methods used to install him in the WH. The blame goes to the people easily swayed by fanfare and lowest-common-denominator marketing tactics commonly used to swindle idiots out money, a la McDonalds or Coke. His symbol even looks like a Pepsi logo.

No This One, you have nothing left to stand on. Stop being much of the problem and start helping the country. Grow up or shut up. You’re hurting every one, even yourself, by supporting this Administration and no one is taking your seriously.

The only “phony scandal” is the phony birth certificate, and the phony draft card. 😉

this one, and john are the same
don’t be fool by the two names,



@This one: #8
In todays congress, whatever you say about one party is true for the other one too. Both have had congress and the white house and could have done whatever they wanted. Neither one has:
Gotten rid of the filibuster
Fixed Social Security
Reduced the debt
Stopped the illegals
Lowered spending
Decreased the size of government
Etc., etc., etc.

With the republican party putting up John McCain for president, and Palin not allowed to tell the truth about obama, and McCain saying that obama is a good man, and that obama would make a good president, this tells me the republicans were campaigning for obama. McCain wasn’t supposed to win.

@Jim S: #12
Let’s not forget him using someone else’s Social Security number, and being linked to at least 39 card numbers. He hasn’t even denied this.

E-Verify ‘flags’ Obama’s Social Security Number

When not even ONE republican member of congress has checked into ANY of these, this tells me they all want our illegal president in office.

I have written my three republican members of congress about these issues several times. Each time they still say they believe obama is legally qualified to be president. I finally asked them to do a simple thing, because I’m guessing that most of them haven’t even looked at the birth certificate, then I asked them to answer a simple question. Please ask your politicians to do the same thing. I have asked my politicians this same question twice, and NONE of them have answered me. Here is what I write to them:

Please look at the obama birth certificate. Was it written with a typewriter or a word processor?

That is all you need to ask. It will make them look at the certificate. Anyone with an open mind can see that if a typewriter was used to fill in the info, it would look completely different than it does. Some of the windows for the information on the left side are curved down, but the lettering is straight. All of the letters are spaced equally apart. The numbers typed in are bigger, and there are three different fonts used. The tail of the letter “y” goes under most of the letters to the left of it.

Will your politician reply back to you? Mine haven’t yet.

You’d think there would be an SOP for such contingencies, going into effect almost automatically. Which is to say the plan has been planned and everybody necessary knows what it is and what their part in it will be. And at some point, a commander in theater says “go”.
Or they have to ask higher which has to ask higher for permission to “go”.
Which they never got.
I don’t see a fault in this, but if anybody can, please respond.
What it means is somebody somewhere up the chain said “no”.

@Nathan Blue: Woopsie there — two mistakes need to be pointed out — both are serious dings —

First: You say – not to blame congress — sorry — it was congress that affirmed obie’s legitimacy to run in the first place —

Second: The Pepsi logo was changed and adopted as it is now – after the obie BS logo had been foisted on us — I have not drank Pepsi for 5 years with the exception of a recent offering called Pepsi Throwback – that uses real (cane) sugar instead of corn syrup and the older – pre obie logo.

@Jim S: Do Not forget the phony SS number and the non existent school records and transcripts and the fact that no one at Columbia U when obie was supposedly there – can remember knowing or seeing the rat-bastard

Then there is the millions spent on lawyers to prevent access to the ‘academic’ records — WTF — where is the “Freedom of Information” Act — I know he must of at least graduated from teleprompters-R-Us U.

@Smorgasbord: Ya got it

@This one: Phony scandals are all the GOP can do to divert the attention away from the fact that not only do they do nothing to help our economic recovery,….

On July 17, 2013, at a hearing of the House Financial Services Committee, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said this:

I don’t think the Fed can get interest rates up very much, because the economy is weak, inflation rates are low. If we were to tighten policy, the economy would tank.

Want to know what is phony?
Our economy is phony.
That “tightening” in the current context involves reducing, or “tapering,” the $85 billion per month in money Bernanke is electronically printing.
Our printing presses are not fast enough, this is even phony money!
The Obama Administration is insisting on such high and unsustainable deficits that we could not borrow enough money from other sources to finance them without these artificial injections.
Any time Bernanke even hints he might slow this artificial injection of $85 billion a month the stock market starts to tank.
Tapering off these artificial injections would be a sigh our economy is strengthening, thus the fear of this act of weaning off this $85 billion/month indicates the actual economy is being propped up in a phony manner.
And even with all these billions and trillions of dollars of money from nothing injected into the economy what has been the result?
A paltry growth rate of less than 1%.
To quote economics writer for AP, Paul Wiseman:

Economists expect the economy grew at an annual rate of less than 1 percent in the April-June quarter, even worse than an unimpressive 1.8 percent the first three months of the year.

Obama tries pointing a finger at others for ”phony scandals.”
But, look, his other four fingers are pointing back at himself…..and for good reason.