More Details Show Libya Attack Preplanned And Organized Despite Obama Admin Denials


Susan Duclos @ Wake Up America:

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice denies the attack in Libya which killed U.S. Ambassador Stevens and three others, was premeditated. The Obama administration  wants Americans to believe it was a coincidence that it happened on 9/11, the anniversary of the worst terror attack against America in recent history.

CNN provides more details of the Libya attacks, which show clearly it was premeditated, preplanned and organized.

We were warned:

Three days before the deadly assault on the United States consulate in Libya, a local security official says he met with American diplomats in the city and warned them about deteriorating security.

The Attacks:

According to one of the Libyan security guards who was stationed at one of the gates armed with only a radio, the assault began simultaneously from three directions.

Heavy machine guns and rocket -propelled grenades were used, according to the guard. He said masked men threatened to kill him at gunpoint for ‘protecting the infidels. He declined to appear on camera for fear of repercussions.

Then the safe house was attacked:

After the consulate was attacked and set on fire, a number of Americans escaped to a safe-house in another part of the city. But that came under attack too.

Mabrouk said he received a call from an official in Tripoli, who said he had been called by a “terrified” American in Benghazi.

The official was at the safe-house. Mabrouk says the Brigade asked the Americans if they needed help — but were told that while the situation was dangerous, it was under control.

A few hours later, Mabrouk said he received another call from Tripoli about the arrival of a U.S. team at Benghazi airport that needed transport into the city.

He met the seven Americans, who were heavily armed but not in military uniform, on the runway and provided them with an armed escort, he said.

As soon as the two vehicles carrying the seven Americans arrived at the safe house, they came under intense attack — including a volley of grenades and machine-gun fire. The assailants then fled.

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It is now apparent that the only one more stupid than P-POTUS and Shrillary, is Susan Rice. Amazing to be a woman ambassador representing just another “stupid” (islamo context) arrogant woman who belongs in a hajib and not telling muslim men what to do, what to think, and in denial of “realville”. The most racist people in the world are muslim men. Try asking them what they think of the sub-Saharan black Africans. Now consider that our Egyptian ambassador to the Muslim Brotherhood is not only female, but she is additionally of black African extraction.

Good intentions are of no consequence to this idiotic regime. The only thing of consequence in the Middle East is 7.62 (3.08) mm, boat-tail, full metal jacket, hollow-point delivered at 2000 fps.

The theme pushed by the media, the liberal/progressives supporting Obama, and our government, is that the attacks were precipitated by the film. That is the theme they will adhere to, because the alternative, that of Islamic terrorists attacking American interests, because they are American interests, with Obama “in charge”, destroys on of Obama’s listed “accomplishments”. That is, keeping America safe and free from terrorist attacks.

Ambassador to Egypt Anne Patterson “did not permit U.S. Marine guards to carry live ammunition,” according to multiple reports on U.S. Marine Corps blogs spotted by Nightwatch. “She neutralized any U.S. military capability that was dedicated to preserve her life and protect the US Embassy.” Resignation! Nor likely under the fool and the slut hillary.

MOS 8541, the Marine Corps has stated the “no ammo” story is disinformation, as I pointed out to a comment to James Raider, on another thread. The text of the Marine Corps statement is found there. The Marines in Egypt did have live rounds. Libya had no Marine presence at either the Tripoli or Benghazi facilities… and therein lies Hillary’s error in the State Dept.

okay, how about a fix a certain contract to give him a show of what he can do to help IRAN, WHICH WHEN IRAN DECIDE TO ATTACK ISRAEL THE BROTHERHOOD WOULD JOIN IN THE ATTACK.
I think it is a real possibility.

The fact that the protests began first in Egypt does cast doubt on the theory that the whole thing was coordinated as cover for the rocket attack and killings in Libya. It seems more likely that extremists had planned in advance to take advantage of any such opportunity.

They probably did have 9/11 circled on their calendar as a hopeful possibility. There was the film to incite people, and there was the anniversary as a likely date to demonstrate. Had the demonstrations not materialized to occupy and intimidate local security forces, they might well have waited.

Obama and his supporters in the media have been claiming the attacks on American embassies in the Middle East were not attacks on America – or the policies of the Obama government.
They even that suggest Libyans, once they found Ambassador Christopher Stevens, attempted to save him by transporting the ambassador to a nearby hospital.
Well… we have video.
And this video shows people cheering and fist-pumping the air with joy as the body of a man who appears to be the ambassador is shown being dragged along the ground.
I bet Obama just HATES the internet!

@Nan G:

Disgusting video. But Nan, did you notice ONE thing; not one of those fist-pumping cretins had a weapon?

Ummm, didn’t I read somewhere that the Libyans carried Chris Stevens body to the hospital to try to save his life? He looks pretty damn dead in that video to me. And where are his shirt and shoes?

I do not know about the rest of you, but does anyone else have difficulty working for a president who leaves us vulnerable when he was warned about life threats?

@Nan G, #7:

Did you read the accompanying translation?

English translation of the video by the New York Times:

“I swear, he’s dead,” one Libyan says, peering in.
“Bring him out, man! Bring him out,” another says.
“The man is alive. Move out of the way,” others shout. “Just bring him out, man.”
“Move, move, he is still alive!”
“Alive, Alive! God is great,” the crowd erupts, while someone calls to bring Mr. Stevens to a car.

Mr. Stevens was taken to a hospital, where a doctor tried to revive him, but said he was all but dead on arrival.

I just watched it all again with the sound on.
The moment when he is brought out and seen by the crowd, when they began shouting and fist-pumping at least a few ”allahu achbars” can be heard.
Not after the video is the DIRECTOR’s face and his name, Sad.
Who knows if he dubbed in words.
You never see anyone speak. From the 1 minute point until the video fades you see jubilation.
If you or I came across a very badly injured person, would you be jubilant?
Eventually they had to get him to somewhere.
And many of OUR hospitals see people who are ”nearly dead” all the time…..they save a good many of them, too!
This doctor who saw him apparently saw someone who was mostly dead, so why bother.
But we don’t even know how long he clung to life before dying?
Was it 5 hours?
12 hours?
Did he die in the car when it was struck by the RPG and filled with smoke?
There might be an autopsy now that he’s here.
But will we learn what happened?
Somehow, with leaders here who still say it was all because of the stupid video, I doubt we will ever know the truth.
We probably know more about Whitney Houston’s death than we will ever know about the Ambassador’s death.

If you or I came across a very badly injured person, would you be jubilant?

If we thought the person to be dead, and the person were discovered to be alive, yes. “Praise God!” might be said by some of us.

Greg is in delusion land again. You do understand that a video can be translated to say many things that very well may have nothing to do with the reality of what was originally said? (The Mohammad video the Obama admin is hiding behind, was itself dubbed from the original script).

Libya’s President Mohamed Magariaf said the investigation “leaves us with no doubt” embassy attack was planned. The fact that the protests started in Egypt in no way “proves” that it wasn’t part of an orchestrated, premeditated attack. Do you really expect us to believe that the “protestors” just happened to have Al Queda flags on them?

You are reaching Greg, with out supplying a single fact to support you. That’s called desperation, trying to justify a failed foreign policy that has only made us appear weak and the President incompetant. Even Jimmy Carter was not so foolish.

@Nan G: This is the way ultra-conservatives see everything as a mistranslation of reality.

@Ditto: I believe the ‘left-wing’ MSM has concurred that the Libyan assault was premeditated—see Rachel Maddow’s report the day after. But, at the same time, we can’t deny the impact of the film in heating up the crowd. That’s the problem with ultra-conservative thinking—it’s all ‘black-and-white’, no shades of gray.

I just can’t get out of my mind….400 rampaging people….screaming…. breaching ‘our’ Embassy walls…weapons….fists…..hate…. vengeance…. Allah…. Infidels…9/11….and murder on their minds….

….I just can’t get out of my mind…. the helplessness….the disbelief….the horror….the terror….these men must have endured… felt….before they were Brutally MURDERED….

…then Cheering their death…

Who creates people like this??
Our White House, Our President…Shillary, Carney…and inclusive of [all?] agencies involved….have to “now” “investigate” ??? ….after these same people repeated over and over again they “knew”, NO, they were super “sure” it was a “movie” on YouTube that motivated these Islamic Supremacy Murderers….on 9/11..???

Now doesn’t what they are trying to portray here sound dumb? Are we that dumb??

I suspect Our White House, Our President… inclusive of [all?] agencies involved…has stepped, once again, in Deep Shit…. they totally Screwed Up… and, they are now “investigating” ??

BTW – “Investigating” is WH Code: –>>for: we know we totally screwed up…. so now we need to come up with a ‘story’ that will fit with the circumstances and fit with the story line …to feed to the stupidest of the American people in order to cover our incompetent, sorry asses…

…..and, oh, asks Obumbles…”who is next on the List to be thrown under the bus to save the face of the “The Won”…” Despicable!!

Could you just imagine the headlines if this was George Bush???

May GOD bring peace to these poor souls…their families and friends…

May GOD bring us a Leader who shows strength instead of weakness…Especially in the Face of Islamic Supremacists who want to dominate civilization…

I thought this was interesting:

A Libyan security guard who said he was outside the U.S. consulate here when it was attacked Tuesday night has provided new evidence that the assault on the compound that left four Americans dead, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya, was a planned attack by armed Islamists and not the result of anger over an online video that mocks Islam and its founder, the Prophet Muhammad.

The guard, interviewed Thursday in the hospital where he is being treated for five shrapnel wounds in one leg and two bullet wounds in the other, said that the consulate area was quiet – “there wasn’t a single ant outside,” he said – until about 9:35 p.m., when as many as 125 armed men descended on the compound from all directions.

The men lobbed grenades into the compound, wounding the guard and knocking him to the ground, then stormed through the facility’s main gate, shouting “God is great” and moving to one of the many villas that make up the consulate compound. He said there had been no warning that an attack was imminent.

“Wouldn’t you expect if there were protesters outside that the Americans would leave?” the guard said.

I guess the issue comes down to who you should believe: The Obama administration and their propaganda machine, or the ones who were there.

I had been wondering about why the Obama admin only sent out one warning to Cairo and not to other embassies in any other Islamic lands.
Got the answer last night:
Obama’s peeps say they thought that because clips from the movie were broadcast on a cleric’s show in Egypt and therefore the possibility of violence was somehow “specific to Egypt.”
(If it weren’t so sad.)
Islamic demagoguery is not limited by borders.
Muslims hate their own borders, consider them artificial and imposed…. and that the caliphate has no borders.

IF Obama actually thought that Egypt would be the end of it we are really crazy to keep him on.
Who knows, IF Obama really is that stupid when it comes to Islam, maybe HE planned this whole thing as a ploy to show how cool he is and how easily he could get international messes cleaned up.
Backfired big time, if that’s the case.
Makes the midnight ”arrest” look like it was used to keep his scapegoat quiet……or else.
Actually, IF Obama is that naive and did this it makes sense as part of his re-election ploying.