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I’m sorry, but the Republicans are allowing this crap to happen. They own the House and many of the state houses, yet they, the leadership of the movement, are as useless as teets on a bull.

Why you people keep ripping on Obama when your real problem is with the flacid Republican/Tea-Party is beyond me.

All of this could be avoided/negated if the Republican leadership were a true opposition.

It has not escaped any of us that a ‘supposed’ Constitutional scholar, at least as sold by the MSM, is trashing with a high degree of disdain, the very Constitution that provided for his election to the Nation’s highest office. There should be loud screaming emanating from the dome of the Capitol.

The irony couldn’t be more extreme. Jefferson must surely be shaking his head in disgust.

Bill Whittle is a national treasure. I used to read his blog eject!eject!eject! before he became famous.


Why you people keep ripping on Obama when your real problem is with the flacid Republican/Tea-Party is beyond me.

No offense, but it seems like just about everything is beyond you.

The one question that has never been answered by any liberal that I have had conversations with concerning our Constitution is this:

Once the firewalls of the Constitution are breached, what is the limit on the power of the Federal Government?

Once the SCOTUS says that the Federal Government may force citizens to purchase a private product from other private citizens, what limits are on this new power of the government? What is to stop the government from deciding that citizens who are not overweight need less healthcare, so they tell us all to purchase a gym membership? What is to stop them from making the decree that small, compact cars are better for us, so in our best interest, we must all purchase a hybrid electric car?

Some may say this slippery slope argument doesn’t hold water, but I ask you what safeguards are there after the original safeguards of the Constitution are shredded?

No liberal has ever been able to answer this question, and all but a very small number even try.