12 Killed In Colorado Shooting


UPDATE: It has been confirmed that three Airmen were among the ten killed in this attack. Additionally, the number of people confirmed shot has jumped to 71. The media is going all-in to make this a political statement with ABC News blaming the Tea Party, CNN calling for gun control, and Bloomberg again spewing his hatred of guns.

First and foremost, my prayers and thoughts go out to those affected and their families. Additionally, my thoughts go out to those who were completely unharmed, but unfortunately had to watch what transpired. For many in that theater in Colorado, they may never be able to step foot in another dark movie theater.

Post Traumatic Stress is not confined within the military. Having to witness a shooting like this and the carnage that followed can weigh heavily on a person’s mind. I hope the community understands this and reaches out to these patrons.

While reading all the stories associated with this incident, a single thought continues to roll around in my head. How does a sold-out theater not have a single person with a concealed pistol on their person to stop this madness? How did James Holmes, a man with a Ph.D. in neuroscience, kill 12 people and injure more than 50 without so much as a single person stepping up to stop him? Since I have no doubt this issue will be turned into a case for or against gun control, I wanted to cover this subject.

The Colorado State Constitution states that “The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property, or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons.”

In other words, individuals have the right to open and concealed carry in the state, but localities may pass laws on how and where to carry. This is where things get foreboding.

Aurora completely outlawed the carrying of concealed pistols, which they deem as “dangerous weapons.” The city also makes it a crime to have a loaded firearm in a vehicle.

Neighbor Denver is much worse and no doubt some of the people in that theater were technically from Denver. The Chief of Police is the approval authority for permits and citizens must prove a need to get one. My friends in Denver tell me that “personal protection” is not a good enough excuse unless the person has a legitimate fear for his life. It is unlawful to carry a weapon openly or concealed in the city.

So, even though Colorado’s constitution specifically authorizes its citizens to carry openly, the preemption clause for concealed carry and the lawsuit Denver won made it possible for this shooter to kill indiscriminately without challenge.

Reports are also coming in that several Airmen were among those injured during the shooting. Troops specifically trained in the proper handling and use of firearms are prevented from defending themselves and these “domestic enemies.”

The more Cities, States, and our Federal government pass laws that prevent its citizens to carry firearms for personal defense, the more of these mass casualty events we’re going to have.

I recently read a story on WND News about a “knockout game” in St. Louis in which black mobs target whites and Asians. The goal is to “punch that person in the face as hard as you can. You win if you score a Knockout. If not, keep punching until your arms and legs get too tired to continue. Or the person dies.” St. Louis also prevents its citizens from carrying weapons to protect themselves. Chicago has perhaps the most strict gun control laws in the country while Phoenix has some of the most open. However, Chicago’s murder rate is 12 times higher than Phoenix.

I’m just finishing up a seven state vacation. I closely researched the gun laws everywhere we were going to make sure that I carried in accordance with each state. I visited Colorado, but cut west just south of Denver for this very reason. We were carrying several weapons as I usually do when I go on vacation. It’s no secret that vehicles from other states are targeted by criminals assuming they are vacationers and carrying larger than normal quantities of cash. Of course, I also have a Texas license plate and any criminal with sense knows you don’t mess with Texas.

What I’m trying to say is that I’ve both openly and concealed carried (I’m licensed) this entire trip. Not once did I have to shoot anyone nor did the presence of my weapon cause issues. People who are lawfully permitted to carry weapons don’t typically commit crimes. If you ask me, the families of the victims and the victims themselves have a legal case against the cities of Aurora and Denver and should sue to have their rights restored to them. This type of evil is senseless, as the President remarked in Florida at a campaign event in Florida this morning. And it could have possibly been better had just one citizen been permitted to exercise his God-given rights to self preservation.

Please pray for these victims, their families and their neighbors. They will need it.

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It is the policy of certain areas Chicago, California, Aurora and many others that potential victims should submit meekly to perpetrators and terrorists, like this homicidal maniac, until the shooter runs out of ammo or until the police can subdue him. Otherwise, they could be arrested for defending themselves or for committing grievous harm to a homicidal maniac. To the Liberal/Progressive, the thought of killing or injuring killers is a crime against humanity. It is much better to accept your fate and your bullet than to commit a crime against humanity/Liberalism.

YES SO SAD THERE was no one with a gun on the other side of that person in the premisses to swiftly put him down,
before it went too late, the majority who own gun have trained to quickly take over
a situation similar. and prevent or diminish the carnage.
yes our thoughts are with all who are wounded, those who are heart broken those who where there to see what evil can take a human body to murder humans

This particular theater chain has a “no firearms” policy unless you are a LEO. But it was reported that numerous military were also at the theater to see this movie.

As Holmes walked up the aisle, firing randomly and just intending to hit as many as possible (the number is now 71) anyone he had already passed who was carrying would have been able to at least get a shot in to stop him in his tracks. Although he was covered in body armour, he still had vunerable spots that any military would have been able to recognize. As to collateral damage by someone with a concealed carry, most patrons had already hit the floor by that time and anyone trained in firearms are trained to account for collateral damage.

So like the Luby’s in Waco, Columbine High School, Virginia Tech and Fort Hood, all gun free zones (Clinton having issued an EO that soldiers could not carry firearms while on base), this theater was turned into a target rich environment for the shooter. But on the other side of the argument, recently two gansta wannabes entered an internet cafe, one wielding a baseball bat and one with a pistol, thought they were g0ing to prove just how tough they were. A 72 year old customer, a veteran, took out his concealed carry permitted weapon and chased the thug wannabes right out the door as the thugs fell over each other trying to get away from a man who was unwilling to be their victim. Both slugs were shot although not seriously and consequently arrested. How many lives were potentially saved by a 72 year old man who refused to be victimized?

Any business that has a “gun free zone” posting doesn’t get my business.

Retire, your story will probably win the chuckle for the day, not for the story itself, but for the expressions of sheer terror on the faces of the gangsters as they fart stumble and fall out the door to get away from the geriatric with a pistol. (I am a geriatric)

But the horror, wounding those young men and injuring their sense of power and entitlement. Their sense of empowerment will be a source of ridicule in the hood. Don’t you think it would have been much better for the patrons to have been subject to robbery, assault, sexual battery and death, rather than ruining the elf-esteem of two young men trying to express their frustration with wealthy coffee drinkers.

I prefer the humanitarian method for animals with two and four legs who are beyond hope, a merciful bullet through the base of the skull is both merciful and expedient.

Well, it’s clear to me that the shooter didn’t do this all by himself. “Somebody else made that happen”.


To make it even more disturbing is the media ran on an attack spin slandering an innocent man who sadly shares the same first and last names… The Shooter is more a kin to The Joker’s pure chaos and no gun control law ever stops such madmen. : (

Hawker Beech just lowered the flags to half mast to mourn, why do you liberal pukes have to be insensitive and start smearing others when the recently dead and wound need to mourned over and let the professionals (police) figure who is what with what motives before slandering an innocent man?

Rides A Pale Horse
very well done, and on the point,
thank you


Now we will be subjected to days, if not weeks, of TV arm chair shrinks trying to figure out why Holmes shot all those people. Did his dad make him do his homework? Did his mom only make him chocolate chip cookies when little James really wanted snickerdoodles? Did some little girl at school laugh at him when he was 8?

I don’t give a damn why he did it. He did it. Try him in a court room with a jury of his peers, find his ass guilty and give him the death sentence. Let him run his appeals, and when those appeals uphold the death penalty, take him to a Colorado state prison and strap his ass to a gurney. End of story. No sitting on death row for 20 years sucking up public funds.

James Holmes gave up his human rights when he reduced himself to a rabid dog, shooting a six year old child. And what do you do with rabid dogs? You put them down so they won’t infect the other dogs.

Retire, there is only one problem with your solution. Hanging by the neck has no romanticism associated with execution. Actually people should be able to read of what happens during the process. I know Liberals will wet their trousers, but it is a far more appropriate death for a homicidal maniac.


Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want this guy hung. I want him strapped into Old Sparky. I want the top of his head to blow off like he blew away his victims. And I want it on every TV screen in America. With a rabid dog, you put a bullet into their head. I want this subhuman punished in a Biblical fashion as a warning to every sick psycho that thinks it would be cool to be a copy-cat.

you might not believe it, but I JUST LOOK AT MY MOON AND CLICK TO SEE HER SHAPE ,

I hope they are okay, imagine coming back from hell
into another hell in your own COUNTRY,

Something tells me he’s in for some Islamic “anus widening” before he gets fried…or hanged…or whatever they do in Colorado.

It’s such a shame. If there had been some patrons carrying they all wouldn’t of become a victim of this piece of shit. Instead the bad guy is carrying and no one else.

I want to know if this local gun ban in Aurora is connected to Bloomberg’s Mayors agains guns group? If so it might blowback the other way.


No, it seems it was the policy (gun free zone) of the movie chain. If I ever do go to another movie, it will not be to one of their theaters.

1st, I work in Colorado a few weeks every year and I have worked in the general area of Aurora in the past. I don’t really have a grasp of the carry situation like a resident. Remember, there are pockets of CO that are fiercely Progressive and would be glad to confiscate very legal weapon in the state, so they could be helpless to everyone. I know CO has the two political extremes. You have the Marxist cities of Boulder and Aspen and then there are the real ranchers that aren’t trust fund babies and remittance men.

Hopefully Randy or someone else can give you a better idea of the situation, but I will guess the Second Amendment will be put through the ringer during the next year.

I sure hope not, the second amendment could have save those lives in that movie theater,
and another proof is there in front of our eyes, that is the fact which the one who is the smartest of his class can have a collapse of his brain if he think he has touch the ultimate knowledge and doesn’t have
the brain size to absorb it and hold it.
a bit like what’s his name that horse with wings flying toward the sun too close and have his wings burned,
and falling down back on the EARTH, BROKEN WITHOUT WINGS.

Bees you have your Greek fables confused.

Liberals aren’t worried about law abiding victims, they want to protect the perpetrator. I know it sounds bizarre to the normal mind, but it is better for us to accept our fate than to harm these damaged misguided human beings. That is the reason they want to confiscate our weapons. They love the downtrodden, that is why they plead for the cop killers and rapists.

yes, it’s obvious, they protect the bad and deny the freedom of the good people to live in peace and break the security because of their twisted mind


And here is the psychology behind why they do it.
It’s all so they can tell themselves how wonderful they are. They make it a point to delude themselves into thinking they are protecting the downtrodden, protecting the victims of racism and/or society.
They don’t give a sh*t about the facts or the victim(s). It’s all to feed their egos and feel superior to others. Tookie and Mumia are prime examples. Despite overwhelming evidence of their guilt, they ignore it all so they can say they are such humanitarians protecting the less fortunate. It’s about them-NOT the convicted.
This is why you get such BS arguements. Executing the guilty is murder? It’s equivalent to what the murderer did? Riiiiiight.