Obama is looking nasty and desperate


Don Surber:

DAN Rather emerged from a forced retirement from CBS to talk on CNN about the 2012 presidential campaign.

“It’s already one of the nastiest campaigns in my lifetime,” Rather said.

“Each of these campaigns is in a mode to be meaner than a mama wasp. My own personal opinion is that the public wants to hear more substance than it does the vitriolic – you know, he said-he said that – accusations. But it’s not the kind of campaign we have.”

Rather is best known for his clumsy attempt to besmirch President Bush 43’s military record by presenting a forged letter, ostensibly from one of Bush’s commanding officers, a month before the 2004 election.

That cost Rather his job. So let us test his theory that both campaigns are being equally nasty.

I don’t see it that way.

Mitt Romney has offered a five-point plan to rid the nation of four years of high unemployment.

The president countered by demanding 10 years of tax returns from Romney after Harry Reid said someone told him that he thought Romney had not paid taxes.

Romney pointed out that President Obama was wrong to tell small business owners “you didn’t build that.”

The president’s people countered and accuse Romney of causing a woman to die of cancer. Her husband said Romney has no empathy toward cancer victims.

Mrs. Romney is a cancer survivor.

Romney attacked the president’s energy policy, which has so far included illegally pulling mine permits, blocking an oil pipeline, and billions in federal loan guarantees to cronies, including a billionaire who was a top fund-raiser for Obama in 2008.

“You can’t drive a car with a windmill on it,” Romney said.

The president reacted by saying, “I don’t know if he’s actually tried that. I know he’s had other things on his car.”

That was in reference to a story about Romney driving with a dog travel carrier atop his station wagon.

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Rather is piling on with the ”they both do it,” fallacy.
I’ve seen and heard other liberals say the same thing very recently.
Not too many in the land of talking heads are sharp enough to note the fallacy and call them out on it at the time it is said.
Back on September 8, 2004, less than two months before the 2004 Presidential Election, Dan Rather thought there was not enough time to refute and destroy his memo of how GWBush missed his rating during his National Guard service in 1973.
But it took only three days to destroy that faked memo.
A perfect match for its type style was the then recent default version of Times New Roman font found at Word Perfect (along with non-typewriter letter-squishing!)
Three days!
It takes about 1 day for most lies to be debunked nowadays.
That’s why so many of us are called, an army of Davids.

Obama’s desperation is showing on the campaign trail.
He brought his official Presidential Seal to have on his podium for a campaign event.
Back in 2010 then White House press secretary Robert Gibbs told CBS ”that at strictly political events we would not use” the seal.

Desperate Obama shifted the goalposts…..
There’s nothing illegal about displaying the presidential seal at a political event being addressed by the president, but until now, the Obama White House felt it was inappropriate.

Now, the presidential seal will now be used at future campaign events addressed by Mr. Obama.
But the campaign official said it was decided the seal will not be displayed on the lectern at Obama campaign fund-raisers.

The MSM should be ashamed of themselves it is so sickening that they think this man can do no wrong but what do they care because they are making big salaries and have a job so why bother worrying about us that have no jobs…Just keep propping up this looser and maybe one day they will be out of a job……

@Nan G:

Nan, I remember that fiasco with Rather. It was funny because he was at a local grocery store after that and no one spoke to him. Imagine that, no one would speak to Dan Rather.

I also remember him speaking to G.W. after Bush had won that election and Bush (paraphrasing here) asked Rather if he was going back to Texas (Rather had just been fired) and Rather said “Yes, Mr. President” to which G.W. replied “See you in four years.”


Journalists, or what they used to be called was a respectful position. Now all they are are fairy tale tellers and mouth pieces for barry and company. What happened when ‘journalists’ were supposed to report the news, not make up the news and or change it to suit their fancy. totally disgusting. “journalists’ have now become the proverbial lower than a snakes belly in the grass job.

Re: “Journalism”
At this point one has to wonder if at least some of the national press aren’t on the Obama payroll. I’m serious. We already know that those “journalists” the Obama camp sees as “good”…get access. I wonder if they aren’t getting other things?

The average “journalist” now feels their job is push “social justice”. On top of that, the mere possibility that they could be wrong about what they believe doesn’t even begin to occur to them.
It is their religion and they are fairly fanatical about it.
Anyone that disagrees with them on certain issues is either stupid or insane in their eyes. Disagree with them on other issues, and you are pure evil and MUST BE DESTROYED.
Sadly, as I have said many times before, what drives them is not good intentions. It is narcissism.

There are still true journalists in the world. Unfortunately, they are overshadowed by industry co-workers who inject opinion in place of facts, who disregard anything that doesn’t support their worldview, and are intentionally antagonistic towards those with differing viewpoints.

That last part wouldn’t be so bad, if they were consistent with everyone they interview, and everything they research and write about. But all we see are softballs lobbed to liberal/progressive politicians and world leaders.

@Nan G: For all I care, they can hang it around his neck to see if it generates another believer. Just got a call from Mitt’s staff and agreed to send $50 after reading/hearing his latest from the “In the Tank” media. By the way Cottonelle makes great media.