“The Revolution Ate Its Children” Maximilien Francois Robespierre


The Storming Of The Bastille

“Any institution which does not suppose the people good, and the magistrate corruptible, is evil”
Maximilien Francois Robespierre

Since the French Revolution, the idea of Left and Right political persuasions have been key designations for political debate. Of course the French Revolution ended like most revolutions in a virtual bloodbath. Throughout history, most revolutions become the spoiled children of greedy desperate men or laced up in a ligature of half baked Marxist ideology.

We Americans had a revolution that was different; we had an intellectual vigor among a group of men, known as the Founding Fathers, that has never seen a comparison. In spirited debated and behind closed doors, they hammered out the principles that have guided our country, in an unequaled spirit of Liberty, for over two hundred years.

Without malice or greed, the Founding Fathers realized that what was to be determined by the French Revolution as Left or Right sides of the aisle gains a monopoly of control in the governing philosophy, tyranny and failure will follow. Even though the debate of ideas varies from tedious to mean spirited debate, it is imperative that this bloodless war be waged to avoid a tyranny of philosophy and the subsequent stagnation of ideas that leads to an ultimate failure

The most Liberal Democrats scored a monopoly in 2008 and exercised their advantage with strong armed tactics that they expect us to forget about now. These tactics frightened Americans of all levels of political thought, at least those not blinded with ideological fervor, for once a political philosophy becomes completely dominant, government loses its hybrid vigor, becomes stagnant and dies the death of ideological blindness.

Reveling in the arrogance of his victory and the inexperience of a Leftist Ideologue from academia with no real world experience, Obama chose to monopolize the government with his policies and ideas, while ignoring the opposition. The government and Washington became known as the Obamanation as we were bombarded with and absorbed Leftist principles and policy like never before in our history. Government quickly became the solution and epitome of the benevolent dictator. More and more aspects of our lives were to be controlled by the Obamanation; yet, we couldn’t advance fast enough to keep up with the Obama Doctrine.

Many astute business men, the ones who don’t hang off a hind teat of sow hog of government subsidies in a perpetual state of entitlement of the parasitically perverse, but the true entrepreneurs, the ones who actually stoke the engines of our economy and industry, realized that if the country had not been in a recession and instead was enjoying a boom economy, we would have stumbled even deeper into the quagmire of of Marxism. For Marxism can only thrive until the monetary reserves are depleted. Since the only roadblock that would halt the runaway train of Obama’s Socialism is that the country could no longer afford the profligate spending, borrowing, military adventurism, and entitlement programs of the Obama Doctrine.

Thus the ailing economy kept us from plunging ever deeper into the depths of Marxism; otherwise, there was no chance to correct the ship of state. Thus we sit with the true captains of industry waiting and our economy languishes, until the ship of state has a new hand on the tiller. Just as it is foreign and bizarre for the Marxist ideologue to visualize an entrepreneur investing in a project strictly under the premise of making a profit: it is also difficult for that same entrepreneur to visualize investing in an enterprise that is being controlled by an ever increasing Marxist bureaucracy.

Like the great Marxist experiments of the past, Obama naively assumed that the state directed media bureaus could declare economic recovery and economic growth and that would be enough to jump start the economy and the seeds of prosperity would germinate and Americans would once again have a vibrant economy. Unfortunately, despite the lies of projections of recovery, the country and households of America have suffered immeasurably and are continuing to suffer.

To deflect the blame for America’s ongoing failure of the economy, Obmama has continued to blame Bush, until blaming Bush has become a non-humorous generic punch line in America; especially, when you consider that Obama has had the uninterrupted implementation of Obama plans, at least until the federal election of 2010 and Americans registered their dissatisfaction.

Obama was confident to the point of arrogance and his refusal to admit his Marxist policies weren’t working, served to further anger the public when he continued on with his ideological conquest of America. He conducted the country’s business with the faith of the blind ideologue, effectively angering an ever increasingly larger percentage of the population, to the point that they became suspicious of his intent and wondering if he really wanted to destroy the economy rather than rebuild the economy.

Thus he was lost from the beginning: he completely ignored the feelings of half the population, to the newly elected Obama with his self-perceived landslide mandate of 6%, the defeated Republicans were to be treated as a conquered people to be swept before the mighty broom of Marxism. Thus as time passed and the only ones who were thriving were subsidy enriched companies like Goldman Sachs, GE, and the goons of public service unions like the SEIU, more and more Americans became disenchanted and Obama’s approval ratings began a steady death spiral. Conservatives gained the Congress in 2010 and Obama has tried to trivialize their part in the governance of America; however, just as the election of 2010 put the metaphorical binders on Obama’s runaway Marxism, the election of 2012 is looming to destroy any and all vestiges of the Obama Debacle. Thus in the end, Obama’s Brave New Experiment will have been nothing but a period of hardship and a redistribution of the wealth of America to foreign countries who were more than willing to feast like carrion eating birds on America’s fortune.

The Obama Experiment in Marxism was doomed to failure and Americans were doomed to suffering for their disregard of American traditions and our Constitution. Hopefully, it will be at least another two hundred years before Americans embark on another epic disaster like Obama’s Marxism.

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An interesting theory, Skooks, that the economic recession we witnessed, and indeed, are still witnessing in some portions of the economy, is what has actually limited the destruction Obama’s policies and ideology have wrecked upon our nation. I see some truth in that, as the magnitude of the debt we, as a country, have incurred, is unprecedented.

I have a feeling that we, as a country, have witnessed the evolution of schools teaching our children that it’s ok to state 2+2=5. Obama has, for all intents and purposes, been told his entire life that he is exceptionally intelligent. He has been coddled by the media since his bursting on the scene in 2004 as being a highly intelligent person. Where, though, is the proof of such claims? Is it, in fact, simply a product of engineered fallacy regarding his intelligence, and that in the left’s desire to assume the Presidency once again, they have propped up a complete moron by telling the big lie, over and over again, that he is so intelligent? I think so.

And now, we are feeling the effects of such a profound and disastrous illusion. Being told, over and over again, how intelligent he is, I believe that he never once stopped to reconsider that his ideology might be flawed. He certainly has not learned from history the ill effects upon a country’s economy of socialist economic theory, as he has attempted a repeat of it, even if only in partiality, within our economy. And it is a near proven fact that he doesn’t allow for the axiom that, ” sooner or later you run out of other people’s money”. We have been bamboozled by the press, causing the country to elect someone who believes he knows it all, when in fact, he knows nothing.

Obama is the epitome of the 2+2=5 mentality. As a challenge, I request of any liberal who posts here to show me proof of Obama’s intelligence, particularly as compared to previous Presidents.

Good read, Skookum, and johngalt.
I was reminded of the fact that we were well aware that Obama would be our next president as soon as he took the nomination and McCain took the Republican one.
That was in the summer of 2008.

It was at that time that a huge number of business owners began shrinking their footprints.
I remember we did so.
The idea of ”going Galt” until we could see just how much damage Obama could do was prevalent.
People got ready in case what Obama did to businesses was bad.
And then Obama and his Dem-Legislature didn’t disappoint.

We did not know at the time that our many, but individual pull backs meant a thwarting of Obama’s full agenda, but we are glad it was thwarted.

It was not a plot.
Lots of little businesses worked in what they each perceived as their own best interests.
Looking back on it, it almost looks like a concerted effort.
But, again, it was not.
Each and every business owner who thought about Obama’s words (spreading the wealth around, health care for all 42 million uninsured at no cost to you, applying the Davis-Bacon Act to all gov’t funding in the private sector) figured it out on his own.

Funny how history doesn’t look the same when you are going through it as it does once that part is past.


My point is, other than that I think Obama’s intelligence is much less than exceptional, is that the product of inflating kids’ egos, so that they do not feel bad about themselves, by telling them they are right when they are demonstrably wrong, seems to have infected the adult world as well. Witness all the MSM outlets hailing Obama’s intelligence, even when confronted with absolute proof of his meager mental faculties. It’s not that difficult a stretch to imagine Obama himself eating it up, and believing that whatever he utters is bound to be genius, so he cannot allow for anyone else’s opinion into his thought processes. Like the kid who will swear to you that 2+2=5, because their teacher told them their answer was correct, Obama will swear that his ideas are the correct ones, because the MSM does so little fact checking where he is concerned and instead props up his ego by their adulation of his “intelligence”, and all this while being presented with facts to the contrary.

Obama isn’t the only one, either. The MSM has failed the country by allowing such nonsense to continue, by not fact checking, by outright lying about the right, and by misleading their audiences as to the true nature of their subjects. How can one show that Obama is, in fact, an idiot, when the MSM is complicit in the lie about his intelligence?

Joke; They told me that if I voted for McCain/Palin that we’d end up with an idiot in the White House. They were right!

Skook, your opening, with Maximilien Robespierre, is a reminder of one major contrast between the American Revolution and the French Revolution – America’s was led by man whose ambitions stopped at the door of a successful separation from England, while France followed an ego centric orator whose ambitions led him to go from a disbeliever in capital punishment, to fanatically promoting the acceleration of head chopping by guillotine blades of anyone he disapproved of who had committed no crime either against him or France.

George Washington held no desire to become king of the United States, and even when surrounded with lavish praise for his character and exploits which included presiding over the writing of the Constitution, he did not succumb.

Robespierre, on the other hand, a weak and insecure man with unusual abilities to stir a crowd from a podium, very rapidly capitulated to the lowest susceptibilities of the ego. He began to believe he embodied France. In a few short years his narcissism took him from de facto leader of the country and leader of the Reign of Terror, to guillotine beheading without a trial. Washington retired to Mount Vernon, leaving it to others to dream of royalty.

. . . . Beware those insecure rabble rousers with few accomplishments other than oratory.

Some thoughts:
The revolution ate Robespierre. He endured the guillotine. lol.
Napoleon ate the revolution. It went from equality, fraternity, and liberty to the bland “vive l’Empereur”.

Your precedent is so high on himself that he expects people to believe his historical reworkings. I paraphrase his story of Hirohito sitting on the deck of the Missouri, and signing the surrender documents as presented by General McArthur. I laughed so hard, I had to visit the washroom. This charlatan does not know his history, economics, general sciences, and business. He’s a complete fraud.

Agree, oil guy, he is a fraud. But…he does know that there are 57 states, all of which he’s visited, and that the US Navy has a whole bunch of “corpse-men” who are medical personnel. As a veteran of the US military, to have a US President who does not even know how to properly pronounce corpsman, is really astounding (and depressing).

But, he is the “smartest” president we’ve ever had. Or so we’ve been told.

@Skookum: “Intelligence is no impediment to Stupidity.” Albert Einstein

@oil guy from Alberta: That SOB is so damned stupid that he thinks Cock Robin is a Felony.

Probably believes that Shostakovich is a really expensive brand of Vodka that rappers drink.

Any day now I expect him to declare that Columbus left Spain with FOUR ships: Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria and Diego…and that the Diego is the one that sailed off the edge.

You should write for Pravda.

Alfonso, Columbus left Spain with the Hiryu, Soryu, Kaga, and Akagi. Akagi being the flagship, of course.///

@Liberal1 (objectivity): Except that I hold extreme views, such as:

“There are VERY FEW individuals in public life who wouldn’t benefit from a good jab to the Snot Locker.”

And, “Nothing would bring members of Congress and the Senate and the professional army of clerks who congregate in the Capital back to Reality than driving over the Key Bridge and seeing a crooked poltician, Congressional staffer or civil servant hanging from each light standard.”

“They will continue to fart to windward of us, whore out their offices and steal like a bunch of Arabs until they see the torchlight through the windows.”

Man, Stymie and his thugs would have my elderly bee-hind at GITMO faster than I can say, “Gelusil.”

I look around and ask: “THIS is what I spent part of my life, killing strangers with whom I had no quarrel, for? SURELY you jest!”

During the height of the french revolution, 20,000 people were beheaded in less than 2 days in paris. Robespierre was finally beheaded. And with his death, the french revolution slowed to a halt and so did the excessive killings in the name of the revolution. Truth is the greatest enemy of the State. Truth .e mortal enemy of the lies. The current administration must do everything in its power, including the suppression of the Constitution to protect the political, economic and military consequences of it conduct. brainless has killed the American dream, but made his wall street buddies fat of the American people. Smile America, welcome to nazi germany circa 1936..that was the year time magazine announced that Hitler was man of the year..


At least Americans are now critical enough to recognize the con job that was used to elect Obama.

You are being overly generous, Skooks, if you believe the majority of Americans are that critical. I submit that no matter who the GOP nominee is, the election will be close, because just too damn many people don’t care enough about what type of country they live in, as long as they have their big screen tv and morning latte’ from Starbucks.

Skook, . . . on your travels, crisscrossing through ideological extremes, if you come across one of the wealthy Obama supporters and hear a single valid argument that validates their supportive decision, please share. Just one. ” 🙂

I got carried away recently on a rant over dinner that included something vaguely like, “Would any of you hire someone with no experience to run any mid level department in your companies, nevermind to the whole thing?” I know this is a “passé” subject, but I like it because it speaks to the original decision to “elect.” These dumb shits had not a single rational argument for being supportive of Obama. Not even an ideological one. Vague references to books he’s written, having run a great Presidential campaign, otherwise nothing. OK, I’m exaggerating, they’re not totally dumb shits, they understand economics and business, they got lucky, and they’ve just got too much to really care about anyone outside their doors that might be hurting, but, still. These aren’t even people who really give a damn about political connections. While many do, these particular people don’t need them, or want them.

Admittedly, it’s stumping me. Maybe some of it might be attributable to “guilt” of wealth, or guilt of broader societal racial prejudice of past generations, . . . not sure. I’ve got plenty such stories that confuse me, while I’m just passing through trying to learn, doing my own crisscrossing of the ideological tundra.

Ha! Which is worse: the violence of a “revolution” or that of a “peaceful” state like the US?

I’ll take the pittance of violence that occurred in France over the infanticide which we have seen in the US for nearly 40 years at about 1,000,000 dead each year.

The idea that the US is some “utopia” of civility and the French Revolution is something horrid is laughable in the extreme.

At least the French had the balls to kill some guilty, what is the excuse the US has for killing millions of innocent children in the womb?

Speaking of revolutions, . . . “The average Chicago household now owes a staggering $63,525 to cover local government debt.”

. . . This isn’t going to lead to anything good. The dominos are beginning to tremble.


No, the dominoes are not beginning to tremble. We have years to go before judgement days comes on the debt. Years.

Considering Obama’s current expensive warmongering, while drastically cutting the military budgets. Perhaps “corpseman” was a Freudian slip for what this leftist elitist-in-chief thinks of military servicemen.

As with LBJ and Carter, Obama’s own policies will ensure he will be a one term president. Many companies are avoiding the 50-worker threshold of Obamacare, and have stated that they will not add employees because they can not afford Obamacare. Until he is out of office or Obamacare is repealed (whichever comes first,) I doubt that there will be a rebound in private sector employment.


What’s more, most companies nowadays do some type of background check on potential hires, even the most junior ones within the company. For Obama, the liberals “hired” him to the highest job in the land, and possibly the world, without experience, without a thorough background check, and did so with the “help” of a complicit MSM, so that the rest of the population that “hired” him, meaning the independents, really had no idea exactly who they were choosing.

If a corporations board members did that, and the company achievements mirrored the US’s, not only would the CEO they hired be ousted, but many of the board members as well.

@James Raider:

I would like to point out that the biggest difference between the American and French Revolutions is that America didn’t have one……the Founders staged a rebellion, not a revolution. The difference is significant.

@Argyle58: #25,

Yes, a difference between the American rebellion, and the French revolution, was the Atlantic Ocean.

The US Post Office just announced it is stopping retirement contributions.

The post office said it has informed the Office of Personnel Management that the $115 million retirement payment made every two weeks will be suspended effective Friday.

The action is expected to free about $800 million in the current fiscal year.

The post office was $8 billion in the red last year.

Democratic Reps. Elijah E. Cummings of Maryland and Stephen F. Lynch of Massachusetts called on the Justice Department to look into the move by the Postal Service.

Postal spokesman Dave Partenheimer said this ”is not a long-term solution. The long-term solution is getting legislation passed.”

@James Raider:

The French overthrew an existing government, that is the definition of a revolution. The American colonies did not topple the British government, but merely separated themselves from it and constituted a new government. I do not discount the significance of either event, but the difference in the nature of a revolution and a rebellion in part answers why these two historic events manifested themselves in such contrasting philosophical ways. The Atlantic Ocean had little to do with the differences, although it did play a major part in the American rebellion.

I just don’t think its going to be that easy Skookum. The liberals had made significant inroads in all areas of the American way of life even before the election of Obi. Traditional American values, morals, and traditions have been under assualt for years now by the liberals. They have scored major victories in all these areas with the manipulation of our courts, the press and media, and by liberals being promoted to positions of power and influence in all of our institutions. When one reads the history of other nations that succumbed to liberalism you can easily see how they use the same play book over and over again. I know that myself and a few others were laughed at and ridiculed back in the early 90’s for even discusing how our nation was on the fast track to socialism.
Even if a republican/teaparty man/woman is elected we still have a frightening and rough road ahead of us. The liberals will not just lay down and bemoan their loss at the polls. Their efforts will only increase, and the battle for complete control of our nation will only intensify. I don’t believe that our side has a leader capable of fighting the liberals agenda. Our leaders will continue to make compromises with the liberals in the hopes of keeping the people happy so they can get relected. While the liberals will use every tactic in the book to win. Even if they have to resort to extreme violence. And thats why I really believe that we will have another American revolution. We are at, and or close too that tipping point that all societies go through in the stages of a revolution. I only hope that somewhere down the line that a man/woman will surface who have all the necessary traits to lead our side to victory.

@Neil Kaye:

You babbled and made a lot of accusations like the author. Lets’ start with the typical regressive right rhetoirc of calling him a fraud and a marxist. Explain how Obama is a fraud and marxist. Or do you just run your mouth making baseless accusations? Yes, nobody even knew who Obama is, was, or his history! Since everyone doesn’t like him, it give you and some people more reasons to make things up about him! Even stories from people who call him a marxist when they’ve never even met him! Insulting the intelligence of ANY president is an un-american and pathetic rethotic!