Obama takes control of two branches of the US government


“They lost in the Supreme Court, they lost in Congress, they lost at the FEC, so now the president is just going to do it by edict.”

Barack Obama has had enough. Congress isn’t doing everything he wants so he’s decided to enact legislation from the White House and simply eliminate Congress.

This was the bill introduced last year by Sen. Chuck Schumer and Rep. Chris Van Hollen to overturn the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. FEC. The bill had onerous requirements that were duplicative of existing law and burdensome to political speech. It never passed Congress because of principled opposition to its unfair, one-side requirements that benefited labor unions at the expense of corporations. Democratic commissioners at the Federal Election Commission then tried to implement portions of the bill in new regulations. Fortunately, those regulations were not adopted because of the united opposition of the Republican commissioners

It has the familiar meme of union favoritism.

And note that these disclosure requirements will only apply to companies that make bids on government contracts. Federal employee unions that negotiate contracts for their members worth many times the value of some government contracts are not affected by this order. Neither are the recipients of hundreds of millions of dollars of federal grants.

The rest of this mess is here

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