Lena Dunham is one sick pervert


Still, to dismiss Lena Dunham as an insulated and spoiled child of Manhattan’s ruling class is to misunderstand her story entirely. If there is such a thing as actually abusing a child through excessive generosity and overindulgence, then Lena Dunham’s parents are child abusers. Her father, Carroll Dunham, is a painter noted for his primitive brand of highbrow pornography, his canvases anchored by puffy neon-pink labia; her photographer mother filled the family home with nude pictures of herself, “legs spread defiantly.” Self-styled radicals from old money, they were not the sort of people inclined to enforce even the most lax of boundaries.And they were, in their daughter’s telling, enablers of some very disturbing behavior that would be considered child abuse in many jurisdictions — Lena Dunham’s sexual abuse, specifically, of her younger sister, Grace, the sort of thing that gets children taken away from non-millionaire families without Andover pedigrees and Manhattanite social connections. Dunham writes of casually masturbating while in bed next to her younger sister, of bribing her with “three pieces of candy if I could kiss her on the lips for five seconds . . . anything a sexual predator might do to woo a small suburban girl I was trying.” At one point, when her sister is a toddler, Lena Dunham pries open her vagina — “my curiosity got the best of me,” she offers, as though that were an explanation. “This was within the spectrum of things I did.”

Lots more at National Review


Dunham gets all flustered at being quoted exactly.

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The fact that this privileged 1%’er considers herself as the voice of her generation is particularly funny.
It reminded me of all those trust-fund Occupy Wall Streeters back a few years ago.
What is it about super-rick kids that they think they are average folk?

@Nanny: Goes back to all those trust fund hippies in the 1960’s in the cheapo schools like bizerkley and Columbia – in their rag-a-muffin costumes — made me want to puke

@Nanny –
“What is it about super-rick kids that they think they are average folk?

It’s because they think us average folk are sick perverts like her and her parents. Most states have long statute of limitations for sex crimes. In Colorado, she wouldn’t be able to hide as a “juvenile”. She would be charged and tried as an adult.

Wow this girl just gets worse everytime she opens her mouth. It just goes to show you how sick Hollywood is to accept her. Anywhere else she would be in jail. I wish she would put some clothes on because she is nothing to look at…………….

@Bill: Or any Klintoon admin — past OR future!