NPR Host Terry Gross Presses Hillary on Her Calculating Nature on Gay Marriage; Hillary Snaps



Gross badgered Clinton on her previous dishonest position of being in favor of traditional marriage.

Clinton tries to pretend this was a real position.

Gross keeps asking the question in a when-did-you-stop-beating-your-wife way, including in her queries the assertion that Hillary was lying about her previous position.

For example:

“Would you say your view evolved since the 90s, or that the American public evolved, allowing you to state your real view?” asked radio host Terry Gross.

Hillary is a robot programmed to Tell Lies and Calculate Cattle Futures.

But not, alas, to walk under her own power.

Hillary’s calculating, dishonest nature keeps her from answering this question straight — even if she lies about it straight.

She won’t say she changed her mind — because that would make her a Gay H8r at some point in the past.

She obviously won’t admit that she always had the same opinion and just lied about it.

She tries to have it both ways — she both always believed in gay marriage, but also didn’t lie when she said she didn’t.

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I hope Hillary takes her health problems and her odd and revised versions of everything and just goes away.

She tries to have it both ways — she both always believed in gay marriage, but also didn’t lie when she said she didn’t.

By the book liberal crap — “I was for/against it before I was against/for it.” Always stated without any attempt to offer any logical explanation fot the change in position! Of course the vast majority of the American people cannot process enough related facts to be able to understand an explanation!

Hillary thought she wouldn’t be pressed by an NPR interview. She probably left the studio doing what she does best – cursing that would make a cursing sailor blush.