Even Feminists Hated Biden During The Debate


Mollie Hemingway @ Richochet:

No one won this debate. And I suppose you could interpret that as me saying that Rep. Paul Ryan lost. But you’d be wrong. I think Vice President Joe Biden lost by being horribly belligerent and unserious. Ryan lost by not aggressively responding to Biden. And Martha Raddatz lost by interrupting at inappropriate times.

But allow me to revisit something I said during the debate:

Tonight, Joe Biden is embodying everything that women hate about talking with men.

I generally don’t get into “gender” discussions. They usually don’t interest me. But at some point in the live chat, I just pulled gender rank and let the men know that Biden’s demeanor was not going over well with the ladies.

The truth is that we’ve all been there — and that goes for women and men — where you’re having a conversation with someone awful. Maybe he’s drunk. Maybe he’s just a jerk or suffering from low self-esteem. But whatever the back story, the result is that he’s condescending, thinks he knows far more than he does and interrupts you when you’re making a point. It’s not enjoyable.

I’m even willing to give this debate to Biden, in the very short term. But in the long term, I bet he lost it. Think about what will stay with people after the debate. They’ll remember a rude, interrupting man.

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No one won this debate.

What? Biden was a jack-ass and Ryan looked and acted mature.

No one won this debate????


You gotta remember, Ivan, that it’s all about perspective. To liberal/progressives, who are frothing at the mouth insane already, anyone who acts like Biden did last nite is going to be viewed positively. Heck, Biden could have performed a partial birth abortion on-stage when the abortion question was asked, and liberal/progressives would still be supporting him. Probably even more so than they are now.

Curt, get your head out of your rectum. Ryan was excellent, Biden was the illiterate fool that he has always been. Biden was an ignorant fool and completely illiterate during the debate. Got his debating skills from. Joe went to Archmere Academy in Claymont, During these years, he participated in an anti-segregation sit-in at a Wilmington theatre. He went on to receive his Juris Doctor from Syracuse University’s College of Law in 1968, where by his own description he found it to be “the biggest bore in the world” Biden received five student draft deferments during this period, with the first coming in late 1963 and the last in early 1968, at the peak of the Vietnam War. The rest is a history.. a pathetic democratic lackey.