Is the Left anti-Semitic? Sadly, it is heading that way


The Telegraph:

There has been a lot of talk over the past two weeks about whether it is anti-Semitic to oppose Israel’s attack on Gaza. Radical Leftists and liberal commentators have insisted (perhaps a bit too much?) that there is nothing remotely anti-Semitic about their anger with Israel or their fury on behalf of battered, bruised and bombed Palestinians. And of course they are right that it is entirely possible to oppose Israel’s militarism without harbouring so much as a smidgen of dislike for the Jewish people. Some will oppose the war in Gaza simply because they are against wars in general, especially ones that impact on civilians.

However, it seems pretty clear to me that much of the left in Europe and America is becoming more anti-Semitic, or at least risks falling into the trap of anti-Semitism, sometimes quite thoughtlessly. In the language it uses, in the ideas it promotes, in the way in which it talks about the modern world, including Israel, much of the Left has adopted a style of politics that has anti-Semitic undertones, and sometimes overtones. The key problem has been the Left’s embrace of conspiratorial thinking, its growing conviction that the world is governed by what it views as uncaring “cabals”, “networks”, self-serving lobbyists and gangs of bankers, all of which has tempted it to sometimes turn its attentions towards those people who historically were so often the object and the target of conspiratorial thinking – the Jews.

Yes, one can hate Israel’s attack on Gaza without hating the Jews. But there’s no denying that the hatred being expressed for Israel’s attack on Gaza is different to the opposition to all other acts of militarism in recent times. Just compare the huge 2003 Hyde Park demo against the Iraq War with the recent London demos against Israel’s attack on Gaza. The former had an air of resignation; it expressed a mild, middle-class sense of disappointment with Tony Blair, through safe, soft slogans like “Not In My Name”. The latter, by contrast, have been fiery and furious, with screeching about murder and mayhem and demands that the Israeli ambassador to the UK be booted out. Some attendees have held up placards claiming that Zionists control the British media while others have accused both London and Washington of “grovelling” before an apparently awesomely powerful Israeli Lobby.

This is a recurring theme in anti-Israel sentiment today: the idea that a powerful, sinister lobby of Israel lovers has warped our otherwise respectable leaders here in the West, basically winning control of Western foreign policy. You see it in cartoons depicting Israeli leaders as the puppet masters of politicians like William Hague and Tony Blair. You can hear it in Alexi Sayle’s much-tweeted claim that the “Western powers” kowtow to Israel because they are “frightened of it… frightened of the power that it wields”. You can see it in the arguments of John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt in their popular book The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy, which holds an apparently super-powerful pro-Israel lobby in the heart of Washington responsible for the Iraq War and all other kinds of disasters. The claim is often made that Israel has corrupted Western officials, commanding them to carry out its dirty work.

Sound familiar? Yes, this has terrible echoes of the old racist idea that Jewish groups controlled Western politics and frequently propelled the world into chaos – an idea that was especially popular in the early to mid-20th-century Europe.

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Anti-Semitism must be pretty strong to drive one to support terrorists that constantly stir up trouble and cause the deaths of their own civilians as well as the Israeli’s. Here, at least, these are the same people that characterize any criticism of Obama as racism. I find that pretty repulsive, particularly when actual lives are at stake.

Considering how many Jews were murdered by Communists and Fascists last century, I think it’s pretty safe to say “Leftism = Anti-Semitism” without reservations.

Most libs are Socialists who think much like Nazis and Communists (both of which are forms of socialism regardless of what the lying libs try to say).

Here, at least, these are the same people that characterize any criticism of Obama as racism. I find that pretty repulsive, particularly when actual lives are at stake.

The people you mention are infatuated with 0Muslim, paid trolls, or both. And you can bet that those who are mostly infatuated with this tyrant likely have at least one framed photo of 0Muslim on display…

Btw, you might have noticed that both of 0Muslim’s inauguration parades included throngs of teary eyed worshipers, of all ages, that closely resembled the crowds who adored Adolf Hitler.

Meanwhile, the term “repulsive” doesn’t go near far enough in describing the mindset of those who idolize 0Muslim and his evil agenda.

Without question there has been a good number of Jew haters amongst the Progressive branch of the Democratic party going back at least as far as Woodrow Wilson. The extremist Democrat racists s of the KKK were loudly proclaimed their antisemitism. The “Jews own all the banks” and “Jews own Hollywood” propaganda comes directly from these bigots and has continued from the 1930’s to this day. On the other hand, some radicals on the left (likely the same idiots who wear Che Guevara shirts,) stand in support of Hamas because they have drunk of the Koolaid and believe the Sunni propaganda that the Palestinians are “underdogs” and that Israel is a nation of oppression. This morons rabble are unable to research the facts or think on their own, and only know and accept what their “Occupy” community organizer propagandists tell them. They are useful idiots who are too stupid to even realize how racist they have become by following the lead of their fascist leaders.