Gore’s ex “climate community organizer” bails on DOE


With Republicans controlling the House of Representatives and able to subpoena officials, certain Obama administration officials are heading for the hills. The New York Times reports on the latest exodus of Obama appointees. This time the Department of Energy is losing acting Undersecretary of Energy Cathy Zoi:

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Untangling this web is going to take time.

1. Obama gets $787 BILLION in stimulus money almost the day he takes office.
2. Obama begins funding ”green energy” businesses…… BUT only if they are owned by his own political cronies.
3. One such company, Solyndra, gets over $1/2 BILLION to bring clean energy and jobs to America. (Sept 2009)
4. Solyndra’s primary shareholder is Obama-bundler, billionaire, George Kaiser.
5. The very day after the midterm elections Solyndra announced then that not only was it not going to create all those full-time jobs so eagerly hailed by Obama and Biden, but it also was going to close an older factory and actually lay off 175 full- or part-time workers. (Nov 2010)
6. That left U.S. taxpayers holding the financial bag for nearly three-quarters of that loan guarantee, about $390 million.
7. Which DOE peeps is going to be the Fall Guy?
Cathy Zoi?
Steven Chu?
And where’s all that cash?

She ran EERE … sounds like something from a bad movie.

Guess what Cathy Zoi is up to now?

George Soros is launching a new investment fund that plans to profit off of the “green energy” boom, which is entirely dependent on government subsidies supported by the groups Soros funds.

The press release casually mentions whom Soros is hiring to run this new fund: Cathy Zoi.

Read more at the Washington Examiner

It’s all a “scam” we do not have the infrastructure to support all the energy ‘inventives’ proposed.

There are quite “a few” who will become quite RICH from “Global Warming”/”Climate Change” mostly off the backs of the Taxpayers…

And the way the Middle East is going these days we had better RE-THINK using our own resources…