The Progressive Purge Begins


By Derek Hunter

Progressives have always loved a good purge. Whether it was the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, North Korea, China or anywhere else, when people step out of line, through public actions or private words, they mysteriously disappear. Democrats aren’t to that point, at least not yet, but they’re well on their way and things are going to get a lot worse very quickly the further down this road they go.

The digital purge started shortly after idiots stormed the Capitol, but it was planned for a long time. The left spent the middle of the last century burning books, now they’re deleting social media accounts, but the objective is the same: eliminate thought they do not like.

The average Democrat doesn’t see it as that and can’t fathom the idea that they’re embracing fascism. All they see is a people they’ve been convinced are evil being removed from the digital world in the name of tolerance. The irony is lost on them.

So is the danger.

Banning Donald Trump and Trump supporters from the digital world is not an end step; it’s the beginning. People are being fired from their jobs not for storming the Capitol, but for attending the rally on the mall in support of the president. Hundreds of thousands went to a peaceful rally, after which a few thousand did some wildly stupid and dangerous things. It’s not enough that the people who actually did those things be held accountable (which they should be), anyone who was in the area must be destroyed too.

It’s a feeding frenzy; bloodlust built up by 4 years of being told by so-called journalists and elected officials that Donald Trump is Hitler. And when you’re going after Hitler, everything is justified.

The Hitler comparisons started on day 1 of the Trump administration when Chris Matthews called his inauguration speech “Hitlarian,” and it spun out of control from there. What was unacceptable before became the norm overnight.

Trump rallies were called violent and everyone in attendance a racist. After years of dehumanizing them, many Democrats see them as rabid dogs who need to be put down, not as people. And a lot of those Democrats work in media and have shows on MSNBC and CNN.

Those hosts already justified the execution of a Trump supporter over the summer by a BLM-ANTIFA activist, why wouldn’t they call for more blood now?

They are actually hoping for more blood now to make it easier to impose “emergency” measures.

People like Van Jones, Joe Scarborough, Gayle King, and countless other “journalists” all miraculously came up with the same talking point in the immediate aftermath – if this had been BLM-ANTIFA activists storming the building, police would have shot them dead.

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Elected officials don’t have power over big tech, they can merely accommodate big tech and allow them MORE power and MORE money. If big tech turned on the progressives, the progressives would lose because, now, big tech can exert pressure on ANYONE and ANY ORGANIZATION.

Democrats aren’t to that point, at least not yet, but they’re well on their way and things are going to get a lot worse very quickly the further down this road they go.

No, they prefer to cut their opposition off from all livelihood and defenses and then snicker and giggle as they whither and die.

The average Democrat doesn’t see it as that and can’t fathom the idea that they’re embracing fascism.

They don’t CARE that they are embracing fascism because fascism is getting them what they want; the people they have been indoctrinated to see as their hated enemies are being destroyed, in every sense of the word. They hate fascism, the word, even as they celebrate fascism, the implementation.

These are the people who ask us to “unite” and “heal”. They are incredulous when we say “Why the hell would we do that?” Why would I make nice with someone that, unless I change my way of thinking, wants to destroy me? Why would I trust them not to try to destroy me anyway as soon as my guard is down, because the way they have behaved indicates they are just that kind of scum?

I don’t know how we heal and move forward; well, I DO, but I simply don’t see it happening. But I know this: I have nothing to regret, nothing to apologize for and no reason to be “forgiven” by any goddamn, America-hating leftist.