Perry Speaks in NH: Hey Look, No Teleprompter!


Boy, is he ever a man after my heart.

Rick Perry says he does not believe in global warming. The newest Republican presidential candidate also says he would not have signed the debt-ceiling compromise brokered by Republicans and Democrats.

The Texas governor made the comments as he launched a two-day New Hampshire campaign tour. He was speaking at a packed breakfast event with business leaders Wednesday.

Perry said global warming is based on scientists manipulating data. He said he wouldn’t devote federal resources to battling the environmental concern.

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While Perry isn’t my “ideal” candidate, he is better than Palin, Romney, etc.

Beats a poke-in-the-eye with a stick.


I would agree that he is better than Romney.

This is pretty much how I group the most talked about candidates and their positions from Left-wing to Right-wing:

Progressives | Establishment | Tea Party | Libertarian

Huntsman Romney Gingrich Santorum Perry Bachmann Cain Paul