After Stinging Rebuke of AOC, Pelosi Hands Powerful House Committee Seat to Freshman BLM Activist — and Then Some


By Mike Miller

As my RedState colleague streiff reported on Friday, House Democrats on Thursday handed “would-be Democrat thought leader and power broker Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a humiliating loss in her quest for a seat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee.”

Ocasio-Cortez fell to Rep. Kathleen Rice (D-NY) in a 46-13 beatdown.

Before we continue, Speaker Nancy Pelosi gets what she wants from the Democrat Caucus. And when she doesn’t? There is hell to pay, and AOC is no doubt paying hell as we speak after publicly calling for the ouster of Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chucky Schumer and replacing them with left-wing lunatics — just like her, of course.

Bottom line: AOC might have lost the seat in a “secret vote,” but make no mistake; Madam Speaker was up to vacant eyeballs in the engineering of that vote. Other bottom line: As Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote: “When you strike at a king, you must kill him.”

Analogically speaking, of course.

This was a stinging rebuke of Socialist Barbie AOC because of her silly hysteria over all things climate. The House Energy and Commerce Committee maintains principal responsibility for legislative oversight relating to telecommunications, consumer protection, food and drug safety, public health, air quality and environmental health, the supply and delivery of energy, and interstate and foreign commerce.

As streiff noted, the powerful committee would be “an ideal vehicle for AOC to use to grandstand while pushing Medicare For All, the $15 minimum wage, and destroying the US economy in creating her ridiculous ‘Green New Deal.’”

That Black Lives Matter Activist turned Congresswoman

On Friday, Pelosi unveiled committee assignments for the incoming freshman class, as reported by Fox News, and Rep.-elect Cori Bush, (D-MO), the first Black Lives Matter activist elected to serve in Congress, was handed a seat on the powerful House Judiciary Committee, which is charged with overseeing the administration of justice within the federal courts, administrative agencies, and Federal law enforcement entities.

For those of you keeping score at home, AOC is now 0-2 in her quest to matter.

The newest member of AOC’s “Squad” — which includes Rep. Ilhan Omar D-MN), Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), and Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) — Bush said in a statement she will use her seat to ‘affirm the dignity and humanity of Black and brown communities.

“I ran for office on the promise of justice. Justice for Black lives. Justice for Michael Brown Jr. and Breonna Taylor. Justice for every community held back by racist systems and oppression. Today, I am proud to have been named to a committee with the power to bring about justice for all.”

Spoiler, Ms. Bush: Justice was indeed delivered to Michael Brown Jr.

Pelosi Was’t Done

In a show of support for the LGBTQ community, Pelosi tapped another incoming freshman, New York Rep.-elect Mondaire Jones, reportedly the first openly gay Black man to serve in Congress, to join Bush on the House Judiciary Committee.

Here’s Jones earlier in the month with The Most Trusted Name in News™ [sarc] host Wolf Blitzer, sounding relatively moderate — for a Democrat, that is.

But in a series of tweets on Friday, Jones sounded a whole lot more like exactly what you might expect —including his support for packing the Supreme Court.

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And Biden/Harris can not wait to give place to someone from BLM,Antifa we will see he Socialists for the tyrants they are

Spoiler, Ms. Bush: Justice was indeed delivered to Michael Brown Jr.

Indeed, thug Michael Brown got what he was begging for. As for Breonna, Bush doesn’t think $12 million for being accidentally caught in the crossfire between her trigger-happy boyfriend and cops knocking to deliver a “no-knock” warrant is somewhat “fair”? It certainly isn’t to the Louisville taxpayers. Justice would be for her drug-dealing, gun-toting boyfriend to go to jail for her death.

There is now a 6-3 hyper-partisan, conservative majority on the Supreme Court

Um… WHAT was that decision on the Texas voter fraud case again? You dumbass…

Pelosi’s choices (including the obviously compromised, tainted and stupid fart-bag Swalwell to be on the Intel committee) shows how little regard she has for the citizens of this country, justice, the rule of law and the Constitution. Democrats probably have to vising all-you-can-eat buffets and consume laxatives to be able to shit on our Republic as much as they want to.

@Deplorable Me:

Is there any doubt in any logical thinker that the Democrat party, which has screamed “RACIST” at anyone who disagrees with them, has gone full blown racist? From a professor (I use that term lightly) saying that seniors should be on the bottom of the list for the vaccine because they are mostly “white” and that would level the playing field in America (because, you know, blacks have a hard time getting the health care that illegals seem to have no problem in getting) to Pelosi putting a full blown racist junior Congress critter on a choice committee.

They are what they accuse others of being.

Ammo up, people.

@retire05: They are trying to make racism mainstream with everyone (as long as you are racist against the right people, at the right time for the right reasons) as much as it is with them.

The Democrats own Brown Shirts to do their biding and silence any one who opposes their plans they all need to be banned from America along with the so called United Nations

she can ot take the oath of office. this street trash will not defend the Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic. Love it: street trash running America, wonder if she can read??????????????