Obama: White cops corrode society


WASHINGTON — The widespread mistrust of law enforcement that was exposed by the fatal police shooting of an unarmed black man in Missouri exists in too many other communities and is having a corrosive effect on the nation, particularly on its children, President Barack Obama says. He blames the feeling of wariness on persistent racial disparities in the administration of justice.

Obama said these misgivings only serve to harm communities that are most in need of effective law enforcement.

“It makes folks who are victimized by crime and need strong policing reluctant to go to the police because they may not trust them,” he said Saturday night in an address at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s annual awards dinner.

“And the worst part of it is it scars the hearts of our children,” Obama said, adding that it leads some youngsters to unnecessarily fear people who do not look like them and others to constantly feel under suspicion no matter what they do.

“That is not the society we want,” he said. “It’s not the society that our children deserve.”

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I remember when the same was said about illegals not trusting police.
Their fear was being deported simply for witnessing or being the victim of a crime.
Community policing and outreach put an end to that false fear.
It took less than 10 years!

What is it with blacks…..
Are they really that slow to learn?
Or is it that trusting police is another form of ”acting white?”
I think the latter.

Obama has tried to legislate around blacks failure to integrate into the wider community.
He started a whole system of punishing all races equally in schools or punishing nobody.
It led directly to one teacher being raped IN her classroom.
It has also led to many classrooms taken over by black bullies.

Now Obama is thinking of taking that failed experiment to the next level: police work.
I cannot imagine how much like “A Clockwork Orange” that’s going to be.

Mr. Obama,

Instead of pandering to your audience, and fanning the flames of racism and mistrust of our police officials with your deceitful rhetoric—-why not take a few extra moments and supply/provide some solutions to bridge these gaps. Instead, as a leader of the free world, all you have done is to further divide a nation in need of trusting our police forces who put their lives on the line every day to protect and serve.

Yes, in almost every department of our police forces you can find a few who have abused their authority or made a human mistake in the line of duty. And yes, these situations must be corrected. But where have YOU, Mr. President offered any assistance in this goal to build trust in our community’s policing services? Where are the programs that could lead towards a viable relationship between citizens and our police? How has YOUR Department of Justice attempted to build or mend this “lost trust” instead of fanning the flames of racism?

Are you, Mr. Obama, contributing to the “mistrust of law enforcement” and/or do you even care to offer any solutions to build on this misplaced trust? My first impression is, NO, you don’t care to work toward solving this issue. By your words, (and deeds), you have offered nothing, other than adding to the “corrosive” nature of this issue facing all Americans—especially our children. Shame on you!

Perhaps Obama can give hard evidence to support his claims. When comparing the numbers, it can be seen that only 16% of the people have little or no confidence in the police. Who are the 16%? In contrast, 44% have little or no confidence in the presidency. It seems to me that amongst law abiding citizens, the police are looked upon rather favorably. Perhaps “law abiding” is the real key.


50%+ of the voters believed his hope and change BS. They claimed he would be the great healer, the great uniter. The sad fact is he is a most divisive non leader. He has an inbred distain for all things US of A, he has a core mistrusts for all who he perceives as enemies of his people. He plays the victim card and preaches as the right Rev. Wright preached to him for 20 + years. He has missed a historic opportunity and will be remembered as the failure he is.

Obama and Holder…in fact the whole liberal – progressive – demo rat party corrodes society… including RINOS!


50%+ of the voters believed his hope and change BS.

If you can believe the numbers just barely over half of those eligible to vote, voted in the 2008 & 2012 presidential elections. (of course that doesn’t consider those ineligible who voted at least once for Dope and Strange.

Correction, White cops, and cops in general, corrode the Black and non-Black culture of crime.

And while we’re talking about “corroding” society, how many “Black on Black” murders were committed during September of this year in Chicago alone? How about the Nation? Or the world? And what about the overall “Black on non-Black” crime rates in comparison with the “non-Black on Black” crime rates? Well 0Muslim? What do you have to say about those figures?

Meanwhile, 0Muslim is increasingly displaying his blatant racism and/or utter lack of intelligence and honesty every time he speaks. From Ferguson to ISIS to Ebola this lazy and questionably educated racist continues to prove that he should never have been elected to the White House. 0Muslim absolutely, and without doubt, is cementing his position as one of the very worst Presidents this Country has ever suffered from. Lady War Bucks LBJ might still be the #1 worst President (but 0Muslim is closing in fast on that title).