Marxist Ideology, Obama’s Personal Demon


Ahab Follows His Obsession To The Inevitable Conclusion

The Marxist Demon Within

In following with the Cloward Piven Plan for overwhelming America with entitlement spending and utilizing “The Weight of The Poor” to crush the American economy, a plan that is much more critical and potentially catastrophic at a time when America is in the depths of a disastrous recession, Obama seeks only to soothe the raging demon residing deep within his DNA. The raging demon within his DNA is Marxism and it seeks to destroy the Capitalism within the country he is sworn to protect and defend.

There is confusion with the terms Communism and Socialism and the modern use has little relationship to the original meanings defined by Marx and refined by Anthony Gramsci. It is probably best to rely on the early intellect of Marx and Gramsci for a useable definition of the terms, since modern definitions will vary widely.

Marx wrote that Socialism was an intermediate phase of the revolution of the proletariat that had to incorporate features of Capitalism, mainly using reward incentives to induce people to work; otherwise, the means of production and capital will be expropriated by the Proletariat.

Communism, as defined by Marx, emerges from a group of Socialist economies. The Communist economy will differ from the Socialist economy by an absence of motivation or rewards to encourage people to work. Social classes would dissolve, people would receive goods as required by their need and contribute according to their ability. The state withers away and a utopian society is left and everyone is happy; especially the elites who oversee the system.

Expropriating The Means Of Production

A characteristic of Capitalism that exasperates the Socialist is that the means of production or capital is controlled by the bourgeoisie class. It is the chief objective of a Socialist revolutionary to seize the means of production and Redistribute the wealth of a Capitalist economy. President Obama faces this problem of expropriation in a free society through Wealth Redistribution and the seizure of corporations on the verge of failure.

Anthony Gramsci is arguably the greatest intellect of Marxism. He was a prolific writer and had a tremendous effect of the theory of Marxism. His ideas of hegemony will help to define the direction of modern Socialists and Communists. Hegemony was a term used by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin to designate or indicate the political leadership of the Proletariat in a democratic revolution. Gramsci later used the term to describe why the inevitable revolution of the Proletariat, predicted by Marx had failed to materialize in the early 20th century.

Gramsci stressed that Capitalism maintained control through violence, political, and economic coercion; however, in ideological terms Capitalists maintained control through a hegemonic system, reenforcing the values of the bourgeoisie by stressing the ‘common sense’ values of a modern thinking man. A culture evolved that encouraged the Proletariat to identify their fortune and welfare with the fortune and welfare of the bourgeoisie; consequently, the Capitalist culture protected the prominence of the bourgeoisie and kept the Proletariat from revolution through the logic of ‘common sense’.

Gramsci felt that hegemonic dominance relied on coercion by consent; however, in a “crisis of authority” the protection of consent slips away revealing the Machiavellian fist of force.

Modern Marxists

Obama’s Machiavellian princely characters representing the fist of force are his trade unionists and ACORN activists, they are his political army.

Saul Alinsky, union organizer and mentor for Hillary Clinton, is the Communist who denied being a Communist for the same reason Obama denies being a Socialist; they don’t want the stigmatism attached with these Marxist ideologies and they will limit their potential for support if they expose the true nature of their political ideology. Alinsky wrote a practical guide to put the theories of Marx and Gramsci to practical use. Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals” has been the handbook for revolutionaries and trade unionists for decades.

Cloward and Piven, both university professors gave Alinsky’s work an intellectual standing and concepts that could be embraced by more literate revolutionaries. Thus we have a brief synopsis of the evolution and history of Marxism and its progression to the White House.

Obama’s years as a Community Organizer employed the concepts of Alinsky and his political red shirts are still using these methods. Obama’s covert agenda creates even more frustration within his soul because he is prevented from declaring his affection for Marxism.

Guided with a foreign ideology for motivation (Marxism is more readily accepted as an alternative government in Europe), Obama is incapable of seeing another set of possibilities for approaching the debt ceiling problem.

The obsession that drives Obama’s personal demon is the destruction of ‘Capitalism’ this obsession takes precedence over the vitality of the country: like Ahab’s obsession with the white whale, Moby Dick took precedence over the mission of the Pequod and its crew. An obsession can overwhelm people until it is an addiction. Addictions are typically strong enough to destroy the host and the host is willing to destroy everyone and everything around him to satisfy his addiction and soothe the personal demon that lurks in his heart.

It is impossible for Obama to see ending or reforming any part of entitlement or deficit spending; as in the fictional example of Captain Ahab, his psychosis drives him to the point that nothing matters except the destruction of the whale or Capitalism.

America or the ship of state is of secondary importance to Obama it is but a means to accomplish a goal; his Marxist ideology is the defining force of his governance and is the focal point of his administration.

We All Struggle With Personal Demons

We who walk the earth struggle with personal demons throughout our lives, if the demons develop obsessions, we are then consumed by strange passions that control and ultimately destroy our lives and those around us.

Ahab and Obama Battle Personal Demons

In Melville’s Moby Dick, Captain Ahab is consumed with his obsession to kill the White Whale, Moby Dick. His inner demon is pure madness and vengeance. Obama, by not recognizing his personal failures and the failures of his policies, is displaying signs of a mental imbalance: consumed with Narcissism, driven by an obsession with Capitalism, and the inner demon of Marxism, he is not capable of seeing alternatives or making rational decisions. The mental imbalance within both Ahab and Obama becomes or was more apparent as their voyages progress. Obama’s Presidency and Ahab’s voyages were both scheduled to last four years.

Ahab in his madness was consumed completely, he destroyed himself, his ship the Pequod, and his men except for Ishmael, who lived to recount the tale.

Obama, is overwhelmed and consumed with his mission, and America’s Capitalism is his evil incarnate White Whale. His thoughts of the welfare of the country, our people, and our economy are not considered, just like Captain Ahab’s thoughts for his ship and men were not registering. Our Ship of State seems to have no one at the helm, while Obama ignores threats of Terrorism and announces measures that are obviously counter productive to the economic well being of a national economy.

Of course both men are/were familiar with the evil that is their obsession, the whale took Ahab’s leg off in a previous battle and had wrecked multiple ships and killed many men of the whaling fleets: Obama was raised in the midst of Marxists just after the proponents of an evil Marxism killed over a hundred million in the mid-twentieth century. The symptoms of madness were obvious with Ahab, he instilled fear with his madness. The madness of Obama is more of an effeminate madness that instills fear in no one, except for those who fear the damage he is creating.

An Obsession Becomes Madness

This is a passage from Moby Dick, First Mate Starbuck informs Captain Ahab of a leaky cask of Sperm oil they must repair or suffer massive lost profits, while Ahab broods over Global Warming and Health care for the masses, oh excuse me, the White Whale Moby Dick.

Starbuck knocks on Captain Ahab’s cain door.

Ahab: Who’s there! On Deck! Begone!

Starbuck: Captain Ahab mistakes; it is I. The oil in the hold is leaking, sir. We must up Burtons and break out. (Hoist the tackle and lift the large casks of valuable Sperm oil from the hold to repair the leaks)

Ahab: Up Burtons and break out? Now that we are nearing Japan; heave-to for a week and tinker with a parcel of old hoops?

Starbuck: Either do that sir or waste more oil in a day than we make good in a year. What we come twenty-thousand miles to get is worth saving, sir. (First Mate Starbuck is Ahab’s most loyal of all the crew and asks Ahab to save the ship’s treasure.)

Ahab: So it is, so it is, if we get it. (Ahab considers Moby Dick or the dismantling of Capitalism for Obama, to be the purpose of their mission, the treasure within the hold is inconsequential compared to his real goal.)

Starbuck: I was speaking of the oil in the hold sir.

Ahab: “And I was not speaking or thinking of that at all. Begone! Let it leak! I’m all aleak myself. Aye! Leak in leaks! Not only full of leaky casks, but those leaky casks are in a leaky ship; and that’s a far worse plight than the Pequod’s, man. Yet, I don’t stop to plug my leak; for who can find it in the deep loaded hull; or how hope to plug it, even if found, in this life’s howling gale? Starbuck! I’ll not have the Burtons hoisted.” (Ahab is referring to the madness and sickness of his own soul, he wrestles with the demon inside him: Obama doesn’t have the capability to know his sickness, nor the morals to try and defeat it)

Starbuck: “What will the owners say, sir?” (In this case the owners are the American taxpayers who support the government of the ship of state.)

Ahab: “Let the owners stand on Nantucket beach and outyell the typhoons. What cares Ahab? Owners, owners? Thou art always prating to me, Starbuck, about those miserly owners, as if those owners were my conscience. But look ye, the only real owner of anything is its commander; and hark ye, my conscience is in this ship’s keel. On deck!” (Ahab reveals the madness of his Narcissism and his personal demons. He no longer feels responsible to the owners or the taxpayers, they no longer matter. His obsession with the white whale or Socialism is his only consideration.)

Starbuck: “Captain Ahab,” said the reddening mate, moving further into the cabin, with a daring so strangely respectful and cautious that it almost seemed not only every way seeking to avoid the slightest outward manifestation of itself; “A better man than I might well pass over thee what he would quickly enough resent in a younger man; aye, and in a happier, Captain Ahab.” (Starbuck tries to reason with his Captain for whom he has so much respect.”

Ahab: “Devils! Dost thou then so much as dare to critically think of me? On Deck!” Ahab is so consumed in his madness that he cannot stand to have the slightest hint at questioning his judgement or authority, much like our own president.)

Starbuck: “Nay, sir, not yet; I do entreat. And I do dare, sir- to be for-bearing. Shall we not understand each other better than hithero, Captain Ahab?” (With the utmost respect, Starbuck begs Ahab to reconsider.)

Ahab sizes a loaded musket from the rack.

Ahab: There is One God that is Lord over the earth, and one Captain that is Lord over the Pequod. On Deck! (Our leader asserts his authority in terms that leave no room for debate.”

Starbuck is shocked.

Starbuck: Thou has outraged, not insulted me, sir; but for that I ask thee not to beware of Starbuck; thou wouldst laugh; but let Ahab beware of Ahab; beware of thyself old man. (Starbuck warns Ahab to beware not of Starbuck, but to beware of Ahab, for he is his own enemy. In modern terms, Obama and his obsession has been his own worst enemy.)

Although most people remember Gregory Peck playing Ahab in all his insane glory, but it is easy to imagine a soothsayer or a Starbuck telling Obama to let Obama beware of Obama, beware of thyself young man.

“And I alone am escaped alone to tell thee” —-Job

The mundane and tedious tasks of the office are of little interest to our president; nay, his goal is but to advance the precepts of Marxism at the cost of everything and everyone.

Machiavelli: The end justifies the means

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Melville, before there ever were a Freud, Adler, or Jung used repeatedly the word “monomanic” describing Ahab. Being totally bewildered by the nature of Obama and reading other people’s, sometimes at the professional psychoanalytic level, attitudes about this living mystery I too dug into, primary Shakespeare, literature. Perhaps Moliare has a character who would fit into the Obama frame and so too I searched through my knowledge of the ancient Greeks and Romans yet still left wondering. I looked at Julius Caesar but saw the brave courageous soldier and diplomat; then, there were the committed republicans in Cato, Cassiaus, Cicero, and the noble Brutus. Time will tell if Obama becomes the “benevolent dictator” Octavian Caesar Augustus changing our beloved republic into dictatorship surrounded by fat and friendly happy faces. Reading further I thought perhaps Hamlet or the evil King Claudius then maybe Iago’s whispers in Otello’s ear or could the image be set with the guilt of Lady Macbeth hidden within the witches’ cauldron. Perhaps there was there a stupid greedy tsar or lazy self absorbed king who would prove to be a guiding model when then there is Ahab.
It is a matter of hate and contempt like being a graceful swan surrounded by a bunch of Merganzer (very ugly) ducks. Karl Marx hated the aristocracy because he believed himself worthy craving to, but forever excluded from, being a royal so he wrote his social theories on labor flipping the equation. Obama was born half and half as Ahab was left half a man standing on his ivory white sculpered leg which he beheathed with hatred for that beast white whale Moby Dick who tore his body that split him in half. So too Obama is beheathed with hatred for that ever swimming and elusive beast capitalism that made him half of whole and thus unworthy of royal blood. Obama’s hatred was nursed from the first taste from his mother’s milk and continues and continues to this very day. Both Obama and Ahab had wicked names, Ahab from the Bible and Obama from his selfish self-centered father, and both disquized their alterior motives from probing minds questioning them with a right to know while hiding behind “Ahab is Ahab” becoming “Obama is Obama” were truth has it Obama is Ahab.

Amazing piece Skookum. You have outdone yourself. The parallel to Moby Dick is an outstanding comparison.

Great job.

Wow, another “Obam es el diablo” on FA.

Look, I hate the Marxist pig as much as the next guy, but it really grows old, considering how Republicans, like Bush, dramatically enlarged the size of government.

I only speak the truth, my friend.

I never watched the Patrick Stewart portrait of Ahab and am stuck with the Ray Bradbury (no college degree) with Gregory Peck, one of my five favorite films, rendition of Ahab but my recognized historic certified nuttiness qualifies my as a source. My thoughts are “Ahab is Ahab” putting him in a grey flannel suit in pr/image promotion for dregs like Soros, Murdock, Times Sultzbergers with an idee’ fixe to destroy conservative American patriotism. Violence would be character assassination using the most subtle vicious methods with a Wall Street Geetgo character as Ahab determined to destroy any American patriot like Sarah Palin.

Ivancrantz and Guildenstern are dead.

LIBERAL1: 143 words of absolute nothing suggesting watching television which is what passive dolts do searching for justification. Last time I wasted time space, confined to a hospital bed, the only show worth watching was Pawn Stars because it dealt in price.

Great analogy. I have read Moby Dick many times in my 65 years and always come away with more admiration for this work. Skookum, I congratulate you on an outstanding essay. It has prompted me to pick up my tattered copy for even another journey with your comparisons in mind. I’d like to share something I read years ago (would love to take credit for it but not so). If you recall, the very first line of this book……Call me Ishmael. Notice he didn’t say his name was Ishmael, he said “Call me Ishmael”. In following your comparisons I would suggest that Ishmael is “Everyman” all citizens of this country who are aware of and following this journey of a lost soul leading us to ruination.

Skookum, Somehow I get the feeling that you spend many a night or day in some great conversations with good friends, probably over a good Scotch or Irish. Wish I was your neighbor. Anyway, yes those three words have been and probably always will be, a source of interesting interpretation. [Call me Ishmael].
So, in keeping with tradition and with all due respect, I could see your angle if there were a comma after the me. In that case he would be naming the reader and he would be entreating the reader to “call me” but since there is no comma the writer is telling the reader to call him by the name of Ishmael. Anyway, thank you for your reply.

@Skookum: #5,

Skook, I would look forward to your “work of pure madness” and enjoying the insights.

I don’t see much depth in Barry, as much as one would wish to find it in Any President. He seems easily “managed” by a couple of handlers, who can only provide him some simple platitudes to regurgitate, but beyond that, not much going on with him, but damn Airforce One is bitchin’.

We are currently being treated to front-row seats at the performances of socialism’s “demons” in Europe – First, bureaucrats and socialists in Greece are being “told” to create jobs and will receive training in doing so, as part of their Trichet Bailout plan, which is a wishful thinking, lie-to-the-rest-of-Europe-which-is-putting-up-the-cash insanity with no basis is reality, (Greece is cooked, IMHO). Second, . . . well, Third, Fourth, Fifth, etc., Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Italy, even France, where new debt is financing old debt, are all in serious trouble. Italy’s debt is 120% of its GDP, only second to Greece as a basket case. Greece WILL default, as it has absolutely no answer to the job creation and productivity question, and its lenders know it. They’re just delaying the inevitable. Greece doesn’t even understand the question, much less understand the answer. Sadly, neither does this White House.

I mention this because I find it ironic, but sad that the electorate has elected a President who clearly and evidently has socialist tendencies and is in admiration of Europe, and yet, America and the world are looking upward to that Oval Office for guidance on Job Creation to turn around an Economy in trouble. America is looking to the very same man who villifies business, to lead it toward productivity growth and toward a newly discovered prosperity.

“Our Ship of State seems to have no one at the helm, . . .” – Depressing, but too true.

Enjoyed the post immensely Skookum. Liked how you merged both Obama and Ahab as one personality in regards to their, excuse me his emotional instability. In the past week I have heard numerous people begin to question as just what is Obama trying to do with his refusal to stop pushing his agenda. I can’t believe, but do that so many people still cannot see and understand Obis grand plan to Socialize America. You would think that after Obis health care plan was rammed down their throats with-out anyone even reading it would have given them a clue as to something was not quite right in Washington. Granted politicians from both parties are now ridiculed and held in contempt by most Americans, but that event alone should have woke people up to just how serious Obi and company are in destroying the old capitalistic America. But now here we all are staring at another one of Obis massive liberal plans that has the ability to send financial shock waves through our economy with long-term devastating consequences for all of us. Except for our brave and glorious politicians who will as always be insulated from their disastrous decisions. And with many people still asking, “whats going on?” really makes me wonder if Obi can still be stopped in time.


Roman comparison: Caligula (disregarding the emperor’s sexual debauchery, which most likely was just another part of his megalomaniac need to abase and dominate.)

Raised in luxury, with the expectation of exercising enormous power, Caligula may have been as much a victim of circumstance as the cause of his indulgent life and lax morality. He ruled at a time of transition, from the old republican system towards the Emperor exercising more and more power[2] His rule cannot be regarded as setting an example, and his morality is obviously no model. Perhaps his life warns us that too much power and too much wealth corrupts, as suggested by Barrett (1998). He thought himself ‘divine’. Barrett suggests that Caligula saw the Principate ‘as expression of his right to exercise unchecked powers,’ whereas ‘principled Romans would have recognized something sinister in a man who was so lacking in moral scruples that sending fellow humans to their deaths was looked upon not as cruel yet inevitable necessity of governing, but as a matter of almost total indifference’ (241). He ‘manifested a totally self-centered view of the world’ (240).

Or perhaps maybe Saul of Tarsus depending on which biography you believe.

@THE SOOTHSAYER: Have you ever watched the channels suggested. I only mention them as a suggestion for gaining an alternative view–which some people on the site are obviously in need–judging from the fact that my comments seem to have been deleted.

Barack “Barry BabyCakes” O’BingoGame would love to be a Caligula but the old Roman nut job would hate being an O’BoingBoing.


Reminded me of this 🙂

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Televisions produce heat adding to global warming-climate change so every liberal should trash his television. O’BasketCase uses the boob tube to indoctrinate his usefull idiots so in a free country liberals are permitted to be usefull idiots. Besides Pawn Stars they are all Kieth Oberdopers. Using the dog never barked logic perhaps you can answer your own question.

@Skookum: I’ll drink to that.

wow so much to remember, and GREGORY PECK, SUCH AN ACTOR IN SUCH A MASTERPEICE!!!
Gary G. Swenchonis here to enjoy your reply, AYE , I LOVE THE QUOTE VERY FUNNY .
SKOOKUM!!! BRILLIANT WORK, I must see that movie again with that new point of view,
there I wanted to name y’all. there I, wanted to, name , y’all.
there , I wanted to name, y’all.

@ilovebeeswarzone: Thanks, Beezy. You are pretty special yourself.


…Caligula lacks the defining characteristic of Obama….

There is another former world leader whom Obama much more resembles politically, in ruling behaviors, and in his presidential mindset, but I would most likely be pilloried as a hateful racist for daring to compare him to “H” (whom followed the Weimar Republic).

Hitler makes a poor subject in comparison to O’BoomBox; a) he was a soldier fully trained commissioned to a fighting front line where he experienced gassings and was physically wounded, b) Hitler was a poorly rated painter-artist illustrator but still able to draw lines and compose form on surface, c) try me later. The only loud sounds O’Bing-a-Ding ever heard were the amplified applause and canned laughter from his staged speeches; and, O’BoyToy has displayed zero-zippo-nada regarding any formulative artform capabilities.

LOL at Obama being a Marxist and pushing a socialist agenda! Why do so many Americans detest that which they do not even understand? Obamas presidency so far has been about as socialist as Bush’s. Having lived in two socialist-democratic countries but currently residing in the US I know which system I’d prefer… Not that I dislike America, but there are plenty of things that could be improved.

The literary analogy is hamfisted, BTW. Comparing Ahabs monomiacal obssession to Obamas conciliatory sangfroid..? Quite how you see any similarites in the two besides the superficial is beyond me.

In short, though it is not currently the case, I wish that A) Obama was an actual socialist, B)that he was even half as driven as Ahab and C) had some of Ahab’s tendency to disregard others opinions in pursuit of his vision. Then we might get somewhere. Obamas MO of trying appease everyone will only result in disappointing us all.

Why bother coming to a nation that doesn’t suit your socialist beliefts, ferdinand? Coming to “spread the wisdom” of socialism, while fleeing the failure of your own country’s?

Hey ferdi, my mother fled Cuba and marxism. She has said to me that what obama is doing is how things started there. In fact, I have spoken with several others who fled socialist/marxist sh*tholes who have told me the same thing. Call me closed minded, but I will trust what they say over someone who clearly has a woody for being a drone that is told what to do.
Be a good little locust and go elsewhere please.

@ferdinand: You said:

LOL at Obama being a Marxist and pushing a socialist agenda!


So pray tell what exactly is not socialist about:

* nationalizing two automobile companies
* nationalizing many of the banks
* redistributing wealth

I could go on, but suffice it to say that at the core of his being, he believes that a top-down, iron fisted, centralized government is the answer to all ills.

Your comments show you to be exactly what Hard Right said, a drone who only knows to be told what to do. Do yourself a favor and google the parable about the frogs and the slow boiling water.

it never will. because AMERICA IS FOR FREEDOM ONLY.

@ilovebeeswarzone: Very, very eloquent Beezy!!

SKOOK, I, and others are in the search for some biblical, historic, Shakespeare, or other literary figure whom best monitors the motivating interests of O’BoyToy. From Ch. 131, “is Obama, Ahab and what powers —-” remains the essense of this search. For me, I look too at Lenin and the similar pointed chin speech delivery efforts in front of moronic crowds. When the Bolshis seized control of the Kremlin the society of Russia did not immediately change (“Welcome to Bolshevia”); posh restaurants kept serving fancy dinners, newpapers kept printing, ballets kept dancing, brewers kept brewing, and lovers kept their walk promanades along Nevski Prospek. The dark curtain of centralized rule took time and fell darker following Fanny Kaplan (August 30, Fanny Kaplan Day) shooting of Lenin after he spoke at a workers’ rally at the Mickelson (British) Iron Works in Moscow.
Assistance is requested; then, if Obama is not Ahab then just who is this enigma?


AH was an actual, gassed in the trenches, war veteran; whereas, Lenin the only battles he experienced were the thunder and bomb bursts between his ears. O’BoyToy displays zero-zippo-nada no way to the highway sense of courage avoiding always to confront confrontation except when throwing money at problems or isolating (Alinsky) opponents in ad hominum demoguary. One thing positive, O’BasketCase has no stomach for slaughter as was the cases with Stalin, Castro, Pol Pot, Mao, NoKo Kims, Mugabe, Idi Amin, Syria Assad, Ho Che Ming, or Gengis Khan. Looking in the mirror (Spiegel em Spiegel) Barack “Barry” O’BabyCakes may see Napoleon while the rest of us see Waterloo.

Sooth, was AH a devout believer of Marx, without adhering to the concept of internationalist Socialism like Lenin?

Both Lenin and Obama waited in vain for the glorious revolution of the proletariet. They put their ducks in a row and everything kept falling down the outhouse hole.

AH kept his economy alive with the war machine and confiscation of Jewish property. Allied bombers and attrition destroyed his dream.

Lenin didn’t live long enough to see his Marxist dream devolve into a Stalinist dystopia of terror and death.

Obama will probably never doubt his Marxism, but he hopefully will live long enough to become a bitter old man who curses the timing of his Socialist revolution and the inability of free people to see the advantages of a totalitarian government ruled by inept, incompetent, elitist nincompoops like him.

I am working out of country so responses are slow and difficult.

The issue is POWER, to them all politics is power as in a linear straight equation, any derivative is chaos. This is why they demand total control. Today the ChiComs allow for chaos in the lower eschelons but demand conformity when personal wealth, acquired through capitalist means, acquires a sense of politics and social control. Many scholars dissertations exist showing the same case analyses combining power, politics,and wealth inherent here in our history. Those intellectual scribes invariable fall to using the Roosevelt, Kennedys and the Bush Family as their primary examples, but after a sentence or two they ignore the Bells, Edisons, Lincolns, Grants, and even Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. Big Secret, all power socialist communists are excellent capitalists because they know how to make money and maintain political control. Ask any lefto-socialist who in the storyline-scenario of Gone With The Wind were the communists, they always get the answer wrong.

Blizzard, glad to hear you scored lunch. You did better than me. LOL